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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2022, 11:27:43 PM »
Report for the community #44
Mon, 7 February 2022

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.

You may already notice that last week we finally made another step on our journey towards finishing the game by releasing the Crime & Justice upgrade for all players. We hope you are doing well, and that the tweaks we made during past weeks, made the game more challenging, but still fun to play. And we are coming to you now with something many of you were dreaming about and we want to warn You that it will not be easy and simple, but these features will challenge you even more. We want to reveal to you that Matin a.k.a. Vyvo (member of our development team) took the challenge to create a brand-new traffic control system for roads and we are proud to say, he was successful.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #76 on: February 22, 2022, 12:05:48 AM »
Report for the community #45
Sun, February 20, 2022

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.
As we are closing to the end of this winter season, we are closer and closer to another content update for the game. Our focus during past weeks was fully on things connected to water and sewage. There are quite a few issues we need to deal with, and, we want to make the game better for you, because there are lots of things you need to consider while planning and building up your wonderful republics.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #77 on: March 27, 2022, 11:27:47 PM »
Report for the community #46
Mon, 14 March 2022

Greeting dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.

Few more weeks of our lives passed away since we published the last report. The Earth is still circling around the Sun and the Sun is still shining, even with all the events we witnessed during past weeks in the world. At least something is out of power of men, and we do not need to worry about mistakes people can make in that regard, (our Earth is circling around the Sun).

We hope you are doing well and that you spent these days doing meaningful things not only for yourselves but also for others, because we never know how much time is left in our lives in which we may have positive impact on lives of others. We already know there is quite an impact of our work on many through this game and we hope you will not allow people, who do not understand why this game is fun to destroy your enjoyment. We are not slowing down, and we are still working hard to get to our next milestone in development process.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #78 on: March 28, 2022, 11:58:40 PM »
Report for the community #47
Sun, 27 March 2022

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.
Spring has arrived and Summer Daylight saving time was set. Finally, we feel a bit warmer beams of the Sun here in Europe which means it is the proper time to initiate the development of many successful new Republics in our game because as you may know March is the month when every new Republic is born.
We finally made another step in the development process and now the current water and sewage treatment update is available for internal testers and few YouTubers out there. This way, you can see the new stuff and mechanics if you wish because it will take few weeks until the updated game will be ready for public testing. You can get some inspiration and prepare to enjoy all the new features with new challenges the game will offer to you this way.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2022, 11:40:44 PM »
Report for the community #48
Sun, 10 April 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.
You may be aware that we made another step forward, and the water treatment update was released for public testing recently. We want to thank everybody who was participating in internal testing for feedback, and we want to encourage you to let us know what you think, if you are currently facing the challenges of these new mechanics. Your feedback is welcome.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #80 on: April 24, 2022, 06:18:08 PM »
Report for the community #49
Sun, 24 April 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic!

Soon we will celebrate International Worker’s Day as there is only one week of this month of April and May will come soon. The time when spring is in full swing, and soviet pigeons may try to make it in your unoccupied balcony, gives us another opportunity to share some good news about development of the game as we finally can move on and show you first images of the upcoming underground (metro).

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #81 on: May 09, 2022, 10:20:29 PM »
Report for the community #50
Sun, 8 May 2022

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic!
We have great news for you this week as there is not that much time left until the current public test version will switch to stable. If everything goes well it can be out next week. But many of you are interested in a feature, we were mentioning on our roadmap, and was not implemented yet. We want to talk about Cosmonaut mode a bit in this report. You may be aware that it will not be part of the update we are currently working on, but we want to implement this new difficulty level into upcoming Metro update in a little bit different way that you were expecting.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #82 on: May 16, 2022, 09:41:08 PM »
New version
Mon, 16 May 2022

Water management & complex traffic

In content update #10 introduces new buildings and flow systems for water treatment and supply routes into your city as well as new advanced traffic simulation modes to add new levels of complexity to your road infrastructure.

Creating a robust water treatment system for your city is paramount in keeping your citizens healthy. Finding the cleanest water at the source means the less treatment it will need to make it drinkable. Once treated you can create a distribution network to water storage towers in the city where it will be supplied to the main system. Another new addition is the sewage system where waste will be transported out of the city to be treated. You will decide if you will dump sewage waste directly into the river creating higher pollution (and therefore more treatment required to make it drinkable) or treat it before and lower the amount of pollution at source. Read more about water treatment systems in the community post here

Content Update #10 features:

    Source water from springs and build water treatments to purify
    Create infrastructure to pump, store and supply water to the city
    Create a sewage network to carry waste water away for treatment and avoid pollution
    New advanced traffic simulation mode with management of primary and secondary roads and with traffic lights
    Use road signage such as speed limits, stop and no entry signs
    Many other gameplay and mechanics improvements.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #83 on: May 22, 2022, 08:33:31 PM »
Report for the community #51
Sun, 22 May 2022

Greeting dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic.
You may be aware that as we were written the Content Update #10 with water treatment, sewage management and realistic traffic system was released as stable version of the game. We want to remind you that the game is still in early access and much more changes and updates are coming this year and you will see many new notable features added to enrich the game for better and more challenging gameplay. The game cannot have everything though for the price it is being sold so bear in mind that not all ideas we have, or the community suggest will be implemented.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #84 on: June 07, 2022, 04:26:19 PM »
Report for the community #52
Sun, 5 June 2022

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic!
How wonderful it is that we can enjoy air-conditioning in our cars and public transport as the rising temperatures outside make the travel less and less comfortable. It did not use to be so convenient back in time in vehicles made by soviets, but the republics in our game can exist long enough to get the latest technology or at least enjoy improvements compared to the earliest days of the game. The previous content update brought you some game changing mechanics but this upcoming one will be more about improvements and broadly desired additions as there are some similarities in infrastructure we use for underground, that allow us to bring some solutions into other areas too.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #85 on: June 21, 2022, 11:04:35 AM »
Report for the community #53
Tue, 21 June 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

It is getting quite hot out there here in Central Europe and more seasonal lightning storms are interrupting the activities of men. Sometimes things just cannot get according to the plan, and we need to face delays and adjust to our circumstances. We are aware that you are really excited for the upcoming content update which will bring the cosmonaut mode challenge to all the players and about improvement for trams and addition of underground rail public transport.

The thing is that there is still a lot of stuff we need to work on before we can release this update for public testing. Good news is that Cosmonaut mode is working quite well and that may not require that many tweaks, so we can focus on other stuff we want to add or update.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #86 on: July 04, 2022, 11:19:54 PM »
Report for the community #54
Mon, 4 July 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

We are currently encountering a heat wave here in Slovakia and sometimes we wish we would be able to hide underground into some cool tunnels. We do not have many opportunities to do so, but at least there are shopping centres which have air-conditioning if somebody does not have such a luxury at home. As we mentioned in last report we started to focus more on underground (metro) and today we will write about tunnelling, a favourite discipline among politicians here in post-soviet Slovakia. But you should know their tunnels are not functional for the society, and our tunnels are here for a reason.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #87 on: July 25, 2022, 11:07:59 AM »
Report for the community #55
Sun, 24 July 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

Greeting dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. We hope you are doing well and if you are suffering in this heat wave you can at least find some ways how to enjoy some of that. We had whole team on the vacations past weeks so we not made so great progress, but we all vacations are over and we will start in full number tomorrow. If everything goes well then, we will be able to release the update for internal testing in few weeks which means we would like to release it for public testing before the end of August.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #88 on: August 08, 2022, 06:27:00 PM »
Report for the community #56
Mon, 8 August 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

We want to apologize for another delayed report. But hopefully we can go on with good news from now as we know how high the expectations are regarding the release of the upcoming Metro update for public testing. No, it is not ready yet, but we are intensifying pre-internal testing to switch into internal testing as soon as possible, and during the writing of the next report the internal test should be running in full swing, so if nothing goes wrong, the Metro update can be released for public testing before the end of this month.

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #89 on: August 23, 2022, 12:25:26 AM »
Report for the community #57
Sun, 21 August 2022

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic.

Another heat wave has arrived at Central Europe, but that does not mean that it will slow us down in delivering the upcoming update. As we released the Metro update for internal testing this week, our development team is on fire but in a good way, doing their best to fix as much issues as they can, because we want to release this update before the end of August for public testing.
Even if that will not be the final release, it will make the update available for most players. We already have a plenty of bug reports to deal with because the more people participate in testing, the more unconventional ways of play can be used to reveal potential issues. The main problem always is, that with each change in the code, there is a chance that typos or oversights may happen, which are easy to miss while checking the code and you can only see the mistake when the feature is being used, and even then somebody needs to notice that something is not as it should be.

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