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Author Topic: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic  (Read 48117 times)

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2021, 01:59:01 AM »
Report for the Community #10
Jan 15 2021

Updated: Jan 22

Dear comrades, we want to share with you another report to inform you about current developments and changes in the game. There were plenty of bug fixes recently and some of them dealt with some silly things. One of them was the ability to build runways or taxiways under electric wires, then another was the railroad builders’ ability to sometimes turn at super sharp angle and thus, after finishing its run, get stuck. For those who did encounter this issue in the past or something similar and were not able to get the vehicle to its home depo, we want to recommend usage of CTRL+H after clicking on vehicle, which teleports it directly to its home without need to sell it and then rebuy. Of course, you need to use it on vehicle which has its home depot. Then the issue with magnifying glass, which is used to show the problematic piece of route, when the railroad vehicle got lost (due to problematic piece of track) was fixed too, and now it should show you the correct location. We also fixed the inability of distribution offices to supply harbours and terminals with fuel.

There was another adjustment made for birth-rate to make the population growth more linear. More adjustment on this will come in next days. Then the map we developed and added to the workshop as example for map creators called „Flat land with hills“ is going to be added to vanilla game.

But the most interesting for you may be our work on adaptable fields, which will not have fixed rectangular shapes but will adjust their edges to your infrastructure. They may fill the area in between the roads and save you some space with possibility of creating fewer rectangular shaped fields.

We get next bunch of graphics from our external graphics artist Karel - new skins for V3S and Zil trucks, added new ambulance MW 1600, new track builder EDK 300 and Rmn Excavator. In addition, the Railroad construction offices ‘storage was extended, due to new trackbuilder with bigger capacity.

Next thing we want to mention is a work on free demo version of the game. We want to offer players opportunity to try the game out before they buy it with some limitations (amount of buildings and vehicles are limited), but other than that, all features are included. We know this game is very specific and quite complex as more and more stuff is added, but this may be an option for quite a few of players to try it out before they invest into it. They may experience the game, play it for hours, and then decide if they want the full version, or it may offer you opportunity to share your passion with them when recommending the demo first.

Thank You for Your support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2021, 01:27:15 AM »
Report for the Community #11
Jan 22 2021

Dear comrades, after a week we have another update for you regarding the developments in our favourite game. We made several adjustments recently. The loading of the game should be faster now. Preview images are not loaded during loading anymore, but are loaded „on the fly “, while game is running, which saves video RAM memory. This may be more significant if you have installed lots of mods, and you can turn this OFF in your settings if you wish, but by default it is turned ON.

The resource capacity of some vehicles (V3S, T138, Rmn, IM25, IFA) was adjusted and the capacities of Cement and Dry Bulk Silos were raised. Then we have done some optimisation for Construction office vehicles as they were not able to go for another job until they returned to the Construction office. Now, they should be scheduled for another job as soon as they finish the actual one. In addition, they should no longer load less resources than they can carry if those resources are required in the target construction site.

All mentioned changes are right now on the test branch, they will soon appear in the stable version.

From new things, which are being planned for next update, we want to mention new scaffolding which will change the overall appearance of construction sites.

Then we want to notice you about option to request a demo key for your friends (or for yourself) using dialog on our support page. Demo is now in the process of testing and will be released soon!

Thank You for Your support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2021, 04:11:47 AM »
Mon, 1 February 2021
•   Tweaked again the birthrate, tweaked on different place so to change should be more linear
•   Distribution office should be now able to supply the harbors or terminals with fuel
•   Added new terrain (flat land with hills) from workshop into vanilla game.
•   Attempt to fix the rare start-up crash at initial 3DIVISION logo
•   Import terrain button is displayed only after item is saved
•   Fixed issue with call home and sell all vehicles for cableway station
•   Added go to the borders button into the line window
•   Fixed tutorial text window
•   Fixed crash when deleting road while the line window opened
•   Fixed issue with with statistics window if clicked on the detail of resource (page was not reset)
•   Optimized rendering of groups for screen mark tool
•   Tourist was added into screen mark tool
•   Fixed issue about it was possible to place the runway/taxiway under the electric wires
•   Fixed issue about sometime was vehicle not able to find route back from construction connected with sidewalk, if road connection was in construction
•   Fixed emissive map for uranium mine
•   Fixed issue with Get citizens checkbox
•   Fixed issue - if you run terrain editor gameplay default start parameters was set for editor mode when starting then the new game
•   Fixed art gallery capacity and construction phases
•   Forklifts now are not sent when airplane refueling on the cargo station
•   Fixed issue about sometime unreachable constructions assigned to construction office
•   V3S and Zill trucks were updated and more skins was added
•   Added new ambulance IMV 1600
•   Added new track builder EDK 300
•   Extended storage in rail construction office
•   Fixed issue about track builders was possible to enter track segment with very sharp angle
•   Added Rmn excavator
•   Fixed issue when snow plows teleported to home and they stop working then
•   Fixed issues with path-error finding tool (magnification icon) not show the proper place of error for trains
•   Fixed issues with incorrect city hall statistics (update not fix already broken statistics)
•   Changed enumeration of buildings and vehicles, now the preview images are not loaded during loading, but they are loaded "on the fly" during the game, result is more space in video RAM and a bit faster loadings. You can set this in general settings, by default is turned ON
•   Moreover enumeration of vehicles was optimized
•   Changed default setting for window minimize and pause game
•   Fixed issue with workshop custom sounds volume level at game startup
•   Tweaked some resource capacity for some vehicles (V3S, T138, Rmn, IM25, IFA)
•   Fixed issue with CO vehicles not loading resources fully
•   Optimized a bit code for sending the CO vehicles, they should be sent now soon than previously (previously CO waits until vehicles return to CO, to send for next batch, now they should send new vehicles if the current one which carry resources/workers to construction are returning to CO)
•   Attempt to fix random crash at logo startup
•   Added additional checks about walking buildings when loading game to avoid crashes
•   Decreased birth rate again
•   Fixed getting resources tutorial
•   Now the workshop buildings and vehicles are not available in the tutorials
•   Fixed issue if sometime is deleted road the factory connections or conveyor/pipelines etc had displayed road connection
•   Increased capacity for cement and dry bulk storage
•   Fixed issue about citizen walking not shortest way to building (in walking connections buildings appear twice or more), in case you have such broken area build any piece of road or sidewalk to get it fixed
•   Fixed issue with forklift and ship harbor, forklift was sent while ship was not fully in harbor
•   Fixed issue with 0% to load for CO vehicles
•   Fixed issue with statistics tabs and price of resources, cents was not displayed
•   Fixed issue that train is sent to gas station along route without fuel or electricity and get struck there
•   Fixed issue about brand new locomotives which are towed was spending their fuel and refueling
•   Fixed issue with crash related to demolition of building and one way roads
•   Fixed issue with possible crash related to demolition of parkings and one way roads
•   Fixed out of money issue in landscape editor

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Offline Asid

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2021, 01:50:52 AM »
Report for the Community #12
30 Jan 2021

Greetings Comrades, we have prepared a new report for you. The development continues and we are focusing on more „Quality of life“ improvements. Until now you were not able to change the size of windows inside the game. Soon you will be able to scale their height.

Another thing will be an option to mark vehicles or buildings as favourites. This may help you to navigate faster and it will be possible to do so for workshop buildings.

Another cool thing will be able to select the workshop building, those you will select as favorites, you will able then select from classic menu clicking on the same building type. This function should be smart, and it should detect the building capabilities like road, railway connection etc and storage type (if needed) and display only relevant favorite buildings

Then we are going to improve settings of time frame for stats. Currently you can use +/- only to set different dates, but there will be option to do it differently too.

There were several fixes issued to public test branch. One dealt with citizens not always using the shortest pathway when there were several options for them to get to their destination. In case you have such a broken area, you need to build a piece of road or sidewalk to fix that. Then we fixed the issue with forklifts being sent to ship harbour while ship was not fully in the harbour. We also fixed the display of resource’s prices tab where no cents were displayed. Another issue which was fixed was with trains being sent to gas station without power or fuel and thus getting stuck there. The version should hit stable branch next week.

Of course, we are working on some new stuff too. Stay tuned and we will inform you about that in our future reports.

Thank You for Your support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2021, 02:09:42 AM »
Report for the Community #13
5 Feb 2021

Greetings comrades. Another weekend is at hand and we prepared another report for you. We want to introduce you something, many of you will love, because we know this stuff is important for some socialist folks in real life. We are bringing renewable energy into the game, we are going to add support for solar and wind power. And this may allow you to conquer not only the land, but also other aspects of nature and enjoy cleaner energy because in this case your main concern should not be pollution or radiation leaks. The power output may not be so great, but it will be useful.

This is another bit of information about things which are coming, and we want to keep some secrets too, so do not expect we will showcase everything we have in our sleeves.

We do not have any list of recent fixes for you now, but that does not mean nothing was fixed. New version with some fixes will be released on the test branch next week.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #50 on: February 13, 2021, 02:01:57 AM »
Report for the Community #14
12 Feb 2021

Greetings comrades. We are glad we can bring you some good news amid this terrible time, as here in Slovakia the reports about disease does not show anything nice, and we are restricted in our freedom to move and do lots of things. But we are not restricted in development, except we have only 24 hours per day as you have.

At first, we want to mention some fixes we have done recently. There was a problem with pumping stations which were not working in certain circumstances on test branch. Unfortunately, we cannot work without mistakes and sometimes things may break on test branch. We know lot of people play on that, but you should be aware of the risk included, as we are not able to test all things added, and we have this branch for testing purposes. Of course we will try to fix similar issues ASAP, if they are reported.

Another fix we made relates to double rail stations and chain signals. Often when two trains arrived at chain signals next to the station at the same time, the signals sent them to the same rail and caused them to deadlock each other. Now this should not happen as they should send each train to different rail if it is free. Then we fixed an issue when it was not possible to store finished vehicles in Demo Version. And there was an issue causing crashes of the game when lines were renamed. This should be fixed too.

We have some new additions and improvements for you too. We are adding new residential buildings. You will be able to build nice old town houses and create some vintage looking towns. And we are working on quite required feature now, and that is snapping of roads and pipelines to each other. This may help you to create parallel running roads and save space when planning your pipes. We think pictures are worth more than thousands of words in this case.

We hope you will like these changes and additions to the game. Stay tuned for the next report to read about more updates.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2021, 02:44:37 AM »
Mon, 15 February 2021
-Added possibility to confirm dialogues with Enter
-Fixed issues like if you click to open DO window, you can accidently have cursor over remove source/destination building, or same for demolish building confirmation
-Fixed issue with can't store finished vehicles in the DEMO*
-Added warning message about missing electricity in the conveyor/pipe engines
-Fixed crash or strange issues (no cost of constructions) when deleting
-Fixed issue with vehicles going off road if they enter construction to unlucky built piece of road, sidewalk or runway (too short)
-Fixed issue if building short road, sidewalk etc, at some special circumstances was possible to built road only with one white dot (when holding H key)
-Attempt to fix floating trailers
-Issue with crash when renaming lines should be fixed now
-Fixed issue with building skins - start or end of the night cause change of the skin
-Fixed issue with building skins - random change of skin for construction buildings
-Fixed issue when upgrading the road in planning mode to road with lamps or trolleys those was not displayed
-Fixed issue with struck flatbed truck deliver mechanism to construction in case mechanism is sold
-Fixed issue with random crash when building the cableway station
-Fixed another pipe/conveyor engine priority problem
-Fixed issue with chain signals, when two trains try enter the variable direction station from both sides
-French, Polish, Hungarian and Italian translation update
-Fixed pumping engines
-Fixed issue with signal path-check, sometime train passed the chain signal due to path check, even no train in the block

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Offline Asid

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #52 on: February 19, 2021, 11:51:29 PM »
Report for the community #15
Fri, February 19, 2021

Greetings dear Comrades. Another week of our lifetime has passed, and we have another report for you!
Today it is not going to be about bug fixes, but we must tell you about a new feature in development. There were several requests made by players to highlight electric wiring and help players to see if it is broken somewhere. We now have a solution, and you can see it in these pictures.

In addition, we are making similar system for heating too. After activating the respective function among tools located under magnifying glass, you will be able to see your power lines highlighted in different colours (from green via yellow into red what means the wires/pipes transporting amounts close to maximum) and the current wattage at each node. It works similarly for heating where you will be able to see nodes highlighted according to current temperatures in buildings.

Next thing we want to mention are helicopters. Some of you may be curious about this because you did not hear a lot about them recently. We are finalizing them and they are coming in update 0.8.4.X. We will inform you about the progress in our next report. We also want to notice you that we have a Facebook page, and some pictures will be added there soon. You can find it on

And we want to share a short video with you. It is an interview with Peter Adamčik, the founder of 3Division Studio and the creator of this wonderful game. It was made in November 2020 for an event called Game Days Online. It is in Slovak language, but we prepared English subtitles for this video to allow more people to see it. Enjoy and stay tuned for the next report.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team
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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2021, 01:45:28 AM »
Report for the Community #16
26Feb 2021

Dear comrades of the Soviet Republic, we prepared another brief situation report for you, in these times, when there are not too many good news in the real world. But in this game, we have always good news, and our media is spreading some positive propaganda promoting success and encouragement.

There were several fixes released recently. One annoying issue was with electric wiring when you tried to connect wires over short distance, the game placed several of them really close to each other instead of one or two maintaining reasonable distance. This was fixed in public test version. We also found and fixed one issue with chain signals which allowed a train to pass even if all exit signals were red.  Then there were some adjustments. Some of them were requested a lot and caused quite heated discussions on Steam. The heating requirement for Railroad Construction Office and Container facilities were removed in latest test version. Then we added the smooth terrain tool which was available in terrain editor. You can use this to smoothen the terrain and remove humps or other irregularities.

From new additions which are not in the game yet, we want to mention new topographic view which will supplement the wireframe when you want to see the terrain elevation. Then we worked on bridges. Finally, you will be able to build curved bridges and tunnels which will be a significant change and it should allow you much more flexibility while planning your infrastructure. In addition, bridges will be able to snap to each other and that will help you in constructing parallel roads and rails. It will be possible to create much more realistic looking structures with these tools. And of course, more is to come in future reports. Stay tuned!

Thank You for Your support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2021, 12:31:21 AM »
Mon, 1 March 2021

Classic Monday update - test branch version released as stable, seems no critical issues appeared! You can enjoy the smooth terrain also on the test branch!
-Added smooth terrain tool
-Fixed problem with black camera after using Eye icon on custom houses
-Fixed one two more small issue with path check at chain signals - sometime was train allowed to pass even all exit signals was red
-Fixed problem about there was possible to upgrade road/railway of a very tiny piece
-Fixed occasional crash when adding stop from line window
-Fixed occasional crash when building railway
-Fixed minor problem in copy tool sometime it not copying building reliable
-Fixed issue that electrical wires was not copied by copy tool
-Fixed city hall statistics GUI problem in case clicked on more detail
-Terrain editor fill with trees now have confirmation window
-Fixed issue with electric poles - they get generated too close each other in case smaller piece of wire and those pieces ignoring collision above water or road
-Building editor mode should now support the float numbers as floor height
-Fixed double message in forklift garage in case no electricity
-turned off heating for railway construction office and container facility
-Fixed floating trees when doing terraforming with runways or taxiways
-Fixed start date overwrite in UI to 1950
-Fixed inaccurate information about brand new trainset cost in the vehicle window
-Decreased cost of low voltage wires

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2021, 02:41:18 AM »
Report for the Community #17
05 March 2021

Greetings Comrades of the Soviet Republic. Today we have good news in this report for you. We are going to show you something many of you are anticipating for a while. This new addition to the game will significantly change your logistics and improve your emergency systems. Today’s topic are helicopters and some of their features because it will not only be about graphic design, but they will give you some excellent options too. If you manage to use them properly, you may create systems of which even the most advanced western counties may be jealous. And it is thanks to unlimited power you have in the game with zero bureaucracy. Everything just depends on your planning and executing your plans.

You will be able to purchase helicopters in any plane parking near your airports or in special heliports. They will be able to transport people or cargo. If transporting people, they will be able to land on specialised building, a kind of platform for helicopters or they may use the standard airport terminal. And of course, helicopters do not need to use the runway to take off. You will be able to switch some helicopters to transport either passengers or cargo, and there will be also special cargo helicopters, with some capable to transport vehicles or special equipment.

Helicopter CO

Then there will be a new construction office with helicopters. These will be able to transport all the different resources to construction sites using helicopters, even if those do not have road connection. These will be useful when you are constructing electric wires or other inaccessible sites. Helicopters attach special buckets into which they can load construction materials, even concrete or asphalt. They can also transport workers to construction sites loading them on heliports for passengers. The construction office for helicopters has heliports by default but it can be expanded by adding more of them.

Hospital and fire stations

Then we have emergency services. Hospitals and fire stations will be able to use helicopters too. It will be possible to land a helicopter near hospitals and fire stations. And it will be possible to buy them there. The helicopter which is working at fire station has a special bag into which it loads water from nearby water source and takes it to the fire. The emergency helicopter can land anywhere nearby the building where injured are and take them to the hospital.

We are still working on these and there is lot to adjust with the mechanics. We want to allow the fire fighter helicopter to take water only according to its weight capacity and to add some variables where they go to load water because currently all go to the same place. Then there need to be some priorities adjusted for hospitals or fire stations to send helicopters to emergency sites only if there are no ambulances or fire engines on their way. Otherwise, it should be handled by road vehicles.

We hope comrades you will enjoy these tools when they will be added, because this will make the game even more unique with options people in real world are most of the time just dreaming about. There is just limitation with finances and difficulties with bringing dreams to reality. But in the game, you are not limited the same way. Stay tuned for the next report!

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2021, 12:00:27 AM »
Mon, March 22, 2021


We pushing just small fixes from test branch.
-Fixed problem when train production line have space but cannot place new train. In case you get this problem and not get fixed by new version, try get out trains with locomotive not the send train directly to depot from production line
-Fixed issue when train is launched from depot, but for some reason is not launched, and one stops deleted from train
-Warning about unelectrified railway not displayed for piece between bridge on one end and building on the other end
-Fixed issue with not able copy ship and airplane schedule to brand new ship/airplane
-Fixed problem about sometime when transporting cars from train production line, the train cannot enters fully to the depot
-Sometime train waiting at chain signal not allowed enter the block in case his path not collide with the train in the block
-Fixed issue when occasionally flat bed trucks have some rest of material loaded and this preventing the mechanisms transported on the flatbed to the constructions
-Attempt to fix issue - crash when starting any game, especially when many mods subscribed
-Attempt to fix issue - crash when starting random map
-Fixed crash during load when using >> (load anyway icon) and missing building is a building producing the containers
-Fixed crash at startup if no output audio device is available
-Fixed crash at save or quit game problem when airplane is deleted after airplane take off

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2021, 12:07:13 AM »
Report for the Community #23
Fri 16 April

Greetings dear comrades of the Soviet Republic. You can hear news about markets making all-time highs these days quite often as greed and hunger for power drives them in our capitalistic world higher and higher. But we are proud of something else, and that is our own all-time high with Steam reviews. We received 97% of positive reviews there and that is overwhelmingly positive. We want to thank to all of You comrades, because You are part of our success and without You, Your support, and Your feedback, we would not be able to get here. But there is lot of work ahead of us until we finish this game and exit the early access stage. And we have some good news for you in regards of the release of upcoming update for public testing. If everything goes well, we will be able to release that next week and all of You, who are willing to take the risk and participate in testing will have access to that on Steam if You have the game.

We are making good progress in fixing issues our internal testers found. We successfully fixed the issue we had with fuelling of vehicles at farms, quarries, and woodcutting posts. We removed some unnecessary notifications about electricity from distribution offices, farms etc. We also adjusted the time for notifications about electricity to avoid too much spam for short blackouts. In upcoming update, vehicles will be able to pass by a vehicle without fuel. We also fixed the issue with trees placeable into fields. Then we adjusted the requirement for TV and Radio broadcasting. Now, it will be at least 30% overall rating and more than 70% culture preference required to force people to stay at home instead of visiting a cinema or a theatre. And we fixed one crash issue, when the cable way station burned down

We are now working on FPS camera for tunnels. There are some tweaks required for that to work properly. Then we added wet effect for roads, buildings, and terrain while it is raining. Peter also finished works on the video for the upcoming update. It usually take day or two for him because he needs to build up a map where he uses all the new features and then catches some breath-taking footage. Just as curiosity - the regular trailer (such as announcement or EA release) can take week or two to make because he really wants it to look great and he is very strict when come to quality of shoots. So you can see it is not only about coding, there is other work to do in managing stuff regarding the game or the studio which requires our attention and worktime.

We hope everything goes well and there will be no problems which could delay the release of the update.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #58 on: May 25, 2021, 11:24:50 PM »
New version
Tue, 25 May 2021

Helicopters and undergrounds
The new update of Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic introduces helicopters that work with construction offices, hospitals and fire stations. Operate the helicopters to help extinguish fires even without workers, serve as transportation at hospitals, and assist with construction at unreachable construction sites.

In addition, the new upgrade now supports underground infrastructure using a special mode that allows you see what happens underground.

Another update that was added was the rain and the dynamic sun when starting a new game or changing the settings for an existing game. This offers a different ambiance allowing you to see Your Republics in a different light and weather.

New Features in Content Update #7
•   Helicopters (works also with construction offices, hospitals or fire stations)
•   Underground mode (you can see what is under the ground with special mode)
•   Underground pipelines
•   Pedestrian underpasses and overpasses
•   Rain and dynamic sun
•   Wind and solar power plants
•   Curved bridges and many other small improvements - Major changes
•   Helicopters
•   Ability to set what resources can carry the vehicle or train, also per wagon
•   Fences support, first implementation (for now only as decorations)
•   Key for shooting a screenshots and time elapse support
•   Pedestrian infrastructure - overpass and underpass, bridges and tunnels
•   Rain, sunlight and wind weather parameters, and added rain effect with volumetric fog
•   Added solar, wind and gas power plants
•   Favorite vehicle selection
•   Favorite building selection in the workshop menu
•   Possibility to set favorite workshop buildings from the classic building menu
•   Game was optimized, you should get more FPS with bigger maps
•   Scalable windows
•   Detailed walking paths for citizens within the buildings
•   New old city buildings
•   Buildings like construction office, woodcutting post, etc. which handle the working vehicles, now they have fuel storage and possibility to refuel vehicles inside building
•   At end of year you are prompted in case inflation is high to cu the prices by /100 (this is also available at debug functions)
•   "Near snaps" just like for rails was added to roads and pipes
•   Possibility to place the underground pipes and heating pipes
•   Topographic terrain elevation added into wireframe display
•   If overlays are enabled for electricity, wires should be colored to red according to consumption
•   Underground mode
•   New window for save and load game in the game
•   Possibility to auto-finance construction by groups
•   Added notification about missing electricity, heating, unemployment, traffic jams etc.
•   Added possibility to draw patches on ground - it is only decoration
•   Added new vehicles (huge capacity flat bed truck, Yugoslavian vehicles, and one bulldozer) - Minor changes
•   Revised vehicle loading/unloading code, now if vehicle have specified unload specific resources and wait until unloaded, in case all of specific resources unloaded, vehicle should move to next stop, same if vehicle have specified to load specific resource, if there is no more space for those resources vehicle should move to next stop even not fully loaded with other vehicles
•   Now when there are added small amounts of resources to the loading station, vehicle will not stay at station unless specified "wait for load" flag
•   Terraforming and building placement is now possible over the tunnels
•   Now by default all workshop buildings have the game's border even they have defined imagegui, in case your item have the proper border you can define $GUI_NOBORDER flag in the workshopconfig.ini to process with the classic way (where image is no scaled down and no border is added)
•   For modders: Added animation support for other buildings factories/power plants/attractions/pub/shop/playground/church/cinema .. added token for animation speed in frames per second - $ANIMATION_SPEED_FPS 30.0 (default value is 30.0)
•   Now when building get destroyed by fire is possible to rebuild it
•   Now there is difference between the electrified railroad bridges and not electrified. If you will open new version all your finished bridges will be transformed to electrified version automatically. You can use electrified railroad tool to upgrade non electrified bridges into electrified version (similar as road trolley bridges)
•   Possible to sell vehicle or demolish building by pressing DEL key
•   Window of infrastructure construction now display proper icon
•   Now quality for source is mentioned when building is placed
•   Fixed problem about DO office can send the vehicle to load fuel at cargo harbors (for example) and struck there
•   Sorting of vehicles according value, type, speed, etc.
•   Sorting of resource price at statistics or custom house
•   Schedule you can copy now even into window of road depot

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Offline Asid

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Re: Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
« Reply #59 on: July 17, 2021, 11:33:31 PM »
Report for the community #30
Sat, 17 July 2021

Greeting Comrades of the Soviet Republic!

After a short vacation we are back at work and we have some good news for You, that can have significant impact on quality of the gameplay. We want to introduce the new GUI overhaul and tell you something about the upcoming justice system. But first, let us talk about current version which is now, and it is available on stable branch.

More informations: Report for the community #30

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