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Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« on: February 28, 2018, 04:36:17 PM »
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics on Kickstarter:

"Veteran strategy game developer Auroch Digital, and indie publisher extraordinaire Ripstone have collaborated with the award-winning table top team at Modiphius to create Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear which is set for release on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch later this year. 

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is a World War II themed strategic role-playing game in which the player controls an army of Allied heroes trapped behind enemy lines trying to uncover and foil a Nazi plot of terrifying evil. The game draws from the award-winning Achtung! Cthulhu roleplaying universe developed by Modiphius, which sees the Nazis turn to other-worldly mythical beings to bolster their war effort.

The game encompasses an array of unique gameplay features, including an innovative combat system constructed around the theme of light vs darkness. Representing the battle of ‘good vs evil’, Allied characters find solace in the light whilst the opposing Nazi army hide in the shadows awaiting their moment to strike. A skilled player can use this light and dark feature to provide an edge to their gameplay strategy.

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics also includes an intricate Momentum system, which encourages the player to think strategically about their long-term plan to overthrow the Nazi reign of terror. Each successful action builds Momentum for the player, which in turn opens up new lines of tactical attack. Each playable character has a tailored Momentum Action, ranging from a rake of machine gun fire to a fast snap-shot with a pistol. When layered with basic commands and attacks, this system allows the player to build ingenious combinations of tactical brilliance.

Tomas Rawlings, Design Director at Auroch Digital, enthuses: “It’s a real honour to work alongside Modiphius and Ripstone on what will be a premium Cthulhu-mashup. Having worked with the Ripstone team before back in the PlayStation 3 days, together we made amazing strategy games, and I’m confident history will repeat itself!”

Ripstone have fully funded the core game, for release later this year; however new and existing fans of Achtung! Cthulhu can sign up to fight the good fight by donating additional funds on Kickstarter for extra characters and content to be included within the game.The Kickstarter broke through its initial goal in under 3 days, and is now battling stretch goals until 4th March 2018. 

What is Cthulhu?

For those unfamiliar with the Cthulhu Mythos, ‘Cthulhu’ is a titanic alien being who slumbers in the inhuman sunken city of R'lyeh which, rumour has it, lies in the South Pacific. Once, many years ago, Cthulhu and other beings akin to him ruled the earth. Such is Cthulhu’s power, that even asleep he is able to influence the dreams of humans and has created a fragmented but global cult of worshippers who consider him a god. Cthulhu was first created by horror writer H.P. Lovecraft who wrote many terrifying books featuring Cthulhu and other unspeakable ancient horrors.

About Auroch Digital

A well-known strategy game developer barracked in the Bristol Games Hub. Their crack squad of developers is commanded by Tomas Rawlings. A veteran game designer and noted Mythos scholar, Tom was the the creator and designer of Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land, a multiple award-winning title,  including Winner Mobile Game of The Year 2012 ( and Winner 2012 Best Smartphone or Tablet Game (Digitally Downloaded).

About Modiphius

Modiphius founded Achtung! Cthulhu five years ago this month. The team is lead by its originator, the founder of Modiphius, Chris Birch. Having moulded Modiphius into an award-winning tabletop games publisher, with games like Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, Star Trek Adventures, Thunderbirds, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, and John Carter of Mars, Modiphius is headquartered in a secret London base of operations. Chris is backed up on the Achtung! Cthulhu project by writer, novelist and keeper of the lore, John Houlihan.
About Ripstone

Based in an old warehouse in Liverpool, that can only be accessed by means of a secret code, Ripstone are helping fund this mission, as well as supporting the teams with their experienced producers, eagle-eyed testers, and crack marketers. Founded in 2011 by publishing and film industry veterans, to-date Ripstone has financed and published 15 games across 14 platforms, with worldwide sales in excess of 10 million units. They have been a finalist for the MCV Indie Games Label award and the TIGA Best Publisher award. Their back catalogue includes Ironcast, Stick It To The Man, and Chess Ultra, to name but a few.

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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2018, 05:19:11 PM »

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Announcement Trailer

Published on Jul 25, 2018

Save the world from the Nazis, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
London, United Kingdom - July 25th, 2018 - Ripstone Games are proud to announce that it’s teamed up with developer Auroch Digital to release the occult turn-based strategy game Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics in Q4 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. A Nintendo Switch release will follow later this year.

Based on the wildly successful tabletop RPG from Modiphius Entertainment, Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is set in an alternate World War II where the Nazis have gained a considerable advantage by summoning Lovecraftian monsters that could enable them to destroy the allies. Players take control of Charlie Company, an elite band of allied forces, sent in to do the impossible: foil the Nazi plans and turn the tide of war.

“We loved Modiphius’ pulp mash-up of World War II Nazis and the Cthulhu Mythos. It’s an incredibly evocative and exciting alternative history which makes for a unique tabletop experience” said Nina Adams, Producer at Auroch Digital. “We’re taking that nigh-on faultless foundation and transporting it into the video game medium, via our favourite genre, the turn-based tactics game. With the genre experiencing something of a comeback in recent years, we feel Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics will not only deliver an incredibly compelling theme and world to play in but also offer innovative gameplay possibilities.”

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics utilizes a mix of turn-based strategy and RPG mechanics as players embark on a globe-trotting campaign against the forces of evil. Each hero character features their own backstory, weapon specialisations, and combat abilities to give players an edge in the battlefield. Captain Eric “Badger” Harris is a British Intelligence operative who specializes in experimental weaponry and guerrilla warfare; Ariane Dubois is a French Resistance member who’s bonded with a demonic spirit creature that she can command on the battlefield; Corporal Akhee “The Eye” Singh wields a sentient amulet that can transform him into a whirling cloud of blades; and Sergeant Brandon Carter is a loud-mouthed American soldier with a medallion that imbues his signature Thompson submachine gun, with Mythos-fuelled bullets that can tear through the Nazi’s horrifying creations.
Beyond these four main heroes, Charlie Company is joined by the covert ops of Badger’s Commando Unit, and the Native American tribe The Keijn - or “Pathfinder Demon Hunters” as they’re often known.
In the world of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics, all Allied forces fight better in the light. Step into the dark, however, and the forces of evil will grow ever more powerful.
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2018, 12:02:38 PM »
Auroch Digital Live Stream - Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics demo with lead designer Adam Carter-Groves

Streamed live on Jul 25, 2018

Join designer Adam Carter-Groves as we walk through gameplay, setting and backstory, stories from development and much, much more.
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2018, 02:08:43 PM »
Introducing - The Allies: Ariane Dubois

Hey everyone,

As we get closer to the release of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics we’re going to continue sharing more and more information about the playable heroes in the game.

Each hero character features their own backstory, weapon specialisations and combat abilities to give players an edge in the battlefield. These can be levelled up in numerous ways including skill points and weapon upgrades found during missions.

The second in our group of Allies is the formidable Ariane Dubois...

A stalwart member of the French Resistance, Ariane has been the bane of Wehrmacht officers across occupied France. Initially motivated by revenge for the death of her parents at the hands of the Black Sun, she was often in the forefront of resistance attacks, sprinting forward with her trusty Luger in one hand whilst the terrifying creature that bonded with her during Operation Pandemonium prepared to devour the spirit of another Nazi.

She tried not to dwell on what will happen when there are no more Nazis left to kill. However, what began as simple blind revenge has changed Ariane over the course of the war. At first, she struck with pure hatred, but eventually came to realise revenge is a dish best served du froid, and has risen to become a cunning and implacable leader of the French resistance, co-ordinating and planning savage attacks against the hated occupiers.

As Ariane has evolved, so too has her spirit creature. From the small, winged fell demon that once perched on her shoulder, it can now grow and transform into an unstoppable, brutal battlefield behemoth once released.

If you're looking forward to finding out more about the game, we sat down with Trusted Reviews at Gamescom last week to give them an exclusive hands on. Check out the full details in their article here:

Don’t forget you can add Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics to your Steam Wishlist right now!
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2018, 05:55:41 PM »
First Look Gameplay with Developer Commentary

Hi everyone,

It's been a super busy month here for all things Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics; we're just back from showcasing the game at Gamescom in Cologne, which was followed by PAX West and The MIX event in Seattle. We've had a great response and to celebrate we have something very exciting to share with you...

Check out the brand new video below for a first-look at some exclusive gameplay with commentary from Auroch Digital's Design Director Tomas Rawlings.

Tomas will walk you through the opening mission of the game, detailing the mechanics, gameplay and background lore of Achtung! Cthulhu, whilst demonstrating our unique spin on the WWII turn-based strategy genre.

Development of the game is coming along incredibly well and we've got much more to share in the coming weeks. Watch this space and make sure to add us to your Steam Wishlist for the latest updates!

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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2018, 12:38:19 AM »
Introducing The Allies: Corporal Singh

Hey everyone,

As your time on the battlefield draws closer, we invite you to learn about the mysterious Corporal Akhee “The Eye” Singh. Feared as much as he is admired, Singh bolsters Charlie Company with an array of mythical powers of his own...

Feared by the Allies almost as much as he is by the Axis powers, Corporal Singh became infamous in his homeland after the Black Mist Incident. Whilst exploring a long-abandoned temple, he discovered the statue of a forgotten god, and was ‘rewarded’ with the distinctive amulet which has given him his nickname.

Singh is only just beginning to learn to control its terrifying power which once unleashed, turns him into a whirling cloud of blades, while spreading sinister tendrils of a deadly black mist, as the Eye on the pendant begins to open. Singh dreads what will happen if it ever fully awakens as he believes the world will end. His burden has made him gloomy and withdrawn, however he has served Section M with courage, distinction and bravery across a number of theatres and missions, often as a member of Badger Harris’ commandos.

Are you looking forward to combating the menace of the mythos with Corporal Singh? Take a look at some pre alpha gameplay footage below with developer Auroch Digital:

Don’t forget you can add Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics to your Steam Wishlist right now!
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2018, 04:33:00 PM »
Challenge the Great Old Ones from October 4th
20 September - Ripstone   

*Exciting news claxon*

We're super excited to announce that Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics will launch on Steam on October 4th!

We also have a brand new gameplay trailer for you and a whole new set of exclusive screenshots that are now live on the Steam store page. The new assets showcase various locations from numerous missions within the game and also provide a first look at some of the mythical Nazi weapons and enemies you will be faced with.

Check out the new launch trailer below!

With exactly two weeks to go until the launch of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics, we're going to be sharing even more behind the scenes content and giving you an insight into the Forest of Fear. If you have any questions, please let us know below or drop us a message in the Community Hub. We can't wait to share the game with you next month!

Thanks for your support

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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2018, 12:18:48 PM »
Introducing The Allies: Sergeant Brandon Carter

Hey everyone,

As we get closer to the release of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics next week we’re back with more information about the allies and team members of Charlie Company.

With our final unit update, last but definitely not least… meet Sergeant Brandon Carter.

On secondment from the US Army, Carter is one of the few people to survive the “Stratford Affair”. Since that day he is never without an Elder Sign medallion that causes his Thompson submachine gun to take on a life of its own, as its spits out a hail of mythos-fuelled bullets.

Some might dismiss Carter as a typical “loud mouthed Yank” and it’s true, his bluntness and lack of social graces, can rub many—especially officers and those who might consider themselves his natural superiors—up the wrong way. However, there’s no doubting Carter’s courage and absolute commitment to the cause: he hates Nazis in general and reserves a special fury for the Black Sun and its many works.

A natural soldier and a superb squad leader, the powers his medallion bestows means he has few qualms about going toe to toe with many of the nastiest mythos horrors.

Are you looking forward to combating the menace of the mythos with Sergeant Carter? We can't wait for you to get to grips with his unique abilities on the battlefield next week!

Don’t forget you can add Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics to your Steam Wishlist right now, and watch this space for more information in the run up to launch.

Thanks for all your support!
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2018, 01:54:52 PM »
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is launching today at 14:00 (UK Time) on Steam.
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2018, 02:42:48 PM »
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Out Now on PC!

We are proud to announce that Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics launched today on PC, priced at £19.99

Based on the wildly successful tabletop RPG from Modiphius Entertainment, Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics is set in an alternate World War II where the Nazis have gained a considerable advantage by summoning Lovecraftian monsters that could enable them to destroy the allies. Players take control of Charlie Company, an elite band of allied forces, sent in to do the impossible, foil the Nazi plans and turn the tide of war.

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics utilizes a mix of turn-based strategy and RPG mechanics as players embark on a globetrotting campaign against the forces of evil. Each hero character features their own backstory, weapon specializations and combat abilities to give players an edge in the battlefield. We're excited to family let you guys loose on the Lovecraftian horrors that await!
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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2018, 01:28:03 PM »
Thanks for all the feedback so far...
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Ripstone

Hey guys,

On behalf of everyone at Ripstone and Auroch Digital, we'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has already bought and played Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics. We hope you're having as much fun playing the game as we had creating it.

We're still actively listening to all of your feedback so please make sure you are posting in the discussions. We've set up a dedicated bug reporting sub forum so anything that you find please post in there and either us or Auroch will respond.

Any other questions, please don't hesitate to let us know!


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Re: Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - The Forest of Fear
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2018, 01:28:51 PM »
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Iw'nafh Update ( Patch)
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics - Ripstone

Hey guys,

We hope you've all enjoyed taking on the Nachtwolf in Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics. Don't forget, you can review the game from the store page and mention any bugs you see from the community hub.

We're excited to bring out first update 'Iw'nafh'. Below is the Change Log:

- Added 'Mythic' difficulty mode. This game mode is only for the most experienced/foolhardy of players
- Added 'Mythical' Steam achievement, awarded for completing the game on Mythic difficulty
- Added a pop up when launching a mission in the Headquarters that warns if one or more player units can purchase skills from their respective Skill Trees
- Added new visual effects to missions 4 and 7, to better reflect their 'dream sequence' nature
- Added numerous new variations to character barks
- Added option to limit the display frame rate
- Added various improvements to Skill Tree UI to make purchasing skills more clear
- Improved Shoggoth AI
- Pathfinder Demonhunter now has a mohawk.

Bug fixes:
- Steam achievement "Piles of Bodies" will no longer appear for every enemy kill
- Fixed a possible game hang on the enemy turn in Mission 7: Operation Sweep & Clear
- Singh will no longer occasionally lean the wrong way when firing his secondary weapon
- Re-added audio track "Hawkins" to Headquarters music
- Fixed missing text for Nachtwolfe Commander
- Fixed selection circle visual bug
- Fixed enemy units in some circumstances teleporting instead of completing their movement animations
- Fixed enemy units occasionally not appearing in the correct cell visually
- Fixed German translation of Pathfinder Demonhunter
- Fixed inconsistent stats displayed on character dossier screens
- Added a further failsafe for errors when loading a save game
- Fixed overly loud bunker footsteps audio
- Fixed strange behaviour on some blood splatter particle effects
- Extended Mag weapon upgrade now adds single shots rather than entire clips
- 'Xray' highlight of obscured enemy units will no longer show when the enemy is within the Shroud
- 'Xray' highlight will no longer show for dead enemy units
- Fixed issue where 'Game Over' popup would incorrectly remain during loading screen
- Player character 'core' skills will now cost 1SP; to compensate, player characters will start with +1SP
- Fixed bug where incorrect difficulty description could display when returning to new campaign screen
- Fixed UI bug where multiple clicks on an unavailable skill could incorrectly make it appear as "trained"
- Shoggoths will no longer display 'staggered' particle effect
- Fixed bug where incorrect item description could show on Loot screen after completing a mission
- Numerous text and typo fixes
- Fixed issue where deleting all campaigns could result in a game crash upon startup
- Fixed crash on startup due to corrupted options file
- Fixed issue where game could default to incorrect options settings
- Fixed issue where game could hang if Ariane's "Life Drain" ability was interrupted by an Overwatch attack
- Fixed malfunctioning door on "Operation Osprey"
- Fixed party level window incorrectly displaying in in-mission character dossier

Please note, you may have to restart Steam to enable the update to go live.

Happy Nazi hunting! Don't forget to keep us updated with everything you're getting up to in Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics in the community hub or on our socials.
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