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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #135 on: March 20, 2021, 11:15:44 PM »
Sat, 20 March 2021

- Change : Mod folder is now refreshed every half second, not just when you open or close the panel. So your mod’s list will dynamically change when you make modifications.
- Change : Eyedropper shortcut, didn’t realise the middle mouse button was the one you used to move the camera around, rendering it useless. You can still change that in the key binding menu.

- Fix : Potentially fixed unit stacking.
- Fix : AA not providing any supportive fire.
- Fix : Visibility (orange) was shown instead of range on counters.
- Fix : You could still undo after selecting another unit.
- Fix : Engineers could cross destroyed bridges.
- Fix : You could land on a river tile from a landing craft.
- Fix : For modding, 2 folders weren’t created upon mod generation.
- Fix : Broken social networks links due to name change, URLs were incorrect. Didn’t see that coming haha.
- Fix : Moving unit button could be unset due to update, I now force its value to be set by default if its null.
- Fix : Issues with the player settings not saved properly.

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #136 on: March 25, 2021, 11:39:37 PM »
Sun, March 21, 2021

- Change : Reorganized main menu settings toggles by category.

- Fix : Game freeze in a lot of circumstances (due to the changes in the end of scenario check implemented in 4.0.0). Some old maps (especially campaign ones) would freeze when you would capture a city or open the objectives panel.
- Fix : AA moving to a tile after it provided supportive fire.
- Fix : Eye dropper key bind had the wrong tooltip.
- Fix : Historical focuses issues with the AI.
- Fix : AI wouldn’t attack neutral country. Like not the faction but the real country named Neutral.
- Fix : Custom countries when being added in the editor weren’t loaded in the game you’d need to restart it.

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #137 on: March 25, 2021, 11:40:14 PM »
Tue, March 23, 2021

- Added : Type 94 AA 20 mm
- Added : Button to hide all units in the map editor.
- Added : tile's name on top of the tiles in the tile editor. Low opacity.
- Added : Check if your map is ready to play in the map editor, press the button, and if there’s anything missing, the game will tell you.
- Added : Copy and paste button for the tile editor.
- Added : Attack button key binding.
- Added : Show unit’s history key binding.

- Change : You can now save a map in the map editor even if its not complete.
- Change : Afrikakorps 1942 map was unbalanced, Great Britain didn’t really stand a chance. I gave them more money to start with.
- Change : Since someone complained about the too frequent update, and the fact that they are too big, I chose to go back to : Have a BIG game but SMALL updates. So now the game will take 2GB on your hard drive, but the updates will be really small (couple of MBs).

- Fix : On Android, the game icon was missing.

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #138 on: March 25, 2021, 11:40:49 PM »
Thu, March 25, 2021

- Added : 21:9 aspect ratio support in the resolution in the settings (2560x1080).
- Added : Save as in the map editor (Just for you @Tchey).

- Change : Updated the email sending the emails for the multilayer.
- Change : The overlay is now automatically loaded and placed properly upon scenario opening (map editor and in game).

- Fix : NATO counters shown in the FOW for human players.
- Fix : Operation Husky was unbalanced.
- Fix : Operation Compass was unbalanced.
- Fix : Coral Sea american balance.
- Fix : Password reset wouldn’t work for multiplayer account.

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #139 on: March 26, 2021, 11:50:05 PM »
Live with the dev this Sunday
Fri, 26 March 2021

Hello everyone !

Most of you already know that I always read and almost always answer your comments/topics in the forum, or on the various social networks of the game.

By the way, where I'm the most active and where you can hope to get an answer instantly is the DISCORD server :
(So if you have issues, questions, suggestions, please join the server).

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I'll be streaming this Sunday on Youtube
(playing the game of course), here's the link to the channel :
Subscribe and you should get a notification when I go live so you don't miss it :)

I will be going live during the evening for my European players (Around 8pm), which would be around 3pm eastern time for you american fellows

So, yeah, if you have questions you'd like to ask me in live, or if you'd just like to see how the AI will kick my ass, feel free to join the live !



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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #140 on: March 31, 2021, 11:59:05 PM »
Wed, 31 March

- Added : The custom unit's name will now also be displayed in the deploy panel.
- Added : Name of the Hero if the unit has a hero in the Order of Battle.
- Added : Holding left shift while moving the overlay around will make it move faster.
- Added : Show / hide all units on the map button.
- Added : brought the click on the strategic map back, it will now move the camera to where you click.
- Added : All Japanese pacific scenarios.

- Change : The AI will now spawn engineers if needed (well, it already does spawn engineers but, let’s say several units on the map are like : Hey, there’s a broken bridge here we can’t cross, the AI will spawn more engineers). It will spawn as many engineers as there is a need for it. If you blew up 10 bridges and if the AI need to use all 10 bridges, it will spawn 10 engineers in priority. So, basically, blowing up bridges won’t help you win against the AI anymore :)
- Change : The AI will now spawn new units as close to the frontline as possible. Still working on optimizing it :)
- Change : Continued my revamp of several campaign scenarios.

- Fix : Walking on mines would block your entire unit.
- Fix : AI wouldn’t spawn units where you had the most troops near its VPs.
- Fix : The deutschland havy cruiser was marked as a battleship on its graphical representation.
- Fix : Heavy cruisers had a range of 1.

- Added : End of river tile. Better aesthetic :) (18 new tiles)
- Added : New desert city tile.
- Added : Rogožarski IK-3 (yugoslav fighter).

- Change : Captured units count as core units, so you can’t have hundreds of them in reserve. If you reached your max amount of core units, the unit will be lost and not added to your list of units.
- Change : After @Ciapek’s suggestion, which I … loved haha, I decided to change the way you can spawn units. SO ! This is the new way to spawn units : You can spawn everything you want in the biggest cities. So, heavy tanks, heavy artillery etc can only be spawned in the biggest cities. Light armoured vehicles (armour <= 20) can still be spawned in medium sized cities (alongside infantry) and light artillery (damage <= 15). In the smallest towns and villages, you can’t spawn anything. This will make the game feel more realistic since you can’t just capture a town somewhere and spawn an entire army from there. Biggest cities will be even more important targets. This will also make for efficient encircling. Side note : Volkssturm / militia / conscripts can be recruited in small villages.
- Change : You cannot spawn ground units around airfields anymore.
- Change : You can spawn any equipment in and around factory hexes. Except infantry.
- Change : You cannot spawn units in destroyed cities / factories, making bombing raids even more realistic / efficient.
- Change : Bunkers are now spawnable ONLY around engineers. Just like mines ! BUT, you can’t spawn bunkers around enemy victory points, and thus use them as an offensive weapon you know. The enemy would certainly attack you and you know disrupt all this so.
- Change : Same rule for launch sites. Buildable and placeable only by engineers.
- Change : Lowered the bunker’s stats a bit to 30 soft and 50 hard.
- Change : Made modifications to many many campaign scenarios. I am basically going over ALL of them, and checking for balance issues, adding some cities, changing others, making sure they all look good and are better than before. I started today, but I obviously cannot go over everything in one day so, it will take several days before I go over them all.

- Fix : Touches going through UI on mobile.
- Fix : Simple money exploit. Buy a unit, select it in the menu, this will show all the tiles where you can deploy it, then delete the unit, this will get money, but you still can place the unit since the deploy zone wasn’t removed. Bam, free unit + its price in bonus.
- Fix : After you dropped your paratroopers, you could move them even though the zone wasn’t shown.
- Fix : One instance of AI overlapping with planes (Happening when planes are taking the same route but in the rain, with low visibility of 0 tiles).
- Fix : AI not moving in some circumstances when it should (issues with the FOW).
- Fix : Battle of the Bulge (campaign) was broken for the Allies.
- Fix : The amount of money the AI earned didn’t seem to change on the UI, but it was receiving the correct one.

SO, a better example to visualise the new changes. You CAN spawn a tiger in the biggest cities on the map or in and around any owned factories. Same for infantry or any ground unit (except ships obviously).
For a medium city (orange ones), you can’t spawn armoured units with an armour value > 20 or heavy artillery (soft damage > 15) or heavy AT equipment (> 60 hard damage). So, any PaK40 and under, or recon units or even light tanks (Pz I or IIs) can be spawned at medium cities. In the smallest villages, you cannot spawn anything EXCEPT Volkssturm / militia / conscripts.

- Added : Polikarpov Po-2 (recon plane).
- Added : Selected unit grey indicator can now be changed to red for easier selected unit spotting. Option to find in the settings.
- Added : 3440 x 1440 resolution.

- Fix : Not all campaign maps were hostable in multiplayer on mobile.
- Fix : self propelled AA cannot attack air units.

- Change : Changes made to the new End of the War 1944 map. Rivers missing etc.

- Fix : I made changes to the AI yesterday to increase stability but this created a new issue with units surrendering never dying.
- Fix : Due to the 4.0.0 update, I made huge (basically re did from the ground up) victory conditions and all the code, and it seems in Smolensk 43 when holding out until required time you would get a defeat screen.
- Fix : Little issue with the AI, like its planes when out of fuel if they could go to an aircraft carrier, they would even if they weren’t carrier based planes.

- Added : Icons for harbours, airfields, factories and refineries.
- Added : New map ! End of the war (November 1944 160x129 survival map for Germany)

- Change : Artillery max range has been set to 3 for a little bit more realism.
- Change : Units are now over flags in the layers.
- Change : AI plays faster in the FOW. I increased its speed by 3.
- Change : Reduced the increment for positioning the overlay.
- Change : If you hold shift while resize the overlay, you will be able to scale it way faster.
- Change : Balance for the Coral Sea scenario.
- Change : Populate map button in map editor will now not randomly spawn units. It will only spawn infantry in cities, and AA in airfields. If the country doesn’t have any AA, it will place something else.

- Fix : neutrals would invite neutrals in their faction.
- Fix : Veteran option broken in the store when untoggling it the unit would still have 115 HP.
- Fix : If your modded unit had “Flag” in its name, such as the SU-15 Flagon, it would display the plane instead of the flag on your potential damage panel. Really REALLY rare issue, since its only with this unit during the Cold War :) But a fix is a fix !
- Fix : If you had custom wallpapers, they wouldn’t be loaded upon game opening the first time.
- Fix : The battlecruiser renown had a typo in its graphics.
- Fix : You could host coop multiplayer games, which AREN’T supported by the game AT ALL, resulting in various issues in multiplayer.
- Fix : You could have negative ammo sometimes (when supporting friendlies).
- Fix : There was quite a big issue with the type of all self propelled AA, they weren’t considered as tanks, and all taking soft damage infantry.
- Fix : AI freeze instance.
- Fix : Sherman Tulip had 5 armour.
- Fix : You couldn’t have units set as target for more than 1 faction in the map editor as a victory condition.
- Fix : Loading a scenario that had targeted units to kill in order to win and looking at the objectives would make the game freeze if you killed any of those units.

- Removed : Heavy MG soviet unit. Again, way too tactical. Your units on your saves will be replaced by normal heavy infantry.
- Removed : Germany 1945 map. With the new one I added, you don’t need the old one, I promise … :)
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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #141 on: April 05, 2021, 11:36:34 PM »
Thu, 1 April 2021

- Added : A REAL GUIDE. YES. I finally actualized it, with real info, made it look good. The guide is available directly from inside the game, in the main menu you have a section named “Guides”, just click on that, then PDF guide, and the game will open the PDF for you :)

- Change : Reduced a bit the damage dealt by ships to ground units. They won’t deal 50% of their hard damage but 40% now.
- Change : A bomb damage. 100 damage to the unit it was dropped on, and 75 damage to all units around (1 tile radius).
- Change : You now need to own a factory for at least 3 turns to start deploying stuff using it, 2 turns for big and medium cities, 1 for smallest ones.

- Fix : You could undo your move after you walked on a mine.
- Fix : Admiral class battlecruiser had CA unit name.
- Fix : AI wouldn’t capture empty VPs next to him if he was in a city.
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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #142 on: April 05, 2021, 11:37:02 PM »
Sun, 4 April 2021

- Added : Militia for US and GB.
- Added : RADARs for all carriers. Works the same as the unit I just added, but it comes with any carrier.
- Added : Yellow area in the RADAR’s detection range when you have your mouse over it, just like the one generals have.
- Added : Petlyakov 8 heavy bomber and Tupolev TB3 heavy bomber for USSR.
- Added : 3 new achievements. Battleship killer, carrier killer, Sauron’s eye (have 10 radars)

- Change : Complete revamp of the AI’s way of managing its land units. The AI won’t be simply rushing victory points anymore, but will be looking to seek and destroy first. This should make things
- Change : Graphics for the I-16, SU-152, and Panzer IV G, Panzer I C, PaK 38, Tiger I, panzerjager I, panther A and D.
- Change : AI will now be able to buy, and place : launch sites, bunkers, and coastal batteries. I’m making sure it won’t place like 4 bunkers at the same place, or same for coastal artillery. I maxed it at 1 per harbour (for batteries).
- Change : AI will also use radars now. Meaning if it detects stuff, it is going to go there and check with fighters.

- Fix : Awful AWFUL bug. Date of the German invasion of the USSR in their campaign was 1st of June 1941…. FIRST OF JUNE OH MY GOD. HOW.
- Fix : After a retreat, if the unit was going on a tile where a plane is, the two units indicator wouldn’t be shown.
- Fix : Big big UI issue, the damage preview was inverted, I don’t know why or how this changed. It didn’t impact finally result, as it was properly calculated, just the defender damager were in the attacker’s place.
- Fix : AA would provide supportive fire from landing crafts. I’d consider this as a bug, if you think it should be back, let me know.
- Fix : You couldn’t spawn coastal batteries.
- Fix : You could place radars from a landing craft.
- Fix : Little issue with radar spotting icon still present during AI’s turn over human’s units (in some cases).
- Fix : Removing generals from the map wasn’t possible due to a bug.
- Fix : AI embarking for nothing.

Overall, this is a nice patch, and the AI should be more dangerous than before ! Your bombers will be spotted as soon as they enter the AI’s radar field of detection, and he will send fighter to intercept you.
And on land he will do everything he can to crush you, THEN take your victory points :))

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #143 on: April 08, 2021, 11:20:26 PM »
Wed 7 April

- Change : Rank 1: base HP, Rank 2: +10 HP, Rank 3: +20 HP, Rank 4: +30HP, Rank 5: +40 HP, above 100XP: Getting a hero and +50HP.
- Change : Updated operation Barbarossa North scenario.
- Change : Updated Leningrad 41 scenario.
- Change : Money isn’t carried over from one scenario to the next anymore in campaign (balance purposes).
- Change : To get a hero you now need 100 XP.
- Change : Damage penalty fighting from a river (-5).
- Change : Damage penalty fighting from a bridge (-5).
- Change : Supplies will now use engineers as a bridge if they can.

- Fix : AI was able to shoot your units even though they were supposed to be in his FOW. So sorry about that one !
- Fix : Engineers doing way too much damage to entrenched units.
- Fix : Selling captured equipment didn’t refresh the core units UI.
- Fix : You could equip the Junkers 88 with bombs.
- Fix : Coastal batteries not shooting back when attacked.
- Fix : AI leaving its better VP to capture another VP that is actually worse.
- Fix : Bonuses from generals window were glitching on different aspect ratio.
- Fix : Upgrading a unit to a core unit didn’t refresh the UI with your amount of core units.
- Fix : You could make RADARs surrender.
- Fix : AI unit’s leaving trenches to engage the enemy.
- Fix : ZIS-2 stats.
- Fix : You could choose to play Minsk41 after player Barbarossa North.
- Fix : You could move onto enemy units planes in the fog of war during rain.
- Fix : Too many supplies coming from the villages (should have been 30% and it was 70%).
- Fix : AI could always get resupplied and the supply line would be going around your units because of an error in my code, sorry !
- Fix : AI wouldn’t resupply in fuel its units before it was already too late (they ran out of fuel).

- Change : Two units indicator on winter tile will now be red instead of invisible grey.
- Change : Armour will now be taken into account for infantry vs infantry (so that mechanized infantry actually is better than simple infantry)
- Change : AI will now sell captured units.
- Change : Sd Kfz 233, Nashorn, Brummbar, Marder I, Marder II and III sprite.
- Change : No more retaliation when attacking a tank with an anti tank gun. For gameplay purposes, since anti tank guns usually have very low armour, low soft damage, why would you buy a Marder III instead of buying a panzer IV that will deal the same amount of hard damage AND a lot of soft ? Well, because now when the Marder III (or any anti tank unit) will attack another tank, the tank will not retaliate anymore. So I’m just trying to give some use to anti tanks units :) So that people have an army as diverse as possible, and so that all units have a use.

- Fix : You couldn’t deploy heavy units the first 3 turns of a new game.
- Fix : Having entered incorrectly the production month for your unit could result in a crash (example, month = 20)
- Fix : You could spawn heavy equipment at desert towns.
- Fix : Units would retreat from towns.
- Fix : There was no waiting time when units got ambushed with slow AI.
- Fix : Jagdpanzer IV L/70 had a range of 2. Jagdpanther had a range of 2. BS 3 had a range of 2. PaK-44 had a range of 2. PaK 43 had a range of 2.
- Fix : AI planes attacking ground units from the side when there were 2 units on one tile.
- Fix : on mobile little UI bug, not showing entirely total of turns you needed to wait until victory (would show 1 digit instead of 2)
- Fix : AI not attacking when it should / could.

- Change : Two units indicator on winter tile will now be red instead of invisible grey.

- Fix : You couldn’t deploy heavy units the first 3 turns of a new game.
- Fix : Having entered incorrectly the production month for your unit could result in a crash (example, month = 20)

- Added : Sonars. Will spot enemy ship in a 3x3 around the destroyer. Work the same as RADAR, will create small icons on the map when it spots enemy ships.

- Change : Panzer I A, Jagdpanther, SU-85, SU-100, T-34 1942, T-34 1943, IS-1, Panzer II flamm sprite.
- Change : T35A hard damage stats.
- Change : German AA units damage, some didn’t make sense.
- Change : Plane heal price changed to twice the amount.
- Change : Destroyers now have a visibility of 1.
- Change : Updated manual for sonars.
- Change : Lowered marines and ranges damage (come on, 60 soft …).

- Fix : AI going out of its VP to fight and KILL hehehe.
- Fix : Potential retaliation damage from planes showing when you had an Anti air unit selected.
- Fix : SU-26 had a range of 2.


- Added : Little message in the multiplayer panel letting you know there are no game being hosted when there are no games being hosted (I’m afraid people just thought the multiplayer simply isn’t working).

- Change : Graphics of the Elefant, Matilda II, Sherman Firefly.
- Change : Updated operation Bagration, Moscow 42 scenarios.

- Fix : AT units couldn't be sorted by in the order of battle.
- Fix : Ambush during rainy weather with planes.
- Fix : on mobile I forgot to change the flags for the potential damage.
- Fix : When the AI was getting ambushed and one of your unit could support the unit the red reticle would appear on the map just like if you were playing.
- Fix : AI would deploy radars on harbours blocking the way of other units.

Oh and, I'll be live today :)
I don't know at what time, but some time during the afternoon (French time).

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #144 on: April 10, 2021, 11:43:53 PM »
Fri, April 9, 2021

- Added : Char B1 bis, AMR-33, AMR-35, 75mm AA, Artillery 75mm to France.

- Change : SU-122, T-60, BT-7, KV-2, Hetzer, Tiger II, Jagdpanzer 38t Hetzer, Jagdpanzer IV 70L, Jagdpanzer IV 48L Tiger I sprites.
- Change : Updated many, many scenarios (updated means replaced units, removed some, rearranged rivers, cities, difficulty etc).

- Fix : AI will no longer invite Switzerland and spend money to do so for useless results (my apologies to all Swiss playing the game !)

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #145 on: April 12, 2021, 11:58:53 PM »
Sat, 10 April 2021

- Added : Epic Ultimate Eastern front map with over 745 cities (192x148). Yes, I know, the map is without railroads. It took me more than a week to make it and I got so tired of it I didn’t have the strength to make all the railroads at the same time, so I’ll place them later. I’m unsure of where were all the oil fields so, I placed on in Baku, one in Romania above Bucharest, one in Grozny, one in Maykop. Im pretty sure there was something near Narva (?) but im unsure where and couldn’t locate it. This is basically a first complete draft, but still totally playable ! Just missing the railroads :) I am not a professional of the eastern front by all means, so if there are issues with the map, let me know please ! (Such as locations etc). I placed the units following the Operation Barbarossa OOB (1 unit = 1 division). I didn’t give the soviets ANY unit to start with (except garrisons everywhere), this is because if I do give them stuff, the germans won’t be able to start as quickly as they did in 1941, don’t worry if this seems unfair to you, the soviets have an income of 5500 per turn.
- Added : IAR-80B, HS-129, SM-79, Me-109E, Me-109G, 105mm model 1913, 150mm model 1934, 75mm model 1897 for Romania.

- Fix : AI would spawn veteran coastal batteries or bunkers.
- Fix : AIs submarines staying around harbours even if they couldn’t do any damage.
- Fix : AI never leaving its major victory point harbour even though he could (no enemy around).
- Fix : Autosave were made during multilayer match, and they could be loaded. Big issue.
- Fix : Game wouldn’t end when there were no VP left even though you hadn’t read the turn limit.
- Fix : End game statistics not being calculated properly.

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #146 on: April 12, 2021, 11:59:30 PM »
Mon, 12 April 2021

- Added : All Afrika Korps scenarios to the German campaign. You can start it directly from the main menu, otherwise you will have the choice after the campaign of France to go in Africa, or after Sea Lion North.
- Added : IMAM Ro.37 and IMAM Ro.44, Fi 156 Storch recon planes for Italy.
- Added : Caproni Ca.135 medium bomber to Italy.
- Added : Caproni Ca. 135, PZL P11, CR 20, Heinkel 112, Heinkel 46 for Hungary.
- Added : VL Myrsky II to Finland.
- Added : Fw 190 A, He 111H, PZL P23B Karas, PZL P37 A Los, Fi 156 Storchm RAS-1 Getta to Romania.
- Added : Arado 196, Avia B-135, Bloch MB.200, Caproni Ca.309, DAR 10, Dewoitine D520, Dornier 17 K, Heinkel 111 H, Heinkel He 51, Junkers 87 D, Kaproni Bulgarski KB-11 Fazan, leFH18, Messerschmitt BF-109 E, Messerschmitt BF-109 G, PZL 43 Karas, PZL P.24, Panzer IV H, 10.5cm artillery, StuG III G to Bulgaria.
- Added : New harbour tile, that is of a smaller size than the big one. You won’t be able to spawn stuff there. You can spawn militia there, and that’s all. Just like the small villages.

- Change : Pershing sprite.
- Change : Units that surrender are now counted in the end game statistics.
- Change : AI won’t invite the Luxembourg to join their faction anymore.

- Fix : Units taking on purpose a path going on mines (ground going on sea, on naval mines).
- Fix : You couldn’t launch the Defense of Sicily campaign directly from the campaign menu for the Germans (Western->1943).
- Fix : One of the 12 bridges (River3Bridge) didn’t have a destroyed sprite, causing it to turn black when being blown up.
- Fix : In the scenario “Operation Sonnenblume” the Allies had way too many units. The Axis didn’t stand a chance.
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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #147 on: April 13, 2021, 11:22:39 PM »
Tue, 13 April 2021

- Added : Heinkel He 219, Focke-Wulf Ta-154 to Germany.
- Added : MAVAG Heja I and MAVAG Heja II to Hungary.

- Change : T26E4 Super Pershing, Messerschmitt Bf-109 G, Messerschmitt 262, Hungarian Marder II sprite.

- Fix : More contrast button not working on mobile.
- Fix : Missing campaign miniature for the German western 1941 and 1942 campaigns.
- Fix : Dornier 17E was a light bomber, not a heavy bomber. Oops.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #148 on: April 15, 2021, 11:57:23 PM »
Thu, 15 April 2021

- Added : Battle of Debrecen / Hungary 1944 map.
- Added : Railroads on the Ultimate Eastern Front map (yay, took me hours lmao).
- Added : Red dot when you have unread new messages in multiplayer.

- Change : All RADARs now have a range of 7.
- Change : Destroyers will now provide supportive fire when allied ships around them are attacked by enemy aircrafts, just like normal ground anti air.
- Change : Updated manual.
- Change : AI will now try to buy the latest equipment possible, unless it doesn’t have the funds. Before today, it was purely random. Meaning no USSR buying T-26 in 1945 unless that’s all it can buy. I weighted the chances of some units, so that coastal batteries won’t be bought that often even if they are the most expensive equipment, or same for engineers. And same for prototypes. All of those units have a lower chance of being bought (one in twenty chance when the AI actually wants to buy it). The eastern front won’t be as funny as it was, because soon KV-85s will be flowing.
- Change : AI’s tanks won’t stay in newly captured VPs anymore to defend them, they’ll pursue the offensive. Kind of stupid to leave a KV-85 or IS-2 behind in a ridiculously small city just to garrison it. This can make the difference on the battlefield. Only infantry will be kept in garrisons now.
- Change : Updated Winter war scenario.

- Fix : Supply planes were broken.
- Fix : Issue with one city name in the Philippines in the pacific maps (Saigon).
- Fix : There were 2 SmallHarbour1 tiles.
- Fix : When hitting previous or next unit, if the unit selected was stacked with another one, the proper filter (air or ground) wouldn’t be applied, and the unit even though selected, wouldn’t be shown.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Operation Citadel : Turn-based WWII
« Reply #149 on: April 16, 2021, 11:39:17 PM »
Fri, April 16, 2021

- Added : Unit editor back to mobile. Just as an encyclopedia. You can’t add or remove units.
- Added : Oerlikon 20mm and Bofors 40mm AA guns, Fokker T.V, Landswerk L180, Morris CS9 to the Netherlands.
- Added : Curtiss Hawk H-75A for Norway.
- Added : Missing railroads on the Ultimate eastern front map.
- Added : North American A-36 Apache, Curtiss P-43A Lancer, Lockheed P-38J Lightning, Lockheed P-38 F-4 Lightning, Curtiss P-40N Warhawk, Vought SB2U Vindicator, Consolidated TBY Sea Wolf, Fisher P-75 Eagle for the US.
- Added : Curtiss P-40N Warhawk to Australia.

- Change : BBs and Carriers will now heal 25% by 25%. What does this mean ? Why did I choose to do so ? Currently, you heal a unit by 50% per turn. So if your carrier is at 10HP, if you repair it, you will add 25% of its max HP. This is to reflect the time it took in real life to repair such ships (battleships and carriers) would need longer repair time than sending a few tanks to reinforce a division on the front. So, yeah ! Damaging a carrier will force the player to stay out of the fight for maybe 4 turns depending on how bad you damage it ! Neat, right ?
- Change : Little UI tweak, I made the turn number as well as the number of VPs be aligned on the right so they are closer to the icon representing them. (Top bar icons).
- Change : Light cruisers now also provide AA support.
- Change : Updated manual.
- Change : Updated Battle of France big scenario, Campaign of the Low Countries.
- Change : US paratrooper transport plane, F4U Corsair, M18 Hellcat, M36 Jackson, M10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, M4 Sherman Crocodile sprites.
- Change : Some stats of some US planes.

- Fix : Finally fixed the issue with getting a unit in a ship or a train when the harbour is near a railroad. Now, it’s simple, it will switch through all states. So just click two times on the button if you want it to get into a train.
- Fix : Notifications were … not working. For MP chat.
- Fix : Submarines didn’t have double damage vs landing crafts.
- Fix : Fighters took units armour from landing crafts into account in the damage calculation.
- Fix : Vyborg belonged to the USSR in the ultimate eastern front scenario.
- Fix : Grumman TBF Avenger had the wrong sprite.

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