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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2019, 11:49:37 AM »

UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home, but it can become their grave at any time

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UBOAT - Early Access Trailer


UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era, yet different than all you have seen so far. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home, but it can become their grave at any time.

In UBOAT you control the crew in order to control the boat. You look after their physical and mental health, because if the sailors are hungry, tired and their spirit is low, there’s no chance of winning even a skirmish.

The extensive damage system is a foundation of the game's survival elements. Unprecedented situations are bound to happen as the effect of received damage, testing player's creativity and ability to stay calm. You can try to save the whole crew or leave someone behind, to save the others.

While your ship travels through the open seas, you will often find yourself being on your own. Use your management skills to spend resources taken on the trip optimally and in special cases try to recover them on the sea, by asking your allies for the help... or by looting wreckages of enemy ships.

•   Disable unnecessary devices, to keep your accumulators running for longer.
•   Tell your crew to stay in their bunks to preserve oxygen.
•   If crew's morale is low - play with them a session of Skat or play music from nearby radio stations, to fortify their hearts.

Kriegsmarine career
During the playthrough you will receive assignments from the Kriegsmarine headquarters. They are never linear and you may receive additional orders during them or face unexpected problems.

Brave completion of assignments from the headquarters is rewarded with additional budget for the unit under your command and with acceptance of your growing reputation as an u-boat's skipper. You will need that, to upgrade your ship and keep up with enemy's technological advances.

•   Upgrade your boat for the rewarded funds.
•   Receive additional permissions for the reputation points.
•   Buy new equipment - new torpedo types, sonar decoys, CO2 absorbers and much more.
•   Send your officers on special tasks in the headquarters to, among other things, speed up a research of new technologies.

Accurate simulation
Game's simulation elements are very realistic, but that never comes at a cost of gameplay quality. Despite extensive simulation elements, UBOAT can be played like a regular game and complex matters can be learned later to become a better skipper for the commanded unit.

Even small things like the influence of ballast in each compartment on the ship's trim (tilt) or Earth's curvature are faithfully reproduced in the game.

Perfection can be achieved in many ways. Prove your management skills and swiftly assign work to your officers to speed things up. If, on the other hand, you think that if something needs to be done, it's better to do that on your own - sit behind the periscope, hydrophone or 88 mm deck gun and take matters in your own hands!

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2019, 02:20:56 PM »
UBOAT is almost here – release day recap
30 Apr @ 12:19pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Full steam ahead!

We won't lie – we are quite excited that you will be able to finally get your hands on UBOAT. Even though it is an Early Access version, we're sure it will offer you hours and hours of submarine fun.

Exact launch time is 4 PM CET.

We've been working hard for the last few months, taking valuable feedback from our Kickstarter backers with beta access and making sure that everything is ready for today's release.

We would like to remind you about the most important changes and improvements we've implemented recently to make sure you can enjoy UBOAT to the fullest:

•   FPP mode is now easier to use thanks to control hints
•   French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Korean and Turkish languages added
•   More content: new ports, convoys and assignments
•   Hydrophone manual mode for better immersion
•   Lighting changes for a bit more realistic look
•   Improved optimization
•   Hundreds of various fixes

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2019, 04:24:20 PM »

-15%    £23.79    £20.22
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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2019, 05:52:05 PM »
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After the Dogs of War are let slip, let us smoke the Pipes Of Peace.

Offline Asid

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2019, 12:43:14 PM »
Upcoming fixes announcement
30 Apr @ 10:17pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Hi Kriegsmarine Crewmembers,

First of all, we wanted to thank you for such active commenting on the Steam forums and in the reviews. Any feedback is more than welcome, and we listen to the voice of every single one of you. We are doing our best to address all the issues that you raise.

We are planning to release a patch in the next 24 hours. Currently, we are focusing on:

•   Fixing crashes,
•   Performance issues,
•   Save issues,
•   Upgrade screen issue.

We can’t promise how much we will be able to squeeze in for tomorrow, please look out for patch notes. Talk to you soon!

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2019, 12:51:13 PM »
The deepest update has arrived. Take your crew to go below the sea level with B121!
27 Jun @ 11:13am - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Hello Sailors,

Thank you for your patience. We know it's been a while since we posted B121 at the unstable branch. Now, properly tested, we are giving it to all the players waiting. This is the biggest update so far. Lots of changes, plenty of fixes. We went to extremely deep waters with it for you. Without further ado, please take a look at the changes.

Travel system overhaul
•   Fast travel mode was removed from the game and replaced with a stronger time compression mode which functionally is pretty similar, but without forcing perspective, unnecessary cheating and added the possibility to use it at all times.
•   Travel system was streamlined and no longer speeds up units depending on the current sea size etc. The time needed to pass X km on the world map should be just as expected. Please note though that time will still pass faster than normal even without time compression when the game is in the travel mode. We will probably add an alternative, realistic travel system at some point, but the current one will always be the default one in the game. With this update, it should be much closer to what simulation games community wants, while still being user-friendly.
•   Officers gain and loss fatigue much more slowly.
•   Fixed very numerous physics problems that were appearing at newly added high time compression level.
•   Script optimizations for smoother performance when time compression is being used.
•   Electricity consumption in travel mode was reworked.
•   U-boat's range on diesel engines now matches the real values.

New off duty system
•   Moving large quantities of goods from port and refitting u-boat is no longer instant and requires some off duty period.
•   Crew gets weary over time when being very long on the sea and gains discipline penalties.
•   Crew can be sent on a vacation to reset their mood, while u-boat is undergoing maintenance work.
•   Added game mechanic for quickly skipping long periods of time while u-boat is off duty.
•   U-boat upgrades now also require off duty time to be installed.

Storages overhaul
•   It's now possible to open storages and torpedo storages to view their contents and issue transport/loading orders without having any officer selected. Such orders are later completed by officers with certain roles and their helpers.
•   Added progress bars and labels to the storage UI that indicates, which items are currently being moved somewhere else.
•   Transported items are now always dropped in a storage slot chosen by the player instead of the first free slot.
•   Characters will carry items in both ways to save time if there are orders to transport goods in two directions between storages.
•   It's now possible to buy shells directly into ammunition storages.

General improvements
•   Assignments are now completed after talking with the leading officer. They cannot be completed on the sea like before. This change, among other things, allows the player to report all events normally after completing the main objective of the assignment.
•   Orbit view camera was improved to better present ship's bobbing/elevation changes while moving through the waves.
•   Added new action icons on portraits: blowing ballast tanks, flooding ballast tanks, wounded, treatment.
•   Fixes and improvements to many port textures.
•   Reworked navigation table. It's no longer possible to get lost soon after navigator had worked for a substantial time at it.
•   Added research for sonar decoys. Removed sonar decoys from the starting equipment.
•   UI sound effects are now stereo panned and most of them are quieter by default.

Performance improvements
•   Crew's RAM and VRAM usage was considerably decreased.
•   Generation of character meshes was rewritten to be as asynchronous as possible on the current version of the engine. It should fix the most common hiccups in the game occurring during weather changes, boarding crew, etc.
•   Texture compression tasks are now asynchronous.
•   Physics should run more smoothly near ports.

•   Sun lens flare could be visible under water during sunsets. It could also be visible in some fogs.
•   Fixed clearly visible boundary on the sea at some distance from the ports.
•   Injured characters could get some automated orders.
•   Font fixes.
•   Camera could orbit target that was no longer visible.
•   Buoyancy force is additionally stabilized when physics precision is decreased. It fixes exaggerated bounce of a few ship types on time compression.
•   Rudders sway much less to the left and right when traveling forward with enabled time compression.
•   Ambient occlusion was incorrect on lower levels of detail for characters, making the transition clearly visible.
•   Sandbox could start with loading popup still on the screen.
•   Characters were flickering after transitioning between the port and the deck.
•   Diesel engines range estimation was off and didn't consider the engineer's skills.
•   Time compression is becoming disabled after entering or leaving the travel mode.
•   Player could enter land areas without seeing any notification aside from the paused time.
•   Reflections on the sea were too foggy.
•   Transfer count slider in the storage UI now takes into consideration remaining capacity of the target slot. It's no longer possible to declare transfer larger than possible.
•   Leo Loris wasn't working on the actions queued in the global queue.
•   Various fixes to torpedo storages bugs.
•   Fixed exploit that was making instant torpedo loading possible.
•   Torpedo loading tasks in the global order queue are now performed only by engineers following the torpedo mechanic role.
•   Global order queue could hold only one non-ending action. It's no longer a case.
•   Electric engines battery drain was lowered.
•   Certain transport tasks could become stuck at 100%.
•   Time compression now correctly stabilizes torque changes from buoyancy to make watching it more comfortable.
•   Purchasing torpedoes into stern torpedo storage wasn't working.
•   Carry item orders assigned to officer with helpers were sometimes ended prematurely with a few items left in the source storage.
•   Quartermaster role wasn't working since 121 Preview 1.
•   Quartermaster could transport a fractional number of shells to the ammunition storage. He was also never resupplying the storage completely and wasn't re-using slots in the storage.
•   Displayed item count was often wrong when the slot was a target of a transport task.
•   Code related to now deprecated skipping calendar dates feature was removed from the game. It had a minor impact on performance.
•   Time skipping of the resupply at the port was often ended prematurely.
•   Storage weight limits weren't respected if all items were queued to be moved at once between storages.
•   Fixed multiple problems resulting from moving one shop item to a few u-boat's storage slots.
•   Some crew members could start working with a briefcase or a backpack after vacation.
•   Improved performance during time skipping in port.
•   Headquarters task duration is now expressed in days, if appropriate, instead of hours to improve readability.
•   Hydrophone can be now correctly downgraded to GHG at ports.
•   Localization fixes.
•   Selling items to the warehouse no longer resets their count.
•   Items that aren't produced by a given country or are at a low stock are no longer restocked in the warehouses.
•   Number keys no longer initiate dialogue options when various UIs opened through dialogue are open.
•   Keyboard shortcuts could stop to work if a player left to the menu during a dialogue.
•   Torpedo arm distances were adjusted for faster torpedo types (they were noticeably higher than for the slow ones).
•   It's no longer possible to detect groups hidden behind land by any means.
•   Various fixes to conning tower observation animations.
•   One part of the conning tower wasn't being visually damaged by the explosions.
•   Attempt at fixing Unity's background thread crash after entering HQ.
•   Map grid could have a gap at the bottom part of the screen after entering the land area.
•   Lens flare quality improvements. Fixed lens flare flickering every 10 minutes of in-game time.
•   Ammunition Production I task wasn't doing anything due to a bug.
•   Failed missions weren't handled properly and the player could get rewards for them.
•   Espionage assignment fixes.
•   Fixed Unity's background thread crash after entering HQ.
•   Console wasn't properly displaying some messages after optimizations from B120.
•   ON convoys could travel through the land on the way to Halifax.
•   Physics of the items hanging on the hooks in the stern torpedo room could become permanently corrupted, especially when large time compressions were used.
•   Torpedo mechanic could get stuck outside of the pressure hull after loading or warming torpedoes. Also, the end of the loading animation was erratic.
•   Selection of portraits could stop working after performing certain steps.
•   One part of VIIC u-boats was remaining visible even after losing them from the sight.
•   Possible fix for duplicated/ghost units which couldn't be reported after sinking.
•   Diver could become not selectable under certain circumstances.
•   Leaving tutorial by clicking the button at the end was causing minor issues.
•   Caps were sometimes visible in FPP.
•   Minor storage UI fixes.
•   Minor render pipeline fixes.
•   Localization fixes.
•   Underwater effect wasn't working inside flooded compartments since at least a few versions.
•   Torpedo and hatch animations now respect current time scale. They were moving too fast on a pause and too slowly on a time compression.
•   Activator banners react more consistently to being occluded by the scene elements (labels were previously unaffected).
•   Loading screen music now respects current audio settings.
•   Various fixes to first aid.
•   Fixes to various path-finding related warnings that probably didn't have any impact.
•   Multiple fixes to having two torpedo mechanics at the same time.
•   Propeller audio effects were audible above the surface of the water for up to a few minutes after loading a game state. This problem could affect a few other audio effects too.
•   Inactive characters that were on a vacation or investigating other ship were coming back to the scene after loading a game state.
•   Reworked internal compartments of smaller units to make them more easily sinkable.
•   Added balancing factor to the torpedo damage formula.
•   Ships evacuated by the crew receive more damage and floodings are more likely to spread to simulate the fact that they lack any kind of direct damage control at such point.
•   HQ now requires more definite sinkings for a reward.
•   Font fixes.

You must admit, that looks impressive, but let's face it. We would never do it without you and your feedback. Once again, massive thank you for each conversation, each report, each review. You're the best!

Sailors! Dismissed!

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2019, 12:54:04 PM »
Patch B121 up and ready at "Unstable" branch
7 Jun @ 11:55pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Hello Sailors!

After silent running with blue lights on for two weeks and working on the next update, we are finally ready to share this version publicly. We try to be as open as possible about the production, but during major work, there is often not that much point in sharing what we have even on the unstable branch as that would be just a pure frustration for you and us :)

Let's move on and talk about the update B121 which is now being released on the "Unstable" branch. If you like to test it, change to it in the game properties from the Steam Library, but keep in mind that this is still a work in progress.

Travel system overhaul
With this version, we overhauled the travel system in the game. The most visible change is that the fast travel mode is gone. We didn't like it, you didn't like it, nobody liked it seems, so we finally got rid of it.

Instead, there is a new time compression available that is 5x as strong as the base one. It allows you to leave areas in a decent time, similarly to the old "fast travel" mode, but it works in a much more cleaner fashion. It can be used at any point in the game without restrictions, while no cheating is involved and all laws of physics are respected. It was a major technical challenge, as physics tend to break easily on such fast time scales and we had to perform many optimizations, fixes and ensure proper handling of edge cases.

Another major change is that long distance travels on the map work differently than they used to. There were many technical changes which translate more or less to such end effects:

•   Movement on the map is much slower without time compression. There is much more time to plan an attack on the nearby groups, if you prefer to play real-time without using the active pause.
•   On the other hand, travel on the map is much faster than before, if the new time compression is used, so this change may satisfy both the patient and impatient players.
•   All small cheats here and there were removed that translate to more realistic navigation.
•   U-boat's range is set to real-life values.
Those changes address some of the suggestions we were getting from the community since the release. We hope you will like them.

Time progression
Before this update, there wasn't any decent mechanism that would make it possible to play through the whole war in a reasonable time. We had one solution during the Kickstarter backer beta, namely skipping calendar dates, but it was a confusing solution. We removed it and planned a new system. Finally, we had time to implement that new system. Let's talk about the details.

•   Resupplying your u-boat at the port is no longer instant and takes some time to be done. Your u-boat will be moved off-duty until all ordered equipment is loaded inside. You can skip the wait with a click of the button and continue normally. We didn't add any animations for the port workers so far, but we have such plans.
•   Crew gets fatigued over time and needs a vacation from time to time. We found historical sources about places where u-boat crews were resting and added them into the game. You can send your guys to simply rest in the port city you are currently in or spend some budget and let them relax in a French Chateau or Eagle's Nest.
•   New travel system ensures that patrols last much longer when it comes to passing in-game hours and days (it's also closer to real-life historical data).

These changes ensure that time will progress much faster and potentially allow the player to play through the whole World War II which was always our intention for UBOAT.

We balanced the game accordingly to match these changes. All HQ tasks take much more time to be researched and officers get fatigued much more slowly, which was also a commonly requested change.

Storages overhaul
To implement the delayed resupply of the ship at ports we had to improve the user interface for storages to make such information readable. It was an unexpected work that lead us to a major change how the storages are used and delayed this update by a week.

Starting with this version it's possible to open storages and plan all logistics without having any officer selected. All transport tasks are later completed by officers with certain roles and sailors under their command.

It's also possible to plan ahead the torpedo loadout and don't let your officer choose it automatically.

All ongoing transport tasks are clearly presented in the storage's user interface.

Another change, is that it's now possible to purchase ammunition directly into a gun's storage.

Technical improvements
With this version, we worked on some tougher technical matters that needed some time to be done. The game should generally run more smoothly, with better performance and lower RAM / VRAM usage.

Have you ever noticed lags appearing before and after each rain in the game or after adding new sailors to the crew? They were caused by rebuilding geometry for the characters. Considering that the u-boat is pretty densely packed with unique characters we are displaying them in a very optimized way which has this downside that some CPU work is needed to get it going after each change of the clothing like equipping a raincoat. Starting with this version, it's a fully asynchronous process and those lags won't bother you anymore.

Other changes
Starting with this version rewards for assignments are received only after talking with the leading officer in the port rather than clicking a button on the open sea. This change keeps the mission open until that point. It allows you to report all sunk ships and other events normally after completing the main objective of your assignment. It was a small oversight in the design that we didn't manage to fix for the initial Early Access version.

Thanks a lot for all your feedback
You're truly amazing. Thank you for all the conversations we have. We listen to each and every one of you. Your voice is heard and we take it all into consideration. Please play the new patch and let us know what you think.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2019, 12:55:15 PM »
No rest for the wicked! Patch B122 ready at the branch Unstable
29 Jun @ 4:33pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Hello Kriegsmarine,

We just release the biggest patch so far with lots of changes and already have a new one for you to test. We hope you'll enjoy it and leave some feedback!

•   It's now possible to add custom music to the game. Please read README file in "(GAME_FOLDER)\UBOAT_Data\StreamingAssets\Packages\custom-music" to learn where to place your music files.
•   Various modding improvements for summer's modding SDK introduction. Added support for raw audio and texture files and support for data sheet overrides in mods.

•   Pausing or disabling time compression on the map was causing random camera movement.
•   Sink ship objectives were sometimes duplicated.
•   Increased fuel usage to achieve historical range only with some bonuses from an engineer working at the engines and/or leader at the navigator's station. It was very hard to run out of fuel on B121.
•   Vacation could be bought without sufficient funds and cause the budget to dive below zero.
•   Faster completion bonus of HQ tasks from a vacation (like Eagle's Nest) wasn't applied to tasks that were started before a vacation.
•   Vacation notification had missing localizations.
•   Reputation points count label in reputation purchases screen was often displaying a wrong value.
•   Added sound effect for reputation purchases.

Talk to you soon!

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2019, 12:56:52 PM »
Game translation help needed
30 Jun @ 12:26pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

To all International Sailors,

We need your help! We are adding new content to the game, and with that comes new text. Since you are experts in submarines, we thought you could help us out. Here's the list of languages we need assistance with.

•   French
•   Italian
•   German
•   Spanish - Spain
•   Russian
•   Korean
•   Simplified Chinese
•   Turkish

If you are interested in working with us on better translations, please send me a private message. You can also add me to friends. I'll provide some more details then.

Let's be in touch!

Take care,

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2019, 01:53:36 AM »
Update B122 coming to speakers in submarines near you!
14 Jul @ 6:05pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Hello Sailors!

It's our pleasure to announce that update B122, the one we posted at the unstable branch couple of weeks ago, is finally going live for everyone! This is very exciting because we understand that there are only a handful of things more important on long voyages than atmospheric music. You now have the possibility to use your very own tracks while playing the game whether you wanted to listen to Das Boot soundtrack or you decided that Billie Eilish somehow fits the cold, steely insides of your underwater vehicle (we're not judging).

There are also plenty of other fixes and changes, all of which are listed below:

•   It's now possible to add custom music to the game. Please read README file in "(GAME_FOLDER)\UBOAT_Data\StreamingAssets\Packages\custom-music" to learn where to place your music files.
•   Various modding improvements for summer's modding SDK introduction. Added support for raw audio and texture files and support for datasheet overrides in mods.
•   U-boat fuel capacity is now set to a historical value and usage is expressed in UI as liters per km and per minute. Diesel compressor and engines have historical consumption rates.
•   Item's mass and stack limit are now displayed in the storage UI.

•   Pausing or disabling time compression on the map was causing random camera movement.
•   Sink ship objectives were sometimes duplicated.
•   Increased fuel usage to achieve historical range only with some bonuses from an engineer working at the engines and/or leader at the navigator's station. It was very hard to run out of fuel on B121.
•   A vacation could be bought without sufficient funds and cause the budget to dive below zero.
•   Faster completion bonus of HQ tasks from a vacation (like Eagle's Nest) wasn't applied to tasks that were started before a vacation.
•   Vacation notification had missing localizations.
•   Reputation points count label in reputation purchases screen was often displaying a wrong value.
•   Added sound effect for reputation purchases.
•   Fixes for the most common errors automatically reported to us. They could have an impact on performance and cause random issues in the gameplay.
•   Amount of water inside the compartment was always displayed as infinity during the transport.
•   If any problem occurs during time skipping, associated UI would remain indefinitely on the screen.
•   There was a random bug due to which saving of game states was failing.
•   It was possible to do two research tasks with the same officer. It was also possible to work on the same task two times.
•   Fixed bug that could prevent from loading certain game states.
•   Officers were sometimes not returning from a vacation.
•   NPC groups were moving faster than it would result from their actual velocity.
•   Batteries weren't recharging inside areas and fuel wasn't consumed.
•   Batteries are now recharging considerably longer for better balance and historical accuracy.
•   Canceling torpedo loading was often moving torpedo that was being loaded into a completely wrong place.
•   Time compression was intensifying hull creaking above the normal level.
•   Resource depletion estimations are now always estimated in real-time instead of in-game time as it's usually closer to what user wants to know.
•   Resource tooltips are now refreshed each second to make countdowns look more natural.
•   Getting out of upper bed in FPP was causing that all caps and other objects that shouldn't appear in FPP were visible.
•   It was possible to duplicate items by moving them onto a slot that was during transport.
•   Characters were taking more items into a backpack than ordered if certain steps were followed.
•   Fixed changelog margins in the main menu.
•   Fixed a few minor game state issues and one looping error that could affect performance.
•   It's now possible to skip dialogues by clicking.
•   Improved hitbox for some map markers.
•   Officer alone couldn't provide reliable operation for the engines.
•   Changed font style on activators to a sharper one.
•   Various fixes to vacations. Undocking before the whole crew returns from vacation no longer places all remaining characters at one spot on the deck.
•   Officers no longer think that long between automatic actions when time compression is enabled.
•   Torpedo being warmed up by an engineer was occasionally invisible.
•   Mission list was occasionally not appearing in Kiel.
•   If the player ordered carrying items to opened storage instead from it, it would lead to erroneous behavior of characters carrying out this order.
•   Carry progress label in the storage UI was often off.
•   Cancellation of torpedo loading or warming order wasn't properly handled if the compartment became flooded. That was causing some aesthetic problems later.
•   Fixed minor issues, if a player left to the menu during time skipping animation.
•   Leaving to the menu by clicking the exit button on the defeat screen was causing various serious issues later in the game.
•   German and polish localization fixes.
•   Leaving to the menu after launching torpedoes could cause performance problems for some time.
•   N-A1 freighters are now flammable.
•   Balanced a bit of damage applied to NPC ships. N-A1 freighters are much easier to sink.
•   Saving a game state immediately after vacation ended, would produce a game state in which some officers would be permanently gone.
•   Improved loading times from the main menu by a few seconds.
•   Fixed a few issues with certain actions staying on the order list despite that they were overridden by another order.
•   Pressing SHIFT key while moving the camera in the section, orbit or map view speeds up the camera movement.
•   Access to the items placed on the deck was hard in the section view.
•   Actions whose target was despawned were causing occasional issues.
•   Activator hover effect is now animated instantly.
•   Vacation discipline gain modifiers were far greater than declared in the description.
•   Russian localization fixes.
•   Probably all cases of the crew moving out of the moveable area are now fixed.
•   Fixed problem with torpedo mechanic instantly appearing on the upper deck during warming up of the torpedo, if the most intense time compression was used.
•   Character smoking on the conning tower could get stuck and stay there after submerging.
•   Aircraft are now usually spotted from a greater distance (up to 8 km for the default observators and up to 16 km for the officer with maxed out crew). Radar detectors are still considerably more reliable and less labor-intensive though.
•   The officer assigned to the targeting sight is able to spot groups from a bit greater distance than before.
•   Increased "Naxos" radar detector detection range.
•   The crew could occasionally get stuck behind the stern and bow torpedo room bulkheads.
•   Research progress bars weren't reliably updated in all cases.
•   Sink ship missions should now have their targets chosen more wisely.
•   It's no longer possible to order drinking a coffee without having any officer selected.
•   Torpedo warm up order now works correctly when ordered without having any officer selected.
•   Starting a vacation could instantly complete current HQ tasks.
•   Arrows that represent resource changes over time could be pointed in the wrong direction in case of electricity when the ship was on the open sea.
•   Various fixes to transport orders.

We've also wanted to thank you all for an astonishing amount of support in translating the game! We're still looking for those who are willing to help us in this endeavor!

Sailors! Dismissed!

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2019, 11:45:57 PM »
Massive B123 patch is ready!
6 Aug @ 7:30pm - nihilcat   

Hello Sailors!

After two weeks of intense work with our beta community we are now ready to publish the next version. It fixes a great deal of issues in the game, improves balance and adds keyboard settings to the game!

At the same time we prepared the next version (B124) that just went on the testing branch. That new version focuses on overhauling the AI, so if that's something that you are after and look for more challenge during convoy hunt then look no more. We already did our best to test it, but its balance may be not final.

After a period of total focus on bugs, we feel that now is a good time to make some humble plans ahead for the Early Access. We will post a roadmap of remaining work very soon.

Let's move on to changes introduced by the new patch.

Changelog for version B123:

- Added keyboard settings to the main menu.

Balance and AI:
- Aircraft are now considerably less accurate at dropping bombs, especially in bad weather conditions. It's globally configurable in "General.xlsx / Settings / AI / Aircraft Inaccuracy", while each aircraft type can be calibrated in Entities.xlsx.
- Depth charges deal a considerably increased damage at greater depths. Their base damage was lowered a bit.

- Fixes to multiple memory leaks related to loading game states. Added memory diagnostic tool to the in-game console in case of further problems.
- Hotkey changes: F6 now opens rudder tool, F7 opens the journal and F10 takes a screenshot without UI to be consistent with the order of buttons in the toolbar.
- Automatically computed paths to contacts that became lost are now no longer updated.
- Fixed issue with u-boat's electric engine damage after hitting an NPC ship with a torpedo.
- Fixed static character highlights/shadows after crew returned from a vacation or from an external mission.
- Fixed reported land patch on the middle of Atlantic (49N, 8.95W).
- Fixed issue with not being able to add sailors to officer. It usually affected the skipper.
- Game states saved with open dev console would load paused until console would be opened and closed back again.
- Alarm would sometimes not stop even after leaving group where enemy was spotted.
- Varied dishes discipline bonus was exagerrated.
- Goods can now be transferred instantly between storage and kitchen without having officer selected.
- Fixes to various problems with loading goods from crates placed on the deck.
- Characters involved in transport tasks were doing one turn between storages without reason after everything was transported.
- Interaction wheels were remaining on the screen indefinitely and couldn't be closed, if certain steps were followed.
- After diver reached a wreck, game would ask in a loop which crates to pull up, sometimes also returning wasn't possible. It's no longer the case.
- All unfinished side missions from an assignment are now being cancelled when the assignment is being finished.
- "Back" button wasn't working for some categories in the customization screen.
- MTBs now behave properly on a high time compression.
- Fixes to some of the auto reported code errors all around.
- Physics stability fixes for dynamic objects in u-boat's interior on a very high time compression.
- Procrastinating sailor event wasn't checking, if any spot was free before activation, sometimes leading to issues.
- Sick characters during turbeculosis event were missing status icon on their portraits and sometimes were taking automated actions like flooding the tanks, which they couldn't complete and block the station.
- Turbeculosis event no longer can be skipped by closing the window.
- Fixed old problem due to which many ships weren't getting unique names, making it hard to deduce which ship to sink in the sink ship side missions.
- N-A1 ships now have their names written on the hull just like the other freighters.
- Balanced rewards for sinking ships.
- Increased save system immunity for game updates in a few ways. Data from the spreadsheets now overrides data stored in the game states in most cases.
- Realistic food weight and consumption proportional to the current crew count. Increased main storage mass capacity. Changed food types available at the start of the game. Further decrease of varied dishes bonus.
- Having selected character while transferring goods between the storages was ignoring instant transfer links like between the main storage and kitchen.
- Fixed issue with infinite loading while entering certain areas.
- Added choice between regular fullscreen and fullscreen windowed modes to video settings.
- Reloaded game states were loosing some of the unique names assigned to the ships.
- Duplication of side missions types during assignment is now disallowed.
- Vacation in Bavarian Village was stopping officers energy regeneration and loss (this issue will resolve itself in a few in-game days in existing game states).
- Torpedo loading is now much more fatiguing for the officer.
- Warehouse worker in Wilhelmshaven could become duplicated after loading a game state.
- Map drawing tools fixes: 1. It was possible to add not removable points by performing a few steps. 2. Right mouse button now correctly cancels current placement and disables the tool. 3. Buttons in the toolbar are now always in the correct state.
- Turm I had a few problems in its navigation meshes. Crew could get stuck in a few places.
- Restarting a game would carry on remaining off duty time to the new game.
- Storage/warehouse interface could sometimes close without apparent reason.
- KDB hydrophones and all radar detectors can be now damaged and are repairable by engineers. Previously it was partially working only for Tunis radar detectors.
- After deselecting officer assigned to a gun contacts list would remain on the screen.
- It was often necessary to click twice on a launcher to flood it.
- Seagull and port ambient sound effects were muted after loading a game state.
- Increased character carry weight limit from 20kg to 30kg.
- Allies that demand food now ask for 6 units of food instead of 10 units as it wasn't possible for officer to carry such amount after recent changes.
- Added latest translations from the community.
- Injured or ill officers had a missing status icon on the portrait after loading a game state.
- Illness no longer spreads in ports. All characters are completely healed after u-boat docks in a port.
- Officer could get stuck behind the cook in the kitchen and not be able to get out.
- Aircraft propellers could be detected by the hydrophone due to a mistake in the data sheet. This problem may be carried in previously saved game states, but will disappear after around 24 in-game hours.
- Game states saved with enabled time compression were loaded with a wrong state of TC buttons.
- Beard growth is now updated live on the portraits. Characters that return from a vacation have their beards shaved to a level that was set on the customization screen. Beards grow much more slowly than before.
- "Tab" key is no longer bound by default to showing hidden activators.
- Lipsync could cause small, temporary performance drop, if character would start speaking directly after dressing or undressing a raincoat.
- Game states loading is a bit faster.
- HQ screen is now always cached before entering gameplay and never opens preceeded by a loading screen.
- Bell sound effect played after changing course is a bit more quiet by default and was moved to the data sheets, if player would prefer to adjust or replace it.
- Fixed land patches on the North Sea (55.87N, 2.12E).
- Fixed issue with invisible character + performance drop.
- Message about failing espionage assignment could appear in a few copies.
- Game could freeze during loading of a game state, if terrain wasn't generated in time. Further optimizations to loading time.
- Automated periscope depth should be better at keeping the periscope above the water in bad weather. Occasional loss of sight is still going to happen though, it's intended.
- Navigation mesh fixes. Character could get stuck outside u-boat in probably the last one place.
- Selection circle wasn't appearing for some characters.
- Lost u-boat mission could be restarted near completion after following certain steps.
- Damaged propellers were still able to propel ships. It was most apparent in the side mission with lost u-boat.
- Fixed one issue that was causing infinite loading of an area.
- It was possible to get rewards for an assignment without completing it.
- Sunk tonnage was reported as zero in assignment summary for most assignment types. Changed unit from "tons" to "GRT".
- Personality notifications could remain on the screen after loading a new game state.
- It wasn't possible to buy the ammunition directly to the guns in a few ports.
- Smoke was coming out from the snorkel after switching to electric motors or after stopping the engines until the mast was lowered and raised again.
- Various fixes to errors in the code reported automatically to us. They probably didn't had obvious symptoms.
- It's no longer possible to interact with the game while u-boat enters a land area.
- It wasn't possible to click a save game button with some user interfaces open due to a wrong display order.
- Fixed "Lorem ipsum" placeholder messages appearing sometimes in the journal.
- Multiple food types placed in the kitchen are now eaten uniformly.
- It's no longer possible to open floating containers that are at a distance of 350 meters or more.
- Officers were loosing their combat helmets after reloading a game state.
- Rain coats, combat helmets, diving suits and a few other items are now dynamically rendered on the portraits.

Warm thank you for sending us bug reports and posting your suggestions. That truly helps us to improve the game.

Deep Water Studio   

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2019, 03:32:29 PM »
Summer Update B124 available now!
1 Sep @ 12:04pm - U_Korvettenkapitaen

Hello Sailors!

We're proud to announce that patch B124 is now live for the main branch. And it's a big boy! For the whole summer we were gatherig your feedback and fixing all you reported. That’s why we call this the Summer Update.

This massive update comes with changes to almost every aspect of the game, including your targets and their escorts who'll now display much greater cohesion in their actions against you.

The full changelog can be found below:

Balance and AI:

•   Warships now use a much better algorithm to more consistently aim depth charges at the u-boat.
•   At least a half of warships present in a convoy always get assigned to searching u-boats instead of getting assigned to that job randomly.
•   Warships now share some information between themselves about the suspected location of enemy submarines.
•   Warships have improved AI to be better at tracking down the u-boat if they don't know its current location.
•   Mark VII depth charges used at the beginning of the war now have realistic maximum detonation depth (152.4 meters). Added Mark VII Heavy depth charges (215 meters) that slowly start to replace them starting with 1942. Added Upgraded Mark VII that enters service in 1943 with max detonation depth of 274 meters. We still need to confirm some of these numbers.
•   F-class destroyers have their depth charges capacity doubled in 1942-1943.
•   Majority of merchant ships now doesn't have radio equipment at the start of the war. It's installed later with passing years.
•   Merchant ships without escort that have radio equipment send SOS and SSS messages when they spot a submarine or get hit by a torpedo.
•   Torpedo detonations are audible and visible to nearby groups including the aircraft (up to 32 km). Smoke columns can also be detected if they get high enough (up to 80 km). NPCs report them by radio and consider this event in their further behavior.
•   Warships send messages about detecting enemy submarines to their allies. These messages cannot be decoded by the player, but are trackable to the direction finder.
•   Default crew at the conning tower is now a bit better at detecting incoming aircraft. Aircraft are also generally a bit easier to spot now.
•   Depth charges now blind hydrophones and sonars much more intensively and in a more user-friendly way.
•   Torpedoes deal noticeably more damage. Damage reports after torpedo hits were reworked a bit.
•   Ship health bars were improved and display current flooding as well as projected flooding over time.
•   Scoring a hit with torpedo provides instant discipline growth. Sinking a ship increases it even more. Explosions of depth charges close to the hull lower discipline.

Emergency and crew management changes:

•   Officers can freely move and perform simple and emergency tasks in evacuated compartments.
•   Evacuation works more reliably than before.
•   It's now possible to manually place orders of carrying wounded crewmen to safety. Fixed multiple problems related to this action. Added icon for this action.
•   It wasn't possible to evacuate Battery Room no. 2 (this problem may be carried in the game states).
•   Most repair jobs are now more tolerant of water before rebreather is required.
•   "Medic" automated officer role wasn't working after recent changes to the injury system. Medic and his helpers are now also actively carrying the wounded crew.
•   Wounded and sick characters can now be treated only in beds. If beds become flooded, treatment will be canceled and they will ragdoll.
•   Fixed cases of characters moving back and forth through the hatch during the evacuation of middle compartments.
•   Move orders are now treated as a normal task that appears in the officer's action queue.
•   It's no longer possible to load torpedoes when beds are occupied by wounded crew.
•   Officers are now usually carried to their own compartment if they become wounded. Regular sailors can also be carried there if there is no space in other compartments.
•   It's no longer necessary to carry crewmen anywhere if they got injured in the bunk.
•   Added FPP-only "stop evacuation" action on the hatches.


•   Added night lights in ports and cities. Lighthouses are now functional.
•   Fixed sharp spotlight rendering on water.
•   Fix for lighting problems after visiting a character screen.
•   Probable fix for terrain cracks, holes and intense slopes that were appearing at certain spots in the world.
•   Visual improvements to the effect of water leaking out from the holes in the hull of the u-boat. It's now played even when small amounts of water accumulate in the hull. Added sound effect. This change may have a negative impact on performance.
•   Added bubbles effect to the quick diving tank.
•   y, terrain and other ships are no longer displayed when the camera is placed at the boundary of the ship's hull. It didn't look good and could be used to cheat when visibility was low.
•   Probable fix for pink water during explosions at specific view angles.
•   Shadows were missing in the periscope view.
•   Grid intersections on the map are cleaner without visible overlapping. The grid has a constant pixel width. Larger grid cells now have exactly 10 km dimensions, smaller grid cells have 1 km dimensions.


•   Major performance and quality improvements to spray effect coming from the breaking waves.
•   Performance improvements to hull wetting effect and fish emitter.
•   Camera view distance is being adjusted during foggy weather to not render scene parts that are fully covered by the fog. This change noticeably increases FPS during storms.
•   Ship interior is more aggressively culled when the camera looks inside the ship through the external hatch to increase FPS on the conning tower.
•   Major optimizations to Unity's shadow atlasing code (10x faster - from 2 ms per frame to 0.2 ms per frame).
•   Probable fix for binoculars/periscope performance drop. There is a problem in the graphics engine that occasionally causes performance drop after any appearance of blend shape animations like talking, blinking or squinting the eye to look through the periscope lens. We gated this kind of animations behind aggressive LOD system to minimize occurrences of this problem. Characters will also stop to blink starting with this update until this problem gets fixed in the future engine versions. While it is a definitely confirmed thing, it could also not be the main cause of performance drop after using periscopes on affected systems - further testing is needed. It was causing numerous thread locks in the engine code and it could also be a reason behind some of the reported crashes.
•   Interior scenes are much more occlusion culled for better performance, but the section view no longer uses occlusion culling. Gains from it were negligible and using it there was limiting potential precision for other views.
•   Section view uses custom culling to avoid rendering of unnecessary geometry at the sides.
•   Other performance improvements.
•   Screen space reflections effect optimizations targeted mostly at high-resolution screens.

User interface:

•   Added detailed hints about station state that appear after hovering it with a mouse pointer. These hints contain various practical information that was often inaccessible before this update.
•   New activator icons for the most often used equipment.
•   Some of the activators like maps and galley could be hovered only by their icon, while their models weren't triggering any action.
•   Activator names are no longer displayed in the scene until they become hovered or ALT is pressed.
•   Ballast and fuel tanks now can be hovered after pressing ALT to check their state (with the exception of ballast tanks no. 1 and 5 that can be always hovered, they are comfortably far from the playing area).
•   Torpedo warming icon now contains a launcher index.
•   Light bulbs now have dedicated icons.
•   Added dedicated icon for NPC ship investigation action.


•   Ships now slow down a bit before turning to better follow their route. It helps a bit to navigate in ports.
•   Salvage replacement parts action wasn't correctly stopped in case of encountering problems in the process.
•   Officers assigned to duty through management screen started with a single health point.
•   Portraits of newly added officers appear on the leftmost position instead of taking the place of a skipper.
•   Isles-class trawlers weren't treated as military ships and they didn't behave fully correctly.
•   Gibraltar is now a bit less densely populated.
•   Russian localization fixes.
•   Diver's portrait was blank after returning back to the ship. The root cause could occasionally cause other graphical glitches too.
•   Diver could become permanently stuck, if something wouldn't allow him to get to the place from which he jumps like placing an order to submerge.
•   Characters could in very specific conditions not react to any move orders until they were deselected and selected back again.
•   Unloading a torpedo from a launcher into the torpedo storages above the pressure hull could cause invisible wall problem.
•   Fixes to pathfinding problems.
•   Large calibre ammo wasn't resupplied at some ports, if all units were bought out in a single day (this problem is carried on in the game states).
•   Salvaging scrap to replacement parts wasn't working well with manual item delivery setting.
•   Remaining battery running time in the tooltip could be displayed as a negative number, if player installed improved batteries on the u-boat.
•   It was possible in extremely rare cases for a port to be permanently removed from the game after unspawning.
•   Characters could become stuck at their stations.
•   Welder mask is no longer rendered on the portraits.
•   Torpedo explosions exert less force on hit ships to make situations where other torpedoes from the series slip under the ship less likely.
•   Exterior hatch could be displayed open despite being closed.
•   U-boats were sometimes ignoring skirmishes with the aircraft and would continue to hunt ships.
•   Fix for u-boats getting stuck in land areas after time skipping in ports.
•   OG and ON convoys were crossing land at some point on their path.
•   Fixes to encounters between NPC groups on the map.
•   Fix for a problem where officer's helper would appear on the portrait in the targeting UI instead of the officer.
•   Newly added officers appear on the leftmost position also in the TAB menu.
•   Officer limit on board was preserved from the previous session after restarting sandbox.
•   Completed assignment summary was sometimes displaying incorrect objectives.
•   Fix for one looped error that could have some effect on the performance, if certain steps were followed.
•   Headquarter task progress notification on the right could appear completely white.
•   Fix to propellers rotation direction.
•   Officer that returned from an external mission to u-boat's stern could get stuck there and not be able to move, if he appeared at a certain spot.
•   Ship group AI was sometimes becoming locked up when ships belonging to it approached land too close.
•   Line of sight checking code had mistake that could sometimes make enemy units disappear from the sight without reason near lands.
•   MTB physics should be now much less "jumpy" on a high time compression.
•   Enemy units should no longer get beached in normal gameplay situations.
•   Radio transmissions notification and a number below radioman portrait could display a wrong number of available transmissions nearby.
•   Added a bunch of ship names for Flower-class corvettes and MTBs.
•   Size of an enemy group detected by a direction finder is now unknown.
•   Cut off power in a compartment was stopping water propagation in it.
•   Fix for "Death Decrease" notifications.
•   Minor fixes to automatically reported errors in the code. They didn't had any gameplay side effects, but could contribute to certain graphical glitches.
•   UI that is normally visible when camera orbits NPC unit could get stuck on the screen, if certain steps were performed.
•   Lost radio transmission notification is now informing which transmission was lost.
•   Another fix for a problem that could lead to an infinite loading of a game state.
•   It wasn't possible to spot AA guns in a port after reloading a game state in that port.
•   Periscope sight range was very low after reloading a game state where it was extended until its elevation was adjusted at least a bit.
•   Hydrophone ship targetting performance is now lower.
•   Headquarters task progress notification was blank, if associated task was already completed in a loaded game state.
•   Small performance improvements.
•   Torpedo mechanic was sometimes trying to warm up torpedoes that were ordered to be unloaded. That was causing some problems.
•   It's no longer possible to change selection after opening torpedo launchers UI to prevent mistakes.
•   Item's stack limit could become doubled after reloading a game state.
•   Headquarters were transmitting some of their messages in a very short timeframe, often not giving player enough time to receive them in case of bad weather etc.
•   Fix for entering and leaving group areas in an infinite loop (it's an unrelated issue to the infinite loading of area).
•   Damaged propellers could still make sounds as if they were working.
•   Fixed placement for docked NPC ships. They were often placed too deep, far from their normal waterlines.
•   U-boat from the lost ship mission could sometimes move around on the map before being met by the player.
•   Improved game startup time.
•   Cursor was disappearing for a while during transition from the menu to a loading screen.
•   Torpedo launchers UI is now automatically closed, if target becomes invalid to avoid firing torpedoes in an unexpected direction.
•   Fire button in torpedo launchers UI is blocked, if fire solution data becomes insufficient.
•   It wasn't possible to get a reward for the assignment, if player would reload a game state in the destination port before taking the reward.
•   Memory usage and stutter optimizations.
•   Small calibre AP ammo is now correctly resupplied since the beginning of the game.
•   It's no longer possible to aim guns during a pause.
•   Section view camera could become permanently zoomed out from the ship.
•   Physics performance optimizations. Distant minor objects are being disabled from the simulation.
•   Engineer could sometimes get stuck at the diesel engines after ship submerged. He could also don't move to the electric engines, if he had no selected role.
•   Contacts list items could intersect with each other.
•   Targeted ships had noticeably larger hitbox than their icons. They could occlude other ships.
•   Periscope could affect ship visibility deep under water, if certain steps were followed.
•   It's no longer possible to play cards with the crew after u-boat dives below periscope depth.
•   Beds in the bow torpedo room were often staying visible when they should be hidden in the section view.
•   Underwater effect could sometimes be seen without reason in Battery Room no. 2 at the closest zoom of the section view.
•   Improvements and fixes to the way how instant resource changes are presented at the resources bar.
•   Radioman had duplicated hydrophone listening action.
•   Mission objective marker wasn't clickable for map course plotting in ally help mission.
•   Officer could get stuck on the bow or stern of the target ship while travelling on a dinghy.
•   Game states saved during depth charge attacks weren't loading.
•   Characters evacuating from the compartment now take the wounded with them, if there are still free beds somewhere.
•   Rescuing and wounded character have now better matching poses while they wait for their turn near the hatches.
•   Diseases spread much more slowly. This change doesn't affect hunger-induced conditions.
•   Hunger phases are progressing much more slowly.
•   Crew could celebrate sinking of their allies.
•   After player sinks any German ship crew no longer gets discipline rewards for sinking any ships.
•   Use of data collected by an officer to fire torpedo at a stationary target was resulting in torpedoes being fired in a random direction.
•   Food variety in the kitchen increases food consumption (not linearly).
•   Added icon for evacuation action.
•   Characters that became injured at least once in their lifetimes were stopping to be reliably aware in which compartment they are currently in. That could cause unexpected behaviour. Their physics performance impact was also becoming unnecessary high.
•   Animations of picking up and placing a wounded character on the bed were simplified to avoid occlusion with geometry in cramped spaces. Synchronization between the characters was improved.
•   Particle effects are not played on distant ships to increase performance.
•   Small performance improvements that eliminate some types of occasional stutter.
•   Fix for occasional "clicks" happening without actually clicking.
•   Ammunition storages can now be opened without having a selected character.
•   Pressurized air is now much less likely to escape from the tanks and compartments through holes in the lower parts of the ship. It helps the ship to stay buoyant in a rough weather.
•   Character destination marker wasn't visible in the view that orbits ship or if the destination was in port.
•   It's now possible to issue "go to" orders from the section view and orbiting view at ports.
•   Crew energy levels are restored after crew returns from a vacation.
•   Map camera no longer follows u-boat after zooming it out to a world scale. This movement was sometimes making it hard to plot a course.
•   Routes set to a mission marker were sometimes staying outdated and would not follow target group.
•   Some devices on board were still functional after batteries became depleted or power distribution boards would be damaged.
•   Stationary targets from ignored or failed missions are cleaned up from the map.
•   Side missions are now much more rare during a free roam.
•   Navigator is less likely to stay at the station, if there is other work to do and he already determined ship's position well enough.
•   Allied u-boats could pass their observations to the player. That could produce unwanted contacts when player's ship was submerged.
•   Medic role was stopping to work correctly after reloading a game state.
•   Medic was automatically helping only the wounded crew and ignored ill characters.
•   Evacuation wasn't affecting officers after reloading a game state.
•   After power distribution board becomes damaged, all switch icons are hidden for a cleaner view.
•   Lost on the sea notification was displaying a different icon during an initial blinking animation.
•   Different icon was displayed after hovering a notification that warns the player about a dangerous depth.
•   Wheel menu with actions was often closing itself, if it was opened in FPP on the open sea and ship was moving.
•   Camera is better at determining when it enters u-boat's hull to avoid displaying empty geometry in a free camera mode.
•   Underwater audio effect wasn't being enabled under water in compartments.
•   Bugged highlight could be displayed at (0, 0) world coordinates.
•   Valves above the hatch between Control Room and Battery Room no. 2 were gone for at least a few versions.
•   Characters were sometimes taking one step ahead before starting an animation (like torpedo unloading) making that animation unaligned with other objects that participate in that animation.
•   Hull breach damage decals were often incorrectly rendering on top of the leak particles.
•   Warning on torpedo launchers was sometimes suggesting that loading torpedoes with rebreather on is possible.
•   From now on, if character dies, is removed from duty or starts to bail water, his belongings are moved to the ship storage instead of being lost.
•   Characters that were being rescued were loading incorrectly from a saved game state.
•   Characters that fight with each other now have better aligned animations.
•   Some lights could remain active in compartments with cut off electricity after reloading a game state.
•   Crew members working at stations could sometimes be invisible after loading a saved game state until they were given any order.
•   Sailors assigned to an officer could occasionally leave their stations and go to bed, even though they were still figuring as they would be working.
•   Crash fix related to newspaper pooling.
•   Added wrench model to engineer's hand during matching repair animations.
•   Right-clicking on an activator that doesn't have any actions available no longer does anything.
•   Crew members could start to behave oddly, if galley became flooded.
•   Bleeding countdown was overlapping with character's health points.
•   Wounded crew is now carried to moderately flooded compartments, if there are no dry ones available. They are also carried between compartments, if there are safer places available.
•   Sick crew wasn't carried out from flooded compartments (only wounded were carried).
•   If timing was very precise, characters would sometimes try to carry to safety their crewmates that just got cured.
•   Fix for crashes to desktop after buying large quantities of small calibre ammunition.
•   Target is now synchronized between manual periscope/UZO mode and the order for the officer.
•   Officer now doesn't move the periscope for 10 seconds after player leaves the manual mode.
•   Officer correctly aims the periscope at the target that he is currently tracking.
•   Right mouse clicks on ships seen through the periscope were plotting course to them. It's no longer the case.
•   Automated fire solution isn't improved in the background anymore, while player uses periscope manually.
•   Fix to a problem that could make random character models become missing.
•   Collection of fixes to automatically reported errors in the code.
•   Time compression could stop working, if player submerged while being bombed by an aircraft.
•   Characters that are hidden for any reason now cannot be hovered.
•   It wasn't possible to enter open sea after loading some game states.
•   Freighter names are now written on port and starboard.
•   Ship name and crew weren't visible through periscope on a ship unless player approached very close.
•   Ships that were quickly sunk with their crews on board could continue to transmit radio messages.
•   Portrait copies could become stuck near the "idle" task in the action queue.
•   43U gun on Turm IV was sometimes not repairable by the engineers. This issue may be carried on from the previous saves.
•   "Ghost" character no longer appears after hovering manned 43U flak gun.
•   Crew enters u-boat faster by ladders.
•   Heart attacks are less lethal. Added notification that informs player what happened.
•   User measurements on map use 10 meter precision instead of 50 meters.
•   Both u-boat turning radius and turning time should now match values from Type VIIC manual.
•   Navigation factors were adjusted in a way that ensures that there is no risk of getting lost in the time that navigator needs to rest after he fixes ship position in 100%.
•   Player ship could sometimes stop following any routes after reloading a game state.
•   Added warning about 416.02 and 416.15 NVidia drivers to the main menu, if player has NVidia card.
•   Fixes to issues with 43U flak gun not being aimed correctly by the crew.
•   Added simple animation for 43U flak gun user.
•   Small stability fixes.
•   Depth preset buttons weren't working correctly after skipper died.
•   Latest community translations.
•   Time skipping sometimes didn't work properly in ports after loading a game state that was saved on a previous version of the game and during off duty time.
•   Targeting UI wasn't fully functional after reloading a game state.
•   It's no longer possible to set aircraft as a target for the periscope operator by right clicking it on the map.
•   Various improvements to cracked hull physics. Added sound effect for hull cracking.
•   Generic freighter deck contents could disappear after its hull has cracked.
•   Some work slots could keep being marked as being flooded after air inside compartment stopped to be toxic.
•   Automated repairs were stopping to work, if player had Turm IV installed.
•   Observation periscope was not repairable.
•   Green mission markers weren't always fully consistent with the current observation data and they could spoil target's position.
•   Player's ship radar detectability wasn't affected by fog and rain due to a mistake in the code.
•   5th engine gear was sometimes reverting back to 4th.
•   Minor fixes to animations used by the crew at the diesel engines.
•   Target group could disappear from the map view during certain missions, leaving only an objective marker.
•   Camera could freeze after zooming it at the character occupying a station, if certain steps were followed.
•   User interface was gone, if device manual mode was left in a certain way.
•   Accessory items were restocked in ports in a way that could make certain item types to be consistently unavailable.
•   Two accessory item slots at ports were left unused and weren't restocked.
•   Diving suits are now correctly produced by Reich and restocked at ports. They are no longer a part of the standard loadout after starting a sandbox.
•   Latest community translations.
•   Large calibre ammunition would sometimes stop to be restocked at ports.
•   Guns could become unuseable, if certain steps were followed that involved loading game states in a specific order.
•   Camera's near and far clip plane could be wrong, if game states with different view modes were loaded in a specific order.
•   Character assigned to the attack periscope was becoming automatically assigned to UZO after u-boat submerged below periscope depth. He couldn't get there and was then doing nothing.
•   Fix to food disappearing from the kitchen after following certain steps.
•   Previously wounded crew couldn't be healed after reloading a game state.
•   Character's personal perks could be reset after re-adding him to the crew.

Thank you for sending us bug reports and posting your suggestions. That truly helps us to improve the game.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2019, 12:23:49 AM »
Early Access Roadmap

Hello Sailors!

As promised, here comes our roadmap and our plans overview for the Early Access period. We will be updating the graphic below each quarter or so and we'll try our best to keep you up to date.

Please note that the feature list visible on the roadmap is not exhaustive and focuses on large tasks that may affect gameplay in impactful ways.

Let's discuss planned work in detail.


We see our current sandbox and mission system as a good base for new content. Unexpected events tend to happen, and each assignment, despite similar goals, can turn out differently each time. Having said that, we're going to make some changes soon.

First, we want to start with some groundwork and rework assignment briefing. We want to add more flair to it and make all objectives visible on the map during selection. In the current version, it's often hard to tell, for example, where is the sector that needs to be visited without closing the interface first and checking that on the map manually.

To battle the repetitiveness we want to add more variation to existing missions, by providing additional, clearly described conditions to them. Your ship may be fitted with experimental gear for the mission, storms might be expected in the target area or maybe a journalist will join your crew. These are some examples of things that may be enriching assignments soon.

We also feel that assignments need to be a bit more rewarding and offer additional challenges. We modeled 17 historical medals from various sources. We are going to use them soon by awarding them to the player and officers for completing multiple challenges during the assignment.

After the groundwork is done, we will start adding more content to existing missions and add completely new ones. We will also resume work on a campaign that will span through the whole World War II.


We plan to add a configuration screen soon. There, each player will have the possibility to choose the starting year, exact U-Boat to be roleplayed and the starting crew.

We are already taking steps to add new units to the game. You can expect to see completely new ships types like oil tankers, enemy submarines and German surface ships along with more variety among the existing unit types.

We're also working on replacing our current tutorial with contextual hints, explanations and adding training missions in the game world.

And last, but not least, we'll add submarine pens to the game world that will be buildable in HQ. They will look like the one in the main menu.

Enhanced crew management

Crew management is going to see some changes. There is going to be a new screen where the player will be able to define various rules for the crew.

It's going to be possible to start rationing the food, order a sailor to be always ready to flood the tanks or define if the idle crew should run to the bow compartment during a crash dive.

These rules will require spending management points that will be provided to you by experienced officers who will be overseeing their implementation in life. It will simulate the effect of your crew gaining experience and working well with each other as time goes on. It will also add some automation but in a balanced way.

At the later stages of Early Access, we will be adding more crew events on board, as well as more interactions with objects in the world. It's going to be possible to take aircraft crew as captives on board or rescue survivors from a sunk ship, although that will be banned in 1942 after Laconia incident

Modding tools

With each update, we did some small steps to add full modding capabilities to the game. We consider them now to be in pretty good shape and we'll start releasing our modding tools and guides soon. They will come with Steam Workshop support.

Although we declared this in Q4, it may start slowly rolling this month.

Remaining technical issues

Technical issues will remain our top priority.

We already solved a great deal of them by version B124, but we will continue our commitment to solve them in the future.

Communication & bug reporting

The most effective way to report bugs to us is to use the in-game bug reporting tool that, by default, is assigned to the F11 key. This tool sends us useful diagnostic data that helps to prepare proper fixes.

For general suggestion and discussion about further development, we invite everybody to visit the latest pinned topic about unstable version testing. We make a new topic with each version.

Today we are going to mark our old forum for bug reporting as deprecated. We removed the link to it from the main menu of the game a few versions back and posting on that forum will be disabled.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2019, 01:23:39 PM »
Version B125 is now available
Wed, 20 November 2019


We are back with a major update to UBOAT. It just hit the "unstable" branch for testing. You can switch to this branch by going to "beta" tab in the properties of the game on Steam.


Main feature of this version is a full modding support. Pretty much anything should be possible to change and your imagination will hopefully be the only limit.

We will soon start to post guides on how to start modding UBOAT on the fandom wiki and in Steam articles section. Please post your feedback and if there is anything missing we will be happy to improve.

Along with that we release the first two official mods:
•   UBOAT Inspector (Steam | subsim | Nexus Mods) - which is a useful tool for modders.
•   Saint-Nazaire Port in France (Steam | subsim | Nexus Mods).

Our mods are meant as modding examples and resources and some of them may eventually be integrated into the main game.

Note: While this version remains on the testing branch, Steam Workshop is going to be hidden. Please join this group on Steam to gain access to it.


Immersive start feature from the roadmap is now complete. When starting a new game you can select a starting scenario for the campaign, which influences many things in the game, especially starting u-boat, crew and date.

If you would like to say goodbye to the old crew, they will be sticking in the tutorial scenario until its removal next quarter.


This version introduces two new ships.

Kirov-class cruisers
Russian fleet enters UBOAT without compromises.

C3 freighters
These are one of the largest American-made freighters.


Since this version UBOAT has a launcher application. It features a built-in mod manager and a news section that will let us communicate certain things better.


It's a common request that is now in the game. It's no longer necessary to adjust them in the main menu.


There were many visual upgrades both small and large to the u-boat interior and exterior and the main menu. We encourage you to take a look around and see, if you can notice the changes.


Iron sights were an often requested feature and we managed to implement it in this version for all guns in the game. There are also major recoil and animation upgrades related to guns. Please check that out in the game and let us know what you think.


We continued to work on improving FPP experience by programming useful meters and devices on board:

- Papenberg gauge and inclinometer are now functional and add a few points to the immersion.

- Echosounder texture was created from the scratch with a much better resolution to make the results readable directly in the scene.

- Missing engine RPM meters on the starboard were added.
- All other meters on board had their display resolution increased for a better look and readability. There were also a few corrections on their scales.


While this version just hit the testing branch and may introduce a few bugs related to the new features, there are many fixes to the existing game base. Most notable fixes include:

- Sailors assigned to an officer would sometimes ignore orders while manning AA guns on the upgraded conning towers.
- Fixes to clipping of certain cloth combinations.
- Indicated depth under cursor on the map is much more precise and consistent. It should be much easier to navigate near Bergen with this upgrade.
- Characters no longer levitate above beds during certain animations.
- Recruitment officer no longer ignores your officers and doesn't instantly look away.
- Important AI fixes for coastal areas.


For the rest of this quarter we will be focusing on the remaining work from the roadmap, bug fixes and supporting the modders. We probably won't be adding extra things like in this update.

Just to remind you, mission overhaul and evacuation from the roadmap are planned for this quarter. We think we will finish them in time, but in case of a delay we will keep you updated.

Deep Water Studio

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Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2019, 11:46:32 PM »
Merry Christmas!
Tue, 24 December 2019

Good evening everyone!

It's Christimas time! We would like to use this opportunity to wish the UBOAT community Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We also take a short break from working on UBOAT. We will be back after Christmas to continue work and push B125 on the stable branch.

Thank you for your continued support and for your everyday contact.

Deep Water Studio

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