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UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT

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2024.1 (Preview 9)
Fri, 7 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- It's now much more unlikely to get a second officer with a cook personal skill, if already having an officer that has it.
- Crew no longer equips raincoats inside submarine pens, even when it's raining outside.
- Fix: A sailor that died, could in some cases not disappear and was standing in a single spot inside the U-boat. This fix will repair this situation also in game states where this already occurred.
- Fix: If something interrupted work of officer with a cook skill in the galley, he was becoming idle, but still acted like he would cooking and a notification was appearing about lack of cook.
- Fix: On Type II it wasn't possible to assign officer with a cook skill to work in the galley, when there was a sailor working there and another sailor was taking a meal.
- Fix: Sailors working at the depth steers on Type II weren't fully aligned with the seats.

- Fix: Aircraft no longer attack an U-boat, when it's inside a submarine pen.

Play as skipper mode:
- Fix: If game was paused, while manually using a device and then the station was left with pause toggled on, the camera was instantly switching from FPP to orders mode in section view, but there were various graphical issues with that view.
- Fix: If a device was being used manually and then map was opened and then closed, the skipper was stopping to operate that device.
- Fix: If a device was being used manually, then map was opened, then something made the skipper to stop using the device and go onto the deck and then map was closed, FPP view was opened, but there was a uniform black color all around the U-boat.

- Fix: Disconnected terrain on Malta.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to step out from the U-boat to port of Tunis in FPP.
- Fix: Uniform textures were visible on the side of wharfs of Aruba, Freetown, Capetown, Dunkirk, Copenhagen, Key West, Port of Spain, Brunsbuttel, Oban, Edinburgh.
- Fix: NPC U-boats were docking too high in Wilhelmshaven.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Fix: On Type VII, salvo setup knob had a duplicated setting for launching torpedoes from tubes I and III, while there was a lacking option for I and II.
- Fix: Numerous issues with salvo setting knob on Type II. The knob didn't had any effect and the displayed settings weren't correct.
- Fix: Bearing angle transmitter knob on torpedo fire control boxes on Type II was rotating a bit off when "Aus" option was selected.
- Fix: Gyro angle receiver knob on Type II had two settings "None" and it wasn't possible to set it correctly.

- Updated Uboatopedia in English, German and Polish.

- Fix: Hull creaking sounds are now more intense at high depths and are also audible in the outside views.
- Fix: Hull creaking sounds were much more quiet on Type II than on Type VII U-boats.

- Fix: Fixed numerous issues with radioman's report about hearing propellers above the U-boat. The radioman was often repeating this too much and was also reporting it for units that didn't had working propellers.

- Fix: After changing U-boat to another type or loading a game state with a different type of U-boat, light probes were stopping to work in the interior and shadows were becoming too dark.

- Fix: Various issues were happening, if a shift was deleted, while it was also being renamed.
- Fix: UI tools were snapped back to the default position from too far away, if UI scale was lower than 145%.

- Fix: After installing or even viewing Tunis radar detector in the upgrade mode, there was a permanent +5% visibility modifier being applied that wasn't going away even after diving. This problem may be fixed in existing game states by changing U-boat to a different type (and then changing it back, if that's preferred).
- Fix: After taking survivors on board and docking in a port without a recruitment officer, it wasn't possible to leave, because game was asking to release them in the port. Due to lack of mentioned officer it wasn't possible.
- Fix: After changing U-boat to another type, the new U-boat could be not aligned properly with the port and it wasn't possible to move between the port and the U-boat.
- Fix: After a game state was loaded with a Type VIIB U-boat, its conning tower was changing into Turm 0. This fix was designed to repair this issue in game states that were already affected by this problem.
- Fix: Rudder rotation indicator and RPM indicator in the stern torpedo room on Type VII were pointing at opposite values.


2024.1 (Preview 11)
Wed, 12 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.

- Fix: UI tools with custom position were permanently moving after switching between certain views or pressing ALT in FPP mode.
- Fix: Chronometer tool didn't had its position saved and was in the default position after restart.
- Fix: Torpedo depth and salvo spread sliders in the launchers UI were changing value each time this UI was reopened.
- Fix: Character portraits could disappear after opening map, if resolution to UI scale proportion was too low, and they weren't appearing back when there was again space for them.
- Fix: Bearing in the hydrophone tooltip was having a reserve sign.

Play as skipper:
- Fix: Section view orders mode wasn't activated correctly after toggling the pause, when scroll view modes setting was turned off in the settings.

- Fix: Survivors and guests on board could receive serious wounds and then be hospitalized on land like crew members.

- Fix: Distant smoke usually wasn't visible in the scene.

- Updated Uboatopedia in English and German.
- Added shortcuts to Uboatopedia in the storage and galley UI.

- Fix: Added description for Capetown.

- Fix: Adjusted range of all U-boat types to be close to the historical range when not charging the batteries.
- Fix: Possible fix for the lack of food in the storage after starting a new campaign. This fix is unconfirmed yet due to this issue happening rarely and randomly.
- Fix: It was possible to place on the deck cargo boxes floating on the sea, even when being submerged, after selecting an officer and clicking on the cargo box directly.


2024.1 (Preview 12)
Fri, 14 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix: Ships scuttled with the Ship Engineer skill weren't counted towards GRT progress in missions and campaign objectives.
- Fix: The objective about finding a hut on the Hopen Island was sometimes not progressing when looking at the hut through binoculars / UZO / periscope.
- Fix: The objective about finding the first hut on Hopen Island is no longer marked with a green dot, to avoid confusion that it's located at its location.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Officers are now much more accurate at estimating AOB.
- Fix: On Type IID it wasn't possible to set UZO as the active bearing transmitter on torpedo fire control boxes (the option for it was missing).
- Fix: Corrected typo on "Lagenwinkel" label on TDC and "Schuß" label on the launch lever.

- Added a new loading hint explaining that it's not possible to charge batteries at maximum speed.
- Fix: Radio stations sometimes weren't listed on the radioman's menu, even though there was an information that they should be available.
- Fix: Chronometer tool wasn't continuing to measure time after it was hidden.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to open torpedo launchers UI from TDC UI, the button was always disabled.

- Fix (regression): After the last fix for sailors playing lying on bed animation after selecting them for an external mission, officers started to have a similar problem.

Type II:
- Added a new depth meter in the control room. We will also update the dial in the UI soon.
- Fix: New dial textures on the electric engines.

Type VIIB:
- Fix: It was possible to move through a net cutter on Type VIIB U-boats.

- Fix: Kiel canal is now deeper and it should be possible to traverse it.
- Fix: Kiel canal is now called with its historic name, Kaiser Wilhelm Canal.

- Fix: If an autosave was made, while Uboatopedia was open, the time was permanently slowed down after this save was loaded.
- Fix: Bearing displayed in the hydrophone UI is now within range of 0 to 360 degrees instead of -180 to -180 degrees, to match the scale present on the device.
- Fix: Indicator lights on various devices could be in an incorrect initial state after loading a saved game state.
- Fix: Indicator lights weren't changing its state during a pause.


2024.1 (Preview 13)
Thu, 20 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Chinese localization update by Alex Zheng, JM-LeiDao, 36 D, Xenon_Tennessee, 人生多忐忑, 肚子困脑袋饿, Parrot with Carrot.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Added compass tool to the UI. It's accessible in the top-right toolbar.
- Added alternative depth meter tool to the UI for Type II U-boats.
- It's no longer possible to open torpedo launchers UI in TDC view.
- Fix: After completing a free roam without any notable successes by starting a new assignment, the summary of that free roam was opening with mission selection UI present on the screen.
- Fix: FAT/LUT panel was often not useable due to clipping with locked ship info.
- Fix: Tooltips of buttons near the top edge of the screen in periscope UI were partially outside the screen.
- Fix: Ship upgrade mode was still not always working correctly in play as skipper mode.
- Fix: Ship identification book was stopping to work, if it was opened after locking a periscope on a target that wasn't in the book.
- Fix: Base +8 modifier to discipline is now called "Base value" instead of "Base" to make it more clear what it means.
- Fix: Chronometer was blocking clicks on nearby elements.

Realism settings:
- Added a new setting called "Size of convoys" to allow for having larger convoys on machines that are able to simulate that.

- From now on, all ships that are sunk within target squares of a GRT campaign objective are counted towards its progress. Previously, they were counted only during patrol assignments associated with that campaign objective.

Torpedo fire systems:
- Fix: The parallax correction dial on the TDC had its inner and outer indicators reversed. The inner indicator was showing values that should be displayed by the outer indicator, and vice versa.
- Fix: T5 torpedoes could move above water.
- Fix: Dud torpedoes had working propellers, even though they were sinking.
- Fix: Missed shots were reported too early.

- Fix: Wrong texture on springs on diesels in Type VII.
- Fix: There wasn't enough lighting present during decoration cutscene at night on Type IIA and Type IID U-boats.

- Fix: Many ports didn't had any ammunition for defence guns.
- Fix: Merchant ships were docking at too shallow areas in Port of Edinburgh and were instantly sunk by hitting a shoal.
- Fix: Seam between terrain segments in Brunsbuttel.
- Fix: Various issues with lighting near Bergen with built submarine pens.

- Fix: The crew could consume a lot of food in one go after leaving a port. This problem may still happen once in old game states, but shouldn't happen again afterwards.
- Fix: After ordering officer to go to work at the helmsman station, when Type VII U-boat has dived, the officer wouldn't go and there was notification about lack of helmsman appearing afterwards.

- Fix: Canada now joins the war on 10th of September instead of 3rd.
- Fix: Ensured that convoys have reasonable proportions of merchant ships to escort ships in all cases. It was sometimes possible that a convoy was spawned with less merchant ships than there were escorts.
- Fix: NPC U-boats now less often sink ships in convoys when player is not nearby.

- Officers no longer report reaching patrol area etc. when silent running is enabled.
- Sailors now never speak background comments during return to port cutscene.

- Crew now disables gyrocompass only when silent run is ordered. If it's enabled back later on, the crew will no longer disable it again.
- Fix: After loading any game state with a sailor carried by a crew mate to safety, there were many issues present afterwards. If this was happening outside, the sailor that was carried was becoming stuck outside and it wasn't possible to dive because of him.
- Fix: After loading several saved game states in a sequence, where one of them had a skipper with Tight Packing skill, it was possible to cause an error, that was causing various side problems. Among other things, it was making it impossible to repair anything on the boat that required a replacement part.
- Fix: Fixed major issue in a save system that could change port types after game updates, for example it was possible for Port of Kiel scene to load in place of La Rochelle. This fix won't repair this issue in saves that were already affected by this problem.
- Fix: After loading a saved game state with another U-boat type, if certain steps were made before, it was possible for various issues to occur, like missing dialogue options with port officers and various problems related to ship storages.


2024.1 (Preview 15)
Fri, 21 June 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Russian localization update by Hard.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix (regression): It wasn't possible to delete a saved game state from the main menu.

- Fix (regression): Invisible walls were present in Wilhelmshaven and Pi 1.1 torpedoes were available in the warehouse right from the start in 1939.

- Fix: After removing sailor from the ship and adding him back, some actions on him were no longer available, like assigning him to an officer.

- Fix: Enemy warship and aircraft groups were sometimes very stubborn at following the U-boat and were aware of its location, even when they had no means of detecting it. This problem may continue to occur for nearby groups after loading an old saved game state, but the fix should start to work fully after some time.
- Fix: After loading a saved game state from the main menu, often Papenberg depth gauge and inclinometer were stopping to work.
- Fix: Various minor errors spotted in the logs.



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