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Author Topic: Signal Simulator  (Read 10325 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2019, 03:00:55 PM »
Update 1.7.4
Tue, 1 October 2019

New features, bug fixes and improvements


•   Transition between day and night. The sky will no longer be black without stars. The stars will slowly appear as expected
•   Door locks will respond correctly when used
•   Artifacts caused by screen space reflections
•   Rover UI stretch on different resolutions
•   Database exit button cropped on specific resolutions
•   Incorrect Azimuth calibration information. The bug doesn't inform you that you have to calibrate Azimuth
•   Fixed Del button for player reset position. Now should be used every 60 minutes
•   Antenna Outdoor lights still emits even when off


•   Wind System. Based on the weather, rain, thunder, clouds etc. the game will generate a wind that will affect the antennas position. This may change the antenna coordinates causing problems detecting a signal in bad weather.
•   Add a Pop Up to ask if you want to go to the main menu
•   Added a close button for the panel for the new radio. Before you had to add a radio to be able to close it.
•   New skin page in the laptop. From there you can unlock and install all the skins you like.
•   In Gameplay Options added a Local Time option. This will switch between local and Ingame Time.


•   Sun rotation is changed. When you sit on the desk the direction you watch is South, so the Sunrise should be from right to left, not as before.
•   Sky colors will no longer be super saturated.
•   The tech tree resources will be provided by the helicopter. You will no longer need to buy them. Just focus on the upgrades :)
•   Reduce the time when reboot one server in an antenna.

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2019, 11:49:59 PM »
Update 1.7.5
Thu, 17 October 2019

Bug fixes and small improvements


•   Fix Crash caused by Power Surge generation.
•   Fix Aurora Profile Shader Update error
•   Fix when buying a skin doesn't cost you credits.
•   Fix an error when in Storm The Area mode the code is still trying to access the tips
•   Indoor Ambient Light too bright at daytime
•   Fix when Tips disabled to appear randomly
•   Fixed Moon blinking glitch.
•   Fix Crash when trying to access the Sun Light Intensity
•   Fix Crash caused by Space Shooter updating the enemies count.


•   Foliage details improved
•   Foliage will be rendered only when visible, before was based on patches and was rendered even if there is a wall in front of the camera.
•   Rover sound while doing some action like moving, analyze etc.
•   Ambient light will change when player is indoor or outdoor. This way when outdoor the sun shadows won't be so dark, but when you are inside the ambient light will be less intense, so you will not get too bright walls when you turn off the lights.

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2019, 03:41:01 PM »
Update 1.7.6 Beta
Sat, 21 December 2019

Improvements, bug fixes and some new stuff

Thanks to D00mD0g for recording some real signals that are added to the game. Here is the tech he used :


•   Telescope Added to the game
•   VHS - you can now watch movies from your local hard drive - IMPORTANT only .mp4 and .avi files can be played
•   Some new secrets :)

Fixes :

•   If you click on the laptop and then quickly get out of the chair the laptop screen still opens.
During the bug above if you click on the terminal and then exit out it won't return you to the main laptop screen (where you can select from scanner, database .etc) and instead closes you out of the laptop entirely. At this point the mouse cursor is still visible and you won't be able to interact with anything.
•   Some lights doesn't show on snow.
•   When solar panels are clean from snow and start cleaning again the snow layer resets.
•   When using the laptop if you click on the rover, then on logout and then go to the scanner without first closing the laptop does the FPS noticeably decrease while inside the scanner.
•   Rover doesn't stop when there is a wall in front of it.
•   Rover Camera doesn't render snow, sun and weather effects
•   While Antennas are moving and you start auto calibration, the antennas continue to rotate.


•   Added option for TAA
•   Added option for SMAA
•   Buttons for purchase an Upgrade or Install a Module are moved in the lower right corner of the screen. Reason is to prevent it from cropping.
•   Upgrades and Modules can be scrolled in case of wider screens. Same with the modules
•   Transition from legacy to Post Processing v2
•   Terrain Improvements

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2019, 11:33:37 PM »
Update 1.7.6 small update
Fri, 27 December 2019


•   When using the VHS, the game starts filling the log file with thousands of unnecessary logs.
•   Vegetation scale in distance

In the old version the monitor antennas, planets when you detect signals and other animated monitor images were rendered in realtime as textures increasing the CPU usage. I have started to prerender some of the animations as separate textures, removing the camera rendering. The downside of this is a little more Ram usage and loading time, but this will decrease the CPU usage. In the next few weeks expect updates that will replace the old system.

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2020, 12:17:17 AM »
Update 1.7.6 additional fixes and changes
Wed, 8 January 2020

Fixes :
- Fix the grass rendering in the rover mode and storm the ares, Now shouldn't be rendered white or missing

- Rover now uses a rigid body as a simulation instead of raytracing. This will help detects the environment better.
- All prerendered textures for BOINC, antenna animations, etc. are implemented in the game. With this technique the CPU usage will be decreased, especially using the BOINC. The only downfall will be the increased loading time before starting a new game ( as some of you have already found ).

In case you are experiencing a freeze while loading the game
When loading the game you can experience a freeze. The is not crashing just loading a big amount of textures that are used as monitor animations. It was created to reduce the CPU usage. Right now i am working on a visual loading system that will show you the loading progress. So don't panic when you hit 100% loaded and you wait some time till the game start.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2020, 01:02:08 AM »
Update 1.7.7
Sat, 25 January 2020


•   Colorblind filter in Graphics option
•   Color Scheme options for changing the colors of your display text
•   Options to change the terminal color
•   Option to change the signal strength bar

Fixes :

•   Player.log file has been temporary disabled. Using the VHS players / Unity Video Player, the engine starts filling the player.log file with same warning all the time increasing the file size and causing the game to crash. The standard log will be replaced with custom made in future updates.
•   Monitor Image UI scale
•   When sleep with flashlight it stays on

Resting System changes

•   Auto calibration finishes after sleep
•   While sleeping the system recharge will move faster / Keep in mind that you can wake up without power :)
•   While Sleeping the antenna will rotate based on timescale


•   Geometry optimizations for some model
•   Ambient light improvement
•   Small UI improvements

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Offline Asid

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Re: Signal Simulator
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2020, 12:17:25 PM »
Update 1.7.8
Mon, 13 April 2020


•   New error log system.
•   File size protection. if log file line count is bigger than 1000 the log file will reset.
•   Polarization Upgrade speed
•   Rover Speed Upgrade
•   Rover Analyze speed Upgrade
•   VHS will save your movie links now, so you can easy change the movie with one click
•   Reset Button for the color schemes
•   Updated tutorial system
•   Tips disabled option has been removed. The new system won't show all the time, so it is unnecessary to exist.

Graphics fixes and improvements

•   Sun shafts render improvements
•   Improve Screen Space Reflection quality without performance hit
•   Improvement of some of the materials
•   Improved reflections inside the Antenna Server Room
•   New shadow system. The new system increases the shadow distance and resolution. Medium Settings is the Default setting for the game. Even on low settings looks better than the old system.
•   Added shadow option for vegetation.
•   Improved sun rendering system. Now will not look as a big blurry mess in the sky.
•   Lightnings now cast shadows, this way only the exposed objects will receive light.
•   In storm the area the bullets will leave a trail


•   Light color anomalies
•   Ambient Occlusion artefacts
•   Bloom Effect visual problem
•   Terrain Screen Space Reflection while raining.
•   Sun completely invisible when cloudy
•   Sun intensity and visual problems at daytime
•   Grass not visible for Linux Users
•   Cloud dark artefacts especially at night
•   Ambient light min limit when in observatory
•   In Storm the area mode in some cases the mouse control does not work
•   In Storm the area mode the bullets will fly properly to your direction.
•   Performance issue when some of the UI elements are hidden
•   Crash when switching between Storm Area mode -> Menu -> Storm Area
•   When rover move back wheels rotate forward
•   DoorLocks LODs - now should not dissapear when indoor close to you

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