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Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« on: August 11, 2019, 03:46:16 PM »

An intense real-time strategy game set in a dark fantasy world of Orcs, Elves and Dragons. Kingdom Wars 2 combines the best of Zombie survival and crafting with complex fast-paced city building. Fight massive siege battles that turn beautiful landscapes into gory blood-soaked battlefields.

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Single-player, Multi-player, Online Multi-Player, Co-op, Online Co-op

Official Gameplay Trailer 2019


Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition is an intense real-time strategy game set in a dark fantasy world of Orcs, Elves and Dragons. It combines the best of Zombie survival and long term crafting with complex fast-paced city building. Engage in skirmish siege combat that turns beautiful landscapes into gory blood-soaked battlefields.

Completely Redesigned
The original Kingdom Wars 2 has been reworked and redesigned from the ground up. With new engine, sweet new graphics, and a total update of presentation, and interface. This is not just a high definition version, but a new gameplay experience.

The Great Races
The game is focused on the dominant races of Humans, Elves and Orcs with each able to recruit from other races depending on the alliances, techs and buildings they have available. Among the other races you will find scurrying Goblins, lumbering Ogres, mighty Minotaurs, ancient Treants, magical Dragons, crafty Dwarves, and fearsome Skeletal Warriors.

Heroes and Wizards
Each of the great races can recruit a variety of Heroes each with their own abilities to bolster their allies or decimate their foes. The three Orders of Wizards have also each aligned themselves with one of the great races, and use their vast magical power to shift the course of battle with terrifying Lightning Storms and devastating Blizzards.

Story-driven Campaign
Play an epic story-driven singleplayer campaign combining engaging cinematic narrative and original gameplay to determine the fate of the three great races as they try to survive in a world engulfed by total war after they fall out of favour with the gods.

Skirmish Battle
Engage in the complex city building and economy of a fast paced skirmish environment as you gather resources, construct buildings, reinforce walls and train troops before being swept up in field and siege battles with up to four players or AI. Craft the right Techs and Cards, and perfect your strategy and play style to ensure that victory is yours.

Survival Mode
The dead have risen and are marching towards your settlement with blood-thirsty determination. How long can you survive when your own dead bolster the ranks of the enemy if you don't burn the bodies quickly enough? Go it alone to prove your mettle as you play in solo mode or share in the struggle by inviting a friend to co-op mode.

Siege Combat Mechanics
Attackers can demolish gates with Battering Rams, scale walls with Ladders and Siege Towers, bombard the defenders and breach walls with Trebuchets and Dwarven Cannons. Meanwhile the defenders can hold the gates with boiling Oil Pots, skewer the advancing hordes with hidden Spike Traps, crush their enemies with Stone Tippers, and more. Set the battlefield ablaze with flame throwing Dragon's Breath machine, cower the moving shield that is the Mantlet, and mow down your enemies with the spinning blades of the Grinder.

Complex Crafting System
Every battle gives a chance to collect crafting items ranging from the common Tools and Blueprints to the rare Legendary Weapons and Tomes of Magic. Crafting is tied into every aspect of the game, from crafting new deadly siege weapons and units buildings, to creating new game cards, or researching new industrial technologies.

Tech Tree
Each of the great races has their own Tech Tree to unlock and research using various combinations of crafting items, providing opportunities for management and long-term strategic thinking as you unlock your ideal set of buildings, units and abilities to ensure victory in battle.

Strategic Card Game
You can build various combinations of playable card decks that you acquire through crafting that you use during battle to give extra resources, provide re-inforcements or call upon magical effects. You will need to think strategically about which cards to take into battle and tactically about when to use them, as playing the right card at the right time can shift the tide of battle.

Online Community
Use the chat channels to make friends, get help and arrange battles. Join guilds and alliances to show your allegiance and gain extra rewards. Invite your friends to co-op battle together and challenge your enemies to battle.

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 11:45:15 PM »
Update 6 - Ground View Camera
30 Aug @ 11:06pm - Dev Konstantin

Hey Everyone,

We are happy to present another major update, addressing one of the top player requests - a ground view camera. Now you can view the action in all it`s low-poly glory up-close and personal, with the sky, mountains and so on.

Also, we spent some time reworking the sound system for better combat sounds, as well as worked on Unit AI. And of-course we looked into addressing one of the bigger flaws of KW2DE - performance in later game survival, it should be significantly better. This update comes with another couple of dozen features and improvements.

Regarding KW2DEs Future
While we have your attention we wanted to address some sad news. Lately, KW2DE has been slammed with many negative reviews - and the common theme is misunderstanding why KW2DE was released as a new game, or why this free update wasn`t bigger and better...

These negative reviews have completely destroyed the game`s chances and undermined our ability to continue work on improving KW2DE. We hope the situation will improve as time passes, but right now it doesn`t look good.

Misunderstanding or negativity from a couple of dozen individuals left the game crippled and deprives thousands of players from seeing more good updates in the future. What started for us as breathing new life into an old game, with a major free update has somehow completely backfired. This is also making us reconsider doing free Definitive Edition for Kingdom Wars 1 - as it just might backfire again.

So let's address this - KW2DE was always meant as a free update to the original game, and it is. Due to technical reasons - save game incompatibility and DX 11 engine (that some players of the original KW2B could not play KW2DE) we had to release it as a stand-alone, free to all the players of the original. And of-course we were hoping interest will pick up to help us do more with the game, like the currently half-complete free Undead Race expansion.

We are not giving up on the game and really hope things will pick up somehow, as we continue our work. And sorry for venting - not complaining, or asking for reviews here - just stating the situation.

Thanks for listening.:)

Ok with that out of the way - introducing Update # 6:

Major New Features
•   Added Ground View camera available on Max Camera Settings
•   Added distance fog visible with the ground view camera
•   Completely reworked sound system for much better combat sounds
•   Added over 180 new combat sound FX

Major Additions & Improvements
•   Major performance increase in Survival, especially in late game survival
•   Major visual update to how the game looks in ground view
•   Various improvements to how enemy unit AI reacts to nearby units and buildings.
•   AI now scans for targets near them
•   AI now will now prioritize which buildings to attack

Fixes and Balancing
•   Stances now work correctly for units
•   Survival has been rebalanced to be easier at earlier waves
•   Survival game performance should be better at later waves-Minor adjustments to how peasants gather wood
•   Disabled a non-functioning formation for cavalry that breaks changing formation
•   Fixed bug that caused some abilities to work for non existent map objects
•   Autosave for skirmish/survival modes is now enabled by default on first run
•   Draw distances has been normalized for all settings
•   Changed default skirmish colors for players (can be changed in skirmish menu)
•   Potentially fixed a rare multiplayer issues with players going out of sync

P.S. There`s an issue in ground view with camera jumping when view is around mountains, we expect to have a solution for this ready this weekend, it`ll be a hot-fix.

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2019, 12:17:40 AM »
Future Updates and Improvements
Tue, 1 October 2019

It`s time share our plans for the future and what`s coming next to KW2DE this Fall and Winter

Hey Everyone,

It`s time to share our plans for continuing updating KW2DE and what the future holds.

To start things off - some bad news - KW2DE release really didn`t go as we planned. There was too much confusion about releasing KW2DE as a new release due to compatibility issues; and lets face it - this type of strategy gameplay is not what majority of our Kingdom War players are looking for - open ended world map gameplay.

However - we did have a large number of players who did enjoy KW2DE, so we don`t plan to abandon KW2DE and discontinue updates. But we are pulling the plug on the Undead expansion... as lets face it, there`s just not enough interest in the title to warrant months of work on this free expansion pack.

Upcoming Updates
Our focus for the rest of 2019 and early 2020 will be Medieval Kingdom Wars, but that`s actually good news for KW2DE. Both games now use basically the same game engine and share majority of code - so whatever we do to MKW to improve combat, performance e.t.c. will all be copied to KW2DE and released same time as MKW updates. And we still have big plans for improving MKW - and thus KW2DE.

To start things of - big performance and ground camera improvements are on the horizon. We also hope to continue on improving visual aspects of our game engine.

Stars End
However - as some of you might know, we do have another project going into Early Access now - Stars End, so there will be a bit of a delay before the next update for KW2DE is out - looking for early November.

And to preempt possible complaints about working on another game - Stars End is designed by separate two developers, using completely different engine and completely independent from the two other Kingdom Wars developers. But since Stars End is launching soon, it would take all of our team couple of extra weeks to help out there - thus the delay.

Thanks again for your support, and looking forward to bringing your Update 7 in a few weeks.

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2020, 11:48:15 PM »
Upcoming Update # 7
Wed, 12 February 2020

Hey Everyone,

Some good news - after quite a long break we are back to work on KW2DE, and have two solid updates planned for you in February and March. We apologize for the delay with this update, but we are back now - and there`s quite a bit more we plan to do with KW2DE.

The goal of the upcoming updates will be balancing, performance and graphics. The 7th update is almost ready and will be launched this or next week. Here`s a look at some of the updates:

-Big stability updates, fixing a number of rare (yet common) crash issues
-Main menu reworked with new distance fog and other graphical improvements
-Major improvements to the ground view graphics and camera
-Major rework to performance in Survival mode - expect much better results
-Balancing changes to Survival mode - less zombies, but they are a lot tougher, especially in later waves
-Mutliplayer stability issues - fixing all of these annoying can`t connect issues
-A lot of minor polish and fixes

And while we are on a topic - we plan to start promoting KW2DE in the near future, and hoping to attract some new players later this February and March. So if you are one of the older players and been waiting for some fresh blood - stay tuned.

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2020, 12:32:56 AM »
Update 7 - Major Updates Incoming
Fri, 14 February 2020

Hey Everyone,

We are very excited to continue work on Kingdom Wars 2, with several major updates incoming.

We don`t plan to stop until we get the game into a perfect shape. Hopefully that will also bring some new players and help improve the game reviews – and then who knows – perhaps the Undead Expansion could happen after all…

The main goal of the first 2 upcoming updates will be balancing, performance and graphics. We also plan to rework how the game is played – with more focus on singlepayer, that will include redesign of the main menu.

We also plan to start promoting KW2DE from next week, and hoping to attract some new players later this February and March. So if you are one of the older players and been waiting for some fresh blood - stay tuned.

We`ll continue with the 8th update later this month, with focus on greatly increasing performance in Survival and Skirmish.

And as always thanks for your support - with your help KW2DE will have a future.

And so introducing Update # 7:

Major Additions & Improvements

•   Completely reworked in-game camera
•   Much better visual performance, on average 10-15 FPS
•   Stability improvements with several rare crashes fixed
•   Major improvements to main menu backgrounds
•   Full Ground view camera is now only available in cinematic view
•   More flexible minumal and medium camera settings
•   Complete rebalance of the Gem system - it`s much easier to progress now

Fixes and Balancing

•   Rotating minimap is now on by default
•   Fixed healing ability for heroes and units
•   Fixed various misc abilities for heroes not working
•   Reduced lag during ranged combat
•   Reduced lag when Marauders fire arrows
•   Redesigned main menu background camera
•   Fixed bad bug with skirmish rewards always giving 1 or 2 gems
•   Reward for Skirmish greatly increased with 20,40, 60 for beating easy, medium, hard AI
•   Reward for Zombie survival greatly increased with around 20 every 3 waves (that was in the previous commit)
•   Starting Gems raised to 250 from 150

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2020, 11:58:02 PM »
Update 8 - Major Graphics Update
Thu, 5 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

As promised we are back with our next update. And this is a good one - as it does come with badly needed graphical improvements. You`ll see this from the main menu to the battles. Got to say that distance fog and other post-processing effects are making a world of difference.

We have also finally fixed all the issues with Gem rewards - from Survival to Skirmish. It`s not possible to progress through the tech tree and use cards with all these gems that will quickly accumulate now.

This update also included a good number of other fixes. Work continues - and we are expecting our 9th update later this month - it will fix a large number of remaining bugs, but main focus will be on performance in late game skirmish, as well as Wave 20+ Survival battles.

For now - introducing Update 1.08:

New Features & Major Fixes

•   Major visual improvement with distance fog and other effects
•   Main menu presentation improved with distance fog
•   Players can now set Vsync in the options – performance draining!

Fixes and Additions

•   Main menu now opens races background in Skirmish and Survival screens
•   Main menu no longer has the bad looking Campaign screen
•   Fixed Zombie Survival and Skirmish not giving proper rewards for surviving waves or killing AIs
•   Campaign chapter 1 fixed all kinds of startup issues related to the intro rain sequence
•   Campaign chapter 1 removed the black text intro
•   Got rid of the long white fade out between main menu scene changing
•   First step in visual performance improvements - several FPS on mid to high range systems
•   First steps in improving performance when fighting larger battles - but a lot more work ahead
•   Fixed various issue that could effect connectivity for multipayer games

Balancing Changes

•   Fixed Skirmish rewards - 10 for easy AI kill, 15 for medium, 20 for hard
•   Zombie Survival rewards are now given after each wave, starting from 1 per wave to 15 for higher waves.

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2020, 12:25:46 PM »
Major 8th Update Next Week
Sat, 4 April 2020

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is staying during these hard days. We are fortunate to be able to continue working remotely, bringing you more updates.

And good news - we are wrapping work on the biggest KW2DE update so far. And glad to say - we are expecting it within a few days.

It took us good 4 weeks to complete this update, but it`s well worth the wait. We are hoping to bring you this update on Wednesday, but it might get delayed to Thursday due to addditional testing.

So lets take a look at what`s coming.

First and foremost - performance. We have reworked entire game for better performance. Adjusting every battalion, reworking AI scripts, adjusting worker efficiency and so much more in order to greatly boost performance. You will be able to play full on 3 AI skirmish battles, or Zombie survival waves into infinity with this new update even on mid-range PCs. In the end the CPU load in very large battle scenarios have fallen from by up to 63%!

In addition combat and unit control is getting some badly needed attention, to bring you more responsive units and units that behave better in combat.

We are also reworking the skirmish map towns - going with 1 entrance instead of 2, to really capitalize on sieges and defense portion of gameplay. And while this might seem like an odd change, wait till you try it - it really enhances the experience.

AI is also getting some loving, it`s much better at besieging and defending towns now.

We also plan to start promoting KW2DE from next week, and hoping to attract some new players later this February and March. So if you are one of the older players and been waiting for some fresh blood - stay tuned.

We`ll continue with the 10th anniversary update later in April, with focus on reworking the main menu

And as always thanks for your support - with your help KW2DE will have a bright future.

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2020, 01:59:05 PM »
Update 9 - Performance & Level Redesign + Major Sale Event!
Tue, 7 April 2020

Hey Everyone,

And we are back with our biggest updated to KW2DE so far! Performance, AI and combat issues has always left to be desired, so with this missive update we finally looked to deal with these issues.

This update also comes with a major level design update to all the levels and towns in-game, and other things to push gameplay towards sieges.

It took us good 4 weeks to complete this update, but we hope it was worth the wait.

Sale Event
Also to help attract more players, we are putting KW2DE on it`s biggest sale so far, starting this Wednesday morning. If you were on the fence about getting the game - this is the best deal for a while.

9th Update
So lets take a look at what`s included in this update:

First and foremost - performance. We have reworked entire game for better performance. Adjusting every battalion, reworking AI scripts, adjusting worker efficiency and so much more in order to greatly boost performance. You will be able to play full on 3 AI skirmish battles, or Zombie survival waves into infinity with this new update even on mid-range PCs. In the end the CPU load in very large battle scenarios have fallen from by up to 63%!

In addition combat and unit control god some badly needed attention, to bring you more responsive units and units that behave better in combat.

We are also reworked the skirmish map towns - going with 1 entrance instead of 2, to really capitalize on sieges and defense portion of gameplay. And while this might seem like an odd change, wait till you try it - it really enhances the experience.

AI is also got some loving, it`s much better at besieging and defending towns now.

We`ll continue with the 10th anniversary update later in April, with focus on reworking the main menu. And as always thanks for your support - with your help KW2DE will have a bright future.

For so - introducing Update 1.09:

New Features & Major Fixes

•   Total and complete performance improvement in all areas of the game
•   CPU performance reduced across the board with 37% of the previous usage
•   Major improvements to AI sieging towns
•   Updated town level design really rebalanced gameplay towards sieges

Fixes and Additions

•   Various improvement to units in combat
•   Various improvement to units in combat
•   Greatly reduced lags when tasking large number of battalions
•   Zombies are now working in Skirmish mode
•   A lot of redesign for towns both in campaign, skirmish and survival mode
•   Reworked all bases for 3 races – towns now just have 1 entrance
•   A lot of level design changes for 3 races towns
•   Towns now have a lot less staircases, towers
•   Removed useless parts of walls in Orcish and Elven towns
•   Completely reworked unit battalion sizes – often a bit smaller
•   Reworked all formations for units

Balancing Changes

•   More variety between battalion sizes from 60s to 30s depending on units
•   Workers reworked to use smaller battalion size, but be just as effective
•   Major rebalancing of all resources income – for a bit faster games
•   Rebalanced all units relations and stats with the new battalions
•   Super elite units like Heroes and Dragons are stronger now
•   Very large unit battalions rebalanced to be weaker – skeletons, goblins, dwarves e.t.c
•   Zombies are now a lot tougher, but spawn in somewhat smaller numbers

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2020, 02:07:43 AM »
Update 10 - Survival Balancing
Sun, 26 April 2020

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is staying safe. We have a small update for you today… more a follow up to the last update really. We based the changes for our 10th update on Your feedback on the last update. This update reworks Skirmish balancing, making things quite a bit easier. We have also looked at balancing Zombies at skirmish, and worked on several related items.

Please keep in mind, that there will be a bit of a wait before we release the major 11th update. Due to the team being busy with the launch of a new Kingdom Wars game – The Plague: Kingdom Wars at the end of May, our 11th Kingdom Wars 2 update will only be ready in early June.

In the 11th update we are doing major rework of how KW2DE is played from the main menu. Making it easier to continue saved games, and switching focus from multiplayer to singleplayer games. Update will also include additional round of balancing and performance improvements.

Meanwhile, les take a look at what our 10th update brings.

And so - introducing Update 1.10:

Fixes and Additions

•   Major rebalance to survival, it`s quite easier now
•   Fixed various issue with survival difficulty from the last update, some of it were bugs
•   Survival now has fewer zombies and skeletons in CoOp
•   Zombies now spawn faster in Skirmish from dead bodies
•   Fixed number of performance issues related to zombie spawning in Skirmish
•   Noticable improvement to Survival performance in later waves
•   Fixed common bug with Survival waves not properly giving Gems reward
•   Polish Behemoths breaking things in Survival on later games
•   Fixed rare issue with continuing saved Survival game
•   Balance to Skirmish mode Zombie stats

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2020, 01:39:03 AM »
Major Udpate Incoming
Wed, 22 July 2020

Hey Everyone,

As some of you might have heard, we have released a new Kingdom Wars game earlier this month..

The Plague: Kingdom Wars

...and with that game release, we have some great news for the owners of Kingdom Wars 2! We are finishing up work on a major update, that will see us add new awesome tech from The Plague: Kingdom Wars into Kingdom Wars 2!

We will have better performance, visual improvements, various bug fixes, new unit tasking preview system and so much more.

We expecting the update early next week!

In addition I went through the forums to look at the most commonly mentioned bugs and issues, and including a lot of these fixes and balancing issues into this update as well.

Can`t wait to share this update with you, and thanks for your support!

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2020, 12:32:20 AM »
Update 11 - Summer Update
Mon, 27 July 2020

Hey Everyone,

After a bit of a wait, our 11th update is here! This update includes a couple of new features like a preview of how and where battalion will form when you task it, as well as things like minimap improvements, and major re-balancing project for the Elven race that was well overdue.

This is the first of two updates that will be adding cool new tech and features from the improvements we made to our engine while working on The Plague Kingdom wars. We can expect our 12th update in September.

Meanwhile we are also starting a big sale event, that should help bring some new players to the game, and perhaps we`ll even see some multiplayer games happening.

With that said, lets take a look at what does the new update have in store:

Update # 11

•   Added battalion formation and location preview when tasking units
•   Minor improvements to unit tasking – a bit faster and more accurate
•   Minor improvements to performance – during large scale combat
•   Polished the translations, correction a lot of errors especially in Russian and German version
•   Repaired the proxy – fixing most issues when trying to play multiplayer games
•   Resolve a number of connection issues between players when playing with friends
•   Fixed common bug with parts of the screen flashing oddly – especially on shadows
•   Fixed various visual issues during campaign cinematics
•   Major rebalance of Elven units and buildings – a lot less OP
•   Elven units are on average 15% weaker, and are trained less by the AI
•   Fixed various issues with minimap
•   Minimap now updates while the game is paused
•   Fixed exploit with Rootant
•   Fixed very rare crash when sending units to climb to a wall
•   Fixed two rare crashes in Chapter 4
•   Attempted to fix Annihilation victory not working correct with Elven buildings
•   Made fog of war significantly lighter, so it`s doesn`t look as bad

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2021, 03:24:01 AM »
Update # 12 - Next Week!
Wed, January 13, 2021

Hey Everyone,

I`m glad to bring some exciting news - the work on the 12th update is underway, and we expect it to be complete towards the end of next week. This update brings several new features and fixes.

First of all - we are including full remake of the combat. Melee combat was redesigned from the ground up - starting from the way battalions approach each other in battle to how they actually fight. You will no longer see units just standing next to each other taking damage or swinging swords in the air.

We have also worked on making large 3 player AI battles lag much less, as well as improved a few things about AI performance and actions.

And finally we are including some balancing and bug fixes that we collected from the forums and other player reports over the past couple of months.

Can`t wait to share the new update with everyone!

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2021, 01:49:25 AM »
Update 12 - Resuming Updates
Wed, 20 January 2021

Hey Everyone,

As you might have heard we are back to regularly updating KW2, and really hope to breath some life back into the game, with a lot of polish, fixes, and streamlining. We hope to greatly improve the game and try to attract more players over the next 2-3 months.

We start resuming updates with a solid improvements to the AI, Gameplay, and Combat.

Our 12th update includes solid improvements to the combat. Melee combat was redesigned from the ground up - starting from the way battalions approach each other in battle to how they actually fight. You will no longer see units just standing next to each other taking damage or swinging swords in the air.

We have also worked on making large 3 player AI battles lag much less, as well as improved a few things about AI performance and actions. But more AI improvements are planned for the next update # 13.

And finally we are including some balancing and bug fixes that we collected from the forums and other player reports over the past couple of months.

As we continue work on KW2DE - it would really help if you could provide some feedback - things you would like us to focus on, the bugs you might have found, suggestions for balancing etc - it really does make a difference.

With that said, lets take a look at what does the new update have in store:

Update # 12
•   Reworked the look of the entire GUI, it`s now sleeker, and smaller
•   Units will no longer swing weapons at each other several meters apart
•   Units will no longer stand by each other dealing damage and not actually fighting
•   Units now approach each other in battle
•   Battles between melee units now take on average 30% longer
•   Reworked main Menus - rearranged buttons for solo play
•   Added multiplayer tab with two options
•   Polished Campaign Menu to look better
•   Updated some text in the main menu to make more sense
•   Fixed various errors in AI resulting in breaking AI and it not doing anything (mostly harmless)
•   Fixed common errors in male and female wardens (mostly harmless)
•   AI will no longer train units are badly damaged buildings
•   Fixed Total Annihilation victory condition often not working
•   Fixed Total Annihilation victory condition never working with Elves
•   Fixed Elven AI towns being super hard to defeat
•   Nerfed Hydra - now a lot less resistant to Pikemen and Arrows
•   Hydra Hitpoints and attack reduced by 20%
•   Fixed issues with rebuilding a gate being super cheap
•   Repairing the gate now takes some good time
•   Fixed issue with humans instantly repairing high level buildings
•   Repairing human buildings is a lot faster now
•   Fixed issue with Human AI instantly repairing buildings

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2021, 03:30:33 AM »
Wed, 3 February 2021

Hey Everyone,

We have been busy at work trying to make some big improvements to how KW2DE plays; going beyond just fixing the remaining bugs - but also reworking the feel and look of the game from the main menu to AI and battles.

Today`s lucky update is the major step forward in several directions - especially with regards to performance, AI, main menu approach and game flow. We have also worked on fixing various leftover bugs, and whatever player suggestions and reports we found.

We are glad to see the player population is steadily increasing, and with the sale event starting in the second half of this month, we hope to finally see some multiplayer battles.

Thanks for the continuing support - and we are expecting 14th update later this month.

And so, lets take a look at what the 13th update brings:

Update # 13

Major Improvements
•   GPU and CPU improvements across the board fixing literally all lag in skirmish battles
•   Major performance improvements in lately and lag in multiplayer battles
•   Fixed various issues with destroyed buildings staying around for a very long time
•   Greatly reduced lag in battles with multiple AI players
•   Major improvements to the battle AI
•   Fixed major issue with campaign not giving any rewards on victory
•   Reworked main menu to move flow from multiplayer to singleplayer
•   Cleaned up first screen when loading to the main menu
•   Game Camera difference between lowest and highest is now lower
•   Higher camera is now a bit more up-close to make playing easier
•   Performance improvement for max zoom camera
•   Destroyed buildings disappear very quickly - fixing very wide range of issues
•   Greatly increased amount of resources in stone and gold mines - changing gameplay flow

AI Improvements
•   Major improvements to AI base and unit building
•   AI will no longer put too many melee unit to protect walls
•   AI will build less workers, enough for the economy
•   AI unit use balanced for Orcs, Elves and Humans
•   AI siege weapons attack and attach to walls faster
•   AI will no longer fill walls with hoardings
•   AI will now build various wall defenses on walls - oil pots, trebuchets e.t.c
•   Elven AI will build a lot less useless buildings that used to completely cover their base
•   AI will build more siege, and quicker
•   AI will build walls more often and sometimes quicker
•   AI will use a lot more siege weapons
•   AI will send attack waves of slightly larger sizes
•   Fixed issues with AI not using siege weapons properly, and slowly moving them sometimes

Fixes and Balancing
•   Fixed Issues with siege weapons moving super super slowly sometimes
•   Removed code that made siege weapons slow down a lot when damaged
•   Improved Campaign menu to look much better
•   Additional polish to the main menu layout
•   It`s now a lot easier to kill gates with ram
•   All towers have a lot more hit points to make update worth it
•   Larger units like Dragons and Hydra move much better now with quicker rotations
•   Zombies no longer auto heal
•   Zombie Ogres now take a lot more damage when on fire
•   Zombies overall difficulty to kill reduced by about 15%
•   Improvements to Sun Stone healing battalions properly
•   Zombies will no longer get healed by sun stone or other healing

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2021, 02:38:25 AM »
Update 14 - Fixes and Improvements
Fri, February 12, 2021

Hey Everyone,

We have a smaller update today with a number of fixes and improvements across the board. Of note we made some very important fixes to the AI - and it will finally show proper use of siege equipment when attacking towns. In additions we worked on how the game world is perceived - with more up-close camera, smaller battalion flags and other changes to help player be closer to the action without as much visual distractions.

We plan another update in February and two more updates in March, as we are just a quarter way through the planned improvements and fixes, that we hope to complete over the next 7 updates.

Thanks for the continuing support, and we can`t wait to continue improving Kingdom Wars 2.

Now lets take a look at today`s Update 14:

Update # 14

Fixes and Additions

•   Major improvements to how battle AI attached ladders and towers to enemy walls
•   Major improvements to battle AI use of siege rams and treants
•   Major improvements and polish to Chapter 1 of the campaign
•   Fixed issues with Orcish AI not attacking the town in Chapter 1
•   Fixed major issue where all the units and buildings would be unlocked for everyone
•   Fixed campaign showing all available buildings
•   Corrected description of Gems in all languages
•   Camera max zoom out is a bit lower
•   Smaller battalions flag that get in the way of battles less
•   Various improvements to the look of the battalions flags
•   Repositioned Stamina and HP bars on units
•   Improved the distance fog effect for all camera settings
•   Main menu now shows news window
•   More polish to campaign Menu - it`s now clearer if your resuming saved or loading new chapter
•   Reduced the size of the unit tasking flag
•   Improved performance when playing 1st 5th and 6th campaign levels
•   Besieges status now stays on walls and gatehouses for much longer
•   Corrected some menu names in localized languages

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