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Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2020, 05:01:32 PM »
Silky Smooth: The Quality of Life Update
Wed, 4 March 2020

Hello everyone!

Silky Smooth: The Quality of Life Update is here. For a quick summary of what you're going to find in it, check this earlier news post (above post), and see the full changelog below.

Because of the networking changes in the update, servers on the old version of Barotrauma will be incompatible with clients on the new version and vice versa, so server hosts, please be sure to update your servers.

We wish everyone smooth sailing!


UI/UX improvements:
- Graphical and functional overhaul of all user interfaces.
- Cursor changes according to what it's hovered on (hand icon when on a button, caret icon when on a textbox, etc).
- New loading screen.
- Better feedback on shooting.
- Double clicking on an item moves it to the equipped inventory (e.g. ammo to the equipped weapon).
- Periscopes can be deselected by pressing esc.
- Fabricators can pull ingredients directly from the user's inventory without having to place them in the fabricator's input slots.
- Lock the on/off switch in the pump interface when the state is controlled by signals, same with the engine slider.
- 1 second cooldown before doors can be opened/closed after someone else has opened/closed them. Makes it less likely for doors to be opened/closed accidentally when multiple people are trying to use them at the same time.
- Show a warning if trying to start a campaign for the first time without playing the tutorials.
- Diving suits and fire extinguishers are not automatically picked up from the lockers/brackets when clicking on them to make it less likely to accidentally pick them up. Instead, clicking on them opens the inventory of the container, the same way when interacting with e.g. a steel cabinet.
- Subinventories (= inventories inside items, toolboxes for example) open/close faster and cannot be interacted with until fully open.
- Contents of toolboxes and crates are shown in the tooltip when hovering the cursor over the slot.
- In-game message boxes (mission/traitor notifications) close automatically after 15 seconds if not interacted with.
- Right-clicking in the sub editor opens a context menu that can be used to remove, cut, copy and paste entities (making it possible to remove them when using a keyboard that doesn't have a delete key).
- Hide cursor when aiming with a turret or a ranged weapon.
- Hide inventory when operating a turret.
- Added filtering to sprite and particle editors.
- Added a "Decorative" category to the submarine editor.
- Made docking indicators more visible on the sonar.
- Show mic input level also when Push-to-Talk mode is selected to make it easier to adjust the level without having to switch the mode to Voice Activity.
- Pressing the up arrow brings up previously sent chat messages, making it easier to resend them.
- The filter in the sub editor only searches from the currently selected category.

- Major physics optimization. Most importantly, the physics are now multithreaded, making the game perform much better when there are large numbers of characters active.
- Item optimizations. Items that don't currently have any components active are not updated, which significantly improves the performance especially in large subs with lots of items.
- More aggressive character culling (characters stop being rendered as soon as they exit the camera view).
- Dead bodies despawn after a few minutes (or when the character respawns in multiplayer). The despawning character's items are placed in a duffel bag and dropped near the body. Prevents performance issues when lots of bodies start to accumulate in the submarine.
- Preload necessary monster assets at the start of the round to prevent lag spikes when a monster spawns.
- Fixed serious performance issues when creatures are on the borders of the sub (some issues still remain).
- Improved the performance of human AI (bots).

Additions and changes:
- Added Korean translation.
- Added an improved version of Typhon.
- Reworked Berilia.
- New shuttle, "Hemulen".
- Merged Selkie and Bunyip into a new, improved shuttle (just called Selkie now).
- Increased level sizes.
- Rebalanced monster spawns.
- Balanced skill levels and skill gains.
- Skill gain values are now moddable (see Content/SkillSettings.xml).
- Added a few new artifact missions.
- The job gear variants are not just visually different versions of the same item, but completely separate items. The job variants now allow the players to choose what kind of gear they want to spawn with, not just the look of the uniform.
- Attachable items and wire nodes can now be freely placed around the character instead of always being placed at the position of the character. When attaching items/wires, there's a placement grid that makes it much easier to neatly attach/wire things mid-round.
- The submarines now get automatically outfitted with a semi-random selection of supplies when starting a campaign. The items that have been manually placed in the submarine editor are kept as-is.
- Split internal damage into multiple subtypes: blunt force trauma, lacerations and bite wounds. The new afflictions are functionally identical to the default internal damage affliction, but can be used to identify the source of the injuries.
- Humans are more resistant to gunshot wounds, lacerations and blunt force trauma than monsters. The intention is to allow making weapons more effective towards monsters without making killing your crewmates with them too easy.
- Added a "terminal" item that can be used to send and display textual signals. Could be used for things such as terminals that send commands to devices or display some data received from devices.
- Added muzzle flashes to small firearms.
- Added a crosshair when aiming with small firearms. The crosshair also indicates the spread of the weapon.
- Increased the skill requirements to operate the reactor.
- New background music for editors.
- Characters with an insufficient electrical engineering skill may get electrocuted when rewiring powered devices.
- Added holes in the level walls next to the outpost at the end of the level, so the player doesn't have to backtrack through most of the level if they approach the outpost from the wrong side of the level wall.
- Added heavy water currents at the sides of the level to make it more obvious that you're not supposed to go that way.
- Added subtle chromatic aberration & blur when suffering from heavy bloodloss.
- Nerfed hull damage from plasma cutter and welding tool explosions.
- Removed repair thresholds from items; any device that's not in perfect condition can now be repaired.
- Rebalanced medical items: stat-boosting effects last much longer.
- Modified vigor buffs from steroids and hyperzine to be intantaneous instead of delayed.
- Tweaked opiates. They now do less overdose damage, produce a lower addiction for skilled users, but produce a serious addiction for unskilled users.
- Bandages now have 3 uses.
- Removed oxygenite shards as a product of deconstructing liquid oxygenite to prevent production loops.
- Screwdrivers can be used as shivs!
- Fuel rods now always return their steel on deconstruction.
- Constructing fuel rods now requires lead.
- Mouse button names are now translated.
- Improved tiger thresher texture and lights.
- Replaced the legacy ladder, stair and docking port sprites.
- New alarm buzzer sprite that actually looks like an alarm buzzer.
- New (smaller) small pump sprite.
- Decreased the range and brightness of the "halo" around the players.
- Exposed pump's MaxFlow parameter in the sub editor.
- Added a lot more oomph to nuclear explosions.
- Added damage particle effects that are rendered on top of the characters (also under water).
- Split internal damage into categories: gunshot wound, blunt trauma, lacerations, monster bites, and internal damage.
- Gunshot wound is no longer a bleeding affliction.
- Humans are more resistant to damage caused by weapons (means we can increase the damage on monsters without making the weapons too lethal on humans)
- Added damage protections on some clothes.
- Major SMG buff: larger magazine, less spread, more damage, but slightly lower fire rate.
- Minor Shotgun buff: more damage and stun.
- Slightly decreased the stun effect from revolver ammunition.
- Modding: Removed all texture paths from limbs where they are not required. Fixes issues when trying to create a copy with a custom texture based on an existing character. Note that the "Copy Character" functionality does not automatically replace texture paths that have been defined in limbs, because that could lead into issues. If there are texture paths in the limbs, you'll have to handle it manually. The texture paths defined in limbs are limb specific overrides to the common path defined in the ragdoll's properties.
- Use "weldingequipment" tag instead of "weldingtool" identifier when seeking the equipment for fixing the leaks to enable support for custom welding equipment.
- Use "cuttingequipment" tag instead of "plasmacutter" identifier as required items for collecting minerals to enable support for custom cutting equipment.
- Artifact mission markers are shown on the sonar even after the artifact is on board to make it harder to lose the artifact.
- Made monster mission markers more imprecise.
- Made the "name contains illegal symbols" error message more descriptive (with instructions to change the name to something else).
- CPR damage can be modded by editing the affliction xml.
- A warning when attempting to start a campaign that was saved with different mods than the ones that are currently active.
- Switched from .NET Framework 4.5/Mono to .NET Core 3.0:
- Improves general stability, especially on macOS and Linux.
- Lowers number of dependencies, simplifying the installation process.
- Introduces features that will translate into further stability and performance improvements in the future.
- Switched from MP4 to WebM to minimize bloat and dependencies on patented tech.
- Cap the framerate to 200 FPS when VSync is off to prevent overloading the GPU. The cap can be adjusted by changing the "framelimit" attribute in config_player.xml.
- Wifi components in the respawn shuttle can't communicate with components in other submarines/shuttles.
- Power consumption of damaged devices doesn't increase as much anymore.
- Made tonic liquid purchasable.
- Added combat priorities to alien weapons to allow bots to use them.
- Improved name tag hiding.
- Give job items to humans spawned with the "spawn" command.
- Slightly increased the view range of the coilguns and railguns.
- Continue playing the main menu and editor music from the previous position instead of restarting when switching between screens.
- Marked "editsubs" a cheat command (so you can't just switch to the sub editor, spawn whatever you need and go back to the game without enabling cheats).

- Bots can now undock the sub.
- Humanoids now use the "group" property like non-humanoids. This allows non-humanoid creatures to be treated as friendly/neutral subjects by the bots.
- Replaced the generic "cannot reach target" messages with context-specific and more descriptive messages.
- Bots now take the other bots into account when they evaluate the importance of the tasks. Fixes multiple bots going to fix the same leaks or repair the same items.
- Bots should now abandon the combat objective only when not fleeing from an enemy. If they fail to flee from an enemy, they will fight (or avoid) instead.
- Fixed bots loading the turrets only with the default ammunition.
- Fixed multiple bots trying to navigate the submarine at the same time.
- Fixed pathfinding applying 10x more penalty on vertical distance when the host is outside (should only apply inside).
- Fixed bots starting the path from obstructed waypoints or waypoints that are inside when they are outside or vice versa.
- Fixed issues when bots are trying to enter the airlock from outside.
- Fixed bots getting stuck in the combat mode (with 100 priority) when they try to retreat to a target that cannot be reached.
- Fixed two-handed items like ammoboxes not being visible when the bots carry them.
- Fixed issues when the bots try to equip items or contain them inside other items.
- Fixed bots sometimes going to repair leaks/fix things without a mask or a suit.
- Fixed bots being unable to put diving suits into lockers when there already is a diving suit in the targeted container. Instead of dropping it on the ground, the bots now try to find a new place for the suit before abandoning the objective.
- Fixed bots seeking paths through doors when they have a crowbar/wrench equipped.
- Fixed bots sometimes being unable to put off fires and dying while trying to do it (because of a failing raycast).
- Fixed bots not shooting hostile submarines.

- New behaviors: avoiding, passive-aggressive, and aggressive.
- Adjusted Bonethresher, added a berserker attack when the creature is low in health.
- Revised Matriarch's behavior: Matriarchs now spawn in swarms, protected by other Hammerheads, and they try to keep the distance to the submarine. Boosted the explosion and increased the Spawn count.
- Added new missions about Hammerhead Matriarch.
- Revised all the creatures using the new behaviors.
- Changed how "attack when provoked" works. The previous state is now reset when the target changes. Also fixed several relate issues. Rename the property (requires action if custom characters use it). When a creature is attacked and "attack when provoked" is false and the attacker is not found in the predefined ai targets, the creature flees by default instead of just ignoring the attacker.
- Refactored the eating behavior: fixes small creatures not being able to eat significantly larger creatures.
- Adjusted the commonness and the reward of the Thresher swarm mission.
- Improved the indoors escaping behavior.
- Reduced the linear velocity when not facing the movement direction. Should fix monsters moving unnaturally when abruptly changing directions.
- Increased the swimming speeds of all monsters and adjusted the animations accordingly.
- Improved the path steering while swimming inside the submarine.
- Halved the swimming speeds inside the submarine.
- Increased the attack ranges for Hammerhead and Hammerhead gold to help them reach the targets.
- Don't allow large creatures like Bonethreshers or Hammerheads enter the submarine, because they easily get stuck and it's glitchy.
- Fixed characters that cannot enter the submarine still trying to target the inner walls.
- Fixed Tigerthresher and other creatures that can't attack the submarine bumping on the doors.
- Fixed characters occasionally getting stuck while trying to reach the last known position of the previous target.
- Fixed a crash when the creature is set to attack when provoked and when the damage source is null.
- Fixed extra creature being spawned when using the <monster> elements in the monster mission definitions.
- Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch's skirt going throught the walls.
- Fixed performance issues when creatures are trying to find a path out from the submarine while escaping. Also improved the escaping behavior in general.
- Fixed Mudraptors sometimes squeezing themselves towards doors without being able to attack them.
- Fixed monsters not reacting to being fired with turrets unless they can target the attacker.
- Fixed minor slipping in Mudraptor's walking animation.
- Weapons and tools now have ai targets that are only activated when the items are used -> shooting monsters should make you much more attractive target than just swimming peacefully around.

- Fixed a bunch of bugs that caused "missing entity" errors. However, there are many different reasons the error can occur, so even though we have not run into the issue anymore during out testing rounds, there is still a chance it may occur in some situations.
- Fixed inventory items occasionally getting mixed up in the multiplayer campaign.
- Fixed a bug that caused clients to get disconnected with an "invalid object header" error when a character has a large amount of different afflictions.
- Fixed collider tunneling when client is slow to send inputs. Caused characters to occasionally noclip through walls when the connection or framerate is poor.
- Fixed server owner occasionally timing out if loading the round takes too long.
- Fixed server owner's character occasionally being killed due to round start timeouts.
- Fixed players not getting notified in any way when their connection to the server has timed out, allowing them to keep playing without being able to interact with anything.
- Made giveperm/giverank commands suck less by allowing names, endpoints and SteamIDs instead of clientlist id, and allowing users to skip question prompt by adding rank or perm as a second parameter.
- Fixed multiplayer campaign saves appearing in the single player "load game" menu if they're placed in the singleplayer save folder (leading to a crash if a player starts to load the save).
- Fixed server not sending condition updates for inactive items, potentially causing the condition to get desynced when all of the components of the item go inactive.
- Fixed clients only being informed of the reason for their ban the moment they're banned, but not if they try to rejoin.
- Fixed clients not attempting to reconnect to the server automatically when the connection is lost, forcing the client to rejoin the server manually.
- Fixed clients sometimes being able to noclip through walls when the framerate or connection is poor.
- Karma system can be enabled/disabled in the "host server" menu.
- Option to set the number of password retries before a ban.
- Fixed voice chat indicators not working in the in-game crew list.
- Moved "End Round" button to the pause menu.
- Added a separate server log category for wiring.
- Fixed clients not relaying console commands that don't exist client-side to the server (i.e. custom commands implemented by a server mod can now be used by clients).
- Added "killdisconnectedtime" command that can be used to set the time after a disconnected player's character gets automatically killed.
- Increased default killdisconnectedtime to 2 minutes.
- Player cap can be adjusted in the server settings.
- Made "showseed" console command usable by clients.
- Fixed lobby command (which switches to the single player lobby) being usable in multiplayer.

- Fixes to render order oddities (structures with a depth > 0.5 always rendering behind all items, inconsistent render order between sub editor and in-game). Now structures with a depth of >= 0.9 are always behind everything (and visible through the LOS effect), and item's sprite depth is capped to 0.9.
- Fixed background structures that are resizeable on both axes always being drawn behind other background structures regardless of the sprite depth.
- Fixed Kastrull flooding when the drone undocks.
- Fixed ballast pumps deteriorating in Kastrull's drone despite being unreachable by the players.
- Fixed sonar transducers consuming no power.
- Fixed EventManager intensity being calculated incorrectly in multiplayer, causing monster spawns to be more sparse in multiplayer than in singleplayer.
- Fixed autopilot overshooting and compensating too heavily when attempting to maintain position, causing it to never fully stop on the target position.
- Fixed charactes being unable to get through multi-layer walls from inside the sub (for example the walls above Humpback's command room).
- Fixed plasma cutter not cutting through holes in walls.
- Fixed melee weapons not working inside ruins due to the colliders that block subs from entering the ruins.
- Fixed fabricator cancellation failing to be communicated under certain circumstances.
- Fixed fabricator and deconstructor operating faster when run on overvoltage, making it possible to fabricate/deconstruct things almost instantaneously by using relays.
- Fixed camera position "twitching" when moving the cursor around while unconscious.
- Fixed crashing if there's no audio device available.
- Fixed texts in mission/traitor notifications occasionally overflowing outside the border of the message box.
- Fixed subinventories not opening when trying to heal an unconscious character.
- Fixed engines causing crashes if MinVoltage is set to 0.
- Fixed small "twitch" when a character enters or exits a submarine.
- Fixed starting a combat mission with just 1 player counting as winning the mission.
- Fixed linked shuttles occasionally spawning at the wrong side of a sub's docking port.
- Fixed clients being assigned as traitors in combat missions even if there's no-one else in their team.
- Fixed server lobby screen not scaling correctly after changing to a bigger resolution.
- Made the screen distortion effects caused by afflictions change less abruptly when the condition of the character changes quickly.
- Fixed items being swapped from slot to another when combining an item with one that has a higher condition.
- Fixed lights in deviced bleeding through characters and blurry black "shadow" around characters.
- Fixed '+' and '-' signs in number input fields being misaligned in Chinese and Japanese.
- Fixed Workshop item descriptions only showing the first 256 characters.
- Fixed reactor highlight effect extending outside the reactor sprite.
- Fixed ID-restricted doors only taking the first ID card in the inventory into account.
- Fixed crashes in the character editor when creating a humanoid with incomplete limb definitions.
- Fixed the character editor crashing if no textures were found.
- Don't allow to save invalid texture paths in the character editor.
- Decreased the range of some of the motion sensors inside alien ruins to prevent certain rooms from being nearly impossible to get past without getting zapped by an alien coil.
- Fixed excessively large tonic liquid collider.
- Fixed accordion collider.
- Fixed doors not blocking hitscan weapons.
- Fixed sonar showing everything around the sub when sending out a directional ping and immediately switching to passive.
- Fixed inability to drag characters from room to another in alien ruins.
- Fixed crashing if a modded UI style contains multiple child styles with the same name.
- Fixed wire nodes getting misplaced when flipping wires in the sub editor.
- Fixed groups of items that include wires sometimes not getting placed at the position of the cursor when pasting them in the sub editor.
- Fixed currents heavily slowing down the submarine regardless of the force or direction of the current.
- Fixed some held items vibrating/twitching when moving.
- Fixed turrets emitting muzzle flash particles in an incorrect direction (the rotation of the particle was correct but the direction it flew towards not, which isn't noticeable with the non-moving vanilla particles).
- Fixed "skip tutorials" returning to the main menu instead of opening the correct tab when starting a new game.
- Fixed all items being highlighted in the multiplayer campaign store menu when another player buys something.
- Fixed setting the number of items to buy by typing a number in the text box being practically impossible in the multiplayer campaign store.
- Fixed grenades exploding multiple times if you throw one, pick it up before it explodes and rethrow it.
- Fixed bots occasionally letting go of ladders too soon when going to operate an item, causing them to fall down.
- Fixed some waypoint issues in Orca.
- Fixed wifi components in the respawn shuttle being able to communicate with the main sub in non-combat missions.
- Fixed engine sound range being up to 20 times larger than it should be.
- Fixed monsters occasionally being able to attack through walls.
- Fixed alarm buzzer not returning to the original rotation when the alarm stops.
- Fixed a couple of unfair ruin traps (rooms with coil/sensor placement that makes it impossible to pass through without getting zapped).
- Fixed mechanic tutorial getting softlocked if the player never has an oxygen tank (or aluminium) and sodium in their inventory at the same time. I.e. if they deconstruct the oxygen tanks first and put the aluminium in the fabricator, and then get the sodium and put it in the fabricator.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2020, 11:46:53 PM »
Up next: Towards the final destination
Fri, 20 March 2020


We’re gearing up to move from quality of life updates to the long-awaited campaign overhaul that will improve in-game progression and offer more content to give the game even more depth. These improvements will span several updates and we’ll write about them in more detail later, but here’s a quick peek into what to look forward to in future releases.

The environment is going to get a facelift, ranging from explorable shipwrecks and caves to greater diversity in Europa’s visual appearance. The changes are not just cosmetic either, they’ll offer brand new gameplay too. The visual overhaul will probably be some time in the making, but you can take your crew out to explore sunken submarines in fairly short order!

Submarines are going to become an integral part of campaign progression: Upgrading submarines is going to be added to make your submarines progress with you.

Monsters are going to continue getting more varied in both appearance and behavior. We’ve got concepts of entirely new monsters, reworked legacy monsters and variants of the current creatures waiting to be fleshed out and implemented to make adventuring more interestingly dangerous.

Actual physical outposts will change gameplay in a lot of ways. You’ll be able to explore outposts on foot and interact with NPCs to trade, find new missions and trigger events that will affect you, for better or worse. Different outpost types will offer different trading and hiring options, so choosing your route will become more important. We’ve also got some surprises planned for the outposts, so tread carefully.

The secret of Europa, or the endgame, will be unveiled as one of the very last things we add to Barotrauma. We wouldn’t want to spoil the ending for you before the journey is complete!

You can now read a bit more about future updates on our blog too. Stay tuned as these releases get closer!

P.S. For anyone who has had troubles with the Silky Smooth update: there’s a patch in the making, and you can see what that will include in the “Coming up in the next release” list of our Trello

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Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2020, 12:28:40 AM »
Sneak peek: Shipwrecked
Fri, 3 April 2020


With the bugfix patch/mini-update out, it’s time to turn our eye to the future again. The next update will roll out in a few weeks, hopefully, and we’ll write a more detailed preview about it soon. Before that, we wanted to write a little bit about the background of some major upcoming content additions: shipwrecks, ballast flora, and the thalamus.

The wrecks – new explorable dungeons – and the thalamus – a completely new reincarnation of a creature called carrier, which some may remember from the legacy versions of Barotrauma – are going to be added in the next update. Ballast flora is going to be a longer time in the making, but this organism has an important role in the same story, so we wrote about it at the same time.

You can read the whole story on our blog. Hope you like it!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2020, 01:04:41 AM »
Sneak peek: Shipwrecked
Fri, 3 April 2020


With the bugfix patch/mini-update out, it’s time to turn our eye to the future again. The next update will roll out in a few weeks, hopefully, and we’ll write a more detailed preview about it soon. Before that, we wanted to write a little bit about the background of some major upcoming content additions: shipwrecks, ballast flora, and the thalamus.

The wrecks – new explorable dungeons – and the thalamus – a completely new reincarnation of a creature called carrier, which some may remember from the legacy versions of Barotrauma – are going to be added in the next update. Ballast flora is going to be a longer time in the making, but this organism has an important role in the same story, so we wrote about it at the same time.

You can read the whole story on our blog. Hope you like it!

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2020, 01:52:54 PM »
Preview: The Rusted Remnants update
Fri, 17 April 2020


It’s time to reveal the next update, titled Rusted Remnants (for some extra background story, click here!). It’s planned to be released next week, and it will add…

Wrecks of sunken submarines, for exploration and new missions. What will you find inside the remains of rusted old boats?

Thalamus, a brand new monster that lives inside wrecks. It’s not a monster in the traditional sense, but something else entirely – find out more in the game!

The Azimuth, a new, sleek and fast submarine to spice up your trips to the bottom of the sea.

Submarine editor improvements, most importantly the long-awaited test mode and autosave functions.

Voice chat improvements and a fix for the radio keybind.

There is also a long list of improvements for the karma system, server moderation and tab menu, as well as new contextual commands for the bots. Read more on our blog now and find the full changelog with the update!

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2020, 12:44:58 PM »
Rusted Remnants
Thu, 23 April 2020

Hello everyone!

The Rusted Remnants update is here. For a quick summary of what you're going to find in it, check this earlier news post, and see the full changelog below.

Because of the networking changes in the update, servers on the old version of Barotrauma will be incompatible with clients on the new version and vice versa, so server hosts, please be sure to update your servers.

Don’t let the things inside the wrecks get you!


- Added wrecked submarines to levels.
- Reimplemented carrier (now called Thalamus).
- New submarine, Azimuth.
- Miscellaneous performance optimizations.
- Improvements to traitor missions (slightly simpler, with clearer instructions).
- Reduced the skill requirements for mechanical repairs.
- Reduced the damage when a mechanical repair fails.
- Rebalanced mission rewards.
- New water ambience sounds.
- Speed up despawning when there are lots of bodies inside the sub, enemies despawn x2 faster.
- Salvage missions can be completed by taking the artifact to the start outpost (the descriptions don't specify which outpost to return it to).
- Characters with insufficient skills can fail at mechanical repairs, causing minor injuries.
- Gaps that are inside a hull don't flood the sub, a warning icon is displayed on those gaps in the sub editor.
- Added submarine test mode to the sub editor.
- Moved the entity filter panel and "previously used" panel in the sub editor to the top left corner of the screen.
- Pressing enter after modifying the value of a text field in the sub editor is no longer required.
- "teleportsub" console command can be used to teleport the sub to the position of the cursor.
- The engine vibrates and plays a loud sound when it's damaged to indicate more clearly that it needs repairs.
- Added animated lights to alarm buzzers and sirens.
- Sonar beacon's label can be edited in-game.
- Assistants gain skills faster than other characters.
- Skills increase faster during non-campaign rounds.
- More noticeable particle effects on damaged devices.
- Added "itemdamage" parameter to the explosion command.
- Huskified characters turn to the final stage faster.
- Using the "dumptofile" and "findentityids" commands doesn't require a permission from the server.
- Added Scale and Color properties to DecorativeSprites.
- Added OnDamaged status effect type.
- Added lights that indicate the state of a docking port.
- Significantly increased the item damages of all explosives.
- Replaced the old husk stinger with tentacles (similar to Husked Crawler).
- Minor adjustments to Husk, Human Husk, and Husked Crawler.
- Modding: Added "probabilitymultiplier" attribute for damagemodifiers. Can be used to make items/armor affect the probability of getting an affliction.
- Diving suits now give some protection against husk infections.
- Light components can be set to flicker in the sub editor.
- Fixed odd movements when pressing the ragdoll button while stunned.
- Made it easier to interact with doors that are overlapping with a docking port/hatch.
- Option to disable bot conversations in multiplayer in the server config file.

Submarine editor improvements:
- Removed character mode. All the functionality of the character mode is now supported in the default mode.
- It's possible to modify the properties of multiple selected entities at the same time.
- Autosaving (the submarine is automatically saved to a temporary file which can be recovered if the game crashes).
- Added hotkeys for a bunch of actions (the hotkeys are visible in the tooltips).
- Pressing F focuses the camera on the selected entities.
- Control + A to select/deselect everything.
- Hold shift to ignore the grid when placing / resizing.
- The outlines of all wires are shown in wiring mode.
- Orphaned wires are deleted automatically.
- The content of the search box isn't reset when switching entity categories.
- Mouse middle mouse dragging is now 1:1, previously the view moved too fast.
- Linked submarines now have visuals when dragging.
- Holding down arrow keys now continues to move the entity after a small delay.
- Changing the background color by shift right clicking.

Antigriefing improvements:
- Players can be kicked/banned/muted/votekicked and their ranks changed by right clicking the name in the crew list or chat.
- Karma penalty for stunning: gets progressively more severe the more stuns a player causes.
- Stealing weapons or ID cards from stunned/unconscious characters reduces karma.
- Added karma category to server log.

Tab menu improvements:
- Improved layout.
- Show the roles of the players (moderator, admin, host) in the player list.
- Characters can be muted/kicked/banned from the player list.
- List the players who have joined/left the server.
- Display spectators in the list.
- Show player pings in the list.

Command interface improvements:
- Contextual commands: characters can be ordered to operate/repair/use specific items by holding shift while enabling the command interface.
- Job icons are shown in the command interface to make it a little faster to differentiate between characters.
- Added separate orders for repairing electrical and mechanical devices.

VOIP improvements:
- Added a keybind for local voice chat (= it's possible to only speak to players next to you without everyone within headset range hearing it).
- Added an adjustable delay for cutting audio capture after the push-to-talk key has been released.
- Fixed audio being suppressed when someone speaks even if VOIP volume is low or completely muted.

Workshop improvements:
- "Enabling" a mod through the ingame Workshop screen is no longer a thing; subscribing to a mod is all you need to do for the game to install it once it's downloaded.
- Loading preview images and installing mods is done asynchronously (= no lag spikes).
- Added notifications to the main menu to indicate when mods are being downloaded and have been installed.
- Files are automatically added to the Workshop item publish menu as they're added to a to-be-published content package's directory.

- Fixed achievements not unlocking.
- Fixed positions of artifacts spawning in caves and on level walls getting desynced between the server and clients.
- Fixed new wire node being created at an item client-side if connecting the wire fails due to an electric shock server-side.
- Fixed clients executing console commands they don't have permission to use.
- Fixed enablecheats command not being relayed to server.
- Fixed light component and alarm siren/buzzer states occasionally getting desynced.
- Fixed inability to enter the sub through very small hulls.
- Fixed antibiotics not giving husk infection resistance when shot from a syringe gun.
- Fixed text overflows in the player management panel in the server lobby in languages other than English.
- Fixed searchlight toggle doing nothing.
- Fixed hulls that have minuscule amounts of water in them (too small to be even rendered) being able to trigger InWater effects and water footstep sounds.
- Fixed pumps dicarding the previously received set_targetlevel signal after 0.1 seconds, preventing manual control systems from working if the pumps aren't receiving a continuous set_targetlevel signal.
- Fixes to occasional crashes when rendering alien artifacts.
- Fixed radio chat key not working.
- Fixed reconnected clients not gaining XP.
- Fixes to sprite depth issues in Berilia's decorative fin structures.
- Fixed bots with an active order not switching to idle state when they have nothing to do, causing them to stand in place or walk against a wall.
- Fixed docking ports without a door sometimes getting linked to an incorrect door, preventing the door's linked gap from working correctly.
- Fixed monsters not spawning in ruins if the submarine hasn't left the starting outpost.
- Fixed freezing caused by SoundManager.InitStreamThread.
- Fixed generic Powered components (= charging dock) always using the default power consumption value defined in XML even if the power consumption is changed in the sub editor.
- Fixed last traitor objective's end message not being shown.
- Fixed command interface showing non-interactable devices as valid targets.
- Fixed dragged characters sometimes getting stuck on staircases.
- Fixed serious performance issues triggered by bot's combat and rescue objectives when there are no safe hulls left.
- Fixed characters being grabbable through walls.
- Potentially fixed a crash in GameMain.WindowActive caused by voice chat capture when the game is exiting.
- Spawn cargo above the floor structure of the cargo room, not above the bottom of the cargo hull. Fixes items spawning partially inside structures where the hull extends below the floor.
- Fixed all monsters bleeding red blood.
- Fixed light sprite's scale not being taken into account in light culling, causing lights with a large scaled-up light sprite to disappear before they're off-screen.
- Fixed damageable items not taking damage from repair tools.
- Fixed hitscan projectiles not hitting items.
- Fixed the short freeze when switching to the sub editor.
- Fixed sprites not being included in the xml element when using "copy to clipboard" in the particle editor.
- Fixed clients being able to use the number inputs in the multiplayer campaign store without the appropriate permissions.
- Fixed ability to buy more than 100 items of a kind despite 100 being the limit of how many purchased items of a kind can spawn.
- Fixed handheld sonar pinging when LMB is held, quickly draining the battery.
- Added some checks to prevent character sounds from crashing the game when audio playback is disabled.
- Fixed character collider's angular damping getting set to 0 if the character gets frozen, which caused the character's swimming animation to get wobbly.
- Fixed private messages not having the [PM] tag when dead.
- Fixed inability to open the health interface when hovering the cursor over another character, even if the character's health interface is inaccessible.
- Fixed bots being inactive when far away from all player characters.
- Fixed some particles (like muzzle flash) not being drawn on top of structures that are outside hulls.
- Fixed enemies being unable to target entities outside the submarine if they are inside it.
- Fixed oxygenite shards and tanks causing characters to move at turbo speed.
- Fixed waypoint links to gaps, doors, and ladders etc being removed when linking waypoint to another in the sub editor. Allow to remove links between waypoints.
- Fixed "teleportsub" console command teleporting also the connected outposts.
- Fixed characters getting stuck on platforms that extend outside the sub.
- Fixed diving suit lockers that have been recolored in the sub editor switching back to the default color when a suit is placed inside them.
- Coilgun/railgun loaders don't deteriorate if launching the turret fails. Fixes loaders deteriorating rapidly if the turret is receiving a continuous signal.
- Fixed rendering glitches on the surface of water when there's steep angles on the surface.
- Fixed inability to fire ranged reapons from sub to another through docking ports.
- Fixed inability drag characters from sub to another through docking ports.
- Fixed bots trying to shoot targets inside the alien ruins.

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2020, 03:21:52 AM »
Sneak peek: Outposts unlocked
Fri, May 15, 2020

Hello everyone!

The campaign update is looming in the not-so-distant horizon now, so let’s take a closer look at one of its key ingredients: explorable outposts.

Walk around inside outposts and talk to NPCs to get missions and buy and sell items. The current campaign menu is going to be entirely replaced with real walkable locations.

Outposts are procedurally generated from parts made with the in-game Submarine Editor, which means you can even make your own! Pre-existing custom stations will also continue to work after the campaign update.

Introducing new scripted events that affect you on your journey. Much more complex than the events currently in the game, these will also be made available for modding in .xml.

Different types of outposts each get a distinct look and different contents. The map evolves as you pass through it, and with the campaign update, you can finally see these changes in the outposts you enter.

Physical outposts are possibly the single biggest functional change Barotrauma is going to see during its Early Access period, so we’re both excited and terrified to be so close to releasing them – as minimum viable versions, first, but still – this summer.

Before that, we’re releasing a smaller update with some fixes and molochs! Stay tuned, and read more about outposts on our blog

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2020, 12:21:58 AM »
Wreck designing competition
Fri, 22 May 2020


To make the most of the Rusted Remnants update and everyone’s spare time, our Discord community members are throwing an event – a wreck-designing competition!

The event is hosted and judged by our community experts, with everyone in our server getting a chance to vote for their favourite design a few weeks from now. We from the developer team are supporting the competition with some prizes, one for the “judges’ pick” and the “public favourite” each.

The competition starts now, and contestants have until June 12 to submit their designs, after which judging will take place. More information, help and submission guidelines can be found in our Discord server, – welcome!

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2020, 01:27:29 AM »
Minor update: molochs, music and more
Thu, June 4, 2020

Hello everyone!

Time for a minor update – with a changelog longer than that of the latest major update. Our team has been busy with fixes and small additions for this patch to pave the way for the long-awaited campaign update that we’re releasing next.

Please be sure to update your game to be able to host and join servers, and take a look here for the patch contents:
•   Two new moloch variations: the black moloch and the moloch pupa. We hope you find both of them terrifying in their own right!
•   Dismembering of non-human living creatures. Because death was not gruesome enough before!
•   Texture compression to make the game run a little better on low-end GPUs.
•   New music tracks – just because it’s underwater doesn’t mean it should all be constant monotonous droning.

These new tracks and a couple of others have now also been added to our Supporter Pack.

Besides these, there’s a long list of other fixes and improvements – see the full changelog below!


Additions and changes:
- Added 2 new moloch variants: Black Moloch and Moloch Pupa.
- Reworked Moloch.
- Overhauled level layouts and events (longer and more difficult levels).
- Added two new afflictions: medical items and poisons cause organ damage instead of internal damage and explosions cause deep tissue injuries. Both are functionally identical to internal damage, and treated with the same items.
- Added DXT5 texture compression to reduce memory consumption. Slightly increases loading times; if you're not short on memory, you may want to disable the compression from the game settings.
- Added partial dismemberment for live creatures. Currently enabled only for non-humanoids. (Dismembering dead bodies was already in the game).
- Destructible shells/armor -> Moloch's shell can now be destroyed.
- Added a new monster AI state: Protect.
- Increased the threshold for limping and changed the calculations.
- Added limping for non-human characters.
- Modded servers show up as purple in the server list.
- Added 4 new background music tracks.
- Added parameter autocompletion to the "spawnsub" command.
- All content types except UI styles are now hotswappable.
- Made smoke detector logic more accurate (no size restrictions on the size of the fire, the fire doesn't have to be inside the same hull).
- Added "Output" and "FalseOutput" properties to smoke detector.
- Option to define ambient light values for individual hulls in the sub editor.
- Characters float in place instead of sinking when staying still underwater.
- Improvements to water flow forces: flowing water can push characters around much more heavily now.
- Balanced item prices and fabrication/deconstruction recipes.
- Balanced medical items.
- UI layout improvements when using an ultrawide resolution.
- Added "set_channel" input to wifi components.
- Added "power_value_out" and "load_value_out" outputs to reactor.
- Added search/filter boxes to content package list in the settings menu and item lists in the Workshop menu.
- Added submarine filter to the server lobby.
- Detonators are only triggered by non-zero signals.
- The state of toggleable controllers (= switches) can be set in the sub editor.
- Made toolboxes purchaseable.
- Added a warning to keep the drone door closed in Remora.
- All Thalamus cells die when the Thalamus dies.
- Removed "hold fire" option from the "operate weapon" order, display turrets on minimap as icons instead of text.
- Added some logic to prevent the game from modifying/deleting any vanilla content in any situation.
- Readded legacy Carrier (doesn't spawn naturally but can be spawned with console commands).
- Modified Typhon 2's coilgun rotation limits a bit so it isn't possible to hit the walls when firing at enemies near the airlock.
- Hulls can be multiedited in the sub editor.
- Placed down wires can now be re-equipped in the sub editor by double clicking a loose end.
- Added charging docks to Remora.
- Adjusted how pixel sizes are converted to meters (which are used to display the submarine's dimensions and distances on the navigation terminal). Previously 100 pixels corresponded to 1 meter, now it's 80px -> 1m, making the human characters about 1.75m tall.
- Distance calculations on the navigation terminal take the shape of the path into account instead of just using the direct distance to the target.
- Made improvements to the manual order assignment by adding always visible name labels, displaying indicators for characters' current orders, and repositioning the nodes.
- Reduced the damage range of fires, characters don't take damage from fires if there's a closed door or a wall in between.
- Always draw steering indicators at the center of the display instead of the center of the sub. Fixes indicators getting offset (sometimes even outside the display) during docking.
- Added option to give all command perms with the "givecommandperm" command by using "all" as the parameter.
- Wrecks with no predefined Thalamus items can no more be infested by Thalamus. Allows to create wrecks that always spawn without Thalamus.
- The "shut down" reactor order now allows the bot to continue doing other things after powering off the reactor, instead of just standing next to the reactor.
- Removed the "initiative" skill -> all bots should now react better when there's something to do. Note: this doesn't mean that they always react on everything. It's just the end of individualism. At least for now.
- Reduced the physical forces applied on characters when they are hit by melee weapons, harpoons, or frag grenades. Adjusted stun for crowbar and harpoon.
- Disabled retreat/escape behavior for the bots when they take damage from items or explosions. They still escape/fight back when attacked by other characters.
- Refactor the medic priority calculations/logic: Bots should never treat others autonomously, unless they are medics or ordered to rescue. Bots should always give a high priority for treating themselves, unless there's a medic on board.
- Adjusted the flipping logic of non-humanoids to make them flip less frequently.
- Monsters won't anymore target nasonov artifact unless it is inside the player submarine or in the player inventory.

- Made it possible to use repair tools with StatusEffect's UseItem.
- Made pressure deaths more moddable. Dying because of high pressure isn't hard-coded anymore, the characters are just given the barotrauma affliction which (by default) kills them.
- Added "HideConditionBar" property to items.
- Fixed wearables staying on the character when the item is removed by a status effect.
- Character light sprites can now deform. The cells of Thalamus (Leucocyte and Terminal cell) now use the deformable light sprites.
- Creature flipping parameters are now exposed. Adjusted the flipping for all creatures.
- Allow to define character joints as weld joints in addition of normal revolute joints. Weld joints don't rotate.
- Allow sound definitions to ignore the muffling effect.
- Exposed the "scatter" value and added new "offset" attribute for monster events.
- Added support for status effects in limb definitions (ragdoll file).
- Status effects defined in the character definition can now also target limbs.
- Added ActionType.OnSevered status effect for limbs.
- Creatures can now be set to disrupt sonar.
- Player attacks can now also use the conditionals (i.e. when player is controlling a character). Previously only the AI used the conditionals.
- Conditional sprites don't anymore require a texture definition.
- Conditional Sprites can now be non-exclusive -> Draw more than just one sprite at a time.
- Fixed conditional sprites not being able to target limbs.

- Fixed crashing when opening the tab menu when there are clients present with no job preferences set.
- Fixed "ColdCavernsMaze" levels sometimes being extremely short.
- Fixes to level generation when playing with a very large submarine.
- Fixed bots being unable to shoot at enemies from another room/hull.
- Fixed bots being unable to get items from dead bodies.
- Fixed submarines being unable to move vertically in the submarine test mode.
- Fixed crashing when starting a new round with no audio device (speakers, headset) available.
- Improvements to shadow/LOS rendering.
- Fixed double click being ignored if it's been less than 0.4s since the last double click.
- Fixed all servers sometimes not showing up in the server list (showing only the servers in the same/nearby region).
- Fixed "lone sailor" achievement not unlocking in single player.
- Fixed "Gaze in to the Abyss" achievement sometimes unlocking as soon as the round starts.
- Fixed characters sometimes being unable to exit the submarine when outside the borders of the level.
- Fixed ruin/wreck monsters not spawning if the submarine is too close to them.
- Fixed ruin items sometimes getting saved as a part of the main submarine in the campaign.
- Fixed rare "item with the same key has already been added" errors when starting a round (particularly when playing with a submarine with very large numbers of items/structures).
- Thalamus entities can't be selected in the sub editor when they're hidden.
- Fixed "spawnsub" console command not working.
- Fixed projectiles, welding tools and plasma cutters hitting destroyed Thalamus organs.
- Fixed reactor not shutting down if the turbine/fission rate are controlled via signals even the power switch is toggled off.
- Fixed reactor sliders not moving when they're controlled by signals.
- Fixed level triggers sometimes affecting entities that have left the trigger. The most noticeable effect was characters getting burn damage indefinitely after they've been close to a hydrothermal vent.
- Made flamers fire proof to prevents the flames from blowing up the fuel tank inside it.
- Don't allow harpoons to stick to very small limbs (such as mudraptor's "mouth tentacles"), because it lead to physics glitches.
- Fixed the husk infection crashing when turning the character, if either the non-husk or the husked variation has no inventory defined.
- Fixed characters getting weapon XP after using a turret, until someone else operates the same turret.
- Fixed characters being able to crouch when their pose is controlled by a controller (e.g. periscope, modded chair).
- Fixed bots being unable to aim correctly when operating a turret in another submarine (such as a remotely controlled coilgun in a shuttle).
- Fixed bots sometimes taking too much time to interrupt their current objective when the room they're in floods, causing them to get crushed by pressure.
- Fixed bots sometimes letting go of ladders too soon, preventing them from reaching certain areas (such as the upper platform in Berilia's cargo bay).
- Fixed multiple bots sometimes trying to treat the same person.
- Bots stop grabbing the character they're treating after they're done.
- Fixed harpoons going through doors.
- Fixed depth charges going through level walls.
- Fixed husks attacking human husks wearing a diving suit.
- Fixed first shot from a firearm that uses a magazine/clip not doing anything.
- Fixes to waypoints in Kastrull, Berilia and Remora.
- Fixed chat-linked wifi components not working in single player.
- Fixed chat-linked wifi components not working in multiplayer outside of combat missions.
- Fixed Azimuth using tutorial junction boxes instead of normal ones (the tutorial variants are indestructible and don't have signal connections).
- Fixed autopilot not being able to navigate past wrecks.
- More reliable syncing of door's breaking state. Fixes doors sometimes being impassable or impossible to repair client-side, particularly when joining mid-round.
- Fixed repairing doors getting interrupted at 50% when the door's collider is re-enabled and the character pushed out of the doorway.
- Fixed items getting used in the health interface when dropped on a subinventory slot in front of the interface.
- Fixed dedicated servers letting clients join with an invalid name when there's no server owner.
- Fixed server letting clients join with a name that's already taken.
- Changed "creating hulls between docking ports failed" from errors to warnings. Allows creating exterior docking ports that aren't next to a hull without having the console pop up every time the port is used.
- Fixed changing resolution not updating character inventory slot sizes properly, causing invalid spacing in dead characters' inventories.
- Don't allow detaching signal components when rewiring is disabled or the item's connection panel is locked.
- Fixed misaligned hull next to Wreck1's airlock.
- Fixed "attempting to remove an already removed item" errors when mass-deleting items. Happened because removing items a wire is connected to removes the orphaned wires automatically.
- Fixed multi-part subs (example case: The Aeche III) getting teleported to oblivion when flipped.
- Fixes to bots getting stuck or killed for no apparent reason when the player is very far from them, due to the bots switching to a "simple physics mode" which prevents them from doing certain kinds of interactions.
- The explosive cargo mission that places a block of Volatile Compound N in one of the crates no longer requires delivering the volatile block to the destination.
- Disabled crush depth in the submarine test mode.
- Fixed monsters staying invisible if they die far away from the camera view.
- Fixed very small limbs (mudraptor's mouth tentacles, husk appendages) launching off at a very high velocity, leading to glitchy physics behavior, when hit by a non-raycast projectile or an explosion.
- Allow subs to be saved to subdirectories of the "Submarines" folder (e.g. "Submarines/Downloaded").
- Fixed a couple of waypoints in Berilia that prevented bots from using the ladders.
- Fixed Husked Crawler bleeding red blood.
- Fixed the priority of the operate order being 69 when it should be 70, which sometimes caused bots to get stuck between two objectives (like repairing or fixing leaks).
- Fixed enemies always using the priority defined for "room" when they should use the priority for "sonar".
- Fixed monsters not being able to drop down from platforms/hatches etc. In practice they still have difficulties in getting down from the hatches when they don't swim because they are so big.
- Fixed bots ignoring themselves as a target when they are rescuing others.
- Fixed numerous issues in the monster behavior when simple physics is enabled. e.g. Ignoring targets or not being able to attack or eat them.
- Fixed hitting damage modifiers emitting a ridiculous amount of particles.
- Fixed some cases where bots fail to open the door that they should be able to open (because they skipped a waypoint without checking the doors).
- Fixed monsters not keeping inside the level.
- Fixed a crash when the command interface button was pressed while the player is controlling a custom monster that didn't have character info but was able to speak.
- Fixed monsters sometimes ignoring their target after attacking.

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2020, 12:23:22 AM »
Our Steam anniversary!
Fri, 5 June 2020

Hello everyone!

Today marks one year since we started Barotrauma’s early access on Steam. We’re so happy with how far the game has come since then, and even happier to have had so many people join us on our early access journey. Thank you for being with us and helping us make Barotrauma the best game it can be!

Your feedback and encouragement throughout this year make us look forward to the road still ahead of us – the campaign update is getting closer and closer, and we can’t wait to hear how you like it. The most eager bug hunters can now access the first, very rough version of the campaign update in the public unstable version, so you can even give us advance feedback.

We wrote a little bit more on our blog about the road so far as well as what’s coming next – take a look here and have a great weekend, whoever and wherever you are!

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2020, 03:24:54 PM »
Campaign progression: submarines & some other things
Thu, 18 June 2020

Hi everyone!

Besides outposts, the next major update is going to contain many other new additions too. We wrote more on the blog about them for you to read, and here are some highlights:

•   Once outposts become explorable, all trading options will be moved inside outposts. That means, out with the old campaign map and store interface, in with new NPC interactions!
•   With the overhauled store system, it will become possible to also sell items, not just buy them.
•   And finally, in addition to buying items, you will be able to…

Buy submarines and submarine upgrades
To make campaign progression more interesting and rewarding, you will be able to improve your submarine as well as buy new subs as you advance in the campaign. The upgrading system will also work with custom subs, so be it a vanilla boat or a player-made one, you can upgrade the hull and the devices within to match your progress in the game.

Sub upgrades tie in with the improved economy system where buying and selling prices vary between different outposts and will even be affected by your actions in the game. Together with all the other things in the new outposts, we hope this will bring some nice additional depth to Barotrauma!

What else is new
The upcoming campaign update will also include a visual overhaul. This art unification pass has been in the making for some time, and we’ve now confirmed it will be released with the next major update.

Don’t forget that the work-in-progress version of the next update is already playable in the experimental public unstable version. Beware the bugs and welcome on board!

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2020, 01:04:00 AM »
Preview: The New Frontiers update
Fri, 24 July 2020

Hello everyone!

The New Frontiers update, the biggest Barotrauma update so far, is just around the corner now. Multiple aspects of the game have been improved to create a real sense of progression, particularly in the campaign game mode – read more about all that below, and more on our blog!

Outposts, the start and end point of a mission, become physically explorable locations that replace the old campaign menu as the trading, crew hiring and service buying hub. The new outposts come with autonomous AI inhabitants as well as randomized events that bolster lore and even directly affect gameplay.

Submarines become a new key component of campaign progression: you'll start with a modest boat and be able to upgrade its hulls and machinery as you progress in the campaign. Better vessels will also become available for purchase later down the line. All submarine progression improvements apply to player-made submarines as well, so you’ll be able to experience the campaign as it was intended even if you prefer to ride custom subs.

The AI crewmates are no longer randomized between campaign missions, making them another integral part of your crew's progress: it's going to hurt to lose a bot you paid good money for and then trained for five rounds. The AI itself has received some improvements too, as it does with every update.

The in-game economy has been improved in many ways, from allowing the player to sell items for profit to balancing prices and item availability at different locations.

The campaign map has been overhauled completely and the campaign endgame location is now accessible, with a work-in-progress ending implemented.

The update also contains a visual overhaul that touches on about half of all the sprites in the game, and we’ve taken a look at the difficulty settings to smooth out some of the worst spikes. Let us know how it plays!

All multiplayer campaign improvements also directly benefit singleplayer campaign, so the New Frontiers update should make Barotrauma more appealing to the solo player as well. This is the beginning of our planned campaign overhaul, with tons of content additions and many other improvements to follow as we approach full release.

Stay tuned – the New Frontiers update is scheduled for next week!

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2020, 01:04:18 AM »

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2020, 03:24:23 PM »
New Frontiers Update – out now!
Thu, July 30, 2020

Hello everyone!

The New Frontiers update has now been released. Please be sure to update your game to be able to join and host multiplayer games, check this earlier post for a summary of the update and see the full changelog below.

We hope you enjoy this update, our biggest so far, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts about it! We’re going to take some time off soon and may be a little slow to respond to comments in the coming weeks, but we are eager to read what you write.


Improved campaign mode:
- Explorable, procedurally generated outposts.
- Interactable NPCs: things such as hiring, unlocking missions and purchasing supplies are now done by interacting with NPCs instead of just a menu.
- Multi-step, branching scripted events in outposts.
- A reputation system that affects how outposts and factions relate to you and your crew. High reputation can make NPCs give you discounts for supplies or unlock special events and event outcomes, while low reputation may turn outposts hostile towards you.
- Items can now be sold in outposts.
- Persistent bots in multiplayer campaign.
- Bots can be hired in multiplayer campaign.
- New campaign map.
- The end location is now reachable (do note that the ending is still not completely final).
- Submarines can be upgraded: for example, you can increase the durability of the walls and make devices more powerful, less prone to malfunctions or less power-hungry.
- Submarines can be purchased and switched during the campaign.
- Improved end-of-round summary.

Miscellaneous changes and additions:
- Overhauled most structure and item sprites to make the artstyle more consistent.
- Balanced economy (item prices, hiring costs).
- The currency is now called the Europan Mark instead of credits.
- 4 new background music tracks.
- Tons of new decorative items and structures.
- Sittable chairs.
- Allow characters to hear messages sent through the radio when within speaking range of the speaker, even if the characters don't have functional headsets.
- Made organ damage non-limb-specific.
- Hostile bots now take stunning into account when evaluating the weapons. I.e. switch from stun baton to diving knife if the target is stunned and back to stun baton if it's not.
- Sodium and lithium explode in water.
- Item sprites can be rotated in the sub editor.
- Purchased adrenaline glands spawn in crates.
- Allow changing audio output device in the game settings.
- Added "Is On" property to pumps to make them easier to turn on in the sub editor.
- Tuned difficulty of level events, now with a less severe difficulty curve and more account taken of intensity.
- Numerous quality of life and visual improvements for stock subs.
- Mission specific creature variants.
- Node based event editor.
- Crawlers tuned to be considerably more dangerous.
- General creature balance improvements.
- Creatures avoid targeting the same targets as other characters of the same swarm/type. Should considerably reduce the "stacking", where multiple creatures attack exactly the same target.
- Bots can rescue/heal targets when they are inside wrecks/outposts.They are not allowed to switch submarines during the objective.
- Molochs' skirts are now fully severable and collide with the sub instead of floating through the walls.
- Grenades and syringe guns can be put inside toolboxes.
- Headsets no longer consume battery power.
- Added burn and lacerations resistance for assistant clothes, removed gunshotwound resistance.
- Alarm buzzers and sirens turn off if they're deattached and picked up.
- Made chemical and explosive crates water proof to make it possible to use them for transporting water-sensitive materials.

- Steam networking fixes and additional logging to address issues with some clients being unable to join servers.
- Ignore ballast tanks when calculating flooding in EventManager. Fixes intensity going up when a submarine with large ballast tanks dives.
- Fixed gaps generating incorrectly on sloped walls that have been mirrored vertically (horizontal gaps when they should be vertical and vice versa), preventing water from getting through the wall when it's damaged.
- Fixed sub MD5 hash not getting recalculated when saving a sub, causing a mismatch when trying to host a server without restarting.
- Fixed item highlights being visible in the generated sub preview images.
- Fixed cargo spawning partially inside walls in Azimuth.
- Fixed ragdoll going crazy when trying to run a wire past the maximum length.
- Fixed LOS effect "twitching" when the cursor is close to the character's position.
- Fixed handheld sonar pinging and quickly draining the battery when holding E.
- Fixed PowerContainer's charge indicator going outside bounds if the charge is set higher than the capacity in the sub editor.
- Fixed sub editor's entity list resetting when pressing esc.
- Fixed reactors degrading all the way to 0% condition and exploding when submerged.
- Fixed dumptofile command not including error messages.
- Fixed salvage missions not considering the item to be salvaged if it's inside a container in a character's inventory.
- Fixed ragdolls going crazy when moving directly from the sub to a ruin (e.g. when parking the sub so that the airlock is right against the entrance to the ruins).
- Fixed audio staying disabled when disconnecting and reconnecting the audio device.
- Fixed inability to detach an item the same round it's attached if it's been loaded from a save as a part of a character inventory at the beginning of the round.
- Fixed trying to give an order to a character who can't hear you when using the quick-assignment on the command interface.
- Avoid giving different campaign locations the same name.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck in the "get item" objective, if the item was specified with a reference instead of identifier.
- Fixed bots getting stuck in broken hatches when they climb in ladders.
- Fixed a bug where a waypoint lost all the references when it was selected and the user pressed over an UI element, like the save button.
- Fixed OnActive StatusEffects not working on Vent components.
- Fixed characters not getting slowed down when walking/running in a partially flooded hull.
- Fixed SmokeDetector's Output and FalseOutput properties doing nothing.
- Fixed characters being able to play instruments while stunned.
- Attempt to fix the game process sometimes staying active after the game is closed.
- Fixed favorite and recent server queries causing errors if there's a very high number of them.
- Fixed audio not working on some systems.
- Fixed "kill" not being marked as a cheat command.
- Added a missing platform to Wreck1.
- Fixed "failed to spawn item, component index out of range" error when an item that originally spawned in a container has been moved inside another container whose ItemContainer component doesn't have the same index as the previous one (e.g. when moving items from cabinets in a wreck into a toolbox).
- Fixed mechanic tutorial getting softlocked if the oxygen tanks are put in the deconstructor without putting them in the player inventory first (e.g. by putting them inside a diving mask and moving them from there to the deconstructor).

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Offline Asid

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Re: Barotrauma
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2020, 02:46:13 AM »
Back to work! Minor update preview
Fri, 4 September 2020

Hello everyone!

We’re happy to tell you the whole team has finished their summer holidays and we’re now all back at work on Barotrauma’s next update. It’s going to be a fairly small update, with a focus on fixing bugs and other issues, but it will also bring a couple of new additions to the game. The update is scheduled for release later this month; more details a little later!

Our guides have moved
We decided to move our official guides and last year’s Halloween mod under our new official studio account. Here are links so you can find the guides in their new locations!

Sub editor guide
Character editor guide
Modding reference
Karma guide

Trick or Trauma

As always, you can find some more greetings on our blog . That’s all this time – we look forward to telling you more about what’s coming in Barotrauma’s development as we head into the new season!

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