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Author Topic: Victory At Sea Ironclad  (Read 8196 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2021, 11:42:47 PM »
Ironclad update 0.2.2 - Weather goes live!
Mon, 10 May 2021

We have been listening to your ideas and opinions, (as always keep them coming) and we are proud to announce that the latest update brings the interactive weather that will affect the combat zones to the main branch!

This update improves the accessibility and optimisation of these weather effects. (it has taken us longer than hoped to work all this in but hopefully it is worth it!)

Remember to check out the Confederate campaign and try and change the course of history!

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

We sometimes miss specific things in long conversations and don’t tend to read comments on the announcements (as it’s hard to directly reply to people on there) so it’s good to have it’s own thread, we would rather have more than one thread on a subject than not have one at all.


Switched to a more efficient rendering model, with numerous visual and environmental adjustments.


Poor weather condition probabilities are slightly lower.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed some inaccuracies in post-battle logs.


Fleet spotted messages are less obtrusive.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2021, 11:41:18 PM »
0.4.0 Mods and much more!
Wed, 28 July 2021

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Ironclad and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

•   Enabled mods.
•   Manually steered ships under a turn command will stick to their heading. Manually steered ships under other orders will try and follow a smooth curve to their target.
•   Added the ability to choose weather conditions in custom battles.
•   Squadrons in custom battles are limited to 10 ships each.
•   Shrank the popup for commencing a custom battle.
•   Randomly-named ships mostly use non class-specific names to reduce repetition.
•   Ship movement speed is slightly slower.
•   Critical hit damage control takes slightly longer.

Bug fixes:
•   The Spuyten Duyvil class is correctly defined as a torpedo boat.
•   Fixed a bug that caused severe critical hits to be too frequent.

•   Compressed some data to take up less space.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2022, 11:29:57 PM »
0.5.0 Boarding, more ports and more ways to fight!
Wed, October 27, 2021

In this update we have added short and long range options for attack as well as being able to board an enemy ship in the same way you can take ports. Plus we have added Fort Pillow & Memphis!

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Ironclad and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.


Ships may board and capture hostile ships.
Added orders to attack at long or short range.
Added Fort Pillow and Memphis as Confederate-held ports. Moved Cairo to its accurate position.
Improved the precision of global navigation.
Adjusted AI factions' fleet construction priorities.
Ships will try to overlap each other's line of fire less in port bombardments.
Increased maximum combat speed to 8x.
Clouds are hidden in the fleet setup stage.
Music plays more often.

Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug that could cause a ship to load its model twice.

Moved special action buttons to a static panel.
A squadron's formation footprint may be displayed with a key press.
Fleet heading lines follow the fleet's plotted course more accurately.
Fleet spotting alerts may be disabled in the options.
Ships may be dragged between fleets on the port dock panel.
Added a prompt to return to the bridge at the end of a battle.
Increased the visibility of damage feedback text.

Added wakes behind ships on rivers.
Updated the cannon shell model.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2022, 11:32:05 PM »
Update 0.5.1
Mon, 10 January 2022

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

general bug fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause errors and missing text when using some system languages.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2022, 05:43:08 PM »
0.2.2 Historical and randomised campaign events!
Mon, 25 July 2022

0.6.0 Patch Notes
Now campaign events, both historical and randomised, have been added to Ironclad! As you progress events may take a shift for the better or the worse, you may be able to turn circumstances to your advantage, but ignore them at your peril!

We have been listening to your ideas and opinions, and as always please keep them coming!


    Added historical and randomised campaign events, giving temporary bonuses or penalties.
    Confederates can potentially hire independent privateer ships via campaign events.
    The Union can potentially cause foreign navies to intervene via campaign events.
    Added a campaign option to ignore the successful blockade run limit in the Union campaign.
    Slowed ship acceleration and deceleration.

Bug fixes:

    Docked ship list elements unhighlight when selecting another element.
    The Mohican-class fore gun can fire in a symmetrical arc.
    Fixed a bug where the target marker for a squadron's move order could appear in the wrong place.

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2023, 10:15:32 PM »
New locations, more tactics!
Wed, March 8, 2023

We are proud to announce the latest update for Victory At Sea Ironclad, which includes a host of new features and improvements that will make your naval warfare experience even better (In order to play this update go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Ironclad and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required).

Firstly, we have updated all ship classes with new textures, making them look more stunning than ever before. From the formidable ironclads to the nimble gunboats, every vessel has received a visual upgrade.

But it's not just about looks. We've also added currents to rivers, which will affect your ship's speed depending on the direction you're headed. This new dynamic element adds another layer of strategy to battles, forcing you to consider the terrain and adapt your tactics accordingly.

We've also made some adjustments to the game difficulty for all levels, ensuring that everyone can find a challenge that suits their skill level. And we've added Drewry's Bluff on the James River, a new location that will test your naval prowess and strategic thinking.

To make it easier for you to manage your fleets, we've added the option to rename them, so you can keep track of your armada and give them names that are meaningful to you. Additionally, we've made ship class stats more visible on the custom battle setup screen and the squadron list, so you can quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each vessel.

We've also improved ship behaviour when changing formation, making it easier to coordinate your ships and execute complex manoeuvres.

Last but not least, we've added some new icons for ship traits and made it so that the actual range of damage dealt per weapon is displayed on tooltips. These small but important changes will give you a better understanding of your ship's capabilities and help you make more informed decisions on the battlefield.

In summary, this update has taken Victory At Sea Ironclad to the next level, with improved graphics, new gameplay elements, and a more user-friendly interface. We hope you enjoy these changes and look forward to seeing you on the high seas.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.


Updated all ship classes with new texture work.


Added currents to rivers, affecting ship speed depending on direction.
Adjusted game difficulty for all difficulty levels.
Added Drewry's Bluff on the James River.
Richmond has more barracks at the campaign start.
Improved ship behaviour when changing formation.


Added the option to rename fleets.
More detailed ship class stats are visible on the custom battle setup screen.
Ship class stats are also visible on hovering over ships on the squadron list.
Added some additional icons for ship traits.
The actual range of damage dealt per weapon is displayed on tooltips.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a bug where player-allied privateers could fail to engage a battle correctly.
Damaging an enemy port without landing troops is no longer reported as a defeat.
Weapons display their correct ranges on tooltips.
Fixed a bug that could cause a duplicate of the initial tutorial ship to appear.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2023, 11:55:12 PM »
Victory At Sea Ironclad has officially launched!
Tue, 25 April 2023

Dear gamers,

We are thrilled to announce that Victory At Sea Ironclad has officially launched! After a successful run in Early Access, we have finally reached a point where we feel confident in the quality of the game and are excited to share it with all of you.

During the Early Access period, we received invaluable feedback from the community and worked tirelessly to address any issues and improve the game. We listened to your feedback, tweaked the gameplay mechanics, added new features, and fixed bugs.

As a result of these efforts, we're confident that Victory At Sea Ironclad offers an immersive and engaging experience that captures the excitement and intensity of naval warfare during the late 19th century.

Players can now take command of their own ironclad fleets and engage in epic sea battles across a range of environments, from shallow coastal waters to deep ocean expanses. Featuring stunning graphics, realistic physics, and historically accurate ships, Victory At Sea Ironclad will transport you to a bygone era and put your strategic skills to the test.

In summary, we have left Early Access because we believe Victory At Sea Ironclad is now the best it can be, and we're eager to share it with the world. Thank you to everyone who helped us during the Early Access phase, and we hope you enjoy the game as much as we do.

Please keep the feedback coming, we got to this point thanks to you, if you feel there are places it still needs to go please do give us feedback!

See you on the high seas!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Ironclad
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2023, 12:05:40 AM »
Update 1.0.4
Tue, September 12, 2023

We have been listening to your ideas and opinions, (as always keep them coming) and we are proud to announce that the latest update!

With Victory At Sea Atlantic moving forward we are not forgetting our older games, Atlantic has allowed us to change the way some of Pacific works (it has led us down new paths) as well as getting in some new ships and planes to use!

We have been listening to player feedback on allowing for greater number ranges when it comes to allowing for greater differences in ship types (Including weapons etc). We have been stuck on this for a while as any change would mean a major change to the backend and would break everyone's MODs. We have, thanks to Atlantic, come to an (obvious) solution! We needed to step back and look at how Atlantic worked to see a way to do it.

So now when players MOD, and where appropriate, you are no longer stuck using whole numbers. For instance rather than having a rating of 1 you can have 1.5, this should give the game much broader capabilities.

Not only that but we have received feedback that the Union can struggle at the beginning, not reflecting the industrial power they had, so we have changed how each faction starts the campaign.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Ironclad and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

Some of you may notice that your ships are sinking quicker if you have set up a MOD and have installed the new Ironclad update. This is not a bug, but does require a slight tweak to your MODs.

In the damage calculations, for every point of damage that gets through armour, a weapon gets a chance at scoring a critical hit.

Before, the way it was using a critical hit chance multiplier that's lower than 1 meant that non-heavy weapons were almost never scoring a critical hit. Now that it's using that value more accurately, the very high damage values in the mod mean there's also hundreds of chances of getting a critical hit, each adding a ton of extra damage, and so blowing up a ship very quickly.

If you want to dial back the damage your mod should use a greatly reduced critical hit chance multiplier for weapons with greatly increased damage. Or reduced critical hit damage, though some critical hits also have effects like disabling ship systems, which would in that case still be much more common.


    Rebalanced the initial number of resource production structures for the Union and Confederacy.
    Weapon armour-piercing values are displayed as very weak, weak, average, strong, or very strong.


    Weapon damage and armour piercing values, and armour values on ships and structures, are no longer restricted to whole numbers.

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