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Author Topic: The whole thing  (Read 8486 times)

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Offline Ronster

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The whole thing
« on: January 13, 2017, 07:48:14 AM »
I am playing RGW solitaire with no AI and am up to the September turn.  I played a forward defense of the Russians and the Germans are not in Smolensk yet.  Germany has a D-.

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Offline Ronster

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Re: The whole thing
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2017, 08:06:16 AM »
I got a little bit done finishing the Russian turn.  There are a lot of Russians.  In Army Group North there are three infantry corps ready to assault Divenskaya this turn.  There is only a Russian infantry division holding the city.  Meanwhile I am bringing up a lot of Russian reinforcements into the Lenningrad area.  If the Germans push hard enough they may take the city.

     Army Group Center:  The 5th infantry and 5th Panzer division are next to Duvo.  The rest of the Center group is several miles back regrouping after the battle of Minsk and Smolensk.  The Panzer Divisions took a lot of hits while advancing.

Army Group South:  Lead elements of three divisions are nearing Dnepropetrovsk, except Russians reinforcements are streaming in.  The Russians counterattacked the Germans with an armor division against an out of supply Panzer division.  The Russian took two losses and was eliminated.  Meanwhile Army Group Center is at a standstill because of heavy losses and with supply catching up.

     The Germans start game turn 19 with a D+ and 3 replacements and the Russians have a B+ and 16 reinforcements.

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Offline Ronster

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Re: The whole thing
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2017, 07:50:02 AM »
Nothing much to report on the September turn.  The weather is rain so that means the air forces are not flying.  In the ground movement phase for the Germans there were two attacks around the Dvina river.  One cost the German a step loss and the other eliminated the Russian unit.  The Germans are just slogging their way to Leningrad while more Russian reinforcements are headed toward the city.

Army group Center had a couple of attacks.  One was a surrounded Russian rifle division that was entrenched and put on hold.  The Russian had to retreat while the Germans took a step loss.  The Germans also advanced a hex and eliminated a rifle division.  To the immediate south of AGC a German attack was at 5-1 against a Russian tank and eliminated it.  Meanwhile, to the Northwest of AGC, Russians are massing a couple of Armored divisions to counterattack.

Army Group south is just spent.  The Russians had made it tough to take Kiev and the Germans lost a lot of steps in taking it.  Army group south has split into three parts, one towards the Crimea, the other towards Rostov, and one other towards Kursk.

        The Germans are just spent in this game because they have taken a lot of looses.  The Russians reinforcements are just streaming in in all sectors of the front lines.  The Germans may have to go on the defensive in September.
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Offline Ronster

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Re: The whole thing
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2017, 06:18:23 AM »
The German turn is finished and now am working on the Russia turn.  I will give an update soon.

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