Been exploring P.A.M.E.L.A. Its played pretty well for me, was worried after reading some of the performance problems on the forums. No crashes since i started playing, the last patch helped with performance and i'm now playing at ultra settings without issue so far. The load times are a bit long, around 90 seconds to 2 minutes for me, not too bad, and every now and then there's a slight stutter in the game but not often. I like the UI layout and the sound effects and music are good so far. I think i got the basic controls down now.
Some early indications things are a little messed up around here. To many to fit on a milk carton.
In case you cant tell, thats a pile of filled body bags, one of many piles.
I believe this is one of the so called seekers. Not to tough, but they make an unnerving sound, makes you want to hunt them down just to shut them up.
Got myself some kind of laser type weapon.
These next two screens im not sure whether its a glich or part of the games mindf**k. I found a place where i could drop down, so i did, injured my leg a bit but doesnt seem to affect my movement. First shot is im approaching a door, the next is on the same line but a couple steps forward. I could go back and forth to repeat this effect. right now im operating thats it part of the game, the outside view is where that sheeting hangs from the ceiling in a lot of places.
I got a good run going, havent seen any robots in awhile and the seekers arent that tough. I've had some good hacking luck[i like the way the hacking is done] and im already coming up against a full inventory. I've decided to prioritize food,liquid,ammo and health for now so i havent been able to carry any of the parts ive found. Its getting a bit claustrophobic, im hunting for the door to the outside. I've explored around 4 or 5 floors, found an elevator that only went to 2 floors and i managed to get the power online for lights.The map isnt really that useful for finding your way around. I have enough food, milk and ammo for a bit and have picked up a couple of med hypo's so i should be good to go for exploring for awhile.