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Author Topic: D.O.W. Sunday Open Mission 28/02/21 @ GMT18:00  (Read 2497 times)

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Offline Rinix

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D.O.W. Sunday Open Mission 28/02/21 @ GMT18:00
« on: February 28, 2021, 02:13:13 AM »
D.O.W. Sunday Open Mission 28/02/21 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Ginster/Broom by Abraxas

1. Situation:
   a. Enemy:
In attack from South has taken river-crossings ALLER at WINSEN (15km southward BERGEN) by airborne and armoured forces.
Enemy reconnaissance elements already advanced up to BERGEN. Advanced party a reinf BMP-BN (BMP-2, /T-80) at northedge WINSEN.
Probable enemy intention will be to launch the attack to the north.

b. Own:
Patrols of BG in the woods southward BERGEN maintain contact to points of enemy advance party.
PzBtl 911 coming from other employment is in assembly area MUNSTER-SOUTH and completes supply.
2. Task:
PzBtl 911 moves asap to the area of operations BERGEN and establishes defense southward BERGEN to stop enemy attack out of BELSER HEIDE forest.
attachments:3./PzGren 912, 1 FlaZg (ADA Plt)
detachtments:3./911 an PzGrenBtl 912
Fire support: 4 Plt á 3 tubes each (HE, ICM, Smoke).

3. Execution:
   a. own intention: PzBtl 911 achieves as fast as possible the area of operations by combat powerful forces ahead on two routes to stop and destroy enemy points.
   b. individual tasks:
-COMPO: TkPlt of 2./911, ARF-Section of 3./912
-reconnoiter as fast as possible along route ORION; advance party reinf 4th co follows on route SATURN with point 15 minutes later.
-take ZZ1, ZZ2 and AZ (Obj) along route ORION,
-destroy inferior enemy
-fix superior enemy , which endanger the approach of the Bn
-take and hold Bp 2nd co at AZ (Obj) to overwatch the forest exits at OFFEN and eastward till the BN arrives;
   +reaching/taken ZZ1, ZZ2 and AZ (Obj) (trigger)
   +reaching phase lines (ML) until ordered time (trigger)
   +enemy contact (automatically)
-resupply after pick-up by co/BN
-delay pursuing enemy forces till ca. 0900
-withdraw on line Violine-OBOE; junction is marked
-regroup in SA RES for support and stay ready for following tasks

4. CSS:
   Medic:      Medic Team at co, treatment squad and BAS in march column HHC;
Mat:      ARV at co
      Reupply ammo/fuel after arrival BN

5. Command and signals:
   Radio silence except advance party
   call signs:   BrigSpähZg:   ORPHEUS
         911:       HANSEAT
         2.:      METEOR
         3./912:      KOMET
         4.:      ZEBRA
         Fla:       TORNADO
         915:      PIRAT

Don’t hesitate and don’t waste any time! Good luck!

Environmental conditions: terrain is partly boggy and swampy! Visibility at 2.000; slight thunderstorm tendency
Duration: 70 minutes! The scenario can be stopped after 60 min by trigger ENDE (possible loss of points)

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

Piranha DF30 Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.250
Mission Name: Ginster/Broom
Created by: Abraxas
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Platoon
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: 70 minutes
Minimum number players: 2
Date: Sunday Open Mission 28/02/21
Time: 18:00 GMT
Event time
Teamspeak IP:
Room:Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial for Leopard 2A5 or read the Wiki page for the DF30.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   Open mission, those outside the unit are welcome, previous DOW members contact us.

Manning list:

Leopard 2A4s

Marder 1A3s

Any position

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