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Author Topic: Battlezone 1 (1998 - FPS & strategy game)  (Read 10177 times)

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Offline Lumituisku

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Battlezone 1 (1998 - FPS & strategy game)
« on: February 15, 2015, 03:20:27 PM »
So yeah. Battlezone 1. Old classic that some of you might know about.[/u]

cover of box where game was sold

Its old game from late 90:s  that was first ever 3D game when it first arrived.
Some of you might have played this on arcade consoles.

During its first appearance to arcade consoles it looked like this.

And was loved by many of who played it during its first appearance. However everythign evolves.
PC:s came and some years later this game was published to pc and it got its current shape.

actual game play image

Here is exellent short review of single player mission on american "NSDF" side and how game looks like

Another exellent review of a first mission at the Soviet unions "CCA" side.
This time more action and difficulty. This mission is actually one of my personal favorites of all times.
Here is whole playlist for CplKerberos "lets play Battlezone" series.

There is a lot more missions out there. From scouting, ambushing, special missions of securing objects, or freeing captured friendlies. Pretty much anything you could hope for. This game really does awesome job creating a nice single player campaings for players to enjoy and great story behind all that.

In short - about the game
This is First person shooter game and Strategy game in same packed. And both things work in this game
It can be either if player wants so. One can focus to first person shooting or just purely at the stradegy by controlling units from satellite view like in most other strategy games. But the true difference, where this game really shines is how to control your army without being on sky view or external view swapping from unit to another. - Controlling your army is done with keys 1 - 0   It is really simple and locical once you learn it. You can build more units or tell your tanks to move to enemy, tell tank A to attack target 1 and APC to carry troops to location 2.  All this you can do with keys 1-0   with less than 10 seconds.

This game really has everything that strategy gamer at the time when this game was published would have wished for. Everything on well thought and working packed. It is said and many think that this game still at the today is one of best strategy games existing.

How ever best thing out there is. That this game has been brought back to live by fans. It works on most computers today, and it is free!
It is really small by size, downloading it takes just few minutes at max. So don't expect too fancy graphics but if you can accept poor graphics and you're into this kind of games. I will guarantee that you will enjoy this game and what it has to offer - a big time!

So if you got interested. You can find more information and actual game download from this net site over here. "Below"

As addition this game got second version Battlezone 2  some years later but that one, even when more modern and from some parts is better and more simple. Was actually less successful cause on many reasons. There are things that peoples complain about from time to time that still make game to be as unique and brilliant as it is. This applies to battlezone. Amen.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Battlezone 1 (1998 - FPS & strategy game)
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 04:33:36 PM »
I played the original in the arcade with the 2 joysticks... The basic first release was excellent :)

Thanks for posting
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Re: Battlezone 1 (1998 - FPS & strategy game)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 05:00:34 PM »
Nice memories! Definately played this !

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Offline Lumituisku

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Re: Battlezone 1 (1998 - FPS & strategy game)
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2015, 07:33:07 PM »
Nice memories! Definately played this !

You can play it again! its free and works on modern windows as well ^^ 

Its great game that I love from my very heart.
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Pain is the nature of life. it is the recognition that I'm nothing more. - Mark Rowland's

Offline Lumituisku

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Re: Battlezone 1 (1998 - FPS & strategy game)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2015, 03:14:07 PM »
I'm actually wondering...  would some of you guys like to have game session with group together on this game? Like. Well it could be stradegy as well. Such as 2 American teams coop agains - 2 soviet teams coop? Or alternative as death match of set of vehicles acting as team agaisn't other players. There in battlezone nets sessions are frequently games where is quite many players actually. Sometimes even near 10.  So if we would get there in 3-6  mens strengh, acting as team. We could kick some ass. :D   or be kicked since were totally noobs. LOL
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Pain is the nature of life. it is the recognition that I'm nothing more. - Mark Rowland's


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