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Author Topic: News on the political upheaval in Europe and its effects on the Caribbean.  (Read 4870 times)

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Offline Asid

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News on the political upheaval in Europe and its effects on the Caribbean.


Urgent dispatch

Due to unforeseen political and financial upheaval in Europe; nations are abandoning the majority of ports in the Caribbean. Majority of local governments are planning to finish withdrawal by Monday: 11th September.

The overall view is that chartered companies and clans will take over the port control on their behalf.

There are some precautions a wise captain might take.

If your assets or your business is located in the following locations

Martinique & Santa Lucie
Saint Barthelemy
St Croix island
Curacao/Willemstad and other ABC Islands area
Inagua Great and Little
Jamaica and Pedro Cay
Belize (only belize city)
West Cuba Coast (up to Cayo Romano)
Vera Cruz Area
USA coast above Florida

9 Freetowns
El Rancho
Great Corn
Shroud Cay
La Tortue
La Mona

If your assets or businesses are located in areas mentioned above they are safe if you are a captain with nationality of that region.

Example - Having assets in matanzas on west cuba

If your assets are in these above-mentioned ports are safe if you are a captain of the original nation of that region. (For example - West Cuba - and you are Spanish).

If you are a young american captain who had business in Matanzas (in west cuba) you will only be able to get access to your business as a smuggler in a trading ship.

Access to other cities/areas is not safe and cities/regions are going to turn neutral (governments will abandon them). If you business or ships or other assets is located elsewhere (including not mentioned free towns). They are not safe because you might lose access to them due to fast conquer. Cities are abandoned by the governments and are free for the taking by clans and companies acting on behalf of their nation.

Please move resources at your convenience if you are not sure your town will be defended by its original owners.

There are also rumors that prices for permits will go down quite significantly for some ships due to this events, please avoid purchasing permits or victory marks before Monday.

Rumors exist that local clerks will be accepting forged papers even from very suspicious sources.

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