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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2019, 03:22:24 PM »
B125 released!
Sat, 28 December 2019

Dear Skippers,

We are back with the next major update to UBOAT. This one is probably the largest update to the game so far. If you haven't tried it by now on the testing branch, then hopefully it will surprise you in a good way!

We already described the first features of this update when it hit the testing branch for insiders:

During the testing it became even bigger though, so let's discuss the new features one by one.


Assignments are now selected in a new way that gives you a much cleaner overview of the objectives and area of operation.


You can expect new challenges like a battleship presence in the area of operation as well as some twist to existing missions. Sometimes a war correspondent will join your crew, while in other times you may be given a task to test experimental torpedoes.

Some of the objectives and rewards for existing assignments were also reworked.


All your officers will collect points toward decorations of various types. They are awarded for notable bravery in combat or veterancy.


New mission summary presents a much more cleaner overview of completed objectives, collected rewards as well as a log from the patrol.


Talented modders from the community already created mods that draw attention. Since this version is now going public, Steam Workshop now also becomes publicly available.

If you would like to start modding for yourself, check our guide on the game's wiki:


Aside from that, there was a few other notable additions:
•   Sea near Bergen is now much more deeper and much closer to the real world bathymetry maps.
•   It's now possible to move in FPP on the step at the front of the conning tower like the crew does, to clearly see what's in the front of the u-boat.
•   Collision damage and sounds.
•   German localization was updated (warm thanks to Ruby for providing it).


This update adds a considerable amount of new content and thus memory usage had to go up a bit. We implemented new optimizations to the game to offset that, but it's still going to be 10% - 15% higher than before. It probably won't affect most systems.

If your system is low on memory though or you use a software that consumes a large part of RAM you can increase the page file in Windows like described in this article to avoid problems (12 GB should be more than enough):,36929.html

Also, if you would experience any sort of crashes, please verify game files integrity in Steam by entering game properties, going to "Local Files" tab and clicking appropriate button there.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2020, 12:35:59 AM »
Version B126 is released!
Fri, 14 February 2020

Stability & fixes update.

Hello skippers!

We are back with the next major release - B126. This version is focused mostly on quality of life improvements, fixes and stability. It comes with multiple technical improvements in the game that should push it one step forward from Early Access title towards a full release!

While it's not mandatory, we strongly recommend to start a new campaign on this version to enjoy it fully as some of the improvements require a fresh start to have effect.

We are now going to move back to the work declared in our roadmap. We are excited about some of the next features ahead and hope that you are too!


Gameplay improvements:

- It's now possible to disband crew members to clean up the list.
- AI now tries to avoid joining battles that have too many participants already to avoid performance drops. This behaviour is moddable in the data sheets.
- Lost contacts are now using a special icon with the question mark before disappearing to let the player know that this group is no longer being actively detected.
- There is now a floating warning above nearby contacts with high radius that explains that these contacts may be inaccurate.
- Aircraft now usually won't be starting from the bases shortly before sunset until sunrise. They will also try to get back home during day. They may still occasionally stay around at night, if they already found enemy u-boat, until their fuel will start to run out. Aircraft spawn rates were increased to compensate for these changes.
- Added "Harcore aiming mode" to the gameplay settings.
- Setting torpedo speed, depth and salvo spread is now possible in the torpedo launcher screen.
- It's now possible to hide the detection hint in the gameplay settings.

Technical improvements:

- Added mouse rotation sensitivity slider to the control settings panel.
- Added additional warning that tutorial is considered obsolete.
- Bug reporting system gives a very clear warning that mods are enabled before allowing to send a report. Mod list is now also uploaded along with the bug reports.
- Game now checks integrity of the most important files before starting and informs the player, if something is wrong. We noticed a major rise in problems caused by missing files in the installed game (500+ affected users). It affects only some players updating from B124 on Steam, fresh installations seem to be safe from this kind of problems.
- It's now possible to disable vignette effect and to invert mouse for the periscope view in the game's settings.
- Optimizations to saved game states size and loading speed.


- Small tweaks to water normals for a better look.
- Decreased noise post-processing effect intensity.
- Disk space and memory usage optimizations.
- Added night lamp lighting to all base game ports.
- Large random freighter hulls weren't receiving all damage effects used in the game.
- Improvements to maps texture in the control room.


- New German translations by Ruby.
- New French translations by Sword.
- Added a few new Spanish translations suggested by anonymous player through the reporting tool (thank you).
- Polish localization fixes.


- Too many neutral freighters could spawn at certain periods.
- U-boat propellers had wrongly assigned meshes, they both had linked meshes from the other side.
- Game window would flicker after selecting regular fullscreen mode in the settings and then adjusting gamma slider.
- Game states saved near minefields and anti-submarine nets had some problems related to them after loading.
- Fixes to many automatically reported problems.
- Infinite loading when entering land areas.
- Fixes to a few problems related to diving to wrecks.
- Fixes to saving and loading game states.
- Aircraft moving very slowly on the map.
- Characters could sometimes end being incorrectly rotated, for example leading officer after vacation ended.
- Group and ship AI fixes and performance optimizations.
- Gamma settings weren't applied in menu since B125.
- There were two memory leaks per each NPC ship that were increasing memory usage with each game state save and reload.
- Objective to sink a lost u-boat couldn't be completed, if player saved a game state after receiving it and reloaded the game state before proceeding.
- Ally asking for resources was continuing to wander around, even if its enemies were shot down or they left the area.
- Aircraft that ran out of bombs could occasionally search for submarines despite that.
- War correspondent could sit on seats occupied by other characters after 2.5 hours of in-game time.
- Steers UI was overlapping with mission summary after performing certain steps.
- After zooming camera out of binoculars/periscope/hydrophone manual mode geometry of character head would be visible from the inside for a fraction of the second.
- 4th and 5th engine gears were reverting back to 3rd after submerging, surfacing or swapping the engines manually.
- Characters that had equipped a rebreather, combat helmet or any other accessory were refusing to transport cargo between cargo storage.
- Foam trail on the sea could appear in a different place than the ship after meeting NPC group or sometimes after entering land areas after experiencing a lag.
- Medical aid with a medkit wasn't working properly.
- Target group in the lost ship mission, ally help mission and sink ship mission could in rare occasions move with u-boat on the map for some time.
- Minor leak in the toilet wasn't selectable and only AI could initiate the repair.
- Game states saved while looking through the periscope weren't loading correctly.
- Increased compartment flooding tolerance for the officer working at the navigation table.
- Better physics stabilization at high time compression. It improves dinghy behavior on the max compression with enabled map and paves the way for the new travel mode that we have in the plans.
- Recruits in ports are periodically disappearing from the list, making place for the new ones.
- Sailors promoted to officers could become cloned after reloading the game state, if officer count on board was already at the limit.
- Port of Alexandria didn't had any AA guns and mission with finding their positions was being instantly completed.
- War correspondent was loosing his camera after re-loading a game state.
- Crew list is now sorted by rank, level, class and name.
- Discovered AA guns count wasn't properly restored from the saved game states.
- If player would enter and then leave a character screen of any sailor during dialogue with recruitment officer, unwanted UI elements would appear on the screen.
- Character could sometimes drop a very unusual shadow, after player entered FPP view, that was blocking a large part of the light from the flashlight.
- Level of detail on some parts of Flower-class corvettes and Illustrious carriers was fading too fast, leading to weird graphic artifacts.
- Conning towers could turn invisible after installing them, if certain steps were performed.
- Rarely, enemy NPC groups wouldn't correctly unspawn from the scene and remain permanently spawned even hundreds of kilometers away.
- NPC groups could sometimes have problems with decisively resolving encounters between themselves. That could lead in the long run to formation of many hot points on the ocean, where multiple groups would jump into battle and stay there for a long time. This was increasing game state size and affecting performance.
- It's no longer possible to add sold items to wrong warehouse tab and have them restocked there.
- Setting spawner activity to zero in the data sheets was causing problems in the game.
- Accessories equipped by the officer couldn't be removed without reloading a game state.
- Coastal patrols spawn probability decreases with each group already spawned.
- Mines in ports no longer explode when friendly ships pass above them. Historically they were being switched off by a port crew at such time.
- Spawned mines sometimes weren't fully cleaned up from the memory.
- Land passage that appears after docking in port wasn't recognized by crew pathfinding, if player installed Turm II (possibly also Turm IV) and reloaded a game state while being docked.
- War correspondent article progress was being severely set back, if player spent reputation points on any purpose when he was on board.
- Icons for detection on map could be wrong, if a few types of detection happened in a specific order and remained valid together for some time.
- Torpedo launching now cannot be performed at a depth greater than 20 meters.
- Notifications that saving a game state is not possible should be much more rare.
- Multiple fixes to saving game states during short events like character transitions, torpedo loading animations and camera transitions.
- Fix for a permanently looped audio at a spot after loading a game state saved during certain animation transitions.
- Improved animation alignment on the navigator's station, also navigator's helper now joins the officer on the station.
- Possible fix for occasional black screen after clicking "continue" on the assignment summary screen.
- Snorkel was affecting ship's visibility even, if it was hidden under the deck.
- XP bars weren't displaying correct progress, if character had a high level of experience. XP bars can be now hovered to see exact number of experience points.
- If player encountered a coastal patrol that sailed very close to the coast during encounter and then player left the area, this patrol could in rare cases travel through the land to the next patrol target.
- Potential fix for portrait rendering problems on some systems.
- Alignment fixes for skipper animations on bed.
- Occasionally contact marker could disappear, but the pulsating circle around it would still remain on the screen for some time.
- Collision sound was continuously played after laying submarine on the seabed with enabled collision damage in the settings.
- Tooltip on the valves wasn't changing from "Flooding..." to "Flooded" after ballast tanks became full.
- Character destination pointer on the floor could become rotated a bit in relation to the ground.
- Skipper no longer comments switching between diesel and electric engines, if they are switched only temporarily because of snorkel being flooded by a wave.
- Fix for the problem with unexpected tilting of the periscope that was usually happening when the periscope was locked on a quickly sinking target.
- Assignment summary panel could clip with the screen edges on low resolutions.
- NPC u-boats that are targets of player missions attract less enemies from now on.
- Rudder rotation is now reset after docking.
- Small model changes in Battery Room no. 2 to give more space to sleep for the skipper.
- Radioman could become stuck at his station.
- Fixes to automatically reported problems.
- Snorkel compartment in the deck was disappearing after reloading a game state.
- Radio range wasn't displayed correctly in various descriptions.
- Better alignment for tooltip action descriptions and support for longer parameter names.
- Subtitles for hydrophone operator warnings are displayed, even if his voiceover doesn't contain such recordings (such as skipper voice).
- Echosounder ping actions are now temporarily disabled, when the latest operation still wasn't finished.
- Action state in the wheel menu is now regularly refreshed.
- Sea was beginning to stutter, if high time compression was used for a long time (this problem was linearly growing in intensity with passing time).
- Target ship velocity sometimes couldn't be determined by the officer.
- Update to NVidia Texture Compression library.
- Fixes to automatically reported problems.
- Officers were trying to punish themselves, if they burned eggs in the kitchen.
- Removing currently controlled officer in FPP from the crew was resulting in an error.
- Fix to one more problem that could lead to endless loading of a game state.
- Periscope locking/unlocking tip was always stating "Unlock". Provided various improvements to how this tip works.
- Periscope couldn't be locked on the randomized freighters using keyboard, only mouse was working in their case.
- Ships stationing in a port that changed owner are now escaping from the port.
- Fixes to automatically reported errors.
- Turm I, II and IV had a small part of U-96 badge visible on them, even if played with a different u-boat.
- Knocked out sailors that panicked were appearing at crew quarters and permanently stopping to work on the ship. They are now being actually knocked out and need to lie in the bed for some time before returning to duty.
- Officers could sometimes advance above max level, causing some small errors.
- Fuel/energy savings from having additional sailors with the officer at the engines weren't applied after switching engines until engineer was reassigned to the new engine.
- Errors appearing, if player started vacation when one of the crew members was smoking on the conning tower and then player upgraded conning tower during a vacation.
- Countries added by mods are now added to the world for loaded game states.
- Fixes to automatically reported errors.
- Crew was sometimes carrying to safety sailors that were already in a bed without any danger nearby, soon after they were taken there by somebody else.
- Sailors who are unconscious now cannot be promoted to officers until their recovery.
- Reworked add/remove sailor buttons tooltip.
- Assigned sailors count in the action tooltip wasn't correctly highlighted, if player added more sailors than could work at the current station.
- Added tooltips to actions listed in the action queue.
- It's now possible to open map using a keyboard shortcut when looking through the periscope in a fullscreen mode. Also going back by pressing a keyboard shortcut again opens directly manual mode.
- Fix for "coordinates spotted" intel being added to the journal.
- Control room collider improvements that should decrease cases of character ragdolls being stuck there in unusual poses.
- Port weren't alarmed by exploding torpedo after reloading a game state with that port nearby.
- Changing target wasn't possible in manual periscope mode when torpedo launchers UI was open.
- Torpedoes are now much less detectable to sonars.
- Escort ships AI could sometimes chase torpedoes for a bit.
- Skill tree is no longer accessible for regular sailors on the character screen.
- Hydrophone volume could be adjusted above 100%.
- Decreased memory allocations.
- Improvements to water physics performance for large convoys.
- U-boat could be moved a large distance on the world map without reason after meeting certain groups.
- Officer could have accomplishments with 0 point value in the summary for decoration.
- In the recruitment list, next character is automatically selected after recruiting to allow for bulk recruitment.
- Nelson-class battleships should be a bit easier to sink.
- Added new audio setting: "Play music in FPP". It's now enabled by default, which is a different behavior than before.
- Bug reports sent by F11 tool should now be always sent successfully, as long as Unity servers are online.
- Button for resetting periscope orientation now zeroes on the target, if periscope is locked on something.
- State tooltip on the galley was wrong, if it was checked right after starting a new game.
- Added draught to the ship identification book.
- Position estimation quality by navigator is now displayed on the map view at the upper right corner of the screen.
- Radio stations were stopping to work, if they belonged to a group that changed ownership.
- Added new animations to the navigator's station. Second sailor can now join the officer at the station.
- Food in the control room is now hanged a bit higher to clear up some space in a busy area.
- Chief boatswain is now more likely to work at the navigation table instead of socializing with the crew.
- Probable fix: boxes hanging on the hooks at the stern torpedo room were behaving odd after reloading a game state.
- Improved tooltip for the navigation quality in the upper right part of the screen in map view.
- Anti-aircraft guns in ports didn't had a checked flag to actually attack aircraft and were targeting only surface vessels.
- Ship's hull could duplicate during cracking, if game states with that ship nearby were saved and reloaded a few times.
- Fix to a very old bug in Screen Space Reflections effect that was causing ghosting in the interior of the u-boat. It was most intensively visible on meters and labels.
- Ports could not load, if there was more than 20 enemy groups nearby.
- Changed camera position for the navigator's station, because officer was often wandering out of frame due to the new animations.
- Gun rotations are being reset upon docking.
- Gauges on a diesel compressor were black due to a shadow cast by the railing.
- Drawn map markers were carried over between loaded game states.
- It's no longer possible to travel to a checkpoint when u-boat's position isn't known.
- Improved collider for Kirov and Nelson stern.
- Sea could disappear completely, if wind speed was extremely low, below 1 knots.
- Fuel cost in the warehouse was displayed as "500" until slider was moved for the first time.
- Using mouse wheel or panning in the journal no longer affects camera in the background.
- Unescorted transports (but not escorted convoys) that were attacked by NPC u-boat were slowing down to 1-2 km/h instead of following their path with full speed.
- After clicking with a right mouse button on a mission ship with selected officer on the map view to open actions list, course was changing to that ship.
- Switching devices on/off is now always possible, even if the compartment has a toxic air or is flooded (doing so may damage the device in the second case).
- Officer could be wrongly positioned in a dinghy, if his travel was initiated from a crowded area in the interior.
- Officer could be sent to other ships, even if u-boat was submerged.
- Ship upgrades were appearing in the budget summary with both signs together e.g. "+-4000".
- Camera can be now zoomed in closer on the torpedoes in the orbiting view.
- Slightly decreased probability for investigating a lost ship mission.
- Some operations in the budget tooltip didn't had a specified cost.
- Newly promoted skipper was counting double towards the officer limit on board.
- Skipper promotion description was wrong on the character screen.
- Textual warnings weren't presented for the action that involved officer leaving u-boat to other unit.
- Launched torpedoes and dinghies were disappearing from the scene, if player used "Teleport" command in the development console.
- Leaving area before enemy ship sunk completely would disallow cleaning its individual group from the world.
- Engineer was staying at the diving planes station even after ship surfaced, until player manually ordered him to stop.
- Multiple memory leak fixes that were increasing game states size for long campaigns.
- Added text wrapping to the decoration screen.
- Hydrophone targeting action didn't had a progress bar on the portrait.
- Patrol distance wasn't expressed with units selected in the settings, but kilometers.
- Added bearing display in the hydrophone manual mode view.
- "Next" button on the decoration screen didn't had a sound feedback.
- T5 torpedoes homing improvements.
- Nearby groups can now continue their journey when time is skipped during crew vacation and ship maintenance to avoid occasional "traffic jam" in a port after staying there for a few days.
- Game wasn't allowing to fire a gun with incompatible ammunition type, but it still would be displayed in the gun UI as available.
- Fixes to automatically reported errors.
- Order labels in the TAB menu had a second line cut off, if the first line ended with ellipsis ("...").
- Torpedo maintenance action had a missing indication of the launcher number in the TAB menu.

Modding notices:

- It's now possible to add parameter "Unlimited=1" to ship production task in Sandbox.xlsx/Tasks. It ensures that a count of ships in reserve for this class will never fall below 1, so they still may become rare, but they will never run out completely. It can be used to ensure that, for example, a country will never run out of freighters and other baseline units.
- New parameter: "General.xlsx / Settings / World / Max Groups Per Battle". There is a note in the sheet that explains the usage.
- "Sandbox.xlsx / Settings" sheet should now follow normal modding rules.
- Exposed officer decoration textures.
- Additional fixes to modding "Sandbox.xlsx / Settings" data sheet. It should be completely functional now.
- Improved error reporting for encountered data sheet problems.
- Data sheet loading logging can be enabled in "General.xlsx / Settings / Logging / Data Sheet Logging". Having this setting enabled impacts loading time and log file disk usage.
- Locales.xlsx sheet should now follow normal modding rules.
- Vacation image is now resized to the size of the provided bitmap.
- Improved logging for spawner coordinate parsing errors.
- Fixes to Locales.xlsx modding. It wasn't completely functional.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2020, 12:58:37 PM »
New version: B127 lands on the testing branch!
Wed, 29 April 2020

Dear skippers,

We are back with a new major update to UBOAT. We hope that it will bring you some quality recreation in this hard time.

Let's move straight to overview of the changes, but beware - it's going to be a long post.

This version is currently available only on the testing branch. If you haven't played on it before, but would like to, please follow the steps described in this post:

Realistic travel system

This version introduces a brand new travel system to the game. It doesn't simplify long distance travel, but instead adds new time compression tools that make long distance travel possible.

Wolfpack attacks

Headquarters now organize wolfpack attacks on convoys. You can join them during free roam and patrol assignments. Friendly u-boats now have a dedicated AI that works well in such scenarios. It's also possible to pass to them direct orders.

Configurable shifts

Configurable shifts is a new feature meant for the players that always wanted to set schedules for the crew and setup work priorities. It becomes especially useful when combined with the realistic travel system.

It also indirectly adds new features such as having a crew member at the valves at all times or delegating power switch jobs to regular sailors instead of the officers. Please keep in mind, that it's advanced feature that doesn't have to be used to enjoy the game. Default schedules are set reasonably well.

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2020, 01:14:56 AM »
B127 complete!
Fri, 12 June 2020


After a month of work on the latest major update, it's now ready for a stable release. Many thanks to everybody who participated in the testing and helped this update to shape.

We prepared a quick rundown of the changes in the movie:

As always we did some more improvements during the time this version was residing on the unstable branch. Some of the most requested ones include:

•   Drag & drop support in portraits.
•   New campaign realism settings.
•   Forbid button on the observation periscope.
•   Crash & save system fixes.
•   Sailors assigned to sleeping officers no longer count to the discipline penalty.
•   Localization updates.
•   Automatic detection of unsupported graphic card drivers.
•   Animation alignment fixes.
•   Improved u-boat turning circle to match the real VIIC data closely on all engine gears.

Full changelog of the B127 version can be read here in the first post: link.

We will now move on and work on the next major version - B128. You will hear from us as soon as this version will shape up!

Notice: This version is too large to maintain a well-tested saved game states compatibility with the previous versions of the game. If you would like to finish your ongoing B126 campaign first before updating to B127, right click on the game, click Properties, enter BETA tab and switch back to B126.

Steam Workshop
TDC mod
We are proud and humbled by the work of modding community on Steam Workshop. We recommend to take a look at it to all players.

Especially, we would like to point out TDC mod by Freekoly, ZNC and Ruby, which was long awaited by many. If you are into realism and simulation, you are going to absolutely love it.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2020, 03:26:08 AM »
B128: Major update hits the testing branch
Mon, 5 October 2020

Hello skippers!

We are back with the next major update to UBOAT. We feel that this update is an important milestone towards the full release and we put a lot of effort to make it happen.

We secured additional funding from the publisher to put additional work into the game. For this reason, we decided to deviate for a moment from the original roadmap and put work into the areas of the game that are important, but were somewhat left behind before, like the in-game map. These changes were often requested by you on the game forum.

Considering the above, we now expect to release the full version of the game in January, rather than a fourth quarter of this year. We hope for your patience and understanding as it's for the greater good in the end!

Without further introductions, let's move on and explain what can you expect from this new update!

This is probably the most exciting change in this version. The new map contains dynamic country borders that reflect most historical events of World War II. There are also major battles marked in on the map. We hope that you will enjoy this change as much as we do!

In this version we added 7 tutorial missions into the game. They explain most topics needed to successfully proceed with your career through the game. These missions can be started at any time from any port in the game.

Aside from that, each in-game interface now has a dedicated help system that can be toggled by pressing the question mark icon in the upper right part of the screen.

Technical improvements
Realism settings
There are two new realism settings: AI difficulty and economic difficulty.

AI difficulty affects how good enemy crews are at detecting your u-boat, which directly affects the combat difficulty of the game.

Economic difficulty on the other hand, affects the cost and availability of various goods in the ports. In this version, we introduced resource shortages in Germany at the last stages of the war and high economic difficulties make them quite dramatic and more realistic. Besieged ports like La Rochelle may often lack most of the goods needed to sustain your ship.

Pathfinding improvements
It's no longer necessary to plot paths in ports manually as they are computed automatically around the port structures. Aside from that, there were numerous other improvements in this area, for example NPC ships can now effectively avoid collisions with each other even in tight formations and it's much easier to avoid entering coastal areas by accident as the new paths avoid them automatically whenever possible.

Hunt-class destroyers
These destroyers along with River-class frigates, which also started to appear in this version, are used by Royal Navy and many new navies introduced in this update:

•  Polish Navy
•  Free French Navy
•  Royal Norwegian Navy
•  Royal Netherlands Navy
•  Free Belgian Navy
•  Royal Hellenic Navy

Body shape variations
Each sailor now has a different body shape. It may be adjusted at the customization screen.

Patrol changes
Patrols are now performed on smaller Kriegsmarine grid squares, which were implemented in this version. We always felt that previously patrol areas were too undefined and large.

Simulation improvements
Most of the Royal Navy escort ships are now equipped with ASDIC devices since the beginning of the war, which are later upgraded to newer, historically correct types. By the end of war, many of the enemy escort ships are also equipped with radars.

Enemy hydrophone operators are much better at detecting u-boats. We felt that they were lacking a lot since B127, as the enemy convoys started to be much more spread out since then, while escort ships balance wasn't adjusted for that change. It's now going to be again, much harder to stay undetected while sneaking into convoys.

Contact shadows
UBOAT is an open world game with vast open scenes. Such conditions are not ideal for the common shadowing techniques that were producing blurry results at times. We decided to implement raycasted contact shadowing technique for that reason. It's commonly used in the games from this year and now UBOAT also joins that party.

Screen-space reflections
Previous implementation of the screen space reflections (SSR) effect in the game was quite outdated and was affecting performance on the high screen resolutions. We updated it using the latest Unity implementation as a reference and optimized for the specific use case of our game (mostly water).

This new version is both faster and more precise, producing reflections where previous implementation was failing to do so.

8K interior textures
Most u-boat interior textures are now present in the highest resolution and use better BC7 compression that fixes various colouring artifacts that were previously visible especially on gray surfaces. This shouldn't affect overall VRAM usage as textures are loaded to fit a set limit, but please let us know in case of problems.

We are optimizing the game at each occasion and this time we optimized it quite a lot! While the game may run a bit slower than before after you run it, if you disable the newly added graphic effects, it should almost certainly run faster than before and use less memory.

We also updated the engine UBOAT is built on to the latest version: from Unity 2018.3.4 to 2019.4.11. Despite the numeration pointing to a one year, it's actually two years of progress from the engine developer as the newer version was released just two weeks ago.

Save system
Saved game state files should be at least 30% smaller since this version, while both saving and loading should be faster.

We fixed the infinite loading screen issue that was still there in B127 despite our earlier effort. If this would happen again, please remember to drop us a save and a log file and it will be our top priority.

This version is currently present on the unstable branches on Steam and GOG. It may still need some polish and there may be leftover issues from the work done.

Mods may need an update to work well with this update as most aspects of the game were modified. We will do our best to help mod authors. Please come by to the B128 discussion thread on the forum, if your mod was affected.

With your help, we are hoping to release this version on the stable branch as soon as possible.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2020, 12:46:12 AM »
Major update: B128 stable
Wed, 18 November 2020

Dear skippers,

After a few weeks of intensive work on version B128, we feel that it's now shaped up and is ready for a stable release. With the help of the community we managed to squash hundreds of bugs and improve on all the newly added features.

Full changelog of version B128:

Notice: This version is not compatible in terms of saved game states with the older releases. If your intention is to continue an ongoing campaign, please enter the game properties on Steam, click the BETA tab and switch to version B127.

Main features
Let's remind the two main features of this release:

This is probably the most exciting change in this version. The new map contains dynamic country borders that reflect most historical events of World War II. There are also major battles marked in on the map. We hope that you will enjoy this change as much as we do!

In this version we added 7 tutorial missions into the game. They explain most topics needed to successfully proceed with your career through the game. These missions can be started at any time from any port in the game.

Aside from that, each in-game interface now has a dedicated help system that can be toggled by pressing the question mark icon in the upper right part of the screen.

Recent additions
Aside from the initially announced features, we added much more smaller improvements during the unstable version testing. The most important changes are:

- Unescorted trade ships are becoming less common over the course of war and by the end of the war most of them travel in convoys.
- Convoy escort composition is now more varied and some more historically accurate. More countries will participate in the escort duties.
- Escort carriers, battleships and cruisers are now always hidden inside the formation and don't act as an anti-submarine escort.

Crew management
- New action: Emergency ballast tank blowing, that helps to surface the ship at any cost.
- New action: Ballast adjustment, to compensate negative buoyancy from the leaks, by blowing some ballast from the tanks.
- New action: Preheat and load torpedo task was added to the crew schedules UI.
- Officers now become tired when their energy reaches zero and they start to rest. They won't take orders until they recover at least 40% of the energy or there is any emergency on board (alarm, leaks, wounded crew or panicking characters).
- Added many new backstories for the recruits written by the community.
- Crew now makes noise detectable to the enemy. Switch light to red or blue to let them know to be quiet.
- Torpedo loading and preheating now also makes noise.

AI & naval simulation
- Added Huff-Duff devices on the enemy surface vessels. They are installed starting with 1941 and allow enemies to locate radio transmissions at a range of up to 24 km. Early Huff-Duffs don't allow to pinpoint position, but instead only tell that the radio transmission is originating dangerously close. If enemies detect your radio transmission with an early Huff-Duff, they won't know your position, but only know that you are nearby. Better Huff-Duffs will direct enemies directly at your ship.
- NPC ships are now much better at avoiding the coast and port structures.
- Enemy escorts are much better at deducing possible u-boat position after a torpedo hit, especially at high AI difficulties.

Economy overhaul
- Basic T1 torpedoes, bread and potatoes are now free to ensure that the u-boat will always be able to continue the duty. Only one free type of food is allowed in the warehouse at a time, to disallow gaining discipline bonuses for free.
- Decreased prices of other types of torpedoes to match the new approach. All rewards for assignments and sinking ships were considerably decreased.


We will now focus on the next major update - B129. Feel free to post your requests and suggestions to participate in the further development.

Please take a look at the initial announcement to read more about all the major features introduced this release:

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2020, 02:56:54 AM »
B128 Hotfix 4
Thu, 26 November 2020

Dear skippers,

A fourth hotfix to version B128 is now complete. It again fixes some of the most often reported issues.

Warm thank you as always for the sent bug reports and for posting your feedback.

This update is fully compatible in regards of saved game states with the previous version.


User interface:
- Fix: Radio notification was remaining on the screen, if transmission stopped.
- Fix: After adding sailor to one of the teams in the management menu, some buttons there were previously on the bottom would appear on top of the UI.
- Fix: Decreased work performance notification was often stacking without need and was appearing when leaving to the menu.

- Further improvements that should prevent NPC groups from spawning too close. This could still occassionally happen, if enemy group was encountered when player was near NPC u-boats.
- Fix: Radio transmissions coming directly from the headquarters were never disappearing, while it was intended for them to last usually around 10 minutes. This was causing some issues, because side-mission message could be received days after it was intended to happen and the target could be already hundreds of kilometers away.
- Fix: Radio transmission could be transmitted for many hours, rather than as intended for around 10 minutes, if a high time compression was used.

Crew management:
- Fix: After compensating the ballast in the compartments by blowing some ballast, another officer was automatically flooding the tanks back again.

- Background stories for recruits are now randomized in such a way to avoid repetitions.
- Sonar ping is audible more often.
- Time compression is now always disabled whenever something on the u-boat becomes damaged or any dialogue is started.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2021, 01:05:42 AM »
Road to B129
Sat, 23 January 2021

Dear skippers,

We are back with news about the upcoming update B129 and the future of UBOAT Early Access.

Next update
Update B129 is shaping up to be the most important update to the game thus far. It will introduce the remaining features from the initial roadmap as well as will move forward beyond it.

We will publish small teasers every two weeks to keep you updated and give you a general idea what to expect from that update. Stay tuned!

Early Access
After consultation with the publisher, we decided to extend the Early Access for a few months more to polish the game as well as we can for the upcoming final release. Keeping the game in Early Access allows us to move at a higher pace than will be possible later on. We hope that you will agree with us on this decision and that a few months more won't hurt.

This means that after B129 you can still expect at least one more major update to UBOAT before we leave Early Access for good.

Team changes
We are pleased to declare that Ruby joins our team as the community manager. Ruby now has the inside look into the latest news and work, so you can count on getting the latest information through him from now on. We hope that with his help our team will be doing a better job at communicating the progress.

Aside from that, another member is joining our ranks soon as a scene designer. He will help us build new port scenes, as well as prepare content for the new game mechanics that will be shipped in B129. This way our team will grow to five people.

You will hear more from us in the future. We also sincerely hope that you are well in these hard times.

Warm regards,

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2021, 01:54:27 AM »
B129 Dev Diary #1: Campaign & reworked narration
Sun, 7 February 2021

Hello skippers!

We prepared a first video in a series that will introduce to you the features upcoming in B129. We will keep posting videos like this one every two weeks to keep you up to date with our progress. There is much more exciting news ahead.

Video transcript

Map improvements
We continued to work on the in-game map as we felt that it still needs some polish for the upcoming release. All map skins were upgraded and a new skin was added that maximizes the paper look.

This update will introduce a complete campaign consisting of various kinds of missions. It will span through the whole war and will take place all over the Atlantic. You won't be forced to complete the campaign missions, but they will offer useful rewards that won't be possible to obtain otherwise.

We reworked how the narration happening outside the ship is presented in the game. It's now both more attractive and easier to interact with. What you see right now is a weather station placement mission that is part of the campaign. It also uses this new system to narrate the story.

There are dozens of other, big changes upcoming in this update. Stay safe and see you in the two weeks for more info!


A friendly studio from our country, GameFormatic S.A. decided to port UBOAT to VR platforms! It's a promising project that will allow the game to be played in a completely new way. If you enjoy playing games in VR, consider showing some support to the team behind it and giving hints about your preferences and expectations.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2021, 02:12:02 AM »
B129 Dev Diary #2: Milk cows & radio rework
Sun, 21 February 2021

Hello skippers,

We prepared a second dev log video for B129. Enjoy!

You will hear more from us soon as there is still a considerable amount of work to be done.


Radio rework
We reworked how the radio station is used in the game. From now on, it's possible to send a request to resupply your ship on the sea. Communication through the radio is now more natural as you can reply to some messages. Another small improvement is that radioman doesn't have to be present at the station to continue playing music over the radio.

Milk cows
This update will add a new Type XIV u-boats to the game that used to be called "milk cows". They are supply ships loaded with fuel, replacement parts and torpedoes. They even have a bakery on board. With their help your ship will be able to operate for extended periods of time in remote areas like the coast of North America or South-West Africa.

Each supply ship operates at the specific area of the map. You will be able to choose that area by assigning HQ officer to coordinate movement operation.

That's all for now. Thanks for watching and see you soon in the next dev log video!


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #40 on: March 08, 2021, 01:53:36 AM »
B129 Dev Diary #3: Hydrophone upgrade & seamless area transitions
Sun, 7 March 2021

Dear skippers,

We prepared a third dev diary on the way to B129. This time we focused on technical improvements that come with this update. Take a look!

Seamless area transitions
Paused loading of areas is now completely gone. Loading happens in the background and it's possible to continue playing normally during that time.

Hydrophone upgrade
Hydrophone has seen major upgrades. It's now possible to hear convoys tens of kilometers away with it, as well as torpedo propellers and air bubbles coming out of sinking ships. We also fixed audio clipping issues that were unpleasant for the ears and worked on various technical improvements that enhance the immersion.

Smoke on the horizon
Since this update, it's sometimes going to be possible to spot smoke over distant groups of ships. It's not always clearly visible and the larger the group the bigger is the chance for the smoke to be noticeable.

That's all for now. Thanks for watching and see you soon in the next dev log video!

Kind regards,

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2021, 11:31:37 PM »
B129 Dev Diary #5: Prize rules and inspections
Sun, 4 April 2021

Dear skippers,

We prepared a fifth dev diary during the work on B129. This time we describe prize rules, merchant ship inspections, ship scuttling and new types of goods. Take a look!

Welcome to the fifth UBOAT dev log video for the upcoming update 129. This time we will discuss upgrades related to the enemy shipping.

Prize rules
Since this update, neutral ships that are headed at the blockaded enemy ports now become a valid prize for your u-boat. Also, enemy merchant ships without escort may occasionally use a neutral flag as a disguise.

If you will manage to sink such less obvious targets, you will be well rewarded by the high command, but beware, because if the ship turns out to be involved in a neutral trade, your actions may lead to a humanitarian crisis or at the very least a diplomatic incident.

To find out if a ship is a valid target, you will be able to send your team to inspect it. Once there, your officers may talk with the captain and search the cargo hold. Keep your eyes open because if unexpected danger appears during the inspection your crew may become stranded.

It's also going to be possible to send a team to abandoned ships. Your crew can then search the compartments and if you have an skilled engineer, you can save torpedoes by sinking it with explosives.

New goods
Lastly, since this update, enemy vessels will transport a much more varied cargo like iron ore, lumber, rubber and in rare cases even gold. The routes on which these goods will be shipped are historically accurate.

That's all that what we wanted to share in today's video. You will hear more from us next week about this update's estimated release date as well as upgrades in our team. Stay safe and see you soon!

Happy Easter!

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #42 on: June 08, 2021, 11:47:43 PM »
Patch: B129 Preview 5
8 June 2021

Hello skippers,

We prepared a next patch for B129 that implements more of your feedback into the game. This version is now ready to download on the public testing branch.

Crew management:
- Vacations now completely recover the crew's discipline.
- Fix: Incoming radio message notification was not re-appering when officer replaced a sailor at the radio station.

Naval simulation:
- Regression fix: Depth charges weren't dealing any damage since B129 Preview 1.

User interface:
- Added notification that warns the player about potential anti-submarine measures near enemy ports like mines and nets.
- Regression fix: One of the ladders inside the conning tower had an arrow in a wrong direction on the icon.
- Fix: The battery resource bar wasn't updating in some cases.
- Fix: Tooltips that appear after hovering the mouse cursor over an NPC ship were spoiling the ship's true nationality when the ship was using a false flag.

- Fix: Many graphical fixes for Aruba port.

- Fix: Tweaks that further improve NPC u-boats ability to hold the torpedo launches at a target until the firing angle is more favorable.
- Fix: NPC u-boats were knowing upfront which ships are neutral and which just pretend to be neutral and were firing torpedoes at such ships, even if player sent a team to inspect them.

- Regression fix: Player was receiving enormous reputation after helping any friendly u-boat.
- Fix: Journal was becoming empty after player collected any intel during some campaign assignments.
- Fix: It was possible to send a diver many times to the u-boat's wreck in Enigma recovery campaign mission and collect the reward many times.
- Fix: U-boat's wreck could become missing in Enigma recovery campaign mission after re-loading a game state that was saved near the destination area.

- German localization updates.

- Fix: It wasn't possible to call for a resupply anymore, if player used the "Leave station" button earlier at some point.
- Fix: Time was running in the background for at least a few seconds in the loaded game instead of being paused when there was still a loading screen visible on the monitor.
- Fix: Game was crashing, if player pressed the escape key two times while receiving a message at the radio and then clicked "Cancel" button.
- Fix: Progress of receiving a message was stopping to count further, if player pressed an escape on the keyboard.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2021, 12:00:22 AM »
Update: B129 Preview 11
Thu, 1 July 2021

Dear skippers,

Update B129 Preview 11 is now ready to download on the public testing branch.

This update brings fixes to the most frequently reported bugs and issues, as well as adds some general improvements. Please take a look at the changelog below, if you would like to find out more.

- Update of the ship measurements presented in the identification book to better match the actual dimensions of the ships.

Crew management:
- Food stored on the u-boat is no longer consumed when the u-boat is stationing at a port.
- Improvements to crew pathfinding, that should result in less traffic jams on the u-boat, for example when a sailor sits on the bunk and blocks the passage.
- Fix: Crew members were becoming stuck in the toilet, if they tried to block a leak inside.
- Fix: It was possible to move in FPP to the u-boat's deck, order a dive and stay there.
- Fix: After loading certain game states, there was a permanent alarm enabled on the u-boat.

- Improved lighting in the skipper customization scene.
- Fix: After initiating an interaction with a lifeboat, camera was sometimes appearing inside a nearby ship's hull.
- Regression fix: One of the haircuts was having gaps when viewed from a distance.
- Regression fix: NPC crew on C3 ships was moving outside the ship.

- Optimizations to crew pathfinding, that should slightly improve the performance, when a high time compression is being used.
- Removed a per-frame memory allocation, that was affecting performance.
- During loading, there is now an increased time budget for various background tasks, that should result in a slightly faster loading time and a decreased need to continue some of these tasks after the loading is complete, which usually affects the performance.
- Increased the memory buffer used for uploading textures to the graphics card. It should slightly decrease the time it takes to load the game from the main menu, decrease framerate drops caused by background loading and possibly fix a related crash to desktop issue. This change costed an additional 40 MB of VRAM.
- Various other optimizations.

User interface:
- Improvements to how survivors are released. A list of survivors present on the ship is now opened along with specified rewards, to claim the rewards from there.
- There is now a warning on the screen that suggests to dive deeper, when player tries to use the hydrophone from the surface.
- It's now possible to manually enter a number of items to move between the storages instead of using a slider.
- Fix: Gun UI was sometimes displaying a fractional ammunition count.
- Fix: Survivors could be moved off the ship in a port without actually releasing them for a reward.
- Fix: After a milk cow was sunk by the enemy, it was still being displayed in the HQ. Note: We are going to add a notification that will inform about supply ships sunk by the enemy soon.
- Fix: Pulsating glow around mission markers was behaving erratically, if a high time compression was being used and there was an active mission with a time limit.
- Fix: There is now a scroll present near the officer portraits when a torpedo launchers UI is open and it takes some of the portraits space.
- Fix: It was possible to select survivors from sunk ships for various interactions and for HQ tasks.
- Fix: Improved positioning of various tooltips to make them appear near the hovered UI controls, instead of appearing on top of them.
- Fix: Auto-save settings were changing after loading another game state.
- Fix: Recently added button for changing the depth steers mode was sometimes not present in the TAB menu.

World simulation:
- Fix: During the patrol summary, penalties were assigned for sinking neutral ships in the enemy convoys - it wasn't intended.
- Fix: Swiss rubber transports had empty cargo holds.
- Regression fix: Path to the docking point at Bergen couldn't be plotted.
- Regression fix: Wrecks of ships were not spawning, if they were sunk at deep water.

- Decreased ventilation capacity from 50 kg to 40 kg to match the weight of a full stack of potassium absorbers.
- Potassium absorbers are now consumed more slowly, but they are also less efficient at refreshing the air inside the u-boat.
- Fix: Decreased oxygen consumption on the dynamic travel system.

- Complete Russian localization provided by Hard, based on his Workshop mod "RU advanced".
- French localization update by FvJ.
- Turkish localization update by tokyo.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.

- Fix: After performing an air reconnaissance and reloading the game state, one of the icons that mark each of the port defences would reappear in a slightly different location.

- There is now a different description displayed after searching the cargo hold, if the ship carries a military cargo.
- Fix: Items selected for the team after initiating an interaction were disappearing later, if they were manually equipped before starting the interaction.
- Fix: It was possible to start an interaction with a shot down aircraft for only one time. The button was stopping to respond later on.
- Fix: If a ship turns out to carry tea, but documents stated something else, there is now a different flow of the story that doesn't ignore this fact.
- Fix: After searching an abandoned ship, there was a mention of a sailor from the crew being present during the search.

- Warships behaviour is now improved when they attack non-submarine targets.

- Fix: Probable fix for the issue where damage was inflicted to the conning tower, while the u-boat was travelling at the periscope depth in a shallow area and 140x time compression was being used. More testing is needed to confirm this fix.

Modding notices:
- There is now a logging added during story sequences / interactions, that should make potential modding of them easier to debug.

- It's no longer possible to undock from a port with survivors on board.
- Added a new auto-save setting for saving the game state before leaving the game.
- Fix: Depth displayed on the map was sometimes positive for the sea, if it was beyond the sight range.
- Fix: Various fixes to errors that we spotted in the log files from the user reports.


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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2021, 11:18:47 PM »
Update: B129 Preview 12
Thu, 8 July 2021

Dear skippers,

Update B129 Preview 12 is now complete and ready to download on the public testing branch. Please take a look at the changelog below, if you would like to find out more. We hope that you will find the changes useful.


Crew management:
- It's no longer possible to leave the port with more officers than the allowed limit. It was possible to go above this limit, after receiving a new officer during Enigma recovery mission.
- Fix: Sailors were working at the radio, even if it was damaged or there was no electricity in the compartment.
- Fix: In some cases, only a captain and the first engineer were on a lifeboat from a sunk ship, the rest of the crew was missing.

User interface:
- Added a notification that informs about a milk cow being sunk by the enemy.
- Clicking on a new radio transmission notification now opens the radio view instead of selecting a radioman.
- Fix: Campaign photographs were missing on the map after the mission summary animation until player opened the assignment selection view.
- Fix: Reward icons were missing near the buttons for freeing the survivors in a port.
- Fix: Torpedo UI and unit selection panel are now closed when an interaction is triggered.
- Fix: Campaign photographs were permanently disappearing from the map after closing them, without leaving an icon behind, if that was done on a loaded game state.

- Decreased a number of AA guns needed to find in the espionage assignments from 5 to 4.
- Fix: Friendly u-boats no longer call for supplies when they are in very dangerous areas, for example near the British coast.
- Fix: There was no milk cow being assigned as a reward for completing the bronze stage of multi-stage campaign objectives.
- Fix: The wreck in the gold recovery campaign mission wasn't appearing at the marked spot until terrain generation was triggered.
- Fix: Wind speed stated in the weather station message wasn't correct.

- New, more detailed UZO model and textures.
- Reworked deck textures, increased variety and fixed minor model issues of the generic merchant ships (ones that are being referred to as "Similar to..."). This work will be continued in the next update.
- Flag rendering improvements. There was an issue with incorrectly rendered lighting on one side of the flag. Added subsurface scattering effect to all flags.
- Improvements to the quality of sun light shadows. Technically, the shadow cascades are now usually being fit better to the specific camera demands.
- Fix: Flat areas were appearing on the sea, if the seabed below was at around 400 - 600 meters.
- Fix: Crew on NPC ships is better aligned to the deck during walking.
- Fix: Fixed issues with a wrong specular being rendered by shaders used to render some of the large objects, like certain ports and merchant ships.
- Fix: After a game state saved near a generic merchant ship was re-loaded, some of the textures on that merchant ship could change after each re-load.
- Fix: Dynamically spawned waves at the ship bows and after torpedo explosions were noticeably lacking vertices, if they were observed from a large distance.
- Fix: Shadow-like lines were appearing on objects when they were viewed from a very close distance in exterior areas and ambient occlusion was enabled in the settings.
- Fix: Lifeboats were disappearing too fast when camera was moved away from them.
- Fix: If camera moved close to a warship, some of the crews of the other ships viewed later would stand in an unusual position.

- Regression fix: Interaction was stopping right after the welcome, if the merchant ship was carrying tea in the cargo hold.

Damage system:
- Fix: One of the possible leaks in the engine room was adding water to the control room instead of the engine room.

- Regression fix: Implemented frequency-dependent wave fading in coastal areas for the physics engine. This feature was implemented only on the side of graphics in the initial B129 releases, which was causing the physics to be sometimes out of sync in the coastal areas.

- Russian localization update by Hard.
- German localization update by Ruby.
- Turkish localization update by tokyo.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.

- Improved physics performance of Dale-class, Ol-class War-class and Wave-class tankers.
- Memory usage optimizations related to the merchant ships and tankers.

- It's no longer possible to permanently move under the terrain, for example by diving deeply using a high time compression before the terrain is generated and appears in the scene.
- Fatigue penalty starts to count after undocking from the port rather than right after the vacation ends. It prevents the crew from becoming fatigued by waiting for the ongoing resupply operations after the vacation.
- Having pressed left CTRL in the free camera mode, makes the camera move more slowly than usual.
- Ship groups are split into smaller ones more aggressively to avoid various practical issues from having too spread out groups.
- Regression fix: It wasn't possible to leave the port after taking the survivors on board in certain cases.
- Regression fix: It was possible for the u-boat to permanently stop detecting any ships, even if they were very close. This issue should be corrected also in the existing game states.
- Regression fix: Some ship classes were docking at a wrong elevation since Preview 11.
- Regression fix: Sound of rotating periscope could be heard for a while after the rotation stopped.
- Fix: Sunk ships were detectable from afar as masts over the horizon.
- Fix: Various fixes to errors that we spotted in the log files from the user reports.


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