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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2019, 04:21:48 PM »
Going to show a preview of the Lunar Module (stream and recording) today!
19 Mar - Sotamakkara   

"I will be streaming and recording a quick preview from the Lunar Module this evening (GMT), if everything goes according to the plan.

Planned stream time:
03/19/2019: 10:00 PM (22:00) GMT+1 = 2:00 PM (14:00) PDT

Today I will for the first time show the Lunar Module in action, where I will open the tunnel hatch from the CM, and enter the LM, and go through some of its systems.

The plan is to start streaming and creating more official video content from Reentry going forward, so please check out the channels below, and subscribe to be notified!

The stream will the broadcasted on the following channel:

And the recording will be uploaded to the new and official Reentry YouTube channels:

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2019, 11:21:59 AM »
Video: A preview of the Lunar Module

The Lunar Module is the 4th spacecraft that gets its spot in Reentry - An Orbital Simulator. As with the other spacecrafts, it's a study-level representation of the real Lunar Module, where a lot of the procedures, systems and features work realistically.

This video will only touch a few of the systems, but hopefully give you a good overview of the look and feel of my implementation of it.

The Lunar Module was used to land two of the three astronauts in an Apollo mission on the lunar surface.

Hope you will enjoy this preview!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2019, 01:48:05 PM »
Dev Insights: The Lunar Module and new checklist features
8 Apr @ 1:26pm - Sotamakkara

The Lunar Module is now at a stage where it's major systems and functions can operate individually and together as a whole.

As with the other spacecrafts in Reentry, nothing is checklist based (complete checklist X to progress with the mission). This means that each system has an underlying system controlled by the Lunar Module panels, giving you a lot of freedom on how you achieve and react to situations, and handle failures, mistakes and bugs.

However, checklists are still a standard way to operate the spacecraft, and the in-game Mission Pad has checklists resembling the ones used for real.
During the initial part of the mission, the Lunar Module is in a near Cold & Dark configuration. This means that when you wish to power up the Lunar Module, a lot of systems needs to be turned on, from electricity to the oxygen supplies. The checklist used by the crew to perform this is a very lengthy checklist, and has made me rethink how some of the checklists can work.

With this, I now added new checklist features, such as being able to verify and run sections of some checklists, where it makes sense, such as the LM Subsystems Activation checklists. In addition, some tasks such as setting powering the LM through the LM can be performed by other crew members such as the Command Module Pilot (you can switch to the CM and do this yourself too, if you wish).

As a side track, this can be developed into a new and better interaction system where a dedicated menu can exist, where you can give some commands to the crew and mission control in a new and different way.

The Lunar Module will soon be rolled out to the Test Pilots, for initial testing, as I continue implementing the details that happens between the panels and the systems.
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2019, 11:54:36 PM »
The Lunar Module has rolled out to the Test Pilots!
20 Apr @ 9:56am - Sotamakkara   

I'm pleased to announce that the Lunar Module has rolled out to the Test Pilots team, where we will try to identify and correct the major bugs.

TM-9 (Test Mission 9) is all about testing the integration of the Lunar Module in the Reentry Logic Engine, and its core features.

Lyra Fluid System is a new fluid dynamics engine I'm working on for Reentry. It will make it easier to work with substances used in the ECS and propulsion, such as oxygen, oxidizer, fuels etc. Some of the Lunar Module has started to use this, and as we test this, I will slowly roll this out to the other LM systems, as well as the other spacecrafts in Reentry.

Thanks again for your patience, I know it has been a while since the previous update due to the work needed in the Lunar Module. But this means that you will soon be able to play this yourself, and land on the Moon eventually.

Anyways, here's a few new screenshots of the Lunar Module. Enjoy!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2019, 12:07:05 AM »
A brief update on v.0.300.EA and the Lunar Module!
24 Apr @ 8:02pm - Sotamakkara   

The 0.300.EA update has been in development for a few months now. The major addition (and time consumer) this version will bring is the Lunar Module. As you can see from the latest screenshot above, there is a lot of new historical systems for you to learn and enjoy. The Lunar Module is amazing to fly and operate, but also requires a lot of skills.

As with the other three spacecrafts that comes with Reentry - An Orbital Simulator, the Lunar Module will get its own dedicated manual.

This manual will be based on the manual the real astronauts used to learn and operate the Lunar Module.

In addition, based on a lot of feedback, the camera model is being changed into a more FPS-like camera, meaning you will control it relative to itself vs. relative to the panel (as it is now). You will also get a crosshair to work with when the camera movement key is being held. When released, the traditional mouse-interaction resumes. I immediately got more productive in the cockpit this way, and I hope you all will like it too.

When will you get it?
The public release of 0.300.EA is not too far away now. The first release will not be complete of-course, and some systems will be missing or needs more work. However, with the first release, the major systems will be in an operative state and it will come with a set of Academy lessons. As we progress towards 0.400, more content and systems will be added.

The Test Pilots are working hard on testing the logic and learning how to fly this as we speak.

Thanks again for your patience!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2019, 02:56:55 PM »
That's no moon... Happy May the 4th!
4 May @ 10:54pm - wilhelmsenstudios   

Thanks to @Sundhaug92 aka. Martin Sundhaug for the pic, and to the Reentry Community for the support of making Reentry - An Orbital Simulator happen.

Happy May the 4th to everyone!
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2019, 01:14:07 AM »
A preview of the Lunar Module will be released tomorrow (5/24)!
24 May @ 12:43am - wilhelmsenstudios   

If everything goes according to the plan, Reentry version 3.0.0 will be released tomorrow evening, making a preview version of the Lunar Module available in the EA! This is given that compiling works as predicted.

The Lunar Module was the spacecraft that landed two men on the Moon, after a long journey from Earth in the Command and Service Module. It's an advanced spacecraft with many new systems to get familiar with, and will be a long awaited addition to Reentry - An Orbital Simulator!

A draft of the Lunar Module Flight Manual for Reentry has been made available, and the module comes with a set of new Academy Missions so you can jump in and get familiar with it straight away!

With the release of 3.0.0.EA, we can finally get back to smaller and more frequent updates. This means we can start improving Apollo bits, as well as making it possible to land on the Moon (this will not be possible in the preview version of the Lunar Module).

Launch Event!
A launch event will take place in the official Reentry Discord group ( at 14:00 PDT:   
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2019, 01:17:14 AM »
Patch 0.301.EA is out, adding a preview of the Lunar Module!
25 May @ 12:30am - wilhelmsenstudios

Phew, it's been a while since the previous update, 4 months to be precise. The reason for this is the hard work needed to get the initial version of the Lunar Module into Reentry.

With that done, the rest of the bits will come through frequent updates as we move towards landing on the Moon. Keep in mind that the Lunar Modul is in a very early stage still. Landing on the Moon and musing major programs on the LGC is not yet possible.

Major changes:
- Lunar Module Preview added to Reentry, including a lot of the integration work.
- FPS Camera control: You now strafe correctly inside the cockpits
- Cockpit limits are removed. The screen will fade to black when you are out-of-bounds.
- Graphics settings screen has changed, giving you more control. This is mostly a placeholder.
- DAP control for CM and LM is available through V48E on the AGC/LGC.
- Better camera control in Apollo Orbit View.
- Apollo Orbit paths are resized based on camera zoom.
- Some initial TLI tools has been added, and the entire TLI algorithms are changed. Still far to go here, but TLI now takes you closer to the Moon. :)
- Lunar Module Academy was added.

In addition, thousands of minor features and bug-fixes has been made.

You can get familiar with the Lunar Module through the Academy Lessons, as well as the Lunar Module Flight Manual:
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2019, 12:03:29 AM »
Learning the Lunar Module: Official documentation by NASA and Grumman

With the release of the Lunar Module for Reentry, I decided to create a little post regarding some of the material available so you can learn how to operate and fly the Lunar Module yourself.

Keep in mind that the Lunar Module is considered an advanced spacecraft and requires some study to operate. This post will help you navigate through all the great sources.

1) The Lunar Module Academy
The Lunar Module Academy is the in-game lessons led by an instructor, that will take you through the major components and how the Lunar Module works. There are multiple academies available, each designed to teach you the various systems available.

In addition to this, I will soon be uploading short videos that teaches you some of the systems over at the Reentry - An Orbital Simulator YouTube channel:

2) The Lunar Module Flight Manual for Reentry
I have create a Lunar Module Flight Manual, currently 190 pages, that takes you through it's history, major components, and system deep-dives. The manual is based on documentation created by NASA and Grumman.

3) NASA Apollo Lunar Module News Reference
This guide is an illustrative manual that describes the Lunar Module, it's mission and all its systems.

4) Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module, Volume I, Subsystems Data
The LM Operations Handbook is the real deal, and goes into the full depths of the Lunar Module, and was the guide that was used in the real training. Volume I is describing all the different systems of the Lunar Module.

5) Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module, Volume II, Operational Procedures
This is the second volume of the LM Operations Handbook and describes how each system is used by the astronauts. These are mainly checklists and procedures. Many of these checklists are available in the Mission Pad in-game.

The following link is a collection of various documents made available by NASA:

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2019, 01:00:03 AM »
Patch 0.302.EA is out - More Lunar Module systems, Mercury-Atlas 6 fixes, RCS/DAP changes

I'm happy to announce that patch 0.302.EA is out!

The major part of this patch is bug-fixes from the initial 0.300 release, as well as some system placeholders for the Lunar Module.

There are 100's of fixes here and there, but here are the major changes:
- The Mercury-Atlas 6 mission has been fixed when it comes to the activity checks, and mission progress.

- Added more particles during Apollo stage sep and Saturn V ascent.

- The Lunar Module has received placeholder logic for the Rendezvous Radar and the Landing Radar. These need more work, but you can start to play around with them. A chapter on these radars has been added to the manual.

- The X-Pointer on the Lunar Module has been implemented. It's input is based on input-signals from the radars, but at least you can now change some if its modes and see these on the glowing labels on the X-Pointers themselves.

- The IMU alignment during the Apollo launch procedures as received some fixes, as well as the guidance logic.

- The Apollo and LM RCS and DAP logic has received some fixes, but is being worked on.

- Fixed typos in the Lunar Module academy lessons

Thanks for reporting issues, and helping me make Reentry better!
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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2019, 08:54:16 PM »
Patch 0.307.EA is out - CM translation & achievements fixed, lunar improvements

The latest patch contains a lot of fixes, and some new features. The main bug-fix area is the CM RCS system and its DAP. You should now be able to translate normally again (but remember to power up the jets).

In addition, there are a lot of new systems in development, all surrounding the lunar landing. These changes includes the rendering of the Moon, sizing and transition, as well as the LM radars used to land on the surface.

Thanks for reporting issues and for playing Reentry! My main goal currently is to complete the technical implementation for performing a lunar landing. Once this is complete, it can be refined and the LGC guidance logic can be started.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2019, 12:41:27 PM »
Happy Apollo 11 50th Anniversary, and an update on v.0.400
16 Jul @ 10:48am - wilhelmsenstudios

50 years ago the powerful Saturn V rocket ignited at Cape Kennedy, and boosted the Apollo 11 spacecraft into Orbit around the Earth, with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins onboard.
From Earth orbit, they executed a TLI maneuver to set the spacecraft on a 3-day trajectory towards the Moon.

It's an honor to announce that the next major update to Reentry will be rolling out the Reentry Test Pilot team over the next few days, and then to general release. Version 0.400 will contain the first version of the lunar descent and lunar landing, as well as some other nice surprises that will be announced over the next few days.

Thanks again for playing Reentry, and happy Apollo 50th anniversary!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2019, 09:00:51 PM »
Reentry 0.400 has been rolled out to the Test Pilots
21 Jul @ 8:32pm - wilhelmsenstudios

Where would be a better place to celebrate Apollo 11 and the lunar landing 50 year anniversary than from inside the Lunar Module, developing the Lunar Descent?

With that, I'm happy to announce that Reentry version 0.400 is now in the hands of the Reentry Test Pilots. I'm working closely with the team to fix major bugs, and once I'm satisfied I will roll this out to all of you!

Keep in mind that this is still an Early Access title, and a lot of the features you will find in version 0.400 will be in a very early stage, and will improve as the game is patched and updated. Just like the other things you can play today.

So, what will version 0.400 have? Well, it's quite a lot. So I'll explain most of it with screenshots.

The Lunar Descent
The major part of version 0.400 are the capabilities needed by the Lunar Module to perform a descent down to the lunar surface. This is a combination of radars and the lunar guidance computer, and some game mechanics elements. Program 63, 64 and 66 are used during the descent.

The Lunar Landing
The last part of the descent is the landing itself, and the touchdown on the Lunar Surface. You slowly control the LM the last 200 feet to touchdown. Using the radars, and the X-pointer, you can perform the entire landing without looking out of the windows (but it's recommended). The lunar surface data is based on real elevation data and textures created by NASA, so you can explore and see most of the lunar areas yourself.

Lunar EVA
Another feature I decided to add to 0.400 is the initial version of a Lunar EVA. This means you can enter and exit the Lunar Module, and walk on the Moon. The controls will be similar to what you are used to inside the Virtual Cockpit, and you will be walking around from a 1st person perspective.

Lunar Roving Vehicle
The last addition to 0.400 is the LRV. The LRV is the latest "spacecraft" added to Reentry, and will come with its own operations manual, with systems as deep as the other spacecrafts. The electrical system and drive mechanics are already in place, and you can select what engines will be active, and what wheels (front/rear) will be used for steering, just like it was with the real thing. The controls are similar to the other virtual cockpits.

Thanks for reading!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #43 on: August 25, 2019, 12:13:12 PM »
Reentry version 0.4 has been released!
24 Aug @ 5:13pm - wilhelmsenstudios

The long awaited update containing the Lunar Descent and Landing, as well as a lot of changes to the Lunar Module, has been released.

With this update, you finally get to follow more realistic procedures to undock from the CSM, use the LGC to set up P63 to initiate a lunar descent and land. P63 will try to guide you through the descent and will automatically change to P64 and P66 for a soft landing.

The Lunar Module Academy has been updated with new lessons, covering many of the new systems introduced in 0.4.

Between P64 and P66 a transition happens. This is to give you a more immersed experience for the Lunar Landing itself. In this transition, the Lunar surface is procedurally generated using realistic elevation data, and also places boulders, rocks and generates a better lunar surface than what's possible in the Orbit world (floating point issues). Another feature this transition brings is the possibility to have a more realistic EVA experience on the lunar surface. This transition is a new addition, and is still being worked on.

During descent, it's important to use the tools you have available to monitor the descent. These are the Landing Radar, Tape Instruments and the X-Pointer, as well as the FDAIs.
The X-Pointer is used mostly during P66 to check your velocity relative to the surface. Keep the needles centered while performing the last part of the landing, until touchdown.

In addition, a lot of internal systems are working together to make the landing possible. The DPS is consuming fuel and oxidizer, while two helium tanks are used to pressurize it. Pay attention to these, and ensure the super-critical Helium is used after DPS ignition.

With this update, you also get to open the LM hatch (procedures for this will be come with future updates), climb down the ladder in a first person view, walk around on the Moon, place the US flag and drive the Lunar Roving Vehicle (preview).

A new radial context menu has been added, and is currently available as a test in the EVA views, but the plan is to gradually replace parts of the cockpit UI such as the Comm UI to this. The same hotkey is used to bring this up and allows you to open/close the EVA suit visor, toggle flashlight, exit the LRV, place the flag etc.

A landing flag can be toggled in SETTINGS, and will be visible after the transition during P66. This shows the planned landing location. But feel free to touch down anywhere.

If you wish to spawn the LRV, exit the LM and use the C menu to render the in-game buttons. Walk over to it on the external hull of the LM, and click it. You now enter a placement view. Select where you wish to place it, and click there to spawn it.

A lot of other things has been update as well. For example, shadows has improved inside and outside the cockpit.

Checklists for the descent is available, but does not currently have the automatic RUN feature implemented.

Keep in mind that this update is another Early Access update, so be prepared for anything. To compensate for this, the REALISM and GRAPHICS section has been change a bit too, so you can toggle some of these new features if things are running slow, or if the transition has a performance hit on your system.

Thanks to all of you who are part of the Early Access of Reentry, the Reentry community, and to anyone reporting issues, feature requests and/or contributing to the project. This makes Reentry a better simulator for all of us.

Special thanks to all the Test Pilots who have spent a lot of time working on this new version.

Thanks, and good luck on the descent!

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2019, 11:34:07 PM »
An update from the development of version 0.45.EA
Sun, 27 October 2019

A lot is happening on the internal side of Reentry. As we are progressing towards version 0.5 where the Lunar Ascent and CSM/LM rendezvous will be introduced, a decision was made to rebase the physics in Reentry (this covers all programs; Mercury, Gemini, Apollo CSM and the LM).

This has required me to uncouple most of the internal maneuvering functions such as ascent guidance, mechanics, rendezvous (Gemini), orbital maneuvering, TLI, LOI etc, create the rebase, and rewire everything back together using the new methods. It has been taking a lot of time, but it's well worth the wait - it brings Reentry to a whole new level!

So, what does this really mean?
This means we can finally get much more stable physics. The orbital parameters will be more reliable, and new tools for burn planning and TLI is introduced, allowing the player to plan better and more precise burns. Also, the orbits around the Moon are now stable (no more fluxing ap, pe etc), and maneuvering around it is much easier.

Most of the work is complete, with the exception of the TLI burn planning tool. This is almost done but requires some tweaking to get right. Once this is ready, the first build of 0.45 will roll out to the test pilots!

This physics update is also required by version 0.5 to get a stable ascent from the lunar surface.

Stay tuned as we progress towards 0.45! :)

So, what's ahead?

Version 0.45 will be the physics update needed for version 0.5

Version 0.5 will cover lunar ascent, rendezvous and returning to Earth, as well as atmospheric entry for the Apollo command module.

Version 0.6 will cover major rework in Project Mercury, introducing failures, missions and better systems, as well as some awesome surprises I have in-line for you.

Version 0.7 will cover major rework in Project Gemini.

Version 0.8 will cover major rework in Project Apollo.

Post 0.8 will be mostly around content and polish.

Post version 1.0 will be all about looking ahead, and figuring out what's missing in Reentry ;)

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