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Author Topic: Kingdoms  (Read 27132 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2020, 12:14:40 AM »
Wed, 10 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

0.443 It's time to prepare for war! Now army equipment management window is now just a placeholder but fully working tool for soldiers equipping. There are 6 types of milita in game at the moment:

•   Guards - they can't join army, their job is to defend settlement from any kinds of enemy;
But followng soldiers are part of the army and will march on war when time comes:

•   Recruits;
•   Corporals;
•   Leutenants;
•   Captains;
•   General;

Each of these soldiers types can have it's own unique set of equpment. Player can set it using "milita" tab in settlement management window. It's up to you - equip heavy plate armor on recruits or make bunch captains equpped topless and with longswords. When equpment is set, each soldier will look for equipment in the City Hall treasure room (2d floor), so player (or other leader) has to make sure that needed equpment is in the chest. When AI will be able mount a horse, it also will be possible to set a mount in management window. Also one more milita type is planned - leaders bodyguards - small group (up to 10) that will directly follow your orders. Army managements (moving and attacking) will be possible only on the diplomacy map or when talking to general.
I think that such system will make us great variety in organizing and planning our armies: soldiers types can be used as milita types as well - in example, now it's easy to make ranged captains and melee recruits just by changing soldiers set.

•   Fixed issue when player was unable to talk with some settlers;
•   Fixed issue when waiting button could be suddenly remapped by game itself;
•   Fixed issue when AI could become farmer without herbalist but with chopper perk;
•   Tweaked distanhce between farms and bandits lairs;
•   Fixed issue when underwater effects were calculated incorrect sometimes;
•   Swimming scropt was rewritten in order to icrease performance;
•   Fixed issue when performance on ship could be low due to AI script error;
•   Fixed issue when buildings available for building were shown incorrect sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when fireball from main menu remained in game after loading;
•   Fixed issue when player was able to move and was unable to close UI when closing storage UI sometimes;
•   Fixed various typos in texts (thanks for reporting!);

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2020, 01:17:18 AM »
Fri, 12 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Another friday - another pack of bugfixing! But before you'll check the list, i want to get your attention and point at one small, but very important addition that (i'm sure) will please many players with low-end PCs. As you know, Kingdoms was moved to new version on the engine this spring, that includes new vegetation calculation - trees, grass and stuff. Game looks much nicer after that, but all previous distance settings weren't working as needed - grass and trees disances. So this update will finally fix it - hope that changing these setting will make playing Kingdoms for some of you much more smooth, enjoyable and stable, than before! And yeah, i finally fixed this stubborn horse - that was more tricky than i thought:) Now, to other fixes:

PS. Thanks a lot for reporting!

•   Fixed issue when swords parameters were calculated incorect when changing one sword to another in inventory;
•   Fixed issue when ship couldn't calculate AI landing properly sometimes, causing stop of islang population grow;
•   Fixed issue when horse wouldn't appear near by when player whistle;
•   Fixed issue when AI could half sunk into terrain when playing static animation;
•   Pathfinding script was tweaked a little in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when battle music continued playing even if enemy was far away;
•   Fixed issue in AI script that caused infinite loading sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when item could wansh from inventory when equipping a sword;
•   Pop-up message added when player tried to save game when dead;
•   Trees distance and geass distance sliders in options menu were fixed;
•   Fixed issue when player teleported to last visited ruins when loading save (new game required!);
•   Pop-up message added when player tried to use storage of another settler;
•   Fixed issue when UI showed garden when using a mill;
•   Fixed issue when AI body stayed visible at very large distances, causing FPS drops;
•   Onions collider size were changed a bit in order to make gathering easier;
•   Trees colliders width were decreased a bit on order to fix various pathfinding issues;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2020, 11:55:16 PM »
Mon, 15 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

What this week will bring to us? I have an answer! We're steadily moving to fully functional wars and todays update will make this little closer. Now player can set a place where army of his or her kingdom will gather together ready to march for war - a war camp. Now diplomacy map has two new buttons: "Create war camp" and "Send troops" - player can choos any spot on the map to gather an army there (remember to set milita ranks before!). Basically, war camp is another type of location on the map, though it's created by player or AI. Every war camp is quite easy to spot - they're marked with smoke, colored as kingdoms, that created this camp.

•   Transparent dot was added to UI in order to make using of various colliders easier;
•   Fixed issue when diplomacy window wouldn't appear sometimes when clicking a settlement;
•   Fixed issue when player could destroy bandit's camp with alive bandits inside;
•   Fixed issue when AI kept breathing after death;
•   Fixed issue when bandit could play static animations when dead;
•   Fixed issue when player could stuck in menu when building was cancelled with TAB;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2020, 03:07:04 PM »
Wed, June 17, 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

As you know last week i made some performance improvements for end-game stage - optimized the game when threre are max settlers on the map. So i thought that we could try to increase settlers max number a bit - now it's 4000. We'll see how it works and how new max number affects performance of end-game. That's the case when your feedback is very important - so feel free to share it in the community - is it playable with 4000 or not? If yes, we'll try 5000:)

Also i've made some work with war camps: "Send troops" button" is now working and your soldiers (exept city guards) are marching to gathering spot; also i've fixed some issues with war camp icons on the map, that didn't work as needed sometimes. Plus i've fixed non-working diplomacy buttons, that was caused by previous update, now they work as needed again. The rest fixes are below (the list is quite large today):

•   Fixed issue when quest giver icon was still visible when reaching destination;
•   Info about guards number was added to diplomact window;
•   Fixed issue when general wasn't count as part of the army on diplomacy screen;
•   Now player can't hire more soldiers than commanders perk require, guards number is still unlimited;
•   Max army size, that depends on commander perks were tewaked - 20, 40, 75, 105;
•   Now player can have army up to 10, even without basic commanding perk;
•   When generating places for soldiers in war camp it rotates random in order to find best spot;
•   Fixed issue when positions for soldiers in war camp were calculated incorrect;
•   Fixed issue when some icons on the map could be duplicated;
•   When reaching warcamp smoke disappears and pop-up message appears;
•   Fixing issue when AI wall wasn't calculated correctly sometimes at world generation - now AI sets a wall when 6 houses are build making walls not so massive right at start;
•   Fixed issue when war camp icon was shown on non-diplomacy map, making finding camps by smokes kinda pointless;
•   Some changes were made in AI and settlements scropts in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when text on some buttons was calculated incorrect sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when "Diplomacy" button didn't react on presssing sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when war camp icon could be duplicated when using diplomacy map;
•   Fixed issue when warcamp smoke wasn't deleted properly after save/load;
•   Fixed issue when warcamp icon was created instead of settlement icon when using diplomacy map in player's settlement;
•   Calculation of a pandom point for AI after landing was changed in order to make AI spreading across the island a litle smoother;
•   "Join" distance for settlers were decreased to 300m in order to make smoother AI spreading across the island;
•   Fixed issue when war-camp smoke object was attached as child to wrong settlement;
•   Army now can be withdraw back to settlement after sending to warcamp;
•   "Send army" button is now context - its function now depends on current army status;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't leave his or her serivce in the army when chaging social role using message board;
•   Fixed issue when changing war camp position army send button wasn't calculated properly;
•   AI pathfinding script was changed a bit in order to make local avoidance more accurate;
•   Fixed issue when AI stood still after withdrawing from war camp;
•   Fixed issue when taken settlement after killing a leader wasn't properly added to players kingdom (new game required, if you have conquered settlements);
•   Now it's impossible to send army to war camp without having it set;
•   Fixed issue when wall in settlement where player spawns in Populated mode was calculated incorrect sometimes;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2020, 01:27:50 AM »
Fri, 19 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


It's friday again and another pack of bugfixes is here! Thanks to all the players who are participating in reporting - you're the best! To the bugs: todays update will finally (i hope!) fix the issue with keys remapping (the most reported bug atm), i've rewritten almost all controllers scripts, made some tweaks there and there - and i really hope, that it's fixed finally (i didn't managed to reproduce it). Also, i've fixed some annoying AI behavoir bugs - chopping in the air (#2 reported issue) and false animations time calculation. Also i've fixed "swords" related bugs - wrong parameters calculation, attack bugs etc. And yeah, almost forgot - i've also added "Motion blur" disabling/enabling to the game settings. The list of all fixes follows:

•   Fixed issue when bandit was unable to kill due to collider error;
•   Fixed issue when AI chopped tree in the air when couldn't find any tree colliders around (new game required);
•   Fixed issue when game controllers were suddenly remapped (hope, it's fixed once and for all);
•   Fixed issue when game could freeze when exiting trading UI;
•   Motion blur disabling/enabling option was added to game settings;
•   Fixed issue when settler skipped some actions in behavoir script due to pathfinding errors;
•   Fixed issue when settler continuwed playing static animation even after being killed;
•   Fixed issue when AI could continue moving even when he/she shouldn't by the script;
•   Fixed issue when pressing of primary or secondary weapon button didn't affect anything;
•   Fixed issue when sword damage was calculated incorrect due script error (new game required);
•   Fixed issue when various sword types could be changed in inventory (new game required);
•   Fixed issue when AI sword parameters could be calculated incorrect;
•   Fixed issue when swords parameters were reset after putting them into storage;
•   Fixed issue when AI was unable to loot after death;
•   Fixed issue when AI death animation wasn't calculated properly when settler was killed in one hit;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't attack with sword due to script error;
•   Fixed issue when swords in storage were bugged when placing any object in storage;
•   Russian translation was updated;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.

2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2020, 11:54:17 PM »
Tue, 23 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Last gameplay update was about setting a war camp on the global map. Before continue working on the camps, i've decided to prepare wall for coming wars as well. Todays update will solve main problems connected with walls in existing build:
•   Add more variations of walls;
•   Change the process of building a bit, making player to get involved into building process a bit more;
•   Change AI related scripts, making AI walls look and be set better;
•   Add some gameplay functionality to the wall - defence and hardness;
Old ugly models were replaced with better looking ones. Each model reflects rurrent settlement state - old fences for small villages, large walls for cities, citatel walls for largest cities etc.

IMPORTANT! To see all this changes without any issues, it's required to delete an old wall, if such was build in previous save. Also if you're using old save fps drops (5-10 sec) are expected right after loading because new walls algorithm has to rewrite all existing on the map walls parameters and recalculate everything from scratch.

•   Fixed issue when keybindings could be randomly remapped by the game (fresh install of the game required if you had this issue);
•   Fixed issue when player could build bandits lair in the middle of existing settlement, causing several game logic conflicts;
•   New types of walls were added, old ones were removed;
•   Walls models were replaced ore removed;
•   Now wall type in AI settlement will change with time, depending on settlement growth;
•   Walls placement script was changed in order to fix situation when wall could go underground;
•   Walls LODS calculation was changed in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when text on "wall build" button was calculated incorrect sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when NPC could become fly above ground with body enabled when calculating position on terrain;
•   Fixed issue when AI build houses could be set too close to the wall;
•   Fixed issue when AI build houses could be set inside the wall;

Last gameplay update was about setting a war camp on the global map. Before continue working on the camps, i've decided to prepare wall for coming wars as well. Todays update will solve main problems connected with walls in existing build:

•   Add more variations of walls;
•   Change the process of building a bit, making player to get involved into building process a bit more;
•   Change AI related scripts, making AI walls look and be set better;
•   Add some gameplay functionality to the wall - defence and hardness;
Old ugly models were replaced with better looking ones. Each model reflects rurrent settlement state - old fences for small villages, large walls for cities, citatel walls for largest cities etc.

IMPORTANT! To see all this changes without any issues, it's required to delete an old wall, if such was build in previous save. Also if you're using old save fps drops (5-10 sec) are expected right after loading because new walls algorithm has to rewrite all existing on the map walls parameters and recalculate everything from scratch.

•   Fixed issue when keybindings could be randomly remapped by the game (fresh install of the game required if you had this issue);
•   Fixed issue when player could build bandits lair in the middle of existing settlement, causing several game logic conflicts;
•   New types of walls were added, old ones were removed;
•   Walls models were replaced ore removed;
•   Now wall type in AI settlement will change with time, depending on settlement growth;
•   Walls placement script was changed in order to fix situation when wall could go underground;
•   Walls LODS calculation was changed in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when text on "wall build" button was calculated incorrect sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when NPC could become fly above ground with body enabled when calculating position on terrain;
•   Fixed issue when AI build houses could be set too close to the wall;
•   Fixed issue when AI build houses could be set inside the wall;

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2020, 11:55:31 PM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2020, 01:38:37 AM »
Thu, 25 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update will bring much more variety to building process - for now on to build a structure you'll have to use different resources depending on the structure itself - not just wood like in was before. In example, small wooden house requires several logs and planks to build, but huge stone tavern requires a lot more wooden logs, planks, treated and untreaded stone for foundation etc. I really hope, that this change will make overall gameplay a bit more variative and will bring more logic to the whole building process. Plus untreated and treaded stone will finaly find their use. With adding of new resource types like glass, textile and paper - they'll be also used in building. Also, i've fixed some bugs came with recently added walls like missing colliders and disappearing on long distances.

Full list of fixes follows:


•  Fixed issue when wall model could disappear when it's size was too large and player was far away from settlement;
•  Fixed issue when wooden walls #1 and #2 had missing colliders;
•  Fixed issue when player could set buildings too close to the wall;
•  Fixed issue when walls gates had missing colliders sometimes;
•  Grass width near walls was tweaked a bit in order to make it look more natural;
•  Fixed issue when AI could walk through wooden walls # 1 and # 2;
•  Fixed issue when "Jump" and "Sprint" button were missing in controls map list;
•  Wait function was rewritten in order to remove accidentally poppint waiting menu without pressing "Wait" button.
•  Some changes were made in building script to allow using more than 1 material in building;
•  House building script was rewritten a bit in order to increase performance;
•  "Wood" was renamed to "Wooden log";
•  Build UI now have more precise info about materials need for building;
•  Fixed issue when message about not enough resources for building was calculated incorrect;
•  Fixed issue when central info text was showing incorrect info because script error;
•  Fixed issue when settler could add more resource to the house, than needed when building it;
•  Fixed issue when NPC didn't calculated distance to target properly causing various misbehavoirs;
•  Fixed issue when structure description wasn't calculated properly after selecting a wall;
•  Fixed issue when NPC could stood still when reaching some forest object;
•  Fixed issue when NPC could still calculate and use coordinates of the tree, that was chopped by the player;
•  Fixed issue when trees coordinates weren't saved properly;
•  Fixed issue when settler could stuck at place when going home;
•  Fixed issue when settlers animations were calculated incorrect when searching for food;
  • Fixed issue when settlers animations were calculated incorrect when searching for stone;
1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2020, 12:54:40 AM »
Fri, 26 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today is friday and bugfixing is here! The most of fixes are connected with recently added walls. Also i've tried to do some tweaks in AI selling/buying behavoir - in order to boost economy a bit, before more global changes will be made here. As usual - thanks a lot to everyone who is reporting bugs! - your help is really priceless. The full list of changes follows:

•   Fixed issue when building progress wasn't showed properly when building;
•   Fixed issue when settler continued to calculate their actions even if game was paused;
•   Fixed issue when world generation menu could stay active even if generation was over;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't mine the rock even with pickaxe in hands and needed perks;
•   Fixed issue when player could broke game logic when pressing menu button when placing a structure;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't build settlement after building a farm or bandit's lair;
•   Fixed issue when settler was hard to loot after killing because of wrong collider size;
•   Fixed issue when waiting menu could accidentally pop-up when pressing other keys (hope, once and for all);
•   Fixed when ai could continue moving trough structures when being too close to the player (this should happen only off camera);
•   Amount of goods bought/sold by AI was increased a bit in order to boost game ecomomy;
•   Amount of gold AI gets from trading was increased in order to make buying still possible for poorest AI who already spend all the money;
•   If AI doesn't have money he goes gathering various resources in order to sell them later (It was random descision before);
•   Russian translation was updated;
•   Fixed issue when walls #3 and #4 textures were too dark;
•   Walls #3 and #4 models were replaced in order to make their look more natural;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2020, 01:08:39 AM »
Mon, 29 June 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update will bring feature that will make current economy model a bit more transparent and understandable. For now on player can choose what wares will be sold and bought in owned shops, also shops now will record all actions history: who bought/sold what and when. Alongside that i've tweaked AIs inventory scripts and changed looting a bit - all items, that settler bought will be possible to loot after his death. Also, some behavoir issue were fixed - i.e. baker now requires flour to bake and farmer with mill will sell floar, not wheat, in nearest settlement. Bugfixing and tweaking also follows:

•   Fixed issue when moving controls in "change controls" menu had wrong descriptions;
•   Fixed issue when choosing exp points at start that are not deivided to 5 made impossible to start new game;
•   Fixed issue when dead AI items were calculated incorrect after death, showing only armor in loot screen;
•   Fixed issue when dead AI gold was calculated incorrect after death sometimes, showing incorrect value on loot screen;
•   Fixed issue when baker could bake bread without flour in inventory;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stand still when being killed with 1 hit;
•   Distance between settlements was increased a bit in order to make their popilation bigger and decrtease final kingdoms count;
•   Now history of all sold/bought items in shop is saved by the game and can be seen using shop management window;
•   Now player can choose what items can be sold/bought in shop and which ones are not;
•   Now farmer with windmill sells flour to near by city, not the wheat;
•   Changed values when building a house on uneven terrain to make placement a bit more comfortable;
•   Fixed issue when camera and controller could be enabled when player was naming a settlement;
•   Fixed issue when players jump was slowed down when Y pos was higher than 300m;
•   Height value by buildiung was changed a bit in order to make building a bit easier for player;
•   Distance to another structure value was changed for small buildings in order to make it possible to set them closer to other structures;
•   Fixed issue when road calculation screen could stuck even if roads are calculated;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #40 on: July 01, 2020, 11:33:26 PM »
Wed, 1 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update will bring to Kingdoms possibility to destroy already build buildings. I know, that many of you wanted this feature, it was discussed many time in the community, so here were are. Player, being leader of the settlement, can destroy every building in this settlement - exept well, notice board and common house. The mechanic is pretty much the same as for destroying bandits lairs - equip torch and use "sale/owner paper" on the building to destroy it. Speaking of bandits settlements. I saw a thread in the community, that many of you can't find all the bandits sometime to burn lair down - it's time to fix it. When lair have bandits alive, player with Traveller perk can hunt them down after pressing X (default) and kill - bantits alive positions will be marked. Alongside i've fixed some issue in AI scripts, when these fellows coud stuck at place, use wrong coordinates for walking etc. There are still a lot of work in this direction to be done, feel free to use in-game bug-reporter (F11) to help me to catch more bugs and make Kingdoms better with every update - there are still MANY to come.

•   Fixed issue when AI didn't calculate "Move in random radius" script properly, causing scipping of walking to target process;
•   Pathfiniding masks were changed a bit on order to fix various issues when AI walked though structures and nature objects;
•   Pathfiniding raycasting algorithm was rewritten in order to increase performance with high amount of settlers in scene;
•   Fixed issue when rals loading UI could stuck at 100% completion;
•   Fixed errors in AI wall build script, that were causing FPS drops sometimes;
•   Fixed errors in AI building script, when AI was unable to build house in settlement sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI continued playing animations even if game is paused;
•   Fixed issue when Kingdoms names and colors were calculated incorrect on global map sometimes;
•   Radius between kingdoms was increased to 700m;
•   Fixed issue when after taking a settlerment by force it wasn't calculated as players one sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI could build settlement/farm or lair right after landing, without going deep to the island;
•   Fixed issue when player could stuck at world generation screen after generation is over;
•   Fixed various errors in road calculation script, that were causing performance drops sometimes;
•   Tweaked distances for various buildings when setting a structure (by player or by AI);
•   Fixed issue when bandit's body become invisible sometimes;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2020, 01:55:32 AM »
Fri, 3 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays friday fixing is basically a preparation for next week updates - war camp management and adding port for the ship, so i wanted to fix the most critical bugs and prepare stable build for next week additions. The main goal was to catch and fix kingdoms connected bugs - false colors calculations, alignments etc.etc., because we're very close to real wars and i have to be sure that we (and the game iitself) are fully prepared for that. Full list follows as always, but beforethat...
A small offtop:
I think it's time to sum up last 2 months. They're very important, because it's the first time when Kingdoms recieved so many updates (~3 in a week) for the main branch with such short pauses and for me it was very important to understand if this system will fit both for me (planning my work time, planning updates, is it possible physically etc.) and for game (it's playability and stability). And i should say, that it works beyond my best expectations. I really didn't expect so much support from you - the amount of feedback was really crazy, and for me it's the best appreciation of my work. There are still a LOT to be done, but all your effort and care about Kingdoms future really inspires me to move forward. Every single update, every fix and addition bring us closer to the game we all want to play. So, thank you all for every single feedback, for every single review, for every single bug-report - i love you all for that and for your love to Kingdoms.

•   IMPORTANT!!! Fixed issue when save couldnt be loaded, when player destroyed more than 2 (owned by player) houses (new game required, old saves with issue won't work);
•   Fixed issue when Kingdoms colors (and as result kingdoms alignments as well) were messed up after loading a save; (new game required)
•   Fixed issue when message board could change it's position after loading a save (new game is required);
•   "Cancel building" tip with key mapped added to building UI;
•   Fixed issue when notice board could half sink into ground after loading;
•   Fixed issue when guards couldn't be equipped in city hall properly due to script error;
•   Fixed issue when guards were stuck near City Hall entrance without doing anything;
•   Pathfinding raycast algorithm was changed a bit in order to fix AI walks through various objects;
•   Fixed issue when player physics wasn't calculated properly in mountains;
•   Fixed issue some float values were read incorrect when loading the save (new game required);
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't get out of the horse sometimes;
•   Locations now will be marked when clicking on them on global map;
•   Fixed issue when tax collector didn't move when collecting taxes because of script error;
•   Pop-up message added when tax collector takes money from a settler;
•   Fixed issue when dead tax-collector didn't have collected money;
•   Fixed issue when tax-collector couldn't collect money, when player didn't check message-board;
•   Fixed issue when City Hall wasn't included to nav-mesh properly;
•   Russian translation was updated;
•   Fixed various errors in guards logic;
•   Fixed issue when message board turned red after building;
•   Fixed issue when creating new world after exiting old one could create house owners conflicts;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2020, 01:04:29 PM »
Mon, 6 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

We're getting closer and closer to massive battles. Today my plan was to introduce you war-camp management mechanics - building tents, siege machines, manage soldiers needs and morale. But in the process i understood that amount of work is quite big here and it will take couple days to finish and test everything - UI (done), scripts (half-done, not tested). But, i can't leave you without new content, right? So i decided to introduce something different, but also connected with coming wars - new melee mocap animations for AI. Couple of these were used in old builds, but today i decided to add as much new animations as possible, to make fights not so creepy as they were before. Plus AI fighting script was rewritten a bit, some related bugs were fixed and - as result - fight doesn't look so ugly anymore. Players animation are stiil need to be reworked as well, but i think we're on the right way here.

•   Fixed issue when walls rails could be incorrectly moved by X or Z due to script error;
•   Fixed issue when message "too close to the wall" wasn't showed correctly;
•   Walls of discovered settlements are now visible on the global map;
•   Fixed issue when mouse cursor became invisible after player's death, making it impossible to load a save;
•   Fixed issue, when animation models (hammers, brooms etc.) weren't disabled in AI hands when fighting;
•   Fixed issue, when fighting settlers rotation and pathfinding were calculated incorrect;
•   Fixed issue, when AI could continuw fighting when pause is on;
•   Fixed issue, when AI could slide to enemy when hitting animation was still playing;
•   Fixed issue. when AI didn't look at the enemy when hitting;
•   Fixed issue, when player could endlessly build and destroy bandits lairs, farming infinite exp, fame and reputation;
•   Fixed issue, when bandits didn't attack the player even if he wasn't their leader;
•   Fixed issue, when player recieved no damage from the bandits;
•   House placing script was tweaked a bit in order to makw populated world generation a little faster;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #43 on: July 10, 2020, 12:24:05 AM »
Wed, 8 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update is preparation for another new content i planned for july - adding main quest first stages. My idea is to start it on the ship and continue in the small port where ship arrives. This addition also changes overall settlers arriving mechanic - now it's more accurate, ship actually arrives to the port and departures as well. There are a lot of possibilites here for future mechanics - i.e. adding trading with the continent or recruiment place for new arrivers. Another small mechanics i've add is chat with ship passengers. Now they can tell you some info about worlds lore, game some tips etc. Also, for now on populated world spawn was changed - player starts his journey on the ship, not in random settlement on the map. The biggest settlement is being discovered by default though, so you won't get lost.

•   Fixed issue when arriving of new ships could stop at some point because of script error;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't find suitable landing spot because of script error;
•   Fixed issue when AI bodies could have wrong positioning when ship was moving;
•   Fixed issue when roads creating script wasn't work properly when player created empty world after exiting populated one;
•   Player now dont have to jump off board when ship arrives to the island;
•   Now player can speak with settlers on board to get useful information or some tips;
•   Fixed issue when ship could move even when game was paused;
•   Fixed issue when AI created multiple message boards in settlement;
•   Fixed issue when message board created by AI had wrong position and was impossible to find;
•   Fixed issue when player get no exp, fame and reputation when destroying bandit's lair;
•   Fixed issue when player was unabe to swim when creating populated world;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2020, 12:24:30 AM »
Fri, 10 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

It's Friday - new bugfixes are coming! Thanks you all for participating in reporting those (f11) - THANKS! There were quite a lot this week, but more bugs = more fixes (full list follows, it's quite large today). Next week is going to be very intresting - i'm going to finish war camps and start making main quest on the ship.
Again - thank you for reporting, this is really matters!

•   Fixed issue, when camera was moving when player tried to confirm a building;
•   Fixed issue, when camera wasn't disables when naming a settlement;
•   Now player is unable to use inventory when on ship - this caused various bugs and errors, including #1 and #2;
•   Fixed issue, when quest objective wasn't marked correctly, when some location was already marked;
•   Quest objective icon can be now unmarked when clicking on quest again;
•   The sum, with wich settler goes for shopping was changed from 50 to 500, without such sum settler goes working - gather resources and sell them in shops. Also this will let settlers to buy expensive items in shops and boost economy a little;
•   Fixed issue when settler didn't put cloth that was bought in the shop;
•   Shop keepers now go to the tavern after work day;
•   Fixed issue when players camera position was too low after loading;
•   Character controller parameters were tweaked a little in order to fix "falling under terrain" issue;
•   Character physics paramaters were tweaked in order to make doors opening more smooth. Doors spring/physics parameters were tweaked as well;
•   Fixed issue, when inventory icons turned white sometimes after loading;
•   Fixed issue, when player was unable to move sometimes after loading;
•   Fixed issue, when player was sliding down after entering a cave;
•   Vegeatation mask was added to cave entrance in order to remove rocks around;
•   Fixed issue when player could stuck in the rock when exiting a cave;
•   Fixed issue when settlement center could be set far away from the actual settlement, causing various issues like well and notice board without any structures around;
•   Fixed issue when walls parts could go underground when wall was buid in hilly terrain (new wall needs to be build);
•   Fixed issue when walls had no colliders;
•   Fixed issue when gates were invisible on global map;
•   Fixed issue when wall was partly build when it's size was too large;
•   Fixed issue when windmill build by player was added not to the farm but to near by settlement, causing various issues - unexpected roads, walls etc (New game is needed is windmill is build);
•   Fixed issue when walls could be spawned in the middle of nowhere because of false well and notice board positioning;
•   Fixed when player couldn't build a wall after putting resources to it;
•   Maps camera moving speed was increased a bit when holding "Run" button;
•   Icons on the map script was changed a bit in order to increase performance on global map;
•   Fixed issue when tracked location had wrong icon;
•   Fixed issue when tracked locations icon had no locations name under the icon;
•   Interface script ws rewritten a bit in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when walls were calcilated in small intervals after loading causing performance spikes in first 5-10 seconds;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make save compability for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to expierence KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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