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Offline Asid

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« Reply #105 on: January 03, 2023, 09:02:13 PM »
Update 39 - New ways to make money!
Tue, 3 January 2023

Happy 2023! Here’s an update.

Bug Fixes

    You can no longer shoot people when they are inside
    The selector that shows up when you transfer a character from one workplace to another should now display better when you have many many employees.
    Bakery should now produce goods properly.
    Fixed a bug where you would not actually be removed as town reeve if you lost the position.
    Fixed a bug that would prevent certain skills applying properly if you selected certain background options.
    Cart inventory displayed prices will now change to reflect the closest market without the need to reselect the cart.
    Fixed a bug where babies would grow up to have the wrong heritage.
    Certain cart home positions have been fixed.


    Pregnant ladies will no longer go for long walks.
    Decreased the time it takes for herbs to grow before they can be harvested.
    Less starting money for the business owner start.
    You will now gain relationship with people if you entertain them and your entertainment skill is high enough.
    Tweaked cart avoidance a bit. People should now try to get out the way of carts and smaller carts will try to get out of the way of bigger carts.

New Stuff

    Added a “Report Bug” option to the escape menu which will open up the bug report page on my website (Windows only).
    You can now request a job via the job search menu if there isn’t already a job available - the result of this depends on several factors and is not guaranteed to work.
    Carts can now be purchased and sold at most buildings. Any one building can have anywhere from 0 to 3 carts. Due to this change, any buildings that had the ‘Cart’ upgrade applied will lose said cart and you will need to re-buy it using this method.
    Workers will now work while sick. However their efficiency will be lower and they will take longer to get to work. They will still be paid half wage.
    New additions to automation. You can now send goods straight to sheds or trading posts, and carts can source goods straight from your sheds.
    You can now replay the last 8 or so character notifications you received. These are things like relationship updates, and needs notifications.
    Herbalists can now be assigned to see patients. People can go see them to heal their health, immunity, and afflictions. Though the success of each of these depends on the skill level of the herbalist.
    A new upgrade for the trading post - Carriages. With this upgrade you can buy carriages and assign workers to be carriage drivers. NPCs will then be able to pay for rides around the map like a medieval taxi service.

Hope you enjoy these changes! I've been having a blast being a carriage driver.

Much love,

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #106 on: March 18, 2023, 11:27:37 PM »
Update 40 - More cats please
Fri, 17 March 2023

Hello all,

Welcome to Update 40!

Bug fixes
Fixed bug where some skills would not increase.
Corrected some issues will mild illnesses when playing on the longer day settings.
You will no longer get stuck after leaving a fishing boat.
Horses will no longer walk underwater.
Fixed a bug with lumber camps and mines where they would randomly restart their productions.
You will no longer keep receiving firewood if you walk away while chopping wood at a wood block.
Fixed a couple automation bugs, including bone charms not being sent to sheds and trading posts.
Fixed a bug where the player was not able to visit the herbalist when they are seeing patients.

Sheds no longer count towards business competition.
Fixed some freezes and issues when opening the hiring menu.
Moved the building 'favourite' button to the building info portrait, rather than being on the building icon.
You can no longer hire the town reeve or abbot once they leave your service.
You can now interrupt and talk to your family members that are doing chores.
You can now only change business hours and wages before work starts.
Removed the fence upgrade from huts to allow for more compact hut placement.
Balanced some building prices.
Added some new colours to inventory icon fonts.

Pets! You can now have up to five pets that will follow you, can be fed, and can be petted. Available pets are foxes, chickens, and cats (more to come), and they are obtained through random events.
Removed the "Rodent Catcher" upgrade from buildings and replaced it with a cat related event.
*WARNING* Pets also have lifespans and will die.
New trees and textures
Caravans are now a bit more dynamic and requested items will change over time.
New props around towns to make them more lively and lived in.
New tasks that the AI can carry out during their day-to-day lives.
Storefronts are now included as options in automation.
New LOD system for buildings. This may improve performance on some systems.

Hope you have fun!

Me and a few others did a bunch of testing, but from a testing point of view the game is very vast and dynamic. So it's hard to nail down everything. Please do let me know if you have any issues.


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Offline Asid

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« Reply #107 on: April 13, 2023, 02:59:10 AM »
Update 40.8 - My wedding gift to you
Thu, 13 April 2023


I found a lady, followed her around, talked to her a bunch, and gave her a some barley. Now we're getting married! This coming Saturday I will be off doing the wedding thing, which means I may go quiet for a few days. However, I didn't want you leave you without first giving you another update!

You can now interact with bunkhouses and sleep inside them.
Fixed CTD when buying out some buildings.
Fixed many automation bugs - things should work a lot better now.
Fields will no longer reset their crops when they should not.
Fixed a bug where your character would start fishing in the middle of the map.
Fixed a bug where the caravan ui would not open correctly.
Fixed a bug where offloading all goods to market automatically vs selling them manually would net a slightly different return.

You can now give your workers items while they are working - though this will interrupt their current production until the interaction is complete.
The cart 'Send To' menu will now show houses last.
Automation - Business A will now only supply Business B with the goods required at that moment in time, unless Business B isn't working on anything, then Business A will supply any relevant goods.
Many other automation tweaks, including cart made being set to 'Never Load' by default, so that it doesn't send to market as soon as you turn it on. Should also be more intelligent about loading carts, selling items, etc.
Tweaks to item price calculations when selling in bulk. You should now net a but more when selling bulk items. Also tweaked the length of time it takes for prices to adjust, and some of the calculation inputs.
Camera will now look at buildings and people when you warp to them.

There is now a new panel in the market compare screen that calculates the best deal between all markets. It will tell you what item to buy from what market, then where to sell it, and how much profit you'll make. This only shows one trade at a time.
New 2D artworks for building profile pictures.

Much love!

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #108 on: July 28, 2023, 12:41:44 AM »
Update 41 - A few goodies
Wed, July 26, 2023

Hello, hello, hello! I hope you’re all doing fabulous. Here’s an update with some good improvements.

Fixed a bug that would stop your graphics settings from saving.
Fixed some issues when using custom key bindings.
Fixed some carriage glitches.
Fixed an issue that would cause strange loops when players went to work in the morning.
Fixed a few saving and loading bugs.

A few changes to some text in popup windows.

Performance improvements and GPU usage improvements. By default your GPU should run cooler when running SAELIG than before.

Some tweaks to hunting to make it a little less OP.

When you go and talk to someone they will no longer stop what they are doing and just stand there. They will now continue their task and only stop once you reach them. If they are walking at the time they will stop and wait in place.

Made some of my old code more efficient.

There is now some degree of auto-eating for the player. When you have needs on, your character is hungry, and you have food in your inventory, your character will automatically grab a bite to eat. Your player will only eat one item.

Shield usage. Characters will now use shields in combat.

Foliage rehash. Unfortunately I’ve had to remove the foliage system completely and add a new system in (this took ages). The new system works great and looks good, however it isn’t quite as responsive. This means empty plots no longer have trees on them. This also means the simple vegetation option has been removed because vegetation will now be less dense around cities. As part of this distant trees will look nicer.

Melee combat has been redeveloped and is now better all around. This was an important change because it lends well to the inclusion of raids.

I’m always here just plotting away in the background. I’ve been working on this game for so many years now and endlessly appreciate all the fans that keep playing and keep giving me ideas on ways to improve it.

I know there are people who are really disappointed that the game isn’t finished. But I don’t even know what finished looks like. I just have this game I make, I add new features and release updates. I guess you could say it’s one of those continuous development games, except you only pay once and get all updates for life.

But what do you guys think? Should I just try to wrap this up as fast as I can and get to a finish point, or should I just keep plotting along with it with no set end date?

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #109 on: September 18, 2023, 12:37:14 AM »
Update 42 - Here come the Vikings!
Sun, September 17, 2023


This is one of the biggest updates I’ve done in a long time and there's a lot to love here. So, let's dive straight in.


-    Here come the Vikings! When starting a new game or loading an existing pre-update save, you can select to turn on raids. With raids on a band of Vikings will turn up sporadically to loot silver, burn buildings, and kill people. Vikings can be defeated by force, but they will also leave once they have looted enough silver.

-    New equipment - Swords, one & two handed axes, shields, and a very special unique weapon that’s a surprise. All types of weapons look and act differently. For instance a one handed axe will do more damage to a shield than a sword, and a two handed axe is very hard to block.

-    Shields can now be damaged during combat and even destroyed. Shields that do survive fights can often be less effective during the next fight as they may have become damaged. When the durability of a shield hits a certain threshold it will be labelled as 'damaged', which gives it a lower max durability. Once a shield hits 0 durability it will be destroyed.

-    This brings us to combat itself. Combat is no longer based on insta-killing someone who has a lower skill than you. Rather, all successful hits during combat subtract a certain amount of health based on weapon and outfit, and then when life is 0 the person dies. Whether an attack hits or is blocked and what damage it does is calculated on the fly based on skill level, weapon type, shield, armour, health, current injuries, etc.

-    Now that health plays a more important role in the game, we’re going to need some way to see it. So now we have need icons. At the top left near where buff icons sit, you will see three new icons; health, hunger, and energy. You can see the levels at a glance, or hover over to see the exact level.


    Tweaks to interactions and animations, including some new animations.
    Menu, character creator, and map select tweaks.
    Tweaks to map mode, including some new icons.
    Some major performance tweaks.
    Added even more layers to the portrait cameras, which mean there should be even less character overlaps in portraits.
    All buildings now have an upgrade to improve fireproofing.
    Arson is now done by throwing torches at buildings.
    People will now forage less if that item is already very abundant.
    When a production is unavailable, the tool tip will now give you more information.
    Working hours can now be pushed to an even later time.
    Better auto-stacking of items in inventories.
    A few tweaks to how people decide they want to buy a house. This should increase the demand for housing.
    You can now tune worker wages at any time if there are no workers employed.
    Regions now request more types of goods when you are setting up caravans.
    AI will now loot people they kill.
    Sometimes if the craftsmen working on a sword have enough combined skill, they will produce an even better type of sword.
    Wine. Monks can make wine. Wine heals you, like in real life.
    New achievement.


    Fixed some automation and production bugs.
    Fixed some bugs that would prevent smooth running on some Linux and MacOS computers.
    Fixed a bug where the in-game wiki would not display properly.
    Dead people will no longer keep claim over the property they once owned.
    Fixed some minor UI bugs.
    Fixed a bug that would allow you to adopt another person's child…
    Fixed a bug where sometimes corrals and fields wouldn’t change production.
    Fixed a bug that would cause some keyboard shortcuts to trigger when typing in a text box.
    Fixed a bug that would sometimes see people not eating food from their homes.
    Fixed a few minor visual issues.
    Fixed some issues where the player would be interrupted when trying to do stuff.
    Fixed a bug that would cause cart guarding to not work.
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Offline Asid

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« Reply #110 on: October 01, 2023, 12:19:51 PM »
Update 42.4 - Estate Fields
Sat, 30 September 2023


Another little update for you.

    In map mode each size of empty plot now has a different icon.
    Buildings should no longer turn white after a fire - this has been tested working for me, but let me know if it is still an issue for you.
    You character will no longer auto equip weapons when looting.
    You can now build a Field on an Estate Plot. This will produce more resources than a standard Field.
    Fixed a bug where player needs would reset to 100 when loading.
    Churches now have herbs gardens and can produce herbs.
    You can now set a bunkhouse as your active house.
    Fixed a bug where monks would refuse to make wine.
    Fixed a bug where Hyrmenn would not correctly commit arson.
    Lowered the wage at the Den.
    After raids, all productions should now restart correctly.
    Fixed a bug where the Mine would stop producing resources.
    Added a max bounty of 20k silver for outlaws.
    You can no longer get infinite money by looting bodies.
    Fixed a bug where you could enrol the same child in school multiple times.
    The calculation for how many Viking raiders are spawned now takes into account how far any defenders would need to travel to engage them. Which means in some cases on larger maps, less raiders may spawn than before.
    Chances of producing an Exquisite Sword at the Workshop has been tweaked, and now requires a hire combined skill level.


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Offline Asid

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« Reply #111 on: December 10, 2023, 12:15:18 AM »
Update 43 - So many goodies
Sat, 9 December 2023


I’ve been working hard on this update recently, and now I think it is ready for prime time. Not only does this update have some great new stuff, but I have also included some great quality of life improvements.

Bug Fixes

    You will no longer lose energy when you initiate sleep.
    The player will no longer stand there talking to the void when their conversation partner walks away.
    Fixed a bug where loading in your game could set your health to 1%.
    Fixed a bug where you were unable to teach skills to people.
    You can now gift buildings to people again.
    You can no longer break the game by pausing the game while loading.
    Fixed a bug where your heir sometimes wouldn’t take over if you died.
    So there was this bug where if you gave someone a bow they would use it as a sword and go around slapping people with it. While this was extremely amusing to watch, I made a tough decision to fix it.
    Your mine workers should no longer teleport home while working.
    Carts should no longer get stuck on the Alehouse.
    There was a chance that when setting up a caravan, the destination wouldn’t have any in-demand items. This is now fixed.
    Fixed various production bugs.

General Additions & Improvements

    There were some undocumented keybindings, I have no added these to the keybinding menu.
    General navigation improvements.
    Tweaks to some visual aspects, materials, LODs, etc.
    The camera is no longer required to be close to trees for you to send your character to chop wood.
    You can now easily see someone’s skill level in an item when assigning that item to them to produce.
    The High Quality Wattle & Daub upgrade now 100% offsets the risk of fire associated with having a fire pit in your home.
    Some tweaks to the size of some UI elements and text.
    Characters should longer walk through benches.
    Tweaks to some building interiors.
    The building info window will now show workers at that building as well as any residents.
    More viking start positions on each map.
    Energy is no longer consumed while relaxing.
    You can now force your spouse to quit their job.
    If you are quite hungry and you have no food in your inventory, but you are nearby to your house which has food in it, you will automatically grab a snack from your house.
    The map population counts no longer include travellers, soldiers, and vikings.
    Default (more on that later) wait time between raids has been increased.
    There is now a limit on how many children any one person can have.
    Vikings are less arson-y.
    If the map is at the population cap but you do not have any children you will now be allowed to produce a child.
    Your spouse will no longer charge Vikings head-on like a crazy.
    Incense is now a tradable and consumable item that when used applies a buff that will give you a bonus in romantic situations.
    Sermon Materials have been removed from the game and the requirements to conduct a sermon are a lot simpler.
    Herbalist Huts will now have a stove as default which reduces the complexity involved in producing Herbal Tea.
    It is now a lot harder to befriend someone simply by force feeding them eggs, fish, etc.
    General tweaks to the relationship points gained when giving items to people.
    Workers at an unowned Bakehouse or Alehouse no longer get a cut of the sales of each item.
    If you live in the Bunkhouse you can no longer access the inventory of said Bunkhouse.
    Now if the difference in assets between two people is too high they will not accept a marriage proposal no matter the relationship level.
    Right clicking the buildings in your building list will now show the interaction menu.
    Linux players can now access the Wiki in-game.
    When you view inside a building the UI will automatically minimise, along with a few other UI tweaks relating to viewing inside a building.

Map Mode

    In map mode out of view town labels will now pin themselves to the edge of the screen with an arrow pointing to the location of the town.
    Clicking on an icon in map mode will now jump to the location of that icon, while remaining in map mode.
    Map mode town names now match the town names shown outside of map mode.

Really Cool Stuff

    The player can now rent a home from another character.
    The lowest social class, Gebura, can no longer own any property. This will make things a little tricker for people starting out poor. This also produces more renters because there are less people able to buy their own house.
    A new main menu screen that is a little funner.
    You can now decide if your workers get the day off when they are sick. This is controlled via the wages screen.
    If you own a Longhouse with walls you can now close the gates, which will prevent Vikings from attacking it.
    A new Follow command for armed Hyrmann. When they are instructed to follow someone they will defend that person in a fight. There are some exceptions to this however, for example - If you tell a Hyrmann to follow you and then attack their spouse, the Hyrmann will turn on you.
    Your Hyrmenn will now automatically find you during a Viking invasion and defend you (if they are armed).
    Assigning hotkeys is now way better. Hold Ctrl to see an interface showing all your assigned hotkeys. When holding Ctrl press a number to assign the selected entity to the corresponding slot. Use Ctrl + Backspace to clear all hotkeys.
    First person is now a viable way to play the game. While in first person you can select things and interact with UI, buildings, people, and carts. You can even go inside buildings and walk around inside them. Do note that first person movement uses the same navigation as standard gameplay, so your character will automatically avoid obstacles, etc, when you walk around.
    New icons for most items. These are still WIP.
    An external config file is now generated by the game and stored in the same location as the saves. This config has various settings inside it that can be adjusted to change various parts of your game. The config file is loaded every time you start the game and if any errors are detected the game will load the default config. Using this config you can changes things like, population limit, viking raid intervals, item base prices, AI and player child limits. If you mess up the config file you can just delete it to generate a new one.

I didn’t realise just how much stuff is in this update until I wrote it out. I hope you enjoy it!


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Offline Asid

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« Reply #112 on: December 17, 2023, 12:42:44 AM »

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #113 on: January 21, 2024, 12:01:54 AM »
Update 44 - Character Customisation & Development Update
Sat, 20 January 2024

Hey all!

Before we get into the great stuff in this update, I want to talk a little about the development of SAELIG and what to expect going forward.

A few updates back I floated the idea of leaving Early Access, and I received a lot of support on this. Due to that, I have slowly been shifting gears towards more of a ‘release’ build. But what does that mean? It means I’m focusing less on new stuff, and more on quality of life, and enhancing the existing stuff. So going forward from here you may find updates will come along at a quicker rate, but will also be less feature packed than they previously have been.

Does this mean you’ll never get any new features? Absolutely not. I’ll happily work on new features if there is hot demand for it. Even after all the polish is applied and the game is fully ‘released’ I’ll continue to add new stuff and release updates as normal. But for the next while the focus is on polish, optimisation, and quality of life.

And now for this update!

Bug Fixes

    Fixed a bug where you could not run in FP mode.
    Fixed a lot of navigation bugs.
    Fixed that bug where you were not able to build boats or harvest pearls at the fishing dock.
    Fixed a bug where if you married someone, only one family would get score points.
    Fixed a bug where heavily pregnant people would turn up to work.
    Fixed some Hyrmenn bugs where they would glitch out and not do what was told.
    Fixed a bug where the player character would break if they got sent to the pit while having a job.
    Fixed a bug where people would come to work sick even if you told them not to.
    Fixed a bug where skills would increase above 100, then drop down, then increase again.
    Fixed several bugs relating to fishing and foraging with and without backpacks.
    Fixed a variety of combat bugs.
    Fixed a bug relating to the work positions when making porridge.
    Fixed a bug where AI corrals would not change to another animal.
    Fixed a bug where a character would not equip a weapon you gave them if you too had a weapon.
    Fixed an issue where people could get stuck near beehives.
    Fixed a bug where corral would not meat and hides to sheds.
    Fixed a bug where if you started as a landlord, sometimes you wouldn’t be given any homes.
    Fixed a bug where elders would stand their talking to themselves... Bug or perhaps they need help?
    Fixed a bug where you could accidentally set you home to be a merchant camp and so when the camp left... so did you.
    Fixed a bug where the snowmen children made during winter looked a bit odd.
    Fixed a bug where if you bought a building, the previous owner may decide to live there still.
    Fixed a stutter caused by the snow system.
    Fixed some possible causes of crashes on some systems.

General Additions & Improvements

    Capped the main menu at 30FPS, made the scene cheaper, and removed the woodcutting sound.
    When automated and selling goods periodically, if you don’t have much money, the business will sell goods sooner.
    Lovemaking will now take place at the closest house of the couple.
    Added a small population reserve for the player, this will allow you to have some children even when the map is at max.
    Relationships with people should now not go below 0.
    Increased the range for buildings detecting nearby inventories.
    Tweaks to volumetric fog to make it perform better while also looking better in some cases.
    People will no longer care too much if you attack a criminal.
    House inventories will no longer automatically transfer when changing your active house.
    Added versioning to the config file. This means if I release an update where the config file is updated your old one will be invalid and backed up then replaced.
    Hyrmenn pickpockets will no longer get a share of the coins they steal from people, as they get a wage.
    New families will no longer spawn when getting close to the population limit.
    The AI will now be a bit smarter about developing plots into buildings, which should help with wood shortages in the early game.
    You can no longer melee attack people who are fleeing - you can shoot them though.
    You can no longer spam attacks on people.
    AI will now be a little pickier about buying empty land.
    Lots of tutorial tweaks based on feedback. Including adding images to tell you what items to buy from market.
    Mild illness can no longer kill you at all.
    Slightly increase the likelihood of an AI person developing an additional workshop or leatherworker in a town.
    Increase the number of axes and swords made at a time.
    Increased the likelihood of Hyrmenn training at the Den.
    Increased the number of certain items spawned in the markets at the start of the game. This includes bows, axes, and cloaks.
    Notification text is now orange instead of white so as to not been into the snow.
    The recipes in Building Info will now show pictures of the required ingredients.
    Slight increased to the probability of pickpocketing and entertaining.
    Added wilderness plots to Hamtunscir so you can build dens.
    Tweaked the number of Vikings that can spawn based on the number of possible defenders on the map.
    Added more wild animals on some maps.
    People should no longer train in the middle of the night.
    Changed the distance that someone will be willing to walk in order to go fishing.
    Your spouse will no longer divorce you as soon as you attack them. They will wait for the attack to be over… if they survive it.
    If you adopt a child with a job, they will not quit this if you send them to school.
    Added FPS cap options.
    The pause/unpause toggle key will now resume your previous game speed.
    Your spouse will no longer be a thief.
    Added a button to your character to allow you to teleport home.
    UI adjustments, especially for corrals and fields.
    Changes to the graphics quality settings. The 'very good’ level will now render shadows and details at a further distance. The ‘good’ quality level is now more like the previous ‘very good’ setting.
    Added a tooltip over some items to tell you if the season is wrong to produce said item.
    People, animals, and carts will no longer run through trees. Trees now act as physical objects to be avoided.
    Tweaked the default shadow distances.
    The Saxon buff will now only give you +1 to relationships instead of +2.
    You can now interact with the alehouse using the internal fire pit.
    Loading should now be a little quicker in some cases.
    As the Abbot, you can no longer bless the same person over and over again.
    Relaxing in a chair will very slowly increase your energy.
    Performance gains on some computers.
    When using a cart to request goods, it should now be much more productive. For instance, if you need wood and you send your cart to request wood, nearby wood cutting huts will sell their wood to you directly.
    Tweaks to textures and grasses.
    Area commands which are traditionally done by holding right click in a spot, can now be done by using the new buttons near the equipment panel when you click on your character.
    When the player is hauling a cart you no longer have to select the cart to move it. To disengage your character from the cart you need to select your character and then right click, any other right click will move the cart, not your player.

The Cool Stuff

    New markets with more colour.
    The Den now has a living quarters upgrade which will allow you to live there.
    Major updates to the tracking camera. It is no longer fixed over the shoulder. You can zoom in and out as much as you like while still being attached to the selected entity. The camera will also look in the same direction as the tracked entity at all times until you rotate it manually.
    Massive combat improvements. More reliable. During combat people can now also call for help. So for instance if you hire some Hyrmenn and deck them out with weapons and assign them to guard you then rush into a military camp and start attacking a soldier, the other soldiers will come and fight you and your Hyrmenn. Same goes for Watchmen.
    Longhouse now has a Stash upgrade where you can hide items from Vikings and thieves.
    New characters! The new characters have lots of customisation options, including sliders for adjusting the face look. Not only can you customise your new characters, but you can also customise your existing characters at any time but clicking them and using the ‘Customise Character’ command. You will also customise your heir when you die. Vikings also use this new character system, but their armour while looking similar to Saxon armour, will be a different colour.

The next update will include a new map with no buildings on it to start with, which will allow you to build towns from scratch. It will also have lots of UI tweaks and QOL improvements as I continue to polish and improve everything.

Much love,

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #114 on: January 22, 2024, 12:17:07 AM »
Update 44.1 - A few fixes
Sat, 20 January 2024


Just a small update to follow up from Update 44 that fixes some little issues.

-    Corrected the gender icons in character creation.
-    Changed the 'Teleport Home' command to be a key combination instead of a button. If you get stuck you can now press ctrl+f10 to teleport out of it.
-    Fixed a small tutorial bug.
-    Fixed a bug that meant if someone pushed out a baby while the game was still loading in your save, the save would not finish loading.

So you're likely wondering why this update is 300mb if that is all I've included in this update. Well because after I released update 44 I built an entire new map that will allow you to build towns from scratch. Now while that isn't included in this update, there are some small parts of it in the background.

Here is a tiny first look at starting a town from scratch on the new map


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Offline Asid

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« Reply #115 on: January 23, 2024, 12:02:57 AM »
Update 44.2 - Another day, another update
Mon, 22 January 2024

Hey all!

It's me again. Another update to enjoy. :)

    Replaced the classic lute with a new one, as well as a new animation for playing it.
    Fixed it so the pack removal warning appears in front of the player commands panel.
    Removed a patch of grass on the main menu so that you can see the feet of your character.
    Some UI tweaks and adjustments.
    Fixed it so that you no longer hear the sound of rain when it snows sometimes.
    Some general optimisations.
    You now require your own weapon when applying for a watchman position. You will no longer be given one.
    After you sell a cart the selection UI will now close automatically.
    You can no longer chop wood and collect fruit at the same time.
    Reordered the player area commands that you see when you click your character to more closely match the same commands that you see when you hold right click.
    You will no longer hear rain when the game is paused.
    Fixed a bug where you would not get notified if you won a position of power if you were the only applicant.
    Characters will now try to avoid other characters when they are standing still. So hopefully they won't clip through each other.
    You can no longer bless the same person endlessly - I fixed it for real this time.
    Added a link to the Wiki to the pause menu.
    Added an option to exit to the game completely to the pause menu. So you don't have to exit via the main menu anymore.
    The follow cam will now work properly when the game is paused and won't hover and twitch.
    The game will no longer resume automatically when you toggle any of the options in the options menu.
    You can now use escape to close notifications and windows.
    If you keep inviting people to dance with you they will start getting annoyed and eventually decline you.
    Fixed the navigation in the Den so now it works correctly again.

I've also made a bunch of changes and additions that should not have any affect on your current games, as they are more tailored to the new map, which I'm still working on. Watch this space.

Thank everyone so much for all the great suggestions and feedbacks recently. There are a tonne of small things that I'm quickly getting through that will hopefully make the overall experience better.

Much love,

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« Reply #116 on: January 30, 2024, 12:02:44 AM »
Update 44.5 - General Improvements
Mon, 29 January 2024

Greetings! I'm back.

    When hitting a tree with an axe it will once more spawn wood chips.
    Skills should no longer go above 100.
    Added a new option to automation that allows you to define items you *never* want to transport/sell.
    Metal armour will now display correctly on the player.
    Fixed some typos.
    Fixed a bug where the Bunkhouse would not save as your home.
    If automation is on but deliveries are off, you can now manually control the cart.
    Carts now sell for less money.
    New item: Fertility Charm. Made at the Herbalist's Hut and is used to increase the chances of getting pregnant.
    When Vikings turn up they will automatically be added to your tracked people list.
    Notifications will no longer close your currently opened window.
    Tweaked the pricing on some building upgrades.
    Changed the notification text from orange to a much less angry looking blue.
    Flipped the Barley icon so it looks less like Wheat
    Added more storefront slots to Alehouse and Bakehouse.
    You can now rotate the camera when in map mode.
    Selecting a building that you want to gift someone should now be easier if you have lots of buildings.
    Map mode will now show an icon for the player.
    The player will no longer run past the animals when hunting.
    When going to talk to someone the player should no longer walk past them.
    Notifications for a friend dying will no longer be pop ups.
    Camera boost will now work when paused.
    Damaged Shields will no longer show as high demand in caravans.
    You can now rotate empty plots. The empty plots will now also have a sign post on them near the front so you know what direction any building built on that plot will face.
    Fixed a bug where in some cases your heir would not take over properly when you died.
    Various tweaks and polish.

In some cases in your existing save games you may start seeing odd rent prices for your rental properties. If you do, manually readjusting your rental prices should fix this.

That's it for the moment! I'll have some videos of the new map soon hopefully.

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« Reply #117 on: February 19, 2024, 09:38:42 AM »
Update 44.7 - Horse time
Mon, 19 February 2024


If all goes okay, this is likely the last update before I release Update 45, which will include the new map.

Bug Fixes

    Cats will no longer be dragged around on the ground when you guard/escort a cart.
    Automations will no longer reset when your character dies.
    Fixed some typos.
    Entertain, See Patients, and Build Boat will now assign properly via automation.
    If your Corral is doing more than one production when you load your game, it will no longer cancel one of those productions.
    Spouse will now buy less food to store at home.
    If you have a shield on your back and you chop wood, your axe will no longer hit your shield and create splinters.
    Fixed a bug where you would teleport home if you were sleeping and you right clicked on a market in your building list.
    Adult children will no longer change families if their mother gets remarried.
    Fixed a bug where in some cases carts would not be sent to buy items when automation is on.
    Fixed the last objective in the tutorial not progressing.


    Job search list will now show jobs in other towns, as well as some jobs that were being excluded for no good reason.
    After you kill and harvest an animal, the chances of another one spawning somewhere has been increased.
    Added a 'Go To' option to the right click menu when right clicking on a building (including in your building list).
    Large horse cart is now an ox cart.
    Lovemaking skill now increases at a higher rate when doing the deed.
    Moved the spots that horses and oxen will navigate to when they aren't being used. This should ease congestion.
    When people are putting out fires there is now a priority list. So they'll focus on buildings most important to them first.
    Tweaks to how buildings are saved and loaded. You should notice no difference, but let me know if you're missing buildings.
    More display slots for market inventories.


    New dog models.
    New cow models.
    New loading screen art.
    You can now ride horses. A travelling horse breeder will turn up every once in a while and hang around for a bit. You can buy a horse from him and then ride it around like an absolute boss. Horses, like other pets, will die of old age. When you are not riding it, it will follow you around.

More to come next week hopefully!


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« Reply #118 on: March 17, 2024, 05:32:26 PM »
Update 45 - New map time!
Sat, March 16, 2024

Hello all!

I've got a wee treat for you :)

Bug Fixes
Eating from your pack will now remove said item from your pack, not your pockets.
Fixed a few pathing issues on some maps.
Hot keys will now save and load correctly.
Fixed a bug where fishing boats would vanish on loading.
Fixed a bug that made marrying into a higher class easy.
Fixed a bug where you could not vote for yourself if you were an Elder and a Reeve or Abbot.
Dead animals will no longer show as alive in map mode.
Fixed a bug for people who use left click rotation (like me) where after leaving map mode you would not be able to select or deselect something until you rotated the camera again.
Fixed an extremely rare bug where people would randomly burn to death when entering the bunkhouse.
Fixed a bug where if you bought a building while in map mode, your filters would reset.

Small Things
AI characters will now go into the forest and cut wood sometimes if they have an axe. Just like the player can.
When using automation, when possible and practical, carts will now preemptively source requirements for items that are currently being worked on, instead of only sourcing items when production stops.
When renting, you can now apply upgrades to the hut/house at the cost of increased rent.
When renting, you can now use the Butcher’s Table, Tanning Racks, and Fireplace to produce items. This was previously limited to huts and houses that you owned.
Carts will now carry over when redeveloping a building.
The Market Compare window will now adapt better to larger UI settings.
Added a sound that plays when you eat food.
People will now longer eat excessive amounts of food from their home.. (e.g. 4 pies at once).
Added predicted rental income to the ledger.
Skills will now be learned even if you fail the first attempt at doing something.
On becoming an outlaw you are kicked out of town, but now you will no longer be able to move back into a house in town until your outlaw status is cleared.
Carts shown in ‘Nearby Inventories’ will now show the custom name of the building they belong to.
You can now hire children that go to school, though this will remove them from school.
When you miss paying someone their wage they will no longer instantly quit, instead they will start to dislike you. Miss the payment enough times and they will quit.
When you have a cart selected you can now right click on any of your buildings to tell your cart to offload or offload and return home.
When the AI are hunting they can now use the Butcher’s Table in the home to process carcasses into meat.
When you are employed somewhere, you can now see the work hours of that building by clicking on it.
Added another upgrade for the Longhouse that adds archery and melee training targets.
Added tooltips to map mode when you hover over icons.
Tweaks to the decision making process for AI characters deciding what kind of buildings to build.
You and AI can now build civic buildings in towns that don’t already have such buildings. These include things like Learning Halls, Graveyards, Pits, Churches, Markets. These buildings will transfer to the town after being built and will be used by the people in the town. Each of these buildings unlock a unique benefit for the town.
Churches unlock the Abbot position.
Pits unlock Town-Reeve and Watchmen.
Learning Halls mean those punk kids will start going to school.
Graveyards will give the locals somewhere to bury their dead.
Markets will create another hub for trading goods (three markets max per map).

New Map
Created a new map named Defenascir, which is located around modern day Devon. As with all the other maps, these are all pure imagination. So apologies if you’re from Devon and this map looks nothing like Devon.
The new map has no buildings and no people.
You are be able to claim land and found towns then build buildings.
New people will be attracted to the map once you have built a market and have started renting or selling homes.
After they arrive, AI characters will start buying land building their own buildings at their own pace. I like to think of it as a kind of communal city builder where everyone who lives in town contributes to the development of the town.
As the town founder you will be a perpetual Elder of said town.
You can found a max of six towns.
As the population of towns increase they will automatically claim additional surrounding unclaimed plots of land.
All the standard mechanics you expect from SAELIG work the same.

A big thank you to the fans who keep me going.
If you've picked up the game recently, welcome and thank you! I hope you have a tonne of fun.

Let me know if you have any issues or questions.

Much love,

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #119 on: April 06, 2024, 01:24:10 PM »
Update 45.5 - Many improvements
Sat, April 6, 2024


It must be update time.

Rich AI will now buy and develop land when renting.
Fixed a bug where if the player had a job they would be locked out of supervising or working in their own business before their job actually started for the day.
Fixed some navigation bugs on the Devon map that made some plots and areas inaccessible.
Added a limit to the number of wild animals that can exist on any map. There were some cases where they were breeding out of control.
Fixed some issues with fishing on the Devon map.
Fixed a bug where you could not make love outside of marriage.
Fixed a bug where your horse would not follow you if you did not have an active house set.
Added an additional starting scenario to the Devon map - Lost Woodcutter.
Boats should no longer float above the water.
Fixed a bug where some melee targets would not work.
A Trading Post built on a large plot will come with a shed and increased storage vs one built on a small plot.
Some optimisations to character navigation.
Typo corrections.
When misc buildings are automatically built, they will now take into consideration how far away the closest well is when it decides what misc building to build.
Fixed a bug where if an inventory had over 1000 of the same item, it would not load correctly.
Fixed a bug where nearby inventories would flicker and be unusable.
Wages can now be increased further than before.
Fixed a bug that would prevent saves from < 2020 from loading correctly.
Fixed a bug where carriages would get stuck.
When you have automation on and production stops due to not enough storage space, a cart will now be triggered to sell items.
Fixed a bug where AI were getting charged twice for developing buildings.
The AI will now buy land in other towns, if there are no spare plots in their current town. This is especially helpful on the Devon map because it means once you found a second town, you don't need to build homes to attract people to develop more buildings.
Lots of improvements to the way AI decide which kind of buildings to develop.
You can now offer a scholarship to children who are not already in school - as long as the town has a Learning Hall. This is helpful for keeping kids away from crime.


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