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Author Topic: Insurgency: Sandstorm Patch 1.1.3 Released  (Read 3464 times)

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Offline Asid

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Insurgency: Sandstorm Patch 1.1.3 Released
« on: March 15, 2019, 12:12:11 AM »
Patch 1.1.3 Released

Hi everyone,

Today we released the third patch of our March bug fixing initiative. Our team has continued to focus on optimization and bug fixes, as well as addressing map balance and exploits. Details of today's changes can be found below.

Our team is still busy working on some larger optimization changes, as well as scouring the forums for additional community feedback. We encourage players to provide feedback for our team by following our community posting guidelines.

•   Optimized landscape layers for Precinct to improve map performance.
•   Optimized landscape layers for Crossing to improve map performance.
•   Optimized various HLOD clusters on Summit to improve map performance.
•   Optimized all soundscape audio banks to decrease memory usage.
•   Optimized all explosion audio assets to decrease memory usage.
•   Optimized all music assets to decrease disk streaming stress.

•   Fixed a server crash in Checkpoint after a map change.

Bug Fixes
•   Fixed an issue where "Reset to Defaults" would default to "Very High" when the Auto benchmark was used to select a quality preset.
•   Fixed an issue where it was possible for a door breach to kill you even if the door only came close and had not actually hit you.
•   Fixed an issue where blood decals were “floating” on characters and not staying in place.
•   Fixed an issue where fire support was able to be called in before the round started.
•   Fixed an issue where the Mosin equipped with Stripper Clips could shoot two rounds in succession without cycling the bolt.
•   Added potential fix for an issue where the player could occasionally be flagged as spawning outside of the playable area, even though they had not, resulting in a negative countdown warning being displayed on-screen.
•   Fixed an exploit where it was possible to use the walk key to silently crawl.
•   Fixed an issue where if you opened the Comms Menu while aiming down sights, you would remain in ADS afterwards, even if you were no longer holding or had toggled the ADS key again.
•   Fixed an issue where the shotguns equipped with a Foregrip would be held like a pistol in third person.
•   Fixed an issue with camera switching when watching Replays.
•   Fixed an issue where the AK Alpha Extended Magazine was using the incorrect magazine mesh in first person.
•   Fixed an issue when playing at high ping where if you wanted to throw back a grenade without aiming it, you would be stuck in the prepping throw state until pressing Use again. It will now immediately throw the grenade if the Use key isn't being held.
•   Fixed an issue where certain weapons would not unequip correctly when entering a vehicle.
•   Fixed an issue where the Main Menu frame rate limiter was not always being applied correctly.
•   Fixed an issue where enemies would not wear their gas masks in Checkpoint.
•   Fixed an issue with the “It's all in the reflexes” achievement where it could be granted even if you killed somebody with a grenade still in your hand.
•   Fixed a scope post processing issue when spectating in third person.
•   Fixed issue where gas masks weren’t displaying properly in first person while in vehicles.
•   Fixed an issue where the Laser Sight beam could pass through characters.
•   Fixed an issue with third person spectator camera for vehicles.
•   Fixed a visual glitch where a player could potentially draw another grenade even if they didn’t have one when playing at high ping.
•   Improved Customize menu camera.
•   Fixed an issue where the wrong camouflage would be applied to gloves.
•   Fixed an issue where certain certain effects could be stuck “on” when spectating players.
•   Fixed an issue with laser effects being invisible to other players after having spawned or resupplied.
•   Fixed an issue where friendly AI in the insertion vehicle could occasionally be seen not holding a weapon.
•   Fixed an issue that stopped the on-screen explosion dirt from showing after explosions during online play.
•   Fixed an issue where spectating other players could result in a permanent fade out state until a new player was chosen to be spectated by via user input.
•   Fixed an issue where the Loadout screen would exit and fade out if you were spectating someone who died.
•   Fixed an issue with the Loadout menu camera getting stuck on after switching to the spectator team.
•   Fixed an issue where the third person spectator camera would clip with the ground when spectating a vehicle.
•   Fixed various clipping issues with the Covered hair option and Eyewear items.
•   Fixed a misspelling in the profanity filter setting.
•   Fixed an LOD issue on the Insurgent T-Shirt cosmetic.

•   Made jumping changes so a player cannot easily jump around and attack other players.
 o   Restricted weapon firing and aim down sights for 0.3 seconds after landing from a jump.
 o   Adjusted deceleration and friction values for jumping. Lateral movement during a jump is now much more restricted.
•   Removed ability to perform weapon melee attacks while prone. This was felt to look too strange and unrealistic. A player can still use their knife while prone.

Map Balance & Fixes
•   Crossing
 o   Reduced landscape layer usage to improve performance.
•   Farmhouse
 o   Addressed spawn camp issue at objective B Insurgent spawn on Push Security.
 o   Addressed spawn camp issue at objective A Insurgent spawn on Push Security.
 o   Fixed an exploit where players could go outside the level near Insurgent spawn for objective A on Push Insurgents.
 o   Moved a bulldozer to make an invisible wall from an earlier exploit fix less obvious.
•   Precinct
 o   Reduced landscape layer usage to improve performance.
 o   Added non-vault volumes for store shelves to make them less camper friendly.
•   Summit
 o   Reorganized various HLOD clusters to improve performance.
 o   Added HLODS for backdrop buildings to reduce slightly over a longer distance.
 o   Fixed an issue where players could reach an unintended spot near objective D on Push Security.
 o   Fixed an exploit near objective B on Firefight East.
 o   Fixed an issue where a door got stuck in a frame when breached in the market area.
 o   Fixed not able to throw a grenade through a small window near objective D on Push Security.
 o   Tweaked exposure slightly more to make it less dark overall.
•   Hideout
 o   Addressed spawn camp issue at objective B Insurgent spawn on Push Insurgents.

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