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Author Topic: Escape The Pacific  (Read 22593 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2020, 12:37:52 AM »
Summer Schedule 2020
Sat, 20 June 2020

Hi everyone,

the summer is finally here and in this short announcement we would like to inform you about our summer schedule.

We are leaving to vacation with our families and in between we are also going to work in our full time jobs which means stress in general so we can't guarantee there will be regular updates during summer time.

The last regular pre-summer release was published last week, on June 12th. We plan to release the next game update on September 4th. During the stretched interval between these releases we plan to work on some interesting and unique features that need more work and we hope you will like them. From September we plan to resume our normal schedule and will return to release an update every 4th Friday.

With the help of our community we together have done a big amount of work and laid down a very good foundation to further improve our game to all our liking.

Thank you all for all of the feedback, ideas and suggestions and for the patience during solving issues!

We wish you a very nice summer and good health and we hope to continue together with our work relaxed and well rested.

Best regards,

Gamers4Gamers Team.
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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2020, 02:58:34 AM »
Alpha 52.E1 Experimental - Build module degrade/repair, Stick packs and more
Fri, 4 September 2020

Hi everyone,

the summer is over and we are back with our first experimental build which includes: Build module degrade/repair, Stick and Branch pack, Reworked spoil system, Multi-equip system, separated config data and more.

Development of Escape the Pacific is now at a point where more advanced and complex game mechanics and features need more time to work on. For those of you who like to try out the new, not fully tested additions as they are being developed we like to give you the chance to look into them first hand - by introducing the new experimental builds! The stable/default game builds will receive those experimental updates after those were tested and confirmed over time with and thanks to the community.

To switch between stable and experimental game builds make sure game properties in your Steam client are set to either "Experimental" or "None" (which is the stable branch)

The Experimental builds have their own save data separated from the Stable/Default build save data, so it is possible to switch between the branches flawlessly.
Game Options data has been separated from the ingame save data and besides solves some issues and also gives us more freedom regarding changing/adding new options to the game system.

The newly introduced Storm property indicates the Build modules capability to withstand environmental effects. The higher the Storm property is, the more time it takes to completely degrade the Build module.

The build module Degrade mechanic moves gameplay to a more realistic level. The system calculates the Wind direction, wind speed and wether the build module is hit by direct wind or is shielded by some other module with Storm property to degrade module quality accordingly. The Degrade system actually does simple one point simulations and takes into consideration only the Wind, but in future updates the mechanic will use more precise simulations and will calculate also the Rain and Sun impact.

The damaged modules can now be repaired with a Hammer. Doing so the player can ensure getting the protection a module is offering based on its Wind/Rain/Sun properties. The better a hammer is built and of higher quality, the faster the repair process will be. The process of repairing increases the players Repair skill which is affecting the repairing process itself. There is a new Repair achievement too.

Another new feature is the universal Stick/Branch Pack. It is a big help to transport Sticks/Branches that do not fit into the Backpack. They are universal, because after crafting them from a fixed amount of sticks it is possible to expand them to an extent by adding additional sticks or get sticks from them until the pack is gone.

In case it is not possible to craft any Stick Pack you can now take multiple Sticks or Branches into the hands of the player character and make transportation easier.

The Spoil system was reworked and is different from the behaviour we used to see in earlier versions. The more spoiled the consumed liquid or meal is, the more damage it does to the players health. Spoiled liquids or meals won't lose their thirst or hunger values completely so it is not needed to drink 30 liters of half spoiled water to satisfy thirst values.

The ability to Open/Close door/window when Equipped makes the gameplay more comfortable and the additional saved data in case of attaching an object to a raft ensures more stable attaching after loading a save state.

There are a couple of other internal engine changes that are laying a good base for future mechanics and features, for example the aging information for all objects and custom hand animations for equip/drop ... etc.


New features:

01. Added: Storm property for Build modules
02. Added: Build module quality affecting Rain/Sun/Wind properties of Buildings
03. Added: Repair damaged building modules
04. Added: Usage of Repair Skill
05. Added: Repair Achievements
06. Added: Stick/Branch pack
07. Added: Multiple Equip functionality
08. Added: Support for Custom Hit and Hold Animations


01. Changed: Save System divided into Game and Config
02. Added: Save system divided into Experimental and Standard data
03. Added: Possibility to Open/Close the Doors/Windows when something is equipped
04. Added: Saving more attach data when attaching objects to Raft
05. Added: Spoiled liquid/meal causes Health damage
06. Changed: Spoiled liquid/meal still have some amount of thirst/hunger values
07. Added: Support for Material Aging mechanic
08. Added: Hit Damage based on tool Quality
09. Added: Save game Backward compatibility checks improved


01. Fixed: Alpha Screen text always in English
02. Fixed: Not displaying Detach hotkey in ActionBar when Aiming Door/Window with Hammer in hand
03. Fixed: Doors/Windows to be equipped to hands (not intended)
04. Fixed: Rainwater in WaterHolders without thirst effect after they had oil in them or other liquid before water
05. Fixed: Not lowering thirst when drinking rainwater
06. Fixed: Incorrect Spoiled Energy values for all Liquids
07. Fixed: Sometimes incorrect spoil- and dry-up-times for all WaterHolder objects
08. Fixed: Incorrect HitPoint data loaded for sailing objects (rudder, sail, mast, ...)
09. Fixed: Incorrect HitPoint data loaded for for floatable objects (canoe, raft , ...)
10. Fixed: Navtools3_Text (Watch & Sextant Quest) made no sense (english only)

For the next update we plan to work on Global map and the Multi Cluster system. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Fog Catcher, Plank Build modules, Spear, Smoker, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2020, 01:45:47 PM »
Escape the Pacific now also on Discord
Mon, 7 September 2020

Hello everyone,

yet another announcement! Last time it was the games' entry to Twitch to announce, as of today after thorough testing all the features I am - again - happy to publically open up the gates to our Discord server!

You can find us through this link here

So far the following channels were created:

    #lobby-isle = For all your general chat needs
    #info-fountain = Please see our discord servers' rules
    #streaming-lagoon = Chat about streaming and see when a streamer on the watch list starts streaming
    #event-canals = Steam update news are posted here
    #Jet Set Pacific FM = Voice channel, play being your own radio while chatting about experiences, tricks or discussing bugs and workarounds

More or other channels are to be determined over time, so if you have an idea let us know.

Thanks go out to:
• atheenon helping with testing
• Live Bot Team for Twitch announcements
• Steam Watch team for Steam news announcement

Best wishes,
Chris, representing G4GT

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2020, 02:54:14 AM »
Alpha 52.E2 Experimental - Open World, Island Clusters, Global Map
Fri, 9 October 2020

Hi everyone,

for this experimental build we were mainly focusing on finally adding the Open World, Island Clusters and the Global Map. Seagull flocks are indicating the nearest Island cluster and the Bed and Dryer can be attached to Rafts. There are more multipack types and it is possible to hold more palm leafs at once too.

To switch between stable and experimental game builds make sure game properties in your Steam client are set to either "Experimental" or "None" (which is the stable branch).

The Open World is finally here. The game offers around 6000 x 6000 km area with about ~12000 Island Clusters which takes place in the area between latitudes 30N - 30S and 130E - 170W longitudes. The weather (rainy days, temperature, wind average direction and speed) was modeled based on real Pacific data from that area too. This system offers many unique mechanics and gameplay elements which will be implemented continually.

The travel time between Island Clusters can last a couple of days so it is advised to pile up a good amount of food and water beforehand. Another good idea is to lower the sails/slower the raft when strong winds blow. Before trying to find the first cluster the player should search for a clue about its location on one of the starting cluster's islands (the one where the Captains ship is sunken).

To make the search for island clusters more realistic watching for Seagulls can be useful - during mornings they leave the nearest island cluster to catch fish and in the evenings they are flying back towards the nearest island cluster to sleep.

Beds and the Meal Dryer are now able to be Attach to Raft modules to make traveling and living on the Open Ocean more comfortable. Traveling time can be shortened a lot by using the Beds and sleep as much as it is possible - of course besides Sitting on the Raft base and Waiting which also speeds-up the time.

Coconut Fronds and the Banana Palm Leafs have gotten their respective Packs too in their Small and Big form. Besides the Small Sticks it is now possible to also multi-equip Fire Sticks, Long Sticks, Thick Branches and the Coconut Fronds and Banana Palm Leafs.

The collectible Old Iron Axe, Old Wood Hammer and Old Knife have got correct/much bigger damage and duration values. Forest trees were fixed regarding their shading mechanics so now they can provide the much needed chilling shade in hot days. The Canoes/Rafts left on remote islands shore aren't missing and relocated once revisiting them.

Changelog: (* needs new game)

New features:

01. Added: Open World*
02. Added: Multi Cluster system*
03. Added: Skeleton with Small chest with Info about nearest Island Cluster*
04. Added: Seagull Flocks above ocean*
05. Added: Attaching Beds to Raft modules
06. Added: Attaching Meal Dryer to Raft modules
07. Added: Coconut Frond and Banana Leaves Packs
08. Added: Multi-equip of Fire Sticks, Long Sticks, Thick Branches
09. Added: Multi-equip of Coconut Fronds and Banana leafs


01. Changed: Old Iron Axe damage and HP set to bigger values
02. Changed: Old Wood Hammer damage and HP set to bigger values
03. Changed: Old Knife damage and HP set to bigger values
04. Changed: Primitive Hammer damage set to bigger value
05. Changed: Tweaked Sail force to speed up the Rafts of any size (mainly the bigger ones)
06. Added: More 3d-ish Coconut Palm Frond model
07. Added: More 3d-ish Banana leaf model
08. Changed: "Customize" button in New Game screen renamed to "Next"
09. Added: Custom hold animation for all tankards
10. Added: Custom hold animation for all goblets
11. Added: Custom hold animation for all bottles


01. Fixed: Sometimes disappearing items transported and dropped on remote islands
02. Fixed: Invalid Raft weight - solves impossible/very slow Sailing after save/load
03. Fixed: Invalid Drag Force values - solves impossible/very slow Sailing after save/load
04. Fixed: Not functioning Sails and Rudders after save/load after something was detached from the Raft
05. Fixed: Incorrect saving of starting values for Latitude and Longitude
06. Fixed: Disappeared/Relocated Canoes left on remote islands
07. Fixed: Disappeared/Relocated Rafts left on remote islands
08. Fixed: Sometimes failed Canoe creation after save/load
09. Fixed: Some Forest Trees not protecting from the Sun
10. Fixed: Some Forest Trees not protecting from Rain
11. Fixed: Not completed Drop animation/messed up object in hand when dropping object from hand when the nearest island is not visible/far away
12. Fixed: Not able to "Look" in detail to Pocket Watch when holding it
13. Fixed: Not able to "Look" in detail to Paper pieces when holding them
14. Fixed: Sometimes internal error and halting the game at re-initialization (after clicking "Regenerate" or loading a game)
15. Fixed: Equipped/Look animation for old Pocket Watch is broken
16. Fixed: Sticks and Branches have frozen position after save/load
17. Fixed: Not turned off Air/Health bars after Sit on Canoe ("Use") when swimming
18. Fixed: Broken Main Menu loading when Survivor Died sitting on Raft/Ground
19. Fixed: Broken Main Menu loading when Survivor Died during paddling
20. Fixed: Unable to add material aiming to the sides of the blueprint during crafting a Floor Campfire

For the next update we plan to work on some new features of the Open Ocean and Multi Cluster system. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Fog Catcher, Plank Build modules, Spear, Smoker, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.


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Offline Asid

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2020, 02:20:14 AM »
Alpha 52 - Open World, Build module degrade/repair, Stick packs and more
Thu, 15 October 2020

Hi everyone,

the wait is over! We finally managed to re-enable the Open World functionality and added the Build Module degrade/repair mechanic as well. The Seagull Flocks are helping with navigation between Island Clusters on the Global Map. The Bed and Dryer can be attached to Raft modules and there are also new Stick, Branch and Palm Frond Packs, Reworked spoil system, Multi-equip system, separated config data and more.

The Open World is finally here. The game offers around 6000 x 6000 km area with about ~12000 Island Clusters which takes place in the area between latitudes 30N - 30S and 130E - 170W longitudes. The weather (rainy days, temperature, wind average direction and speed) was modeled based on real Pacific data from that area too. This system offers many unique mechanics and gameplay elements which will be implemented continually.

The travel time between Island Clusters can last a couple of days so it is advised to pile up a good amount of food and water beforehand. Another good idea is to lower the sails/slower the raft when strong winds blow. Before trying to find the first cluster the player should search for a clue about its location on one of the starting cluster's islands (the one where the Captains ship is sunken).

To make the search for island clusters more realistic watching for Seagulls can be useful - during mornings they leave the nearest island cluster to catch fish and in the evenings they are flying back towards the nearest island cluster to sleep.

Beds and the Meal Dryer are now able to be Attach to Raft modules to make traveling and living on the Open Ocean more comfortable. Traveling time can be shortened a lot by using the Beds and sleep as much as it is possible - of course besides Sitting on the Raft base and Waiting which also speeds-up the time.

The build module Degrade mechanic moves gameplay to a more realistic level. The system calculates the Wind direction, wind speed and wether the build module is hit by direct wind or is shielded by some other module with Storm property to degrade module quality accordingly. The Degrade system actually does simple one point simulations and takes into consideration only the Wind, but in future updates the mechanic will use more precise simulations and will calculate also the Rain and Sun impact.

The damaged modules can now be repaired with a Hammer. Doing so the player can ensure getting the protection a module is offering based on its Wind/Rain/Sun properties. The better a hammer is built and of higher quality, the faster the repair process will be. The process of repairing increases the players Repair skill which is affecting the repairing process itself. There is a new Repair achievement too.

The newly introduced Storm property indicates the Build modules capability to withstand environmental effects. The higher the Storm property is, the more time it takes to completely degrade the Build module.

Another new feature is the universal Stick/Branch Pack. It is a big help to transport Sticks/Branches that do not fit into the Backpack. They are universal, because after crafting them from a fixed amount of sticks it is possible to expand them to an extent by adding additional sticks or get sticks from them until the pack is gone.

Coconut Fronds and the Banana Palm Leafs have gotten their respective Packs too in their Small and Big form.

In case it is not possible to craft any Stick Pack you can now take multiple Sticks or Branches into the hands of the player character and make transportation easier.

Besides the Small Sticks it is now possible to also multi-equip Fire Sticks, Long Sticks, Thick Branches and the Coconut Fronds and Banana Palm Leafs.

The Spoil system was reworked and is different from the behaviour we used to see in earlier versions. The more spoiled the consumed liquid or meal is, the more damage it does to the players health. Spoiled liquids or meals won't lose their thirst or hunger values completely so it is not needed to drink 30 liters of half spoiled water to satisfy thirst values.

The ability to Open/Close door/window when Equipped makes the gameplay more comfortable and the additional saved data in case of attaching an object to a raft ensures more stable attaching after loading a save state.

The collectible Old Iron Axe, Old Wood Hammer and Old Knife have got correct/much bigger damage and duration values. Forest trees were fixed regarding their shading mechanics so now they can provide the much needed chilling shade in hot days. The Canoes/Rafts left on remote islands shore aren't missing and relocated once revisiting them.

There are a couple of other internal engine changes that are laying a good base for future mechanics and features, for example the aging information for all objects and custom hand animations for equip/drop ... etc.

Changelog: (* needs new game)

New features:

01. Added: Open World*
02. Added: Multi Cluster system*
03. Added: Skeleton with Small chest with Info about nearest Island Cluster*
04. Added: Seagull Flocks above ocean*
05. Added: Attaching Beds to Raft modules
06. Added: Attaching Meal Dryer to Raft modules
07. Added: Coconut Frond and Banana Leaves Packs
08. Added: Multi-equip of Fire Sticks, Long Sticks, Thick Branches
09. Added: Multi-equip of Coconut Fronds and Banana leafs
10. Added: Storm property for Build modules
11. Added: Build module quality affecting Rain/Sun/Wind properties of Buildings
12. Added: Repair damaged building modules
13. Added: Usage of Repair Skill
14. Added: Repair Achievements
15. Added: Stick/Branch pack
16. Added: Multiple Equip functionality
17. Added: Support for Custom Hit and Hold Animations


01. Changed: Save System divided into Game and Config
02. Added: Save system divided into Experimental and Standard data
03. Added: Possibility to Open/Close the Doors/Windows when something is equipped
04. Added: Saving more attach data when attaching objects to Raft
05. Added: Spoiled liquid/meal causes Health damage
06. Changed: Spoiled liquid/meal still have some amount of thirst/hunger values
07. Added: Support for Material Aging mechanic
08. Added: Hit Damage based on tool Quality
09. Added: Save game Backward compatibility checks improved
10. Changed: Old Iron Axe damage and HP set to bigger values
11. Changed: Old Wood Hammer damage and HP set to bigger values
12. Changed: Old Knife damage and HP set to bigger values
13. Changed: Primitive Hammer damage set to bigger value
14. Changed: Tweaked Sail force to speed up the Rafts of any size (mainly the bigger ones)
15. Added: More 3d-ish Coconut Palm Frond model
16. Added: More 3d-ish Banana leaf model
17. Changed: "Customize" button in New Game screen renamed to "Next"
18. Added: Custom hold animation for all tankards
19. Added: Custom hold animation for all goblets
20. Added: Custom hold animation for all bottles


01. Fixed: Alpha Screen text always in English
02. Fixed: Not displaying Detach hotkey in ActionBar when Aiming Door/Window with Hammer in hand
03. Fixed: Doors/Windows to be equipped to hands (not intended)
04. Fixed: Rainwater in WaterHolders without thirst effect after they had oil in them or other liquid before water
05. Fixed: Not lowering thirst when drinking rainwater
06. Fixed: Incorrect Spoiled Energy values for all Liquids
07. Fixed: Sometimes incorrect spoil- and dry-up-times for all WaterHolder objects
08. Fixed: Incorrect HitPoint data loaded for sailing objects (rudder, sail, mast, ...)
09. Fixed: Incorrect HitPoint data loaded for for floatable objects (canoe, raft , ...)
10. Fixed: Navtools3_Text (Watch & Sextant Quest) made no sense (english only)
11. Fixed: Sometimes disappearing items transported and dropped on remote islands
12. Fixed: Invalid Raft weight - solves impossible/very slow Sailing after save/load
13. Fixed: Invalid Drag Force values - solves impossible/very slow Sailing after save/load
14. Fixed: Not functioning Sails and Rudders after save/load after something was detached from the Raft
15. Fixed: Incorrect saving of starting values for Latitude and Longitude
16. Fixed: Disappeared/Relocated Canoes left on remote islands
17. Fixed: Disappeared/Relocated Rafts left on remote islands
18. Fixed: Sometimes failed Canoe creation after save/load
19. Fixed: Some Forest Trees not protecting from the Sun
20. Fixed: Some Forest Trees not protecting from Rain
21. Fixed: Not completed Drop animation/messed up object in hand when dropping object from hand when the nearest island is not visible/far away
22. Fixed: Not able to "Look" in detail to Pocket Watch when holding it
23. Fixed: Not able to "Look" in detail to Paper pieces when holding them
24. Fixed: Sometimes internal error and halting the game at re-initialization (after clicking "Regenerate" or loading a game)
25. Fixed: Equipped/Look animation for old Pocket Watch is broken
26. Fixed: Sticks and Branches have frozen position after save/load
27. Fixed: Not turned off Air/Health bars after Sit on Canoe ("Use") when swimming
28. Fixed: Broken Main Menu loading when Survivor Died sitting on Raft/Ground
29. Fixed: Broken Main Menu loading when Survivor Died during paddling
30. Fixed: Unable to add material aiming to the sides of the blueprint during crafting a Floor Campfire

For the next update we plan to work on some new features of the Open Ocean and Multi Cluster system. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Fog Catcher, Plank Build modules, Spear, Smoker, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2020, 02:45:42 AM »
Looking for: Translators ITA/FRA!
Fri, 30 October 2020

Hello everyone,

for the texts in the game we are looking for translators for ITALIAN and FRENCH who would help us with game localization! If you are already interested, continue reading below.

Your Profile
•   Do you like languages in general and deal with its specifics?
•   Ensuring translations make sense and are appropriate are your thing?
•   You value grammar and rhetorics personally?
•   Timelines regarding given deadlines are no problem for you
•   You prefer to make own suggestions to the entire team
•   If questions or doubts arise you always seek dialogue to carry out translations conscientiously and reliably

Our Offer
•   Translations and corresponding text areas will be in your responsibility
•   Your ideas will be discussed on the team
•   Pro-active coordination from your side are well appreciated and also discussed on the team
•   General assistance of game development with possible insights into other areas of game development
•   Being mentioned in the Credits of the game

Good to know
At this moment it is not possible for us to look for help from companies doing professional localization on a financial basis. For now our team consists of voluntary contributors, who all help Escape the Pacific become the game we wish for!

We all are - as the name of our team already speaks for itself - gamers who carry experience of gaming of over 20 years. This experience we like to put into the game, expecting any of our team members to do the very same. Do you feel about being part of this team?

How we work
Usually the texts for translations are sent out to the localization specialists about 3 days before the new game version. Sometimes it would be 3 days, sometimes 2 or sometimes even a week prior to new release. For this every translator will receive a so called "deadline" until those files needed to be sent back to developers as well, to then have the new translated texts implemented into the game. For this we count on your care, your expertise and your passion!

If you have interest helping with translations for Italian or French, please post here on steam boards and we'll get back to you promised. In case you are interested in helping us with the localization of other languages not yet supported we appreciate you contacting us as well!

Already supported text languages & Thank-You's
•   English
•   German
•   Russian
•   Spanish

You feel about more than that?
If you are convinced you are able to contribute to this project in any constructive way please do not hesitate to write to us! Because .... this is the way the existing team was formed 

Best wishes & All the best!
Chris, representing G4GT

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2020, 01:37:34 AM »
Alpha 53.E1 Experimental - Gardening mechanic, Plank build Materials & Modules
Sun, 22 November 2020

Hi everyone,

for this experimental build we were mainly focusing on adding the Gardening mechanic and new Plank build Materials & Modules. There is a new Potato Plant & Fruit, a new Cooking Pot and Sealed Jars. Buildings maximal height was increased and there are new, more realistic Stars as well.

To switch between stable and experimental game builds make sure game properties in your Steam client are set to either "Experimental" or "None" (which is the stable branch)

The long awaited Gardening mechanic is finally here. The first ones in the long list of the gardening mechanic are Plant Boxes. They offer a couple of combinations: There are small and big ones, made from sticks or from planks and they are either movable, stationary or can be attached to raft. The ones crafted from different ingredients are drying up at different speed. Planting directly into the ground will be introduced in the next game updates.

The first crop for planting is the Potato. For now it can be found in collectible chests. It can be planted or eaten after cooking on stones or used as a recipe ingredient. It is possible to make Potato Chips which can be grilled on stones as well. The growing/maturing time for the Potato was set to 12 ingame days. The basic functionalities of the Gardening mechanic will be widely expanded in the next game updates (growing based on season, difficulty and dayforward values). More plant/crop types are planned too.

The next building material we introduce is the Plank. It can be acquired by destroying bigger plank boxes that are often found along shore sides. The Plank Build modules offer the highest possible protection against Sun, Wind, Rain - and most importantly - Storm.

There are a couple of new collectibles too: The Cooking Pot allows to make much tastier and more nutritious meals but it asks for more ingredients to be added. Sealed Jars are used as containers for liquids. Which leads us to a new game changing and more realistic feature: Liquids contained in open waterholder objects (eg Coconut put, ...) cannot be stored in pockets, backpackes or crates anymore.

The maximal building height was increased from ~8 meters to as high as ~40 meters. It means additional ~13 floors depending on ground elevation. The night sky now features more realistic Stars and it is now easier to find known Constellations.

Changelog: (* needs new game)

New features:
01. Gardening mechanic
02. Stick Plant Boxes
03. Plank Plant Boxes
04. Potato Plant
05. Potato Tuber
06. Potato Chips
07. New Potato cooking recipes
08. Plank Material
09. Plank Build modules
10. Collectible Plank Box*
11. Collectible Cooking Pot*
12. Collectible Sealed Jar*

01. Added: Not able to store open waterholders when they are not empty
02. Changed: Building maximal height has been set to 40 meters
03. Changed: More correct water filling rate set for Bucket
04. Added: More realistic night sky Stars

01. Fixed: Raft sometimes starts to bank/tilt after Bed was attached
02. Fixed: Inventory item weight/count going to negative values when moving the item in batches (Shift + LMB)
03. Fixed: Inventory item disappears after Inventory reopen after moving the item in batches (Shift + LMB)
04. Fixed: Sometimes not working Player controls after Map was lowered/stashed
05. Fixed: Crafted Banana Leaves Pack accepting only Coconut Palm Fronds
06. Fixed: Banana Leaves Pack not accepting all types of Banana leaves
07. Fixed: Pack adding animation sometimes not turning off, some player actions not working afterwards
08. Fixed: Pack getting animation sometimes not turning off, some player actions not working afterwards
09. Fixed: Unpacking Banana Leaves Pack gives Coconut Palm Frond
10. Fixed: Objects attached to raft disappearing when exiting the Island Cluster
11. Fixed: Not able to Move Lanterns to Bag
12. Fixed: Move Burning objects to Bag
13. Fixed: Brown Coconut fallen from Tree not floating
14. Fixed: Brown Coconut taken from Tree and dropped later not floating
15. Fixed: Brown Coconut moved to bag from Tree and dropped later not floating
16. Fixed: Brown Coconut fallen from Tree disappearing after save/load
17. Fixed: Brown Coconut taken from Tree and dropped later sometimes disappearing after save/load
18. Fixed: Brown Coconut moved to bag from Tree and dropped later sometimes disappearing after save/load
19. Fixed: Building on Raft position after save/load sometimes shifted (fixes only Buildings placed on rafts after this fix)
20. Fixed: Disappearing Items attached to Raft modules that were earlier detached and re-attached from/to Rafts, followed by saving/loading. Raft sometimes also tilted
21. Fixed: Unable to complete the First Craft Axe Tutorial with the Old Hammer (Collectible)
22. Fixed: Unable to complete the Eating from brown Coconut Tutorial with the Old Axe (Collectible)
23. Fixed: Unable to complete the Eating from brown Coconut Tutorial with the Old Knife (Collectible)
24. Fixed: Disappearing meat on Dryer after Dryer was attached to a Raft
25. Fixed: Accumulating of held but already dropped objects in hands after a Dryr was attached to a Raft
26. Fixed: Showing Quality% faulty and further causing internal issues when Hammer was equipped and aimed at a non-repairable object and action button was clicked/pressed

For the next update we plan to work on expanding the Gardening mechanic with some new crops and features. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Spear, Smoker, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2020, 04:53:28 AM »
Alpha 53.E1 - Hotfix 1
Tue, 24 November 2020

Hello everyone,

A new Hotfix (1) for Alpha 53.E1 build is now available!

Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed: Not correct Blueprint Colliders for Wind Indicator, Bandage Torch, Coconut Fiber Torch and Coconut Pot Candle (solved wild object collisions on blueprint movement)
2. Fixed: Not correct Blueprint Colliders for Stick Packs, Coconut Frond Packs and Banana Leaves Packs (solved wild object collisions on blueprint movement)
3. Fixed: Crafted objects Blueprints stuck in Player's character
4. Fixed: Not correct Blueprint Colliders for Sails, Sail Masts and Stick Paddle (solved wild object collisions on blueprint movement)
5. Fixed: Not correct Blueprint Colliders for Rudder and Stable Banana Side-Beam Frame (solved wild object collisions on blueprint movement)
6. Fixed: Typo in German Credits texts
7. Fixed: Not displaying of Compass Hint in German language
8. Fixed: Not able to stash Not-opened/sealed waterholders to inventory when they are not empty (except Sealed Jars)

We would like to thank you all for your support, bug reports and feedback.

Best regards,


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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2020, 02:09:52 AM »
Alpha 53 - Gardening mechanic, Plank build Materials & Modules, Dew Catcher
Fri, 11 December 2020

Hi everyone,

for this build we were mainly focusing on adding the Gardening mechanic and new Plank build Materials & Modules. There is a new Potato Plant & Fruit, a new Cooking Pot and Sealed Jars. The Dew Catcher and the Trunk Holder offer big help too. Buildings maximal height was increased and there are new, more realistic Stars as well.

The long awaited Gardening mechanic is finally here. The first ones in the long list of the gardening mechanic are Plant Boxes. They offer a couple of combinations: There are small and big ones, made from sticks or from planks and they are either movable, stationary or can be attached to raft. The ones crafted from different ingredients are drying up at different speed. Planting directly into the ground will be introduced in the next game updates.

The first crop for planting is the Potato. For now it can be found in collectible chests. It can be planted or eaten after cooking on stones or used as a recipe ingredient. It is possible to make Potato Chips which can be grilled on stones as well. The growing/maturing time for the Potato was set to 12 ingame days. The basic functionalities of the Gardening mechanic will be widely expanded in the next game updates (growing based on season, difficulty and dayforward values). More plant/crop types are planned too.

The next building material we introduce is the Plank. It can be acquired by destroying bigger plank boxes that are often found along shore sides. The Plank Build modules offer the highest possible protection against Sun, Wind, Rain - and most importantly - Storm.

There are a couple of new collectibles too: The Cooking Pot allows to make much tastier and more nutritious meals but it asks for more ingredients to be added. Sealed Jars are used as containers for liquids. Which leads us to a new game changing and more realistic feature: Liquids contained in open waterholder objects (eg Coconut pot, ...) cannot be stored in pockets, backpacks or crates anymore.

The new Dew Catcher will be a big help when in some scenarios there is much need to acquire water to have it ready each morning.

Trunk Holders make it possible to organize and hold all sort of Trunks, Thick Branches and Long Sticks in place. They can be attached to Raft modules but then its holding capacity is lower.

The maximal building height was increased from ~8 meters to as high as ~40 meters. It means additional ~13 floors depending on ground elevation. The night sky now features more realistic Stars and it is now easier to find known Constellations. Last but not least there is a new menu item on the Main menu to give credit to those who are responsible for game development and/or support the game in a special and appreciated way: The new Credits screen.

Changelog: (* needs new game)

New features:
01. Gardening mechanic
02. Stick Plant Boxes
03. Plank Plant Boxes
04. Potato Plant
05. Potato Tuber
06. Potato Chips
07. New Potato cooking recipes
08. Plank Material
09. Plank Build modules
10. Collectible Plank Box*
11. Collectible Cooking Pot*
12. Collectible Sealed Jar*
13. Dew Catcher
14. Trunk Holder

01. Added: Not able to store open waterholders when they are not empty
02. Changed: Building maximal height has been set to 40 meters
03. Changed: More correct water filling rate set for Bucket
04. Added: More realistic night sky Stars
05. Added: Credits screen in Main menu

01. Fixed: Raft sometimes starts to bank/tilt after Bed was attached
02. Fixed: Inventory item weight/count going to negative values when moving the item in batches (Shift + LMB)
03. Fixed: Inventory item disappears after Inventory reopen after moving the item in batches (Shift + LMB)
04. Fixed: Sometimes not working Player controls after Map was lowered/stashed
05. Fixed: Crafted Banana Leaves Pack accepting only Coconut Palm Fronds
06. Fixed: Banana Leaves Pack not accepting all types of Banana leaves
07. Fixed: Pack adding animation sometimes not turning off, some player actions not working afterwards
08. Fixed: Pack getting animation sometimes not turning off, some player actions not working afterwards
09. Fixed: Unpacking Banana Leaves Pack gives Coconut Palm Frond
10. Fixed: Objects attached to raft disappearing when exiting the Island Cluster
11. Fixed: Not able to Move Lanterns to Bag
12. Fixed: Move Burning objects to Bag
13. Fixed: Brown Coconut fallen from Tree not floating
14. Fixed: Brown Coconut taken from Tree and dropped later not floating
15. Fixed: Brown Coconut moved to bag from Tree and dropped later not floating
16. Fixed: Brown Coconut fallen from Tree disappearing after save/load
17. Fixed: Brown Coconut taken from Tree and dropped later sometimes disappearing after save/load
18. Fixed: Brown Coconut moved to bag from Tree and dropped later sometimes disappearing after save/load
19. Fixed: Building on Raft position after save/load sometimes shifted (fixes only Buildings placed on rafts after this fix)
20. Fixed: Disappearing Items attached to Raft modules that were earlier detached and re-attached from/to Rafts, followed by saving/loading. Raft sometimes also tilted
21. Fixed: Unable to complete the First Craft Axe Tutorial with the Old Hammer (Collectible)
22. Fixed: Unable to complete the Eating from brown Coconut Tutorial with the Old Axe (Collectible)
23. Fixed: Unable to complete the Eating from brown Coconut Tutorial with the Old Knife (Collectible)
24. Fixed: Disappearing meat on Dryer after Dryer was attached to a Raft
25. Fixed: Accumulating of held but already dropped objects in hands after a Dryer was attached to a Raft
26. Fixed: Showing Quality% faulty and further causing internal issues when Hammer was equipped and aimed at a non-repairable object and action button was clicked/pressed

For the next update we plan to work on expanding the Gardening mechanic with some new crops and features. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Spear, Smoker, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2020, 04:09:40 AM »
Best wishes & Thank you!
Mon, 21 December 2020

Hi everyone,

the end of the year is approaching and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting us throughout the year! Thank you for your ideas, suggestions and criticism helping us making Escape the Pacific a better game.

This year we were still mainly adding the basic mechanics and functionality. Besides that the game content was also expanded with huge amount of new content. The list of new additions is long, so let's quickly summarize the most important ones: Dedicated pockets for navigation tools, Objectives mechanism, Many new collectible objects, Ship wrecks for looting, Primitive Shelters, Sacred islands, Big grassy islands, Grass build material & Build modules, Transport canoe, Attaching objects to Canoe and Raft base, Sailing UI, Fruit Regrow & Ripening system, Sextant, Pocket Watch, Sundial, Building degrade&repair mechanic, Stick&Frond packs, Plank build material & Build modules, Plant growing mechanic. On top of that: Open World, Island Clusters and Global Map. As you can see this was a very packed (and also busy) year with lots added the game, making it even more interesting and enjoyable.

As almost all of the basic features are already implemented (only a couple of them still awaiting implementation), in the next year we will continue to aim for expansion of already added features and adding even more and more new content: More collectibles and recipes, vegetation (also bigger, jungle ones), island types (bigger ones), animals (ocean and ground), quests, story elements ... There will be a couple of surprise elements too. Because of the fact the game takes place in the mid 1800's it offers a whole lot of possibilities to implement interesting and unique features. We hope that the community will continue to support us with new ideas, suggestions and with their positive energy so we together get to make our game even better. Some of the ideas we already received were truly inspiring and will find their way into the game sooner or later for sure.

Holidays are here and besides resting we plan to work on some new features and improving gameplay a little although working a bit less on our game.

Our next build will be released in January 2021, until then:

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Gamers4Gamers Team.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2021, 01:13:09 AM »
Postponed Alpha 54.E1
Sun, January 31, 2021

Hello there,

we apologize, but we would like to inform you that the Alpha 54.E1 update which was planned to release on 29.01.2021 was postponed to 02.02.2021 due to some private life situations and extreme dayjob overload (mainly last week).

Thank you for your patience.

Gamers4Gamers Team.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2021, 03:26:27 AM »
Where is the Update to A54.E1?
Tue, 2 February 2021

Where is the Update to A54.E1?

A valid question indeed! Also I have been wondering when the update, we promised to provide you with, is soon going live, but unfortunately some new issues came up during development and bug testing. It was clear further and deeper investigation was required that takes time. Because of this we decided to not take into account releasing an update containing a faulty version.

As a matter of fact our fulltime jobs demand quite a lot from us and because of that it also had impact on our private lives. To resolve the situaton appropriately we set up a brainstorm meeting to determine the outlines of what postponing means for us as a developer team as well as what it means for you, the community. Our conclusion is: Be it tomorrow, be it today, be it this week - we are not able to promise to you when A54.E1 will be released but we can say it is going to happen some time this week. We'll try our best!

In any way it is not an easy thing for us to postpone the update again but we think a decision needed to be made to keep up the usual quality! Either way there's a lot to look forward to in the new update ... even though the update that will be released a little bit later than expected ...

Thank you for all of your support and passion!

Best wishes & All the best!
Chris, representing G4GT

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2021, 02:33:53 AM »
Alpha 54.E1 Experimental - Trim & Cultivate, Soil & Composter, Carrot & Corn
Thu, 4 February 2021

Hi everyone,

for this experimental build we were mainly focusing on expanding the Gardening mechanic and adding new plants - Carrot and Corn. It is possible to Trim the grass and Cultivate the ground. There is an Old Sickle and a Crude Shovel added. The Soil can be made in Composters. New cooking Recipes were added and a large bunch of issues was fixed too.

To switch between stable and experimental game builds make sure game properties in your Steam client are set to either "Experimental" or "None" (which is the stable branch)

The gardening mechanic has been expanded and it is now possible to Cultivate the ground by using the new craftable Crude Shovel. It is possible only on spots where no grass is growing. After the field is completely cultivated it is ready to receive seeds or plants to grow.

The Grass can be Trimmed also with bare Hands now - but it needs more hits than a collectible Old Sickle.

The new Carrot plant increases the food variety and brings some new Cook recipes too.

The new Corn plant provides only some limited usage of the Fruit (Cooked and Boiled Corn). The Stalks, Cobs and Leaves will be used in later game updates.

The Composter expands the gardening mechanic in a new way and besides generating Soil for Plants it works well for getting rid of the Spoiled Meal too. The added materials are transforming slowly into Soil - the speed is the fastest when all the 3 material types (brown - sand, green - leaves and sticks, bio - fruit, meal) are added in equal amounts.

Changelog: (* needs new game)

New features:

1. Trim grass
2. Collectible Old Sickle*
3. Cultivate ground
4. Crude Shovel
5. Carrot plant*
6. Carrot fruit*
7. Corn Plant*
8. Corn fruit*
9. New Cook recipes
10. Composter
11. Soiling mechanic


1. Added: Main menu button sounds
2. Added: Displaying Candle/Lantern remaining count in the Aim UI
3. Added: new Cook Recipe icons


1. Fixed: Not spawning/appearing Cook Recipe Blueprint object when crafting
2. Fixed: Not colored CookingPot in crafted Cook Recipes
3. Fixed: Not removing Ingredients from Hand when adding to Recipe Blueprints of CookingPot recipes
4. Fixed: Sometimes not loading objects (and in very rare situation the game crashes) due to Time rounding issues before previous save
5. Added: Workaround for not crash (only log the issue to logfile and not show the object) after Load in case of bad Branch/Stick position in TrunkHolder before previous save
6. Added: Workaround for not crash (only log the issue to logfile and not show the object) after Load in case of bad position of Rafts/Canoes/Objects before previous save
7. Fixed: Sometimes bad attaching rope position after save/load when the object is attached not on its bottom side
8. Fixed: Not able to drop the Paddle from hands and not working shortcuts after exiting the Canoe
9. Fixed: Possibility to open ingame Build/Craft/Journal/Inventory screen while Using the Map
10. Fixed: Possibility to open ingame Quick Build/Craft and Quick Select screen while Using the Map
11. Fixed: Tool from Toolbelt regaining original Wear/Quality values when put back to Toolbelt (making the tool not degrading over time)
12. Fixed: The lowest line (Durability/Vitamin C) in Inventory Detail section always shown - even when not needed
13. Fixed: Zero Inventory Volume value for Sealed Jar
14. Fixed: Zero Inventory Volume and Weight values for Old Compass
15. Fixed: Zero Inventory Volume and Weight values for Map
16. Fixed: Remaining part of boiled Lvl. 2 recipe filled to Sealed Jar acted as only Water and not the actual boiled Meal
17. Fixed: Lost nutritious values of boiled Meal when filled in waterholder and later acts as only Water
18. Fixed: Multiple Equipped objects left in Hand after exiting to Main Menu and starting new game or loading another game
19. Fixed: Not Re-equipping to Hand from Inventory another identical item to actually Dropped one when it is spoiling fast (and have only Hand animation as it was holding something)
20. Fixed: Not Re-equipping to Hand from Inventory another identical item to actually one Put to recipe blueprint when it is spoiling fast (and have only Hand animation as it was holding something)
21. Fixed: Not hiding of Hint Notify when any of the Ingame screens is shown
22. Fixed: Not intended possibility to quit to Main menu when Map is still opened and Start/Load another game with messed up hand animations
23. Fixed: Sometimes spoiling of Salt in Barrels and Bottles (applies only to salt water cooked after this hotfix)
24. Fixed: The Cut Coconut spawns in not correct upward rotation (with the open top up)
25. Fixed: Dropped Coconuts (Brown and Green) rolling almost unstoppable
26. Fixed: Dropped Papayas rolling almost unstoppable
27. Fixed: Canoe 'Jumping' away when released/dropped from Drag operation
28. Fixed: Easy pushing of Canoe (just crafted or loaded) placed on ground
29. Fixed: Not Draggable Coconuts (Green and Brown) dropped from destroyed Palm Fronds
30. Changed: More correct Mass for Small Crate (crafted and collectible), Small Chest and Medium Chest
31. Fixed: Not Draggable Banana Palm Trunk (the shorter one) after Save/load
32. Fixed: Not Hitable/Destroyable Banana Palm Trunk (the longer one) after Save/load
33. Fixed: Not Draggable Banana Stem after Save/load
34. Fixed: Banana Stem marked/shown as Salted after save/load (fix effective for newly cut down Banana Stem)
35. Fixed: Not able to Drag any object when standing on Canoe
36. Fixed: Transparent holes in bottom part of Banana Palm Trunk (long and short ones)
37. Fixed: Sometimes messed up Inventory mechanic when trying to move a No-Tool to Toolbelt
38. Fixed: Old Knife's length continuously increasing by every Drop from hand
39. Fixed: Sometimes messed up Inventory mechanic when:
40. Stashing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving an Item to Hand
41. Removing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving the Tool from Hand
42. Stashing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving a Tool to the actually equipped Slot in Toolbelt
43. Stashing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving the Tool from the actually equipped Slot in Toolbelt
44. Changed: Bigger 'Aim text' font size
45. Fixed: Not enough width of the 'Aim text' background box when:
46. aiming at Edible object
47. aiming at Destructable object
48. aiming at Repairable object
49. aiming at Cooked object

For the next update we plan to work on upgrading/reworking of the ingame Map UI. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Old Pistol, Spear, Smoker, new Island generator, Ponds, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2021, 11:54:37 PM »
Alpha 54 - Anniversary MEGA patch
Fri, 19 February 2021

Hi everyone,

for this Anniversary build we were mainly focusing on expanding the Gardening mechanic with: grass Trimming, Cultivating the ground and making Soil. There are new plants: Carrot and Corn. There are new tools: Crude Shovel, Composter and collectible Old Sickle. The building mechanic was expanded with new Half doors and new Railings. The Stamina and tool Damage mechanic was balanced a little. There are Pirate Ships cruising the Ocean and a large bunch of issues was fixed too.

The gardening mechanic has been expanded and it is now possible to Cultivate the ground by using the new craftable Crude Shovel. It is possible only on spots where no grass is growing. After the field is completely cultivated it is ready to receive seeds or plants to grow.

The Grass can be Trimmed also with bare Hands now - but it needs more hits than a collectible Old Sickle.

The new Carrot plant increases the food variety and brings some new Cook recipes too.

The new Corn plant provides only some limited usage of the Fruit (Cooked and Boiled Corn). The Stalks, Cobs and Leaves will be used in later game updates.

The Composter expands the gardening mechanic in a new way and besides generating Soil for Plants it works well for getting rid of the Spoiled Meal too. The added materials are transforming slowly into Soil - the speed is the fastest when all the 3 material types (brown - sand, green - leaves and sticks, bio - fruit, meal) are added in equal amounts.

The new Railings, Half Doors and the corresponding Half Wall build modules bring more variety to the Building design.

The Stamina mechanic (while running and hitting) and the Tool Damage values during degradation were also balanced a little and now depend also on the difficulty setting.

Pirate Ships are cruising the ocean between islands every couple of days. They stop and anchor by some islands and leave there a chest with valuables. It is not advised to come near or chase them at all - they shoot and destroy everything that comes in their way. It is possible to turn this feature off in the Custom game screen.

Changelog: (* needs new game)

New features:

1. Trim grass
2. Collectible Old Sickle*
3. Cultivate ground
4. Crude Shovel
5. Carrot plant*
6. Carrot fruit*
7. Corn Plant*
8. Corn fruit*
9. New Cook recipes
10. Composter
11. Soiling mechanic
12. Half doors
13. Railings
14. Cruising Pirate ships


1. Added: Main menu button sounds
2. Added: Displaying Candle/Lantern remaining count in the Aim UI
3. Added: new Cook Recipe icons
4. Changed: Stamina balanced and depends on the difficulty setting
5. Changed: Tool damage balanced and depends on the difficulty setting


1. Fixed: Not spawning/appearing Cook Recipe Blueprint object when crafting
2. Fixed: Not colored CookingPot in crafted Cook Recipes
3. Fixed: Not removing Ingredients from Hand when adding to Recipe Blueprints of CookingPot recipes
4. Fixed: Sometimes not loading objects (and in very rare situation the game crashes) due to Time rounding issues before previous save
5. Added: Workaround for not crash (only log the issue to logfile and not show the object) after Load in case of bad Branch/Stick position in TrunkHolder before previous save
6. Added: Workaround for not crash (only log the issue to logfile and not show the object) after Load in case of bad position of Rafts/Canoes/Objects before previous save
7. Fixed: Sometimes bad attaching rope position after save/load when the object is attached not on its bottom side
8. Fixed: Not able to drop the Paddle from hands and not working shortcuts after exiting the Canoe
9. Fixed: Possibility to open ingame Build/Craft/Journal/Inventory screen while Using the Map
10. Fixed: Possibility to open ingame Quick Build/Craft and Quick Select screen while Using the Map
11. Fixed: Tool from Toolbelt regaining original Wear/Quality values when put back to Toolbelt (making the tool not degrading over time)
12. Fixed: The lowest line (Durability/Vitamin C) in Inventory Detail section always shown - even when not needed
13. Fixed: Zero Inventory Volume value for Sealed Jar
14. Fixed: Zero Inventory Volume and Weight values for Old Compass
15. Fixed: Zero Inventory Volume and Weight values for Map
16. Fixed: Remaining part of boiled Lvl. 2 recipe filled to Sealed Jar acted as only Water and not the actual boiled Meal
17. Fixed: Lost nutritious values of boiled Meal when filled in waterholder and later acts as only Water
18. Fixed: Multiple Equipped objects left in Hand after exiting to Main Menu and starting new game or loading another game
19. Fixed: Not Re-equipping to Hand from Inventory another identical item to actually Dropped one when it is spoiling fast (and have only Hand animation as it was holding something)
20. Fixed: Not Re-equipping to Hand from Inventory another identical item to actually one Put to recipe blueprint when it is spoiling fast (and have only Hand animation as it was holding something)
21. Fixed: Not hiding of Hint Notify when any of the Ingame screens is shown
22. Fixed: Not intended possibility to quit to Main menu when Map is still opened and Start/Load another game with messed up hand animations
23. Fixed: Sometimes spoiling of Salt in Barrels and Bottles (applies only to salt water cooked after this hotfix)
24. Fixed: The Cut Coconut spawns in not correct upward rotation (with the open top up)
25. Fixed: Dropped Coconuts (Brown and Green) rolling almost unstoppable
26. Fixed: Dropped Papayas rolling almost unstoppable
27. Fixed: Canoe 'Jumping' away when released/dropped from Drag operation
28. Fixed: Easy pushing of Canoe (just crafted or loaded) placed on ground
29. Fixed: Not Draggable Coconuts (Green and Brown) dropped from destroyed Palm Fronds
30. Changed: More correct Mass for Small Crate (crafted and collectible), Small Chest and Medium Chest
31. Fixed: Not Draggable Banana Palm Trunk (the shorter one) after Save/load
32. Fixed: Not Hitable/Destroyable Banana Palm Trunk (the longer one) after Save/load
33. Fixed: Not Draggable Banana Stem after Save/load
34. Fixed: Banana Stem marked/shown as Salted after save/load (fix effective for newly cut down Banana Stem)
35. Fixed: Not able to Drag any object when standing on Canoe
36. Fixed: Transparent holes in bottom part of Banana Palm Trunk (long and short ones)
37. Fixed: Sometimes messed up Inventory mechanic when trying to move a No-Tool to Toolbelt
38. Fixed: Old Knife's length continuously increasing by every Drop from hand
39. Fixed: Sometimes messed up Inventory mechanic when:
40. Stashing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving an Item to Hand
41. Removing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving the Tool from Hand
42. Stashing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving a Tool to the actually equipped Slot in Toolbelt
43. Stashing the actually Equipped Tool from Toolbelt when moving the Tool from the actually equipped Slot in Toolbelt
44. Changed: Bigger 'Aim text' font size
45. Fixed: Not enough width of the 'Aim text' background box when:
46. aiming at Edible object
47. aiming at Destructable object
48. aiming at Repairable object
49. aiming at Cooked object

For the next update we plan to work on upgrading/reworking of the ingame Map UI. The additional plans include also the Old Telescope, Old Pistol, Spear, Smoker, new Island generator, Ponds, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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Re: Escape The Pacific
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2021, 12:20:24 AM »
Alpha 55 - Hemp, Tables, Grass Beds, Candle Stand
Fri, 16 April 2021

Hi everyone,

for this build we were mainly focusing on adding Hemp as Plant and also as a Crafting material for Small Rope. There are new Tables, new Bed and a collectible Candle Stand. The Raft mechanic was improved.

The Hemp can be found wildly grow on islands (although it is a little rare). It can be directly used as Craft ingredient or it's seeds can be collected and used to planting in Cultivated Field. The Hemp Stem can be used now only for crafting Small rope - which itself  adds more possibilities to the game play. There will be more usages of Hemp which will be added in future versions.

The Tables for now are used to increase the comfort and the storage space but in the future they will get some interesting feature too.

The new Grass Beds and Plank Stool are a nice addition to the furniture variety and make the life of the survivor a little easier.

The new collectible Candle Stand offers more stable placement of the Candles. The current system of the Candle placement will be changed in the next versions and the Candle Stands (more types to add in the near future) will get more importance.


New features:
01. Hemp plant
02. Hemp Seed
03. Hemp Small Rope
04. Stick Table
05. Coconut Palm Table
06. Banana Leaf Table
07. Plank Table
08. Grass Simple Bed
09. Grass Basic Bed
10. Plank Stool
11. Collectible Candle Stands

01. Changed: Raft stability improved

01. Fixed: Incorrect Hit Damage calculation (in some situations/higher difficulties hit damage was near zero)
02. Fixed: A Couple of internal engine refactorings/optimizations

For the next update we plan to work on upgrading/reworking of the ingame Map UI. The additional plans include also the Bird Trap, Bird Cage, Old Telescope, Old Pistol, Spear, Smoker, new Island generator, Ponds, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to.

Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible.

Do you like our game and want to help even more during development? We look forward to every positive review posted on our Steam page and thank everyone who decides to support us along the way!

Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you!


If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us. We will try to answer your questions in detail.

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