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Author Topic: Naval Action: Development Roadmap for the next 3-5 months  (Read 5582 times)

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Naval Action: Development Roadmap for the next 3-5 months
« on: July 18, 2017, 01:21:25 PM »
Development Roadmap for the next 3-5 months

Hello Captains.

Here is the development roadmap for the next 3-6 months for your consideration.

Significant milestones
•   Move to Unity 5 (complex task with unknown ETA)
  o   Current version of unity does not allow us to add more content due to several limitations of memory and the engine.
  o   We cannot add new ships because of 32bit application (thats why a lot of ships were removed from game engine to just allow us    to patch the game after the introduction of the new sounds.
  o   Move to Unity 5 might also increase FPS across the board due to improvements to the engine in general.
•   Port UI complete rework - self explaining.
•   Open world UI improvements - once 1-2 is done
•   Battle UI improvements - once 1-2 is done
•   Localization into first batch of languages - once 2-3-4 is done
  o   Spanish
  o   French
  o   Russian
  o   German
  o   simplified Chinese

During these milestones the development will slow down and there will be less patches and hot fixes. Especially during the Unity 5 transfer. Once transfer is made it will be provided to testbed for testing.

•   Finalization of conquest and conquest rewards
•   Additional PVE content (missions, raids other improvements)
•   Finalization of PVP Rules of Engagement and PVP rewards

If you think something must be done asap and added to the tuning list please provide list of 3 changes most critical to you or to those who you play with in this thread:
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