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Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« on: August 05, 2019, 11:34:58 PM »
Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise

In a continuous bid to update and modernize popular strategy IPs and bringing them to the 21st century, Slitherine has acquired the full publishing rights to the Master of Magic franchise from Atari.

This is one of the most recognizable names in videogames history. It’s one of the key pillars of turn-based strategy gaming and it has created a genre of its own that is still alive and thriving today.

Master of Magic first released on MS-DOS twenty-five years ago in 1994 and it quickly became one of the most cherished games of its genre with its infinite replayability and the sheer number of customisation options it gave to the players.

“We are looking forward to working on this immensely popular franchise”, said Iain McNeil development director at Slitherine. “We know there is a high level of responsibility when we try and develop sequels or successors to popular IPs. We have proven it is possible to fulfil players expectations with the likes of Panzer Corps when it comes to work on these legendary products”.

Sequels to Close Combat and Fantasy General, both coming this year, are also a testament of Slitherine’s ongoing mission in this space.

“The foundations of what we play today are still traced back to that golden age of gaming. We cannot ignore that, like we cannot ignore that technology has moved on with player’s expectations in other areas such as social integration, multiplayer, narration, ease-of-access and more. It will be a challenge, but we are happy to accept it and try our best to make a game that does justice to the brand”.

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Caster of Magic for Windows
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2021, 12:16:27 AM »
Caster of Magic for Windows is coming soon.
1 March 2021

A new edition of Caster of Magic is coming soon.

Caster of Magic for WIndows is an upgraded edition of Caster of Magic which allows you to run it natively on Windows for the first time, as well as supporting higher screen resolutions.

It also contains countless improvements for Caster of Magic, including new spells, game options, UI and AI improvements. It is the ultimate edition of Master of Magic, brought by the fans to the modern era.


- Runs natively in Windows
- Freely resizeable game window, not locked to any specific aspect ratio
- Up to 13 enemy wizards
- Variable map size
- Additional game modes/options
- 21 new spells
- Improved UI and production queue system
- Improved AI
- Seamless, procedurally generated terrain
- Improved item creation, new item powers
- More diplomacy messages which now all depend on the AI's personality

We're currently looking for beta testers to help us test Caster of Magic for Windows, so if you're willing to help us out you can sign up [link=]here[/link].

About the developer:

Caster of Magic started out as a mod, championed by Seravy and building on top of the already popular community patch. Caster of Magic has been a fan favorite of the Master of Magic community and we are pleased to be able to work with Seravy to officially integrate Caster of Magic, giving him the recognition he deserves.

When the game releases, you'll be able to get it here.

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2021, 11:45:42 PM »
Master of Magic: Development Diary 1 - June 2021
1 June 2021

Master of Magic: Development Diary 1 - June 2021

Welcome to the first of our Development Diaries for Master of Magic. Seeing as this one is the first in our new series of Dev Diaries, we decided it would be best to cover everything that has been shown previously. We’ll also be adding some new details for those who have been following along.

Who is MuHa?

We’re an indie studio based in Poland. Our previous two games are called Thea: The Awakening, and Thea 2: The Shattering and they are best described as: gritty, dark, fantasy survival games set within a post-apocalyptic world. They are inhabited by a combination of classical fantasy critters and humans with an abundance of mythical and folklore influences.

So while Master of Magic is a very different game at its core, we certainly have experience with the 4x and strategy genres. Our design ideology is simple: we try to make games that we’d want to play ourselves and we do our best to communicate with our fans and thus make the best games we can.

The old and the new

Our design philosophy is to attempt to recreate the mechanics and gameplay of MoM as faithfully as we can, while also making an awesome game that will attract new fans.

So, with that in mind, here is a list of things we already have that you may recognise from the original:
  • All of the wizards from the original MoM, with a modern makeover from our talented artist. We hope you will recognise all of your favourites after 30 years.   
  • All of the champions and heroes from the original return, with a makeover similar to but perhaps less dramatic than the wizards, with new 2D and 3D models, as well as a new or improved backstory.   
  • All of the races and their units painstakingly recreated with their original statistics and all their original features. This will be our baseline and we hope to minimize balance changes unless they are really necessary.   
  • All of the spells and skills from the original. Similarly to races and units, this will be our baseline for balance.   
  • All of the original traits that were formerly known as “retorts”.   
  • All of MoM’s basic events and possibly some new additional ones. We’re even including the option to turn them off as it was in the original.   
  • Arcanus and Myrror as playable planes.   
  • All building types will be included.   
  • The Mana management system makes a return, with a modern look but the original mechanics.   
  • Battles will take place on a tactical map and not the strategic map, like in the original.   
  • Familiars - they’re back, and we have an extra one for those who choose mixed magic books.

This list is also not an exhaustive list of features, but it should give you an idea of where we’re going with it. Classic gameplay, with a modern look, beautiful new art and surgical balance changes with player feedback at the heart of the process.

Arcanus and Myrror races: each race has its own flavour and gives different bonuses that can influence your playthrough.

Lizardmen spearmen and Orc swordsmen, with new 2D graphics and 3D models but faithful stats.


Areas so far that warranted some changes

  • We felt Hexes offered superior tactical and strategic gameplay and we also have a lot more experience with them over old-school squares.
  • New A.I. with difficulty settings. The original A.I. was best described as primitive, which makes sense for its time, we have much better tools to create A.I. now.
  • Quality of Life improvements: Production queues, more MP to start, modern pathfinding that doesn't split your group unless you specifically split it and many more QoL improvements have been made.   
  • Auto-combat function that will show you a range of possible outcomes and gives you the option to either auto-resolve, retreat or fight manually.   
  • Extensive modding tools will be included.   
  • Modern tooltips which explain various mechanics and units were added.   
  • Fog of war has been added, as is typical with more modern games.

The construction manager now includes a production queue.

Auto-resolve battles.

Coming in our Dev Diary next month...

The wizards! Who stayed unchanged and who got a makeover? If that’s a question that’s been on your mind, we’ll answer it in the next dev diary.

New Discord Channel

If you’d like to discuss this dev diary or anything else about the game, please join us on our new official Master of Magic Discord server here.

You can also wishlist Master of Magic on Steam here.

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2023, 12:08:38 AM »
Master of Magic Open Beta - Changelog 01.02.2023 and 02.02.2023
Thu, 2 February 2023

Hello everyone,

We are releasing an Open Beta for the new update of Master of Magic; see below the instructions on how to have access to it:

1.   To Access the 'Open Beta' Branch
2.   Right-Click on Master of Magic in your list of games in the Steam Library
3.   Select "Properties"
4.   In the menu that appears, select the BETAS tab on the left side
5.   Click the drop-down list and you will see "beta - Open Beta" as an option. Select it.
6.   You can now close the Preferences Menu
7.   Steam should now automatically update your game to the Open Beta Branch. If it does not start automatically, click the Update button.

If you have any feedback please let us know it, here below there is the changelog, have fun.

Changelog 01.02.2023

FIX Crash when opening Special Actions menu with Guardian Spirit in the group, while not standing on a magic node
FIX Construction screen not being able to display more than 6 skills for units
FIX Ice Storm evaluation script - set spell less valuable if spellcaster isn't at war with target
FIX Corrupted save file will no longer crash the game when opening the Load/Save window. Instead, corrupted saves will not be listed
FIX Some units considered as target even though they were invalid as a result of other, valid target units sharing unit type and health status (ie when one unit is enchanted with flying)
FIX Chaos Rift and Call Lightning - those spells weren't tested for dmg. Instead assumed there were always hits. Now corrected
Fix RequireMinBooks() - parameter "minimum" is now in use
FIX Viewing another Wizard's city containing summoning circle now shows the circle
FIX Word of Recall - now the spell doesn't work for ships unless they have a flight enchantment
FIX Undead resurrection failing automatically if the group has 9 units already
FIX Great Wasting - no more targeting sea hexes
FIX Night Shade dispel spawn correction
FIX blocked access to Research screen from Magic screen if there are no spells left to research
FIX Spell of Mastery taking -57 turns - 1 will now be displayed when the value is negative
FIX Wind Walking and Invisibility will no longer get dispelled after combat
FIX Modified scripts in the event editor to check for heroes that are also in the graveyard (modders please check your events, to make sure you are using a correct script now, this refers to searching for hero by name)
FIX Resetting enchantments after raise dead in combat
FIX Implemented a safety measure to not dispel your own enchantments
FIX Removing Endurance no longer gives movement
FIX Dispel casting by hero - now extra mana will add to spell strength
FIX Roland the Paladin and Torin the Chosen now have Super Might
FIX Endurance on item now gives the correct move bonus +1
FIX Foresters Guild now supplies the correct food bonus +2
FIX Race names for additional objects (ie battle buildings) are no longer hardcoded (this should fix some modding issues)
FIX Units with modded 2d art not generated for starting groups
FIX Rebels - there was a problem when 10 pop x 0.2 unrest created 1 rebel. Now it is corrected
FIX Neutrals summoning - they were casting summons on the wrong side
FIX Steam cannon - cannon now properly needs dwarf mine in town
MOD Dispel - now the spell can be used on your own unit with Confusion and Possession
MOD Research progress - there was problem when research slider was set to 0 but the player received research from other sources
MOD Select Wizard screen (made space for up to 3 traits with dynamically adjusting description space, paging for wizards grid)
MOD Resummoning Torin will allow him to have his past XP
MOD Tweaks to representation of construction progress on Town Screen and Town Manager
MOD Darkness, True Light, Havenly Light, Eternal Night - is not blocked by magic immunity any more
MOD Call Lightning - Bless and Righteousness no longer protect from the spell
MOD Poison - priority set to 0
MOD Immolation dmg - does not do excess dmg from one figure to another
MOD Spell Blast - cannot target Spell of Return
MOD Spell Lock - AI evaluation will return 0 if fighting against neutral units
MOD Hotkeys Q, O, I and N will now open the special actions menu, pressing the desired key again will start the task (if it is possible) - this change will standardise how the hotkeys work, as before, you could one click building roads, but not melding with nodes etc.
MOD Ghoul Poison dmg - ghouls poison attack will now also create undead
MOD Regeneration - unit with regeneration, after reviving more irreversible dmg, then normal dmg, will stay dead after battle
MOD Nature Wrath - spell attacks the owner if they have any death/ chaos books
MOD Great Wasting - spell will no longer target hexes in spell owner’s territory
MOD a unit that was dealt more irreversible damage than normal damage during battle will not be regenerated after a winning battle even if that unit had the regeneration skill
ADD Remappable hotkeys
ADD Multi hex road building
ADD Repeat unit construction toggle on Town Screen and Town Manager
ADD Second variant of "save is different" marker to show when saves are marginally different as addition to the exclamation marker shown currently on any difference
ADD Highlighting the caster when choosing a casting unit on the battlefield (helps if there are multiple casters that look the same)
ADD Notification when AI casts a spell on player wizard
ADD Notification when AI casts a global spell
ADD Show notification when AI cast a spell on player's group
ADD Notification when the AI casts a spell on player's town
ADD Army marker now showing number of turns until road building/purifying action is complete
ADD Arrow keys will switch between towns on TownScreen
ADD Confirmation popup when switching to another spell when one is already in progress on the spellbook screen
ADD Images for Great Unsummoning and Death Wish
ADD Feedback popup when player uses disenchanting spells
ADD popup after casting Great Unsummoning or Death Wish containing information about the quantity of units destroyed

Patch notes 02.02.2023

FIX crash resulting from modified location list iterator during location visibility scripts processing
FIX spell casting timer on hud not being updated correctly when loading the game when the spell ready notification was not on the 1st page of notifications
FIX crash when a source of damage tried writing information to battle log after the battle was concluded
ADD battle log entry for fortress bolt attacks
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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2023, 01:10:54 AM »
Master of Magic - Major update out now
Tue, 4 April 2023

See what has been updated

Greetings, Master of Magic players!

See below the latest changelog for our beloved game, which introduces a host of exciting new features and improvements to enhance your gameplay experience such as:

• Choose Wizard Launcher Images
• Cartographer Screen
• Faster loading times

See here the Full changelog:

FIX - Fixed an issue. MOD - Modified. ADD - New Features.

ADD Choose Wizard Launcher Images

ADD Cartographer screen

ADD Allow/disallow switch to use Wizard’s spells during autobattle
ADD "Move to attack" action in battle
ADD Alternative system significantly decreasing time for reloading saves at the cost of disc space added (it can be disabled in settings)

The additions officially close the current roadmap! Stay tuned for the next one...

ADD Visual representation of Chaos Rift, Inspirations, Consecration and Prosperity enchantments on town map
ADD ‘None’ option to neutral town count in the difficulty setting of a new game (this offers an alternative style of game, without the bonus of capturing many neutral cities, also gives the starting race choice more focus)
ADD Number and paging arrows to unused artefacts grid on Army Manager screen ADD Mouse scroll now flips spell book's pages
ADD Number of defenders for each city on the City Manager screen

MOD Leadership on Chaos Channelled should now work correctly , i.e not work on units that have become fantastic
MOD Spell price / artefact price as a reward - artefact price has dropped to 275 so weak lairs can "give" artefacts more often, while common spells price has risen
MOD Sound when buying construction, artefact or unit
MOD Visual tweaks to Magic screen
MOD Adamantine res - now adds only 10% to hit
MOD Earthwalker skill - that skill now protects from the Earth To Mud spell
MOD Removed the possibility of cancelling globals from a unit
MOD Transmute Wild Game - now we can transmute Wild Game into Mammoth like the description says
MOD ResistMagic - will not be cast by AI on unit with magic immunity
MOD Tweaks to nature node's sparkles

FIX Some options in Settings not being localised correctly
FIX Resources giving food - wild game etc will give Food to town
FIX If a unit is removed from the stack, the system will now check if the unit was performing a task, like building roads etc, and the task will be stopped
FIX Wizard buttons on diplomacy screen should now catch clicks on the entire button area, not just the gem
FIX Remapping end turn button not being recognised during battle
FIX Hotkeys getting registered while entering text in an input field
FIX Charm of Life - when use on unit with 4+ life could show slider on less than 100% (like 99%) even if unit fully healed
FIX Leadership - range attacks get half of the bonus
FIX Stonemason trait - units from created outpost get the engineer skill too
FIX Move Fortress doesn't reset unrest
FIX Too much power gained from nodes - calculation corrected
FIX High Men Spearman walking speed animation
FIX Goblin Boar Riders - incorrect unit class icon (was the same as War Mammoth)
FIX Icon names for The Resistor shield and axe
FIX 0 production buildings/units should be able to buy them still - we can now complete construction of unit/building if we buy it even when production is 0
FIX Catapult wall bug - Catapult and other Wall Crushers will not destroy own walls when defending the city anymore
FIX Fixed max movement points of units when extracting from group
FIX Wall of Darkness realm - now Death instead Chaos
FIX Wild Game event not increasing max population - fix updating town resources when resource on terrain changes
FIX Unit info statistics update in battle
FIX Crash when double click on unit's spellbook opened from unit info
FIX Match function for trading in events
FIX Mining Mammoths - Mammoths do now allow to build mines any more
FIX Melee units with wall crasher can now attack walls (not only gate)
FIX Magic immunity - fix item flight skill
FIX Embark movement cost - embarking won't add MP now
FIX Crash when AI tried optimising its armies
FIX Population text field on town marker not being able to display some longer numbers
FIX Groups formation test after transfering transporter resulting in a crash in some cases
Fix Change Terrain - now it can change terrain under lairs and ruins
FIX Mouse scroll wheel not working correctly on some lists/grids
FIX Goblin towns appearing when Through the Myrror is turned off
FIX Guardian Wind being evaluated by AI against ranged attacks instead of normal ranged attacks
FIX Number of Battle AI spell evaluations not checking if the enemy list is empty, and some visibility of the potential target evaluation

Thank you to all our players for your support of the game!

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2023, 12:04:27 AM »
Introducing the new Roadmap
Tue, 11 April 2023

What will happen next?

We are excited to share the upcoming roadmap of our game's development, which will introduce some exciting new features to enhance your gameplay experience.

Firstly, we will work on improving the game's management of memory for assets. This means that the more assets you, or the modders add to the game, the more efficient the game will become at handling them.

The Steam Workshop feature, allowing you to easily share and download mods, making it even easier to customise your game is something we also want to implement soon.

Next up, we will look at the Quick Load and Quick Save function to the game, which will greatly improve your ability to save and load your game progress quickly and efficiently.

Addressing the city spam issue that some of our community have spoken about, we hope to add a new settings configuration mode that increases the distance between cities in the game, reducing the frequency of spam in the city.

Lastly, we hope to add a new Favourites feature to the spellbook and a Repeat Spell button, allowing you to quickly and easily access your most frequently used spells.

Stay tuned!

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2023, 12:01:43 AM »
Master of Magic - Extended Roadmap 2023
Wed, 10 May 2023

We have some exciting news to share with you

Greetings Wizards,

We have some exciting news to share with you: the Extended Roadmap for 2023!

We have been working hard to improve the game and have been adding new features to make it even better and we are glad to share an overview of what we have already done: since the release, upcoming projects (spoiler alert! ;)), and what are the future plans for the game:

We believe that these updates will take the game to the next level and provide you with even more hours of enjoyment.

We also want to express our gratitude for the continued support of the game. We are thrilled to see so many of you enjoying the game and sharing your experiences with others.

To thank you again for playing and supporting Master of Magic we want to leave a small surprise for you...

Muha Games is happy to announce the release of the free DLC for Tea 2: The Shattering - Rat Tales and More

This update introduces a wealth of new content to the game such as:

New events: Including a rat centred tale, a Thea dating game, and an invasion of foreign wizards and their flock.
New Rat classes: Just when you thought there’s enough rattiness in Thea, we give you the Tsarat, the Warrant, the Healrat, the Mystrat, and a cute, little baby rat!

New Human class: The Berserker, is a wild warrior whose power is gained from Destiny.
New Dwarven class: Ever wondered what dwarven women do in the depths of their underground kingdoms? The Matrioshka answer that questions and show just how powerful they are.
New characters that can join your group: Gnolls, Polar Bears, old magicians...

New pets to discover; eight new additions to our Thea menagerie
New god Trait cards
The Graveyard: Finally, the many deaths of Thea’s heroes are now recorded for posterity.

Also included in the update is an important fix to the multiplayer mode, so now you can enjoy Thea 2 with friends again!

The Rat Tales and More free DLC update is sure to enhance the already-immersive world of Tea 2, providing players with even more ways to explore and enjoy the game.

Don't miss out on this exciting update - download it now and discover all the new features for yourself!
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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2023, 12:02:01 AM »
Master of Magic: Rise of the Soultrapped - Morique the Possessed
Tue, 11 July 2023

The game is still in development, some skills/traits are subject to change.

Morique's enigmatic nature stems from the fact that she shares her body with a formidable demon. The true nature of their relationship remains a subject of speculation. Some believe it to be a symbiotic alliance, where both entities find common ground, while others fear it to be a parasitic infestation, with Morique at the mercy of her demonic counterpart.

I have mastered the infernal and We are now more powerful then any, one Wizard, can hope to be!

Unlike many other Wizards vying for supremacy, Morique's ambitions extend beyond controlling her inner demon. With mastery over Death and Chaos at her fingertips, she is determined to establish her ultimate dominance over all other wizards, particularly her demon rival, Tauron.

Rumors abound about Morique's relationship with Tauron, with whispers suggesting that they are partners or even her wife. However, while Tauron seeks to maintain his human form and control over his demonic instincts, Morique's dark elven heritage drives her toward darker desires, plunging her deeper into the madness of Chaos and Death.

Magic and Traits

The newest trait, the Demonologist, allows Morique to start the game with a unit of a Lesser Shadow Demon under her command. Additionally, she will have access to a unique spell called "Summon Shadow Demon" as well as the "Possession" spell.

Magic Books:

Myrran refugee

The arrival of Morique the Possessed is set to shake the foundations of the magical world on August 28th. Brace for the chaos, harness the power of death, and embark on a journey that will redefine the meaning of dominance in the realm of magic.

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2023, 11:26:26 PM »
Master of Magic: Rise of the Soultrapped - A new Race
Tue, 18 July 2023

A remarkable new race has emerged, ready to reshape the tides of war

The game is still in development, some skills/trait are subject to change

Soultrapped are a captivating fusion of machine and man, bring forth a plethora of unique units to bolster your armies and revolutionize your strategies.

The official line said that the Soultrapped are a race of constructs that fell victim to dwarven experimentation with dark rune magic, that bound sentient souls into the mechanical bodies, fuelled by organic matter. Otherwise, the soulbound claim that their awakening came from a divine source and that they are not some by-product of another’s play. In either case, the soulbound combine machine and man in unsettling ways, but they are a race that prefers peace and prosperity to warfare.

The Soultrapped race boasts a diverse array of Normal and Special units, each with its own distinct role on the battlefield.

Normal units

Formidable front lines, their unwavering discipline and piercing strikes making them a force to be reckoned with.

Skilled in the art of close-quarters combat, unleash swift and devastating blows upon their foes.

Versatile unit wielding a halberd, capable of both offense and defense with their extended reach.

Charges into battle, mounted atop steeds that gallop with unyielding determination.

They possess the remarkable ability to repair construct units, mending their wounds and restoring them to their full potential even outside the heat of combat. With their skillful mending touch, the Soultrapped Engineers ensure that no construct unit remains dormant for long, rejuvenating them to continue the fight.

Tech Priests
Firm believers in the divine creation of their race, these pious individuals are blessed with the power to Reconstruct fallen constructs during the chaos of battle. As they channel the forces of fate, fallen allies are brought back to life, their mechanical bodies reassembled and infused with renewed vigor.

Special Units

Prepare to explore the depths of the seas with the Subtrireme, a remarkable creation of the Soultrapped. This autonomous unit serves as a capable transporter while traversing great distances beneath the ocean's surface.

Soul Cannon
Experience the seamless fusion of technology and magic with the Soul Cannon. This powerful ranged unit, crafted with utmost precision, showcases the true mastery of the Soultrapped, delivering devastating blows to foes from afar.

Behold the fearsome Flesh Golem, a soulless abomination animated by enigmatic Techmagic forces under the guidance of Soultrapped engineers and priests. Some speculate that the Flesh Golem serves as a dark answer to the enslaved golems created by the dwarves, instilling both awe and terror on the battlefield.

The yeet is a peculiar soulbound, shaped like a humanoid hand made for throwing. Its sole purpose in battle is to release the magbomb and thus exterminate the enemy in one, bombastic go!

The magbomb, is fused with powrful Techmagic which makes it explode right in the face of the enemy! Unless they shoot it first, then it is just a round piece of animated metal...

Prepare to command these extraordinary Units in Master of Magic: Rise of the Soultrapped, as they reshape the battlefield and pave the way to victory with their unique abilities and sheer destructive power on August 28th!

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2023, 12:12:44 AM »
Master of Magic: An expansive Free Update is coming on August 28th
Wed, 23 August 2023

Set to launch on August 28th, in conjunction with the release of the DLC Rise of the Soultrapped, a substantial free update will also be introduced.

Players can choose to play this free update

Below, you'll find all the key features of this update:

Steam Workshop: A comprehensive overhaul of the modding tools and the integration of modding into the Steam Workshop.

A list of Quality of Life improvements, including:

Management of memory for assets: As we and modders add more assets, memory demands increase.
Quick Load/Save option
Increased distance between towns to reduce city spam

Favorites in the spellbook and a repeat spell button

Display of current game settings available for viewing in-game
Hero recruitment: When recruiting a hero via a spell or trader, you will now have a choice between two random heroes.

Through the Myrror content update: The Wizard Trait 'I Need a Hero!' will now provide an additional hero choice when recruiting.

This update will be released for free to everyone on August 28th. Don't miss the chance to download it and embark on your new adventure

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2023, 12:21:14 AM »
Master of Magic: Rise of the Soultrapped is out now
Mon, 28 August 2023

Alongside Rise of the Soultrapped DLC released, a Free Update is now available for everyone

Master of Magic players, prepare for an enthralling world where arcane forces and mystical beings collide. Rise of the Soultrapped invites both veterans and newcomers to immerse themselves in a universe rich with magic, strategy, and untold secrets.

Unleash a variety of spells that combine technology and magic in unimaginable ways. From summoning scouting probes to reveal hidden nodes on the map, to empowering your units with tech sprites and discovering new locations, the tech dungeons, guarded by a mysterious rogue element of the new race, the Soultrapped.

Defeat them to gain valuable resources and rewards and trigger a chain of events that will challenge you in the mid to late game.

Unlock the full potential of Techmagic, command powerful heroes, and conquer the realms of Arcanus and Myrror. Embrace the challenge and become the ultimate master of this enchanting fusion of technology and magic.

New DLC Features:

3 New powerful Wizards
New magic school: Techmagic
A new race: Soultrapped 
10 new Techmagic spells 
4 new heroes with new skills and unique quests
5 new traits to customize your Wizard
New Enemy lairs and roaming armies of the rogue soultrapped
Master of Magic: Rise of the Soultrapped is available now. 

To celebrate this launch, Edmon will showcase the gameplay on the Slitherine Twitch channel on Monday, August 28th, at 8:15 PM CET. Make sure to mark it on your calendar.

Master of Magic: An expansive Free Update is now available

Alongside the release of the Rise of the Soultrapped DLC, an expansive Free Update is now available for everyone. 

This update includes:

- Steam Workshop integration 
- Memory management for assets
- Quick Load/Save option
- Increased distance between towns to reduce city spam
- Favorites in the spellbook and a repeat spell button
- Display of current game settings available for viewing in-game
- Improved Hero recruitment through the Myrror content update
- Lair density adjustment
- Sparkles on enchanted units on the world map
- Plus, many modifications and fixes

And if you haven't had the chance to play the game yet, now is the moment: Master of Magic will be on sale for the duration of the Steam Strategy Fest at a 30% discount!

Get ready to wield unimaginable power, forge alliances, and uncover the mysteries of the Soultrapped in a gaming experience that will leave an indelible mark on the world of fantasy gaming.

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2023, 01:20:43 AM »
Attention all Master of Magic players!
Tue, 29 August 2023

The new update for the game means that older save games will no longer work! But don’t worry, there is a solution!

You can use the legacy Steam Branch to play those save games. To access the legacy branch, right click Master of Magic in your steam library list, select Properties, then select Betas. In the Beta Participation section, choose "legacy - v1.06.45' in the drop down menu. This will install the legacy build that will allow you to continue with your save games.

Thank you for your attention

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2023, 12:12:00 AM »
Master of Magic: Get ready for the most spine-tingling Halloween update
Wed, 25 October 2023

Greetings Wizards,

We are excited to reveal that the Master of Magic free Halloween update is now out. Get ready to experience the thrills, chills, and magical abilities that this captivating update has to offer.

Meet Bladud the Necromancer: ‘Long has my kin been called weak, but now the orcs shall rise through Death and conquer all!’
Bladud was formerly a strong orc general, but he became a legendary figure and was known as a powerful Wizard. He governed his orc clan for decades alongside his powerful queen, Belit. Still, they were both disappointed by the apathy that had engulfed their nation. Once renowned for their fierce fury and brutal strength, orcs had learned to be good at everything yet excelled at nothing.

Belit and Bladud had different ideas about what lay ahead for their people. Bladud saw the wisdom in their people's development and tranquility, while Belit yearned to return to the old ways of war and pillage. Rather than going back in time, he looked for ways to strengthen the orcs without sacrificing their newly discovered nature. As a result, he became proficient in the Death art of Orcmancy, a talent devoted to the advancement of the orc race.
Bladud is armed with Death Magic Books and has an unusual ability called "Orcmancer." This ominous method only gives the orc race more power. Under Bladud's leadership, orcs acquire an immunity to death and the ability to steal life from their adversaries. Furthermore, for each defeated orc in combat, the Wizard gains Casting Skill.

Three new Wizard traits, all death themed
  • Orcmancer: Bladud has learned a new and terrifying skill called orcmancer. Only the orc race can grow stronger as a result. With each defeated orc in combat, the Wizard gains a Casting Skill, and the orcs under his command gain the ability to steal life from their adversaries and become immortal! The Wizard's starting race must be orcs, and they must be Death Magic users.
  • Necromancer: by adopting the Necromancy path, wizards will be able to use the new Death spell "Undead Hero," which will enable them to raise deceased heroes as amazing undead units. Additionally, they will fight all battles under the influence of Darkness without having to use a spell to do so.
  • Death Eater: after every battle, these evil sorcerers eat their fallen foes to replenish their armies' health. But only those who possess Death Magic can use this evil force.

The Master of Magic Halloween update offers new gameplay enhancements and a delightfully eerie atmosphere that will enchant you as the leaves turn to shades of crimson and gold.

So, dust off your spellbooks, sharpen your wands, and prepare for a spine-tingling journey into the mystical realm with the free Halloween update.

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2023, 12:48:59 AM »
Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas - Belit the Cursebringer
Wed, December 20, 2023

She claims to be stronger than ever, ready to prove her dominance in the grand contest

Belit the Cursebringer, once a mighty orc ruler alongside Bladud, walked a different path. She could not abide her kin's growing complacency in the name of civilization. Instead, she yearned to return to a time of blood and conquest. Whether it was the betrayal of her royal lineage or the result of a hex from a spurned love, the great curse transformed Belit and her pirate brethren into scourgers.

I am the cursed, I am the damned, and soon you shall taste the meaning of this!

However, for Belit, damnation was not a hindrance but an opportunity. She embraced her new state and is determined to challenge anyone who perceives it as a weakness. The Pirate Queen has a penchant for raising cities, and she rewards those who follow in her footsteps.

Legend has it that Belit led the first orcs onto the seas in an act of rebellion, breaking away from orc traditions and her husband, Bladud, who later embraced necromancy. When the sea curse befell the rebels, some believed that Belit's defiance of old gods and the vows of loyalty as queen and love brought their wrath. Another tale attributes her eventual fall to unquenchable ambition and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Some even insist that it was Bladud himself who cursed his wife and those who betrayed him. Belit, however, dismisses these stories with laughter.

Magic and Traits

She wields the powers of Death and Sorcery, aiming to display the might of her cursed destiny.


Pirate: The Pirate Wizard thrives on conquest and raids, offering additional bonuses and rewards for raising enemy cities. Successful raids provide mutated and indentured workers. This approach garners fame for their destructive exploits but results in fame loss if they decide to keep a city. With such aggressive tactics, a unique gameplay experience awaits.

Sea Master: Belit's expertise bestows additional movement points on all units capable of swimming, and she can build an experienced fleet of ships at a discount, making sea conquest a breeze.



Belit the Cursebringer stands as a testament to the resilience of one who embraces their cursed fate, ready to leave an indelible mark on the grand contest of Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas.

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Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2024, 12:28:20 AM »
Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas - The Scourges of the sea arrives
Wed, 3 January 2024

Prepare to sail the haunted seas, face the cursed, and embrace the life of a ghostly marauder

Once mere orc renegades, the Scourgers refused to abandon their war-like ways. Casting aside their terrestrial ties, they set sail for a life of pillage and plunder, becoming the most feared pirates in both realms. Yet, fate had a darker twist awaiting them. A relentless curse condemned the pirates to eternal un-death, birthing the Scourgers, spectral beings fueled by insatiable greed and envy.

But the envy runs deeper than the ocean's abyss; the Scourgers insist on producing lavish feasts they can never savor, a macabre display of their eternal hunger.

Race Features:

The Scourgers, being non-corporeal, defy the boundaries of land and sea. Their ghostly ships and troops seamlessly traverse both realms, a formidable force haunting the waters. Cloaked in fear, the Scourgers embody the terror of the undead, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare cross their path.

These cursed pirates introduce three unique buildings to their spectral cities:

  • Raiders Hut: Harvesting the bounties of the seas, this building brings prosperity to seafront cities
  • Ghost-Shipyard: Crafting incorporeal vessels anywhere, even on land, ensures the Scourgers' dominance over the waters
  • Indentured Workers Guild: Prisoners captured during pirate raids contribute to the city's well-being, but beware of potential rebellious citizens!
Unique Units: Crewed by the Cursed

The Scourgers boast four distinct units, each with its own ghastly skills:

  • Sea Creature: A mutated deep ocean beast, bound in servitude, wields a powerful melee strike and a petrifying gaze.

  • Rusalka: An exotic water nymph, captured and forced to dance for eternity, mesmerizes the battlefield with her mud-dazzling spells.

  • Captain: Twisted by the curse, the spectral Captain mutates across the deep sea, haunting multiple ships simultaneously. The shackles in his grasp bind boundless prisoners into servitude.

  • Paragon Ghostship: Incarnate curse of the wraith-orcs, this infernal vessel rises from the ocean depths to claim the souls of the fallen.

Prepare to sail into the unknown, face the spectral storm, and become the terror of the Scourge of the Sea. The cursed seas await, and the ghostly marauders are ready to etch their name into the annals of Master of Magic!

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