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Author Topic: Squad: Alpha 11.1  (Read 3440 times)

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Offline Asid

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Squad: Alpha 11.1
« on: July 08, 2018, 03:57:07 PM »
Alpha 11.1
Squad - Norby

It has been three weeks since Alpha 11 entered public testing. Because we didn't get around to fixing many of the bugs you reported right away, we decided to release A11 as it was and push more bugfixes in this minor patch. Some of the changes are intended to help with the balance of the game after closely observing gameplay these past weeks.

•   Reworked bandage / medic bag code for better responsiveness
•   Fixed mods not loading if a clean installation of Squad was performed
•   Fixed vehicles desyncing between client and server
•   Increased speed of nametags fading in
•   Fixed a vehicle seat state that exposed soldiers
•   Fixed emplacement scope overlays not disappearing when the emplacement gets destroyed
•   Fixed scopes on heavy weapons automatically unzooming and other bugs with these scopes
•   Fixed being able to freelook while ADSing on scoped emplaced weapons
•   Improved INS player models
•   Updated AG 36 texture
•   Fixed LOD meshes on the M240 and M249
•   Several improvements on weapon animations
•   Fixed wheel dirt effects on US truck
•   Fixed a rare server crash that happened when a soldier was hit directly by a mortar smoke round
•   Fixed squad-members not being able to force others out of vehicle their squad owned by entering the vehicle from the outside
•   Fixed driving collisions on BTRs and the British truck
•   Fixed desert BTRs having green woodland periscope meshes
•   Fixed mines sometimes not triggering for some trucks
•   Updated Insurgent deployable razor wire to be double stack
•   Fixed collisions on a bush
•   Updated localization
•   Removed tracers from Militia and INS infantry weapons
•   Changed INS HAT to SKS as primary weapon
•   Adjusted cost of several deployables. TOWs are now 600 construction points
•   TOW rearm cost increased to 500 points
•   Changed ticket cost of vehicles:
IFVs (FV510, M2) - 25
Heavy APCs (30mm RUS APCs) - 20
Medium APCs (M1126, 14.5mm RUS APCs) - 15
Light APCs, MRAPs, AA vehicles, SPG Techi - 10
Trucks, Technicals - 5
Motorbikes - 1
•   Changed Kamdesh AAS v1 to Invasion v3 and added a new AAS v1 layer
•   On Chora Conquest v1 - replaced the INS faction with the Russian faction for balance
•   Added Kamdesh INS v2, Narva Invasion v2
•   Added Firing Range v2 with US/RU factions
•   Fixes on the following map layers:
Albasrah Invasion v1, v2, PAAS v1, v2
Belaya AAS v1, v2, v3, Invasion v1, v2, PAAS v1
Chora AAS v1, v2, PAAS v1, v2, Invasion v1, CQ v1
Fool's Road AAS v1, v2, v3, v4, Skirmish
Gorodok AAS v1, v2, v3, v4, Invasion V1, v2
Kamdesh AAS v1, Inf, INS v1, Invasion v1, v2, v3
Kohat AAS v1, v2, Invasion v1
Kokan AAS v1, v2, PAAS v1
Logar AAS v1, PAAS v1
Mestia AAS v1, v2, Invasion v1, v2, PAAS v1
Narva AAS v1, v2, v3, Invasion v1, v2, PAAS v1, v2
Sumari AAS v1, v2, v3, Inf
Yehorivka AAS v3, Invasion v1, v2

Released a small hotfix to make healing work reliably under bad network conditions

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