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Author Topic: German Guide to WitE 1.0  (Read 16735 times)

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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2017, 02:35:14 PM »
Phase 2: Turns 8-17 Destruction of the Red Army

By turn 10 vs the runner AGN is moving on Moscow from the north clearing the good terrain for years to come and to the south of Oka 2 PC from AGS have arrived and is helping push.
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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2017, 02:36:36 PM »
In the south vs the runner I have pulled a PC back to do a HQBU so they can move to center or push east.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #32 on: April 01, 2017, 02:37:12 PM »
The results by turn 22
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #33 on: April 01, 2017, 02:37:54 PM »
Turns 1-7 is what is important as turns 8-17 will play out in your favor if you do good if not it will be a disaster. You can look over my many AAR’s and see other operations, but they basicly follow the same things.
Turn 17
Stand and fight guy.

Armament Pts. Destroyed = 71
Heavy Industry Destroyed = 38
Factories: Vehicles 9
Russian Units Destroyed after November 1st 1941
AP total:

Stavka OOB: 4,040,000 
GHC OOB: 3,436,000

Armament Pts. Destroyed = 67
Heavy Industry Destroyed = 55
Factories: 54 T-34 pts / 20 Vehicles pts
Russian Units Destroyed after November 1st 1941
AP total:

Stavka OOB:  4,530,000 
GHC OOB:     3,453,000

So as can be seen Leningrad and all the land to the north of Moscow is in German hands, Moscow held. In the south most everything fell. They both lost allot of industry and have weak armies for the coming blizzard season. Both these games are still only going at this time 12/26/2016. The game vs Pitamen I am up 41,000 VP’s on turn 165 as can be seen I hold ground that Russia over ran in 42.

So to conclude 1941 summer you need to get the Russian OOB under 4.5 million, destroy 70 armament points, 40ish heavy. Leningrad has to fall and the land northeast of Moscow should be taken, everything south of Oka over run.

You have the game won if you done these things it is just a matter of playing it out at this point in most cases.

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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #34 on: April 01, 2017, 02:38:46 PM »
Phase 3: Turns 18-24 Preparing for the Blizzard

Ok now on to Mud season. So during mud season start moving all your SU’s to Gemany and putting all your bombers in reserve. All Army and Army AB start moving back to Germany allong with all but 3 LW bases you leave in a city near the front with a few fighters and transports. During the snow turns push east every plase attacking anything you can hit. The mountian divisions should be broken down into regiments and put in the line from Oka north, panzer divisions should start looking for cities to set in during blizzard.
All infantry divisions other then MT should be set on ready and 71% ToE, all planes in Germany, all SU’s in Germany and most if not all panzer units in city’s.
These tactics will save 10,000’s of trucks, men, planes, pilots, armament points ect ect this is huge going into 42.
Phase 4: Turns 25-37 The Blizzard

So the blizzard hits. You should hold Oka north with your best defenses near Moscow. You should only lose 0-60 miles of front. Oka south you will have to retreat 2 hexes per turn during December and 1-2 during January and zero during February. The withdrawals also help to lower attrition.
If you have to pull panzers from cities pull the elite ones first then MoT units before pulling panzer divisions. Also make sure they are on ready and ToE at 71%.
The blizzard is realy easy if you were getting ready for it ahead of time and have had a good 1941 summer.

Phase 5 Turns 38-53 Spring

Remeber your attack CV is basicly ½ what it will be come June so don’t go crazy attacking, only attack if it is setting the stage for your 42 summer offensive. Many German players waste allot of troops and tanks attacking with ½ cv.
Once snow hits in 42 turn all panzer units to 93% ToE and turn refit on, once mud hits turn all infantry divisions to 93% ToE and turn refit on. By June you should have almost all units at full strength and armament/ manpower in  pools. Also at this time you can disband a few AB’s make sure to do that. If the game is going your way I set all SU’s at 100% ToE for 42. I put 1 AA, 1 con and 2 artillary SU’s in every infantry Corp HQ. I do not move any poineers or heavy guns into any units yet. You will want to find out where your going to attack.
Generally during spring I will strip out all the divisions out of 3rd PA and put in my best infantry divisions and seige guns and 18 poineers. This Army will have 3 best Corp infantry commanders and best Army commander. They will be used to clear enemy high CV spots near Moscow or south of the Oka.
 Basically you set up an Army with 3 Corp with 12 divisions total, you can drop 2 infantry divisions for 2 MoT but with the reserve reaction nerf in 1.09.01 there really is no need. You need 18-24 poineers, at least 6 200mm + artillery SUs per Corp, 12 Stug SUs and your 4 best infantry commanders. Supporting this will be a Fliegerkorps commanded by Richthofen loaded with Fighters and Stukas. In 42 you do not need to do HQBU’s. Bomb the hex and turn ground support up to 300. The fort will be dropped from 3 to 0 in most cases.

The 3rd Army takes hexes with level 3 forts and 2 Guard infantry Corps in 1 turn. The LW at this point is supporting panzers and the 3rd. You have a ton of transports so you can even drop supplies to units in hexes you have flipped; I generally drop only to mech or MoT divisions.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #35 on: April 01, 2017, 02:39:23 PM »
Phase 6 Strategic Objectives before the 1942 Campaign begins.

If you kill enough stuff in 1942, the Red Army will collapse, or be so crippled as to not ever be able to reach Berlin in time, giving the German player a win on points. It's been done in several AARs. And reductions in manpower and industry in 1941 help create the conditions for said collapse.

Then it is a question of getting ahead of the Soviet replacement curve. A Soviet player taking in 100k manpower a turn (about what he'll get after a very strong German 41) has some real limits to content with.

The Soviet choke point is manpower, not industry.

If you had a respectable 41 Leningrad is yours and you hold a line from Kaluga, Orel, Kursk, and Kharkov to Stalino. If you took Moscow the game is over already, but in most cases vs a good Russian player that should never happen. The numbers are basically 100,000 men per turn for Russia at this point, if you can roll over most of the deep southern manpower centers that number drops below 70,000. So your basically “killing” 30,000 men per turn in 42, then in 43 the number drops off even more as the *’s are as follows Man Power: 2664 42/50 43/35  44/30  45/15 so by 43 the 70k drops to 50,000 this is HUGE. So at this point you’re far ahead of the curve and a solid Russian offensive will not start until 1944 and the front is a 1000+ miles from Berlin, game set match.

You should have Oka north under AGN and have 16th, 18th, 9th and 2nd Army holding this area. 3rd PG is Storm Trooper Army used to crack and enemy line or can be used to clear a tough area south of the Oka.

So north of the Oka your lines should be along rivers with 1 or 2 divisions in the front line and a regiment in 2nd and a FZ in the 3rd. This area generally holds until summer 44

All Infantry should be set on ready and 93% ToE and mobile units on refit and 93%.

So below the Oka and east of the front lines area 100’s of manpower centers within easy reach which are not listed on the map, but first you will have to capture about 100 divisions. 

I basically keep all my panzers in an area that’s about 20 hexes wide. You will want to make nice small but solid pockets. You do not want them in a small area, your need to spread them out some.
You should still have 100 or so SU’s in OKH, use them as needed.
Best use of Air power, rolling thunder.
The front is harder to crack in 42.
2x bomb the front line units where you are going to break through. Then once you win the front line battles, bomb the next row of hexes. Some of these units have now been bombed 4 times and forced to retreat. The CV might say 20, because they are in a FZ, but really it is more like 5 because most elements are fatigued. So attack the 2nd row, you force them to retreat now bomb the 3rd row. Basically you only need to do hasty attacks after the front row has been pushed back.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2017, 02:39:58 PM »
I call this the Pac-man strategy, it will take about 4-6 weeks of this and then there be nothing from stopping you Oka south. North of the Oka you really don’t have to do anything. South of the Oka you can over run 100’s of points of manpower and gain allot of ground you can later trade off.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2017, 02:40:29 PM »
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2017, 02:42:07 PM »
Phase 7 Defending 43-45

By the end the summer of 43 you have to go over to defensive. Oka north should look something like this, but with 2-4 panzer units in reserve and another 2-4 just south of the Oka. The VP count will be about GE 20,000 and SU 4,000 Germany is currently getting 147 VP’s per turn and at best the Russian player is gaining 10-30 VP’s per turn, 20 being very average from combat.
So every turn you can hold the VP locations you’re gaining about 125 VPs. You should be able to keep gaining ground right up until July 43. Do your best to hold the Oka river line during winter, if you can you will have a very mobile defense during the summer. Planes are a big VP drain on Germany so by late 42 move or disband all your level bombers. Only put fighter or fighter bombers in your AB’s. Keep what you have near where ever the Russian player is trying to push, I also put allot of AA in the LW HQ’s including AA regiments this helps a ton if the Russian player try bombing your AB’s. So you should have a large panzer force for mobile defense in the south.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2017, 02:42:42 PM »
I was able to hold the lines and not start giving ground until December 1943, because of the Strategic Objectives of 1941 and 1942.
Turn 125        VP:   Germany: 35859   Russia: 4987   VP advantage: 6.9 to 1

Armament Pts. Destroyed = 71
Heavy Industry Destroyed = 38
Factories: Vehicles 9
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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2017, 02:43:18 PM »
So at this point I started retreating 1-2 hexes per turn in the deep south, while Oka north holds. I use most of my panzers to blunt attacks and counter attack his mobile units. As can be seen Oka north is holding, Russia has several Tank/Cav Army’s in the area but they are really next to useless in the north.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2017, 02:43:50 PM »
Germany is still gaining 131 VPs – 20 for combat = 110 per turn.
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2017, 02:45:10 PM »
Using Pelton’s formula we look at my game vs Pit
Max turns 224              Turn 160      VP:   Germany: 46319   Russia: 6705   

End Game                                               11760
Max pts per turn:                (395) x 64 = 25380
Men 1000 = 100               4,484,000 =    4484
Guns 100 = 100                 46,300    =       463
AFV 10 =100                  12,810         =    1281
Planes 5 =100                    3,800      =       760

Total                 46319                 18748 + 6705= 25453   

Germany: 46319   
Russia:     25453

German lead of 20866 / 395 = 53 turns

There are only 64 turns left and I am still getting location VP’s plus normal from combat. Pit would need to hold all the Russian VP locations for 53 turns plus kill every single one of my units without losing any units of his own.

Normal combat is about +25 per turn for Russian-zero pockets.

Bitter End Ratio:
5.0+ Decisive
4.9 to 2.1 Major
2.0 to 1.1 Minor

So you don’t need Moscow only the land north of it.

Turn 210      Max turns 224     VP:   Germany: 56128   Russia: 9638   

Bitter End Ratio: VP advantage: 5.8  to  1
5.0+ Decisive
4.9 to 2.1 Major
2.0 to 1.1 Minor

Armament Pts. Destroyed = 71
Heavy Industry  Destroyed = 38
Factories: Vechiles 9
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2017, 02:45:59 PM »
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Offline Pelton

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Re: German Guide to WitE 1.0
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2017, 02:46:35 PM »
How Supply “works”

By  EwaldvonKleist

How supply works:
There are two kinds of distances for supply purposes:
-MP distance: Equal to the MP cost for a 99 morale motorized unit to move from the supply source (Railhead, HQ, and city) to the receiver
-hexagon distance: Number of hexagons which have to be crossed on the shortest way from the supply source to the receiver, regardless of hex control or type (=as the crow flies)
Any combat or FBD/NKPS unit can draw supplies from the HQ it is directly attached to, a city or a railhead. It is in most cases more efficient if the unit draws its MPs from the HQ instead of other sources.
Supply from HQ:
The following conditions have to be met so supplies can flow from the railhead to the HQ and from there to the units:
1. MP distance unit-HQ: <21MPs (not taken into account if the hexagon distance is <2)
2. Hexagon distance unit-HQ: <6hexagons
3. MP distance eligible HQ-railhead: <101MPs
4. Hexagon distance HQ-railhead: <26hexagons
Therefore, the maximum distance from the railhead which still allows unit resupply is <31hexagons and <121MPs.
If the conditions 3&4 are not fulfilled, the subordinate unit can still be supplied from the dumps which existed in the HQ unit. The conditions 1&2 still have to be fulfilled in this case.

Supply from railhead:
If the conditions for HQ supply are not met, the unit attempts to draw supplies from the closest railhead if the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. MP distance unit-railhead <101MPs
2. Hexagon distance unit-railhead <21hexagons
The supply delivered is reduced to 20/MP distance for MP distance >20MPs.
HQs and supply:
During the logistic phase, the HQs serve as a supply source to directly attached units if all conditions are met. The units will be first resupplied from the dumps in the HQ unit. If the dumps are used, the HQ draws more supplies from the railhead and tries to satisfy the need of the units with it. If the supply situation is good, the HQ then stockpiles dumps for the next turns.
HQs and units can draw supplies from cities if the hexagon distance is <2.
Special rules:
Airbase units, fortified zones and security units resupply individually (not from HQs) without penalties (new in 1.08.09)

Motor Pool:
Number of free vehicles (not in units or used for HQ movement in the last turn). The need is determined by the supply need and transportation cost during the last turn. Basic number is ½*generic vehicles. Trucks taken for HQ movement is equal to Dumps*MP used/50 for every HQ.
Truck attrition:
Dependent on the use during the turn. Generic vehicle attrition is proportional to the movement.

General supply (fuel) tactics:

-keep your units in HQ supply range
-air transport fuel (more efficient if the distance to a friendly airbase is <2hexagons)
-convert hexagons in your line of advance with one unit, the next turn the other units will not pay the MP penalty for entering pending hexagons, important for motorized units because there fuel need is proportional to the MP used, not the distance travelled

Special tricks:

-optimal HQ position is between the railhead and the units, but 5hexagons away from the units (I have run tests for this and Pelton confirmed this)
-if supply/fuel dumps are moved in a unit, this also requires trucks like if it were moved in a HQ (I have run tests for this, still waiting for a confirmation from Pelton or someone else who should know this)
-I don’t know whether it is more efficient to move dumps with the HQ or the unit truck wise. I have no idea how to test this without getting used with the editor and create a special test scenario. Anyone else knows this?

While doing the tests/putting the saves in folders/editing scenarios for special tests I corrupted some scenarios so I have to reinstall: D.
It would be great if someone could contribute a similar guide to air transport of supplies, because I can’t test it at the moment.

Helpfull Threads:
Russian factory evac guide
By Walloc
Crippling Soviet production
BY Emir Agic�
A collection of the Best Great War in the East Posts
By governato (drop box link)

Pelton (GHC) vs Mr Floppy(WA) GHC Victory
Pelton (GHC) vs KWG (WA) GHC Victory
Pelton vs meklore61 Turn 72 VP: -617 Axis Victory Resigned
Pelton(Axis) vs S2_Tanker Axis Victory Resigned
Pelton(Axis) vs Baelfiin Axis Victory Resigned
Pelton( Axis) vs carlkey58 Axis Victory Resigned
Pelton(Axis) vs Jajusha Axis Victory (Resigned)
Pelton(Axis) vs DicedT Axis Victory (Resigned)
1943-1945 Campaign Pelton(Axis) vs Belphegor Axis Victory

WitE 1.0 AARs
Fulkerson vs Pelton
Pelton vs Mike29
M60A3TTS (Sov) v Pelton (Axis)
Pelton vs Kelblau 1.07.11

1.08. 10-2-1
35. Shermany resigned turn 6 German Victory
36. Oshawott resigned turn 6 German Victory
37. Sapper resigned turn 33 German Victory
38. rkimmi resigned turn 4 German Victory Total wipe so did not even have time to start a thread.
39. smokendave Draw complete game!
40. typhoon resigned turn 9 German Victory
41. rkimmi resigned turn 55 German Victory
42. BrianG Resigned 43 Russian Victory
43. Pitmen resigned turn 15 German Victory
44. Chaos45 Resigned 44 Russian Victory
45. Huw Jones resigned T-12 German Victory
46. ViraBrand resigned turn 15 German Victory
47. Pitmen
48. Hermann House Rule VP turn 23 German Victory

1.09.00 1-0-0

49. Dinglir
50. Stelteck
51. Hermann resigned turn 9 German Victory
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