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Author Topic: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 03/01/21 @ GMT18:00  (Read 2676 times)

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D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 03/01/21 @ GMT18:00
« on: January 03, 2021, 02:25:14 AM »
D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 03/01/21 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Kouvostoliitto Finland Mission 1 by Swordsmandk

Excerpts of the battalion commander's orders for...

NO time limit - End mission when depleted or objective One has been taken...

1) SITUATION:         
   a) Enemy:
   Enemy is attacking along what is left of Highway 6 towards Kouvola. What remains of 2 enemy brigades appears to be leading the attack. They have been hit hard and making slow progress due to the many obstacles in the way. They have taken the main airport and are now forcing their way into the Kouvola suburbs.
   To the north of the main attack, along Road 369, flank security is being lead by an enemy Motor Rifle BTN (MTR BTN) with heavy helicopter support. They are making slow progress and intelligence and drone coverage indicates that enemy reinforcements are being brought up behind that BTN for support.
   To the south moving north-west from Highway 7, is another MTR BTN securing the southern flank of the main attack. Enemy BTN is estimated to be down to 70% strength but is still putting pressure on our southern flank.

   We estimate enemy main effort flank security consist of reinforced MTLB BTN with support of ATGM, helicopters and possible independent tank PLT(s) but this is unconfirmed. They are supported by long range artillery from main force.

   Main force south of river Kiurinvirta consists of T-90, T72M4, BMP2 with support.

   b) Own:
   It's been 3 days since the enemy crossed the borders and started the move west. Similar advances are seen all over the baltic countries as well.         
   We are currently part of the finnish army's effort to stop the enemy and strike back in the area of Kouvola along highway 6.
   1st. Mechanized Brigade is preparing defensive positions in Kouvola ready to halt the main enemy forces. An additional Mechanized BG is located to its south to provide flank security. To the north 2 Mechanized BG have been rushed in, 3.MEKTSTOS and 4.MEKTSTOS.
   Behind us is an armored BDE, rested and ready to exploit our attack on the northern flank of main enemy effort.         

   3.MEKTSTOS, "Elvis",  is delaying the enemy MTR BTN to the north. By delaying this force they have manage to make room needed for us to launch an attack on the forces attacking along highway 6 towards Utin Airport.

   We, 4.MEKTSTOS "Karhu", has just finished a long night march from our staging area in Jaala. We have managed to replenish and is now getting ready for our attack on the flank security forces deployed north of the river Kiurinvirta.

   We have been divided into 2 Battlegroups: 1/4.MEKSTOS and 2/4.MEKTSTOS.
   Rest of 4.MEKTSTOS is put on reserve, ready to support our push or lend support to “Elvis” and keep the north-eastern flank secure when the main attack is passing through us.

   c) Attachments and detachments:

   You are 2/ 4.MEKTSTOS BG. You have following units assigned:
   2x TNK PLT 2A6
   2x MECH PLT CV9030FIN with pzjäger inf
   1x Scout PLT CV9030FIN
   1x Supply Section with recovery
   1x Combat Eng Section - 2x Mineroller, 2xBridge
   3x BTY 155mm for support (offmap)

   Your task is to attack south from Highway 15 and clear a path in the enemy flank security to the crossing at OBJ 1. It is vital that we have more than one route cleared for follow on forces to eploit.

   Your mission is:
   1) Attack and seize OBJ 1
   2) Secure flank of H1 at town PELTOLA
   3) Make sure R1 and R2 is secure.
      a) If roads are unsecure find alternative routes.
      b) If blocked report it to BG CO for engineer effort to be brought forward.
      c) One of the roads MUST be cleared and ready to use by followon forces.

Up to BG CO

A66 - BG CO
P66 - AO
T1 - 1st. TNK PLT
T2 - 2nd. TNK PLT
I1 - 1st. MECH PLT
I2 - 2nd. MECH PLT

Dogs Of War Vehicles: (in mission)

M1A2 (SEP): Click here

CV 90/30-FI: Click here

BMP-2: Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.167
Mission Name: Kouvostoliitto Finland Mission 1 1.0.0
Created by: Swordsmandk
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command: Crew Position
Mission Duration: N/A
Minimum number of players: 2
Date: Sunday Mission 03/01/21
Time: 18:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak IP:
Room: Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial of Leo 2A5 or CV 90/30-FI.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   HAVOC designated members and Red Alert.
•   Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.

Manning list:

A/66 Leopard 2A6:
P/66 FOV90:

Leopard 2A6 platoons

CV 90/30-FI platoons

BMP-2 sections

Support units

Any position:

Mission discussion Click here
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