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Author Topic: Waterloo 3D  (Read 28888 times)

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Offline zakblood

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Re: Waterloo 3D
« Reply #75 on: April 03, 2019, 04:56:17 PM »
yes :thumbsup
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Offline Aj

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Re: Waterloo 3D
« Reply #76 on: June 01, 2019, 05:45:57 PM »
I think this is dead it's been over 2 months and no Demo 2. Any updates?
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Offline Asid

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Re: Waterloo 3D
« Reply #77 on: May 20, 2020, 01:26:08 PM »
Waterloo 3D Update
17 November 2019 ·

From the dev:

I have been tied up with the new game that Plus Infinity Studios is currently developing ( in addition to Waterloo 3D). Hence the slight lull in the postings. Waterloo 3D work is continuing unabated. I will share some videos of the Battle Planner feature soon. For the curious, the second game that we are developing is called UrGothic. It is a Battle Royale game set in the primeval forests of Old Germania set in the time of the now extinct Gothic culture. I will not spam this page with any more details about UrGothic. This is a page for Waterloo 3D. But if you are interested, check this Facebook page for UrGothic :

Sono stato legato al nuovo gioco che Plus Infinity Studios sta attualmente sviluppando (oltre a Waterloo 3D). Da qui la leggera pausa nei messaggi. Il lavoro di Waterloo 3D continua senza sosta. Presto condividerò alcuni video della funzione Battle Planner. Per i curiosi, il secondo gioco che stiamo sviluppando si chiama UrGothic. È un gioco di Battle Royale ambientato nelle foreste primordiali della Vecchia Germania ambientato al tempo della cultura gotica ormai estinta. Non invierò spam a questa pagina con ulteriori dettagli su UrGothic. Questa è una pagina per Waterloo 3D. Ma se sei interessato, controlla questa pagina Facebook per UrGothic:

Video is 10 months old

Shown in this video is a battalion of French Light Infantry in skirmish formation charging bayonets at a battalion of Belgian Light Infantry.

The Belgian Light Infantry is also deployed in skirmish formation.

The Belgian light battalion too follows the standard skirmish fire tactic of one rank firing while the other rank covers.

The French light battalion charges forth in skirmsih line, fires a single volley and charges in with the bayonet.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Waterloo 3D
« Reply #78 on: December 16, 2020, 02:50:12 AM »
Update from the dev
15 Dec 2020

Dear Waterloo 3D Supporter,

A lot has happened in the Waterloo 3D world in the past year. My team and I have been hammering away at Waterloo 3D ceaselessly during the past months. I am giving you a short list of all the features that we have implemented in Waterloo 3D since my last update.

*A completely revamped pathfinding code based on the celebrated A* algorithm. We have fully customized the A* algorithm to work with the battalion sized objects in Waterloo 3D.

*A brand-new Environmental Query System (EQS) that updates the battalion AI the events that are occurring within its cognition radius: events like enemy cavalry charging, enemy infantry charging etc.

*A Combat Cognition System (CCS) that consumes the cues from the EQS and takes decisions about the biggest threat in the battalion’s sphere of influence.

*And several other smaller but vital features….

This has all taken longer than I expected. In fact, significantly longer than expected. I do not ever want to compromise on the final quality of the Waterloo 3D gaming experience. So, I am not cutting corners. It is going to take however long it takes to complete the game. In the end, Waterloo 3D will be a true Napoleonic combat gaming experience with authentic Napoleonic tactics and superb graphics.

The realities of game development being what it is, we as a studio need to keep producing games if we are to survive.

Thus, in addition to Waterloo 3D, I have been working on a second game called Midjungard which is going to be released on Dec 21st, 2020.

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