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Author Topic: Multiplayer scenario The Church  (Read 4702 times)

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Multiplayer scenario The Church
« on: November 17, 2016, 12:45:07 AM »
Multiplayer scenario The Church

Created by: mitra76
File name: The
Released: 23/11/2015
Version: 1.0
Size: 20.5KB
Download: Click Here
Original post: Click Here

Played with the friends last week; is one of scenarios I called Battlefront type; three minor objectives represent the ideal front line between the two opposing enemies to conquer to dominate the battlefield, with tow major obj to represent the supply points and which can give a lot of points if conquered. In this scenario only 1 obj appears at the start , the others will appears few after the start of battle

Mission: a French and Prussian corps must conquest the battle field on the village of Plancenoit, two other objectives will appears soon after the start; the supply points of two army will be shown after 45 minutes. The supply points gives 1000 points for minutes, the central objectives for minutes. If the players are 6 or less leave the cavalry corps control to the AI

Victory condition: won the force with more points at the end

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