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Author Topic: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer  (Read 6837 times)

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Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« on: May 27, 2016, 05:04:05 PM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer

Date published: May 27, 2011
Original article: Click Here

Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 1

I recently got my sticky mitts on one of Schwerpunkt’s WWII operational games, namely Russo-German War ’41-’44.

I was initially very wary about the game, because my intial impressions from the screenshots of this 11 year old game, were that it was complex with a lot of numeric/coded information cluttering the unit chits on the map. I was very surprised to find a rather straight forward, operational boardgame for the PC. One where the phases actually guide you through the play, rather than drop you in a swirling myriad of options and confusion. The wealth of information presented in situ, on the chits, is actually very liberating (once you’ve familiarised yourself – using a handy reference card included with the manual). Your attention is no longer drawn away from the combat situation to reference a unit information window.

I thought I’d tackle one of the relatively shorter and simpler scenarios of the fifty one on offer! I thought I’d tackle the Crimea Break-in. A push by the Axis through the Crimean peninsula and hopefully capturing the key ports and staging areas for further action into Russia.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2016, 12:42:35 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 2

Date published: May 31, 2011

At the beginning of Turn 2 I survey the railroad condition and the supply situation. I set about converting what I can from Russian to German railroad gauge, namely the area around Perekop and the eastern route into Dzhankoy. My immediate goal for railway construction is to converge the lines into Dzhankoy.

The initial positions on the Turn Deployment phase of Turn 2 are as follows. We have the 73rd and the 46th probing Perekop, however both units are showing troop losses (the number 1 in the top right hand corner of the chit). The 50th are in place holding Ishun and the 22nd are encircled inside of Dzhankoy.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2016, 12:45:15 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 3

Date published: June 13, 2011

Here’s the situation as we left it last turn. The city of Dzhankoy is currently under our control, the 22nd and 50th infantry are dug-in and fighting for their lives.  I have the 46th Infantry making its way to the besieged city on the road from Ishun. In addition to the Russian troops outside the city, there are three infantry divisions moving north to intercept also.

Checking the supply situation, we’ve only managed to make small progress along the roads leading to Dzhankoy. Even Ishun is still in need of conversion. Since the troops in Dzhankoy are out of supply I cannot allocate reinforcements to help their plight.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2016, 12:55:17 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 4

Date published: June 14, 2011

At the start of Turn 4 we can see that the Russian’s are still serious about getting into Dzhankoy. However, I’m triple stacked with level 3 experienced infantry, I refuse to let them in. My initial plan continues, with the road to Parpach winding off into the distance.

New troops arrive in our rear this turn, the yellow countered Romanians stationed around Kherson. Along with the 72nd and the 170th Infantry Divisions and their 20th Division HQ at Nikolaj.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2016, 12:57:51 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 5

Date published: June 20, 2011

I spend my initial actions, converting the railway lines for German use. I get a sense of satisfaction as the two lines criss-cross in Dzhankoy and finally unite both sources of supply. I even manage to push/convert a single hex on the road Southwards to Parpach! From this screenshot you can see the whole of the Crimean peninsula, and you can appreciate the Russian lines of supply and the supply source at Sevastopol.

I reinforce the 46th, the Vanguard of my push Southwards. Here you can see the state of my units at the beginning of Turn 5. I have a defensive line along the road, shielding both ways into the peninsula from the North. I have three HQ’s running along the road and behind the line, supporting the five infantry units.

The weather is Rainy this turn, and hampers all Air Operations for both sides.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2016, 12:59:58 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 6

Date published: June 27, 2011

The state of play at the beginning of Turn 6 has us in a strong position around Dzhankoy, a unit cutting the road/rail around Parpach, with the peninsula virtually isolated from Mother Russia (apart from naval supply routes).

I spend my initial actions securing the supply lines to the 46th Infantry holding just outside of Parpach. My engineers make fast work of converting the tracks down the main line from Dzhankoy.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2016, 01:02:07 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 7

Date published: July 14, 2011

The state of play at the beginning of Turn 7, has the German forces dominating most of the Crimea peninsular. Our push through Dzhankoy has enabled us to supply a two pronged lunge forward towards both Simferopol AND Parpach – one digging deep into the heart of the Crimea, the other severing the supply from mainland Russia.

Here is the current level of supply throughout the area, and as you can see Axis supply almost occupies three of the main road/railways across the eastern coastline. I try to construct more rail through to Parpach, but I’m notified that the weather affected the construction operations. On this image, you can clearly see the two Russian Supply depots at Sevastopol and Kersch.

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« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 01:05:22 AM by Asid »
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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2016, 01:04:48 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 8

Date published: July 21, 2011

The last turn left us in a very favourable position for moving our troops into the center of the Crimean peninsula. Turn 8 affords us time to pause and assess whats coming at us from mainland Russia. You can see there’s a small force gathering there, with some naval power docked in Novorossyk. If their designs are on crossing to Kerch, then my 132nd Infantry Division will have something to say about that.

Meanwhile the German infrastructure to the North is spanned along the main road from Nikolaj through to Dzhankoy. I still have troops travelling along that route, and HQ’s underpinning the towns and cities with logistical support.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2016, 01:07:41 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 9

Date published: August 9, 2011

Since we’re drawing close to the end of the game, finishing at Turn 10 – with the majority of the firefights over don’t expect much in the way of drama and action.

Here’s the state of play at the beginning of Turn 9.

We’ve virtually secured the whole peninsula, with the fortress at Sevastopol being the Russian’s last stand. Surrounding and severely depleted of ground troops other than their navy, even the mighty Sevastopol will surely fall to the Third Reich!

My initial actions involve constructing railroad into Sarabuz to ease supplies to the troops at the front. They will get a hearty meal before the battle begins.

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Re: Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in: By Sugarfreegamer
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2016, 01:10:08 AM »
Russo-German War – Crimean Break-in – Turn 10

Date published: August 16, 2011
Original article: Click Here

Here we are, on the brink of victory. Time to steel ourselves for the final push, the last crush of the Russian forces hiding like cowards in the fortress of Sevastopol.

In the Air phase, I push my fighters forward, and lay some heavy air interdiction down over the naval forces just north of the Belbek River.

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