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Author Topic: February 13 Update  (Read 3747 times)

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Offline choppinlt

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February 13 Update
« on: February 13, 2016, 05:51:41 PM »
As you can see, we have been busy marketing and trying to generate greater awareness of the project. In fact, I hope to have another new video ready this weekend.  :) As these efforts continue, progress continues on the demo. We had a meeting this week and I am told that we are tentatively on schedule for a demo to be ready by the beginning of March,  ;D but that date may have to slip as we draw closer.  :( My primary goal is to make sure that we have a demo that can show the core game concepts, and to demonstrate our ability to create this game before we pursue another kickstarter campaign. I doubt the demo will contain lots of eye popping graphics, but that is just the reality of an indie project with no budget. I want the demo to show off the core concepts, and to me that is what really counts. Keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck!

In the mean time I am still looking for music composers that would be interested in helping with the project. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

I am trying to create an organized approach to getting the word out about this project on various websites and forums. I have set up a special Trello board as a special meeting place to organize these efforts. Those of you who were part of the first kickstarter know that the marketing right before and during the campaign became a bit helter skelter as I quickly got overwhelmed trying to manage it. Consider this a lesson learned and I am trying avoid that happening again. In the mean time if you have thoughts or questions, feel free to post them!

« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 06:32:03 PM by choppinlt »
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