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Author Topic: Mius-Front Tactical diagrams and armor penetration charts  (Read 4230 times)

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Offline Asid

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Mius-Front Tactical diagrams and armor penetration charts
« on: April 04, 2016, 04:25:26 PM »
Mius-Front Tactical diagrams and armor penetration charts

A pair (unit and weapon) is required for displaying tactical diagrams and armor penetration charts in a tactical battle. In game: select a unit, it should have a target (orange line). Or second option, select a unit and point at a visible target in the line of fire mode [~]. In figure the pair is KV-1S (diagram is drawn for it) and Pak-38 gun. Diagrams and charts are shown by using [ } ] button

Vertical portion - armor penetration chart similar to the one shown in the encyclopedia, level of armor penetration is shown vertically, distance - horizontally. Horizontal blue line indicates the armor level of the projection from the direction of the target for the selected part of the vehicle (lower hull, top hull, turret). The example in figure shows top hull selected. To toggle the vehicle part click [RMB] on the tactical diagram toggle button. Broken lines indicate the level of armor penetration for gun projectiles (yellow line - APCR, red - armor-piercing).

Orange arrow indicates the distance to the gun - 320 m. Red dot - indicates current position of the selected tank part in the coordinate system of the chart. If the red dot is below the broken line, the projectile indicated by the line penetrates the selected vehicle part from the given angle and distance. Figure shows that PzGr.40 projectile penetrates from this distance, but PzGr.39 projectile - does not.
Horizontal portion is the tactical diagram. It shows from what distance and what angle the gun projectiles penetrate the selected vehicle part. The distance axis is along gray lines, represented by tear-shaped curves in each quadrant (front, rear, left, right). Each tick mark corresponds to 100 meters distance. Yellow and red lines indicate the distances of armor penetration for two types of gun projectiles (colors are similar to the armor penetration chart).

Orange arrow indicates the position of gun. If the blunt end of the arrow is located inside the the closed line, then the gun penetrates the selected vehicle part with this projectile from current angle. The figure shows that only PzGr.40 projectile (yellow color) is able to reliably penetrate the front and rear. And sides can be penetrated by two projectiles (PzGr.40 - from 700 m, PzGr.39 - from 500 m).
The chart and diagram are connected to each other along the axis indicated by the orange arrow - the “ideal” direction from which the gun projectiles will hit the tank.

Real armor penetration diagram and chart examples

Armor penetration of German artillery projectiles of Soviet tanks of the early war

Tactical diagram of T-34 tank which shows armor penetration distances for 37 and 50 mm German projectiles
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Offline Asid

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Re: Mius-Front Tactical diagrams and armor penetration charts
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 03:59:20 PM »
GTMF also takes into consideration the point of contact and shape of the projectile tip (not a material point) with the barrier/armour.

Each texel contains density data and is used in the armour map.

Lots of calculations under the hood which translate into a more realistic outcome.
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    Graviteam Tactics Mius Front - Armor Shock

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