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Author Topic: About Schwerpunkt  (Read 7294 times)

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About Schwerpunkt
« on: May 31, 2016, 04:31:25 PM »

About Schwerpunkt

Schwerpunkt was created in 1995 in Pearland, Texas. The company is a true "Ma and Pa" organization, as Ron and KC are its only employees. We met and worked in the aerospace industry, and now work together on wargames. We have had the great fortune of having a very dynamic and talented group of playtesters to support each effort. The best way to understand us is to read our Design Philosophy.

Ron played boardgames from 1961 to present, starting with the early Avalon Hill games. We have a good collection of boardgames, along with many copies of The General magazine. Ron built his first boardgame in the 60's, but it was played by neighborhood friends only. Ron's favorite boardgames are Avalon Hill's Panzerblitz, Panzer Leader and Arab-Israeli Wars. He also like West End's East Front and West Front Tank Leader games. His day job continues to be in the aerospace business.

KC is a biologist, writer, fountain pen enthusiast, and graphics expert.
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