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Author Topic: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Wednesday Mission 05/7/23 @ GMT18:00  (Read 3825 times)

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D.O.W. Steel Beasts Wednesday Mission 05/7/23 @ GMT18:00
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:23:19 PM »
D.O.W. Steel Beasts Wednesday Mission 05/7/23 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Operation Reef 1.0.0 by TheClosetMonster

            OPERATION REEF


Early this morning at or around 0630, an enemy paratrooper unit captured the town of Raversdorf. The small contingent of friendly garrison units was pushed out of the town and contact was shortly lost thereafter. S2 believes that the capture of Raversdorf will allow enemy freedom of movement along the highway that the town sits upon. Aerial recon has sighted a large enemy task force of armor at roughly COY strength pushing down HIGHWAY 1 from the north. We believe that this formation is marching south to link up with enemy forces in the vicinity of Raversdorf to establish a stranglehold on HIGHWAY 1 and to cut off friendly freedom of movement. Scattered reports of enemy scouts and missile teams set up along the roads leading to Raversdorf. SIGINT also believes there to be an ENY command post to the far NW of the AO with anti-air assets.


1st PLT, Delta Company is assigned to attack and seize Raversdorf as soon as possible IOT to destroy enemy prescence in the town and to restrict ENY FOM. Any contact beyond PL ORCA is confirmed to be ENY and weapons are free. Once beyond PL ORCA, radio up to DRAGON 6 that you have passed it. 1st PLT will engage and destroy any ENY forces between PL ORCA and PL BULL. Seize and hold OBJ SEAL and prepare a hasty defence against the incoming ENY armored column. OBJ SEAL will be considered secure once RED PLT radios it up to DRAGON 6 (use "trigger 2"). Two DOAs have been drawn up, it is up to you to decide which one to take.
Seizing and holding OBJ SEAL is the primary mission for today, but if you have enough combat power and ammo, you can scout to the NW and attempt to find and destroy the ENY TOC. This would heavily impact the ENY ability to counterattack us in the coming days, and will also allow for friendly air assets to continue missions in the AO.


1st PLT D CO is currently slant 3 due to the 3 tank having blown its transmission the day prior. Ammo and fuel is 100%. Mechanics, supplies, and medics are on standby in TAA ALBERTSHOF.


ENY is believed to have numerous squads of dismounts alongside ATGM teams and possible light armor support in the shape of air-droppable BMDs and BTRs. Exercise extreme caution when maneuvering, and keep your eyes on the trees for infantry and missile teams.


2 batteries of artillery with 4 tubes each have been tasked out to support this mission. Ammo is not a concern, use indirect fires liberally.
Mechanics and medical support is on standby at TAA ALBERTSHOF. Resupply is on standby as well. If a friendly tank is immobilized, it is highly recommended to tow the tank back with your own tank so as to keep the mechanic's M88 safe and in one piece. Its the only one they have. Use your own discretion to either recover with a wing tank or to use the 88.

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

M1A2(SEP): Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.379
Mission Name: Operation Reef 1.0.0
Created by: TheClosetMonster
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Platoon
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: Unknown
Minimum number players: 2
Date: Wednesday Mission 05/7/23
Time: 18:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak IP:
Room: Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial for M1A2(SEP).
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   HAVOC designated members and Red Alert.
•   Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.

Manning list:


Support unit 4/A:

Any position:

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