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Author Topic: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17 + AAR  (Read 7303 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2017, 06:44:12 PM »
The results.


Napoléon Bonaparte Empereur des Français v Feldmarshall Prinz Blücher Wahlstadt

Army v Army

Take and hold the town

Played with full fog of war.

French (blue) 3 players
Praetoria (CIC): Napoléon Bonaparte Empereur des Français: Army Commander

1.   Subordinate controlled by Praetoria: lieutenant-général comte Drouot Antoine Alexandre: Corps commander: 2 x Divisions

2.   Subordinate controlled by Praetoria: Lieutenant-Général  Comte Francois Etienne Kellerman: Corps commander: 2 x Divisions

3.   Berthier: lieutenant-général Dominique Joseph René Vandamme comte d'Unsebourg: Corps Commander: 3 x Divisions

4.   Col.Colbert: Lieutenant-général Jean-Baptiste Drouet Comte D'Erlon: Corps commander: 3 x Divisions

Prussians/Allies (red) AI
Biondo (CIC): Feldmarshall Prinz Blücher Wahlstadt: Army commander

1.   Subordinate controlled by Biondo: Generalleutnant Hans Ernst Karl Graf von Ziethen: Corps commander: 2 x Divisions

2.   Jason Prattt: General major Georg Dubislav Ludwig von Pirch I: Corps commander: 2 x Divisions

3.   Asid: General leutnant Johann Adolf Freiherr Von Thielemann: Corps commander: 3 x Divisions

•   HITS
•   Courier orders
•   Bare map. Full F.O.W.
•   No voice during game.
•   Meckel map 5x5 miles(now part of the DOW toolbar)

The objective was to take and hold the town of Wildungen, Germany

The objective was in the north. It was approximately 4 miles away through the German countryside.

Jason got separated from much of his forces. This was not a good situation as he was facing overwhelming odds

Jason deployed his cavalry while his troops were rushing to the field of battle. Would his cavalry be able to hold? Should he withdraw to a safe distance?

In the north, Berthier (enemy) came out of the town. Was this a good move? Would he have been better to stay in the town and defend? Meanwhile SW of the objective, I, Asid have contact with the enemy. I can see a lot of cavalry across the river. I do not have my forces in number to halt them!

Berthiers view in front of the objective. Biondo approaches.

I am on the ridge looking at the approaching horde!

The battle is in full swing.We, The Prussians are deployed well. I do not like the gap on my right. The enemy could exploit it! I am pinned though by relentless enemy cavalry. Some of my corps has still to arrive.

The enemy exploited the gap! I was asked to help Jason on my right but I could not. The enemy cavalry were relentless. When would they tire. Square formations were the order of the day.

The battle turned in our favour. We kept our heads. The enemy cavalry to my front were starting to tire. I was wearing them down. Jason has suffered great losses. He had been up against it from the start. Biondo in the north had punished Berthier for leaving the safety of the town. The French losses were greater. We felt confident. We were prepared to crush the remainder of the French army.

The French played well. They were quite aggressive. There were times when Jason and I were really up against it.

The battle ended because the French commander withdrew. The hard limit of 2.5 hours was nearly reached as well.

Notice the % casualties!


Number engaged: 31616
Killed: 3030
Wounded: 5537
Missing: 1880
Total: 10447
% casualties: 33

Number engaged: 33064
Killed: 2486
Wounded: 4544
Missing: 1543
Total: 8574
% casualties: 25.9

Download Replay file Click here

To play the file. Download and extract it to the C:\Users\Username\Documents\SowWL\Saved Games\Replay folder. Only place the ".rep"

file in the folder.

Single player > Load Replay > Select file > Press "Load replay"

Download Battle stats Click here

To play the file.
Download and extract it anywhere.
Double click: SOW Outcome Calculator.exe
Click " Calculate overall score" at the top of the screen.
Selecting each named person on the left or right will reflect specific results.

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17 + AAR
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2017, 08:08:42 PM »
 :D :deadhorse :deadhorse :clap2 :bacondance :Bananezorro :bacondance :Bananezorro :fight :duel :clap
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Offline Biondo

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17 + AAR
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2017, 09:41:53 PM »
I had a quite wrong idea of where Praetoria cavalry corps was. I thought it was on the left bank of the river instead it was between you and Jason.

I think probably the French would have wait for us especially Berthier against me because I was on better ground
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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17 + AAR
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2017, 02:22:15 AM »
Notes for snapshots:

#3 -- I intentionally rushed my cavalry division and its artillery to the town, so I intentionally separated from my infantry div. However, at some point I sent them a miscue and they not only parked for a while, but marched backward along the road (where circled)! Also, my infantry's arty had gotten off the road altogether at some point and so were lagging behind even farther, I see: the snapshot shows them just now getting back onto the road.

#4 -- this was where, not knowing how far behind everyone else was, and not really knowing how much of ALL THE ENEMY ARMY was arrayed against me, I just set up an arty park on the plain and opened fire on everyone in sight. I would have preferred to get up onto that hill where the French are arrayed on the upper left of the snapshot. Eventually I'd get into a smaller forest on another hill. (And then into an even smaller copse on a knoll near that.)

#5 -- by this time there was no minimum safe distance for me to withdraw, because the enemy was rushing me with all their combined cavalry (except for the dedicated cav division molesting Asid by now.) The snapshot doesn't show me being overrun, but it's thundering toward me. Meanwhile my infantry division has started swimming across that lake, bless their hearts. (But they avoided getting entangled with Asid's problem!)

#6 -- the French have overrun my artillery, and scattered my cav elements, although they look on the map shot more puissant than they actually were by now on the field. My infantry have mostly finished swimming the river and are climbing up onto the road, where they will give pause soon to the French advance. The lead elements are passing next to and through the forest road on the hill where I'll be making my final stands once most of these infants have been evaporated.

It occurs to me now, looking at the map, that there may have been a pathing problem due to two branches of a road leading down to the lake. My infantry were clearly not following on the road exactly, but do seem to have followed the road generally down to the lake ad then across it to the next road branch (generally), where they finally got onto a 'road' and stayed there as originally instructed.

#10 (Asid's "gap" snapshot) -- he's not kidding about being worried there: some of that cavalry is only a minute or less from zipping north along the road to flank me (exploiting the gap in my direction, which naturally I was more worried about. ;) ) I had just gotten a regiment in place among the trees to blunt this. Some of my regiments, being stupid, are down among the French giving them target practice, but I'm collecting a few together for my final ad hoc brigade while prepping the others to support Biondo's push toward the town. The field between us shall be known as THE FIELD WHERE ALL OF JASON'S INFANTRY SHALL DIE! But since I wasn't in direct command, I accept no blame for this.  :dunno

#11 -- there are no clocks on the maps (for some reason), but you may notice a distinct lack of my infantry. This is related to my score diving from -819 to less than -1900.  :'( My only surviving regiments of any size are forted up in those little woods, although I may still have more than one active artillery piece retreating back to Austria by recoil. They'll die soon.

I am at least tying up a ludicrous number of French foes in the field between me and the town while Biondo mows down all who dare to stand before him. (Also I'm tying up a few French cav regiments from Asid's side of the gap who keep trying to sortie over to his Biondo from the side and running into me.)

That isn't entirely the end, since I know I cracked -2000, but it's close.

A fine illustration of the battle, Asid!
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Offline Asid

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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17 + AAR
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2017, 02:52:06 AM »
SOW Waterloo is very immersive. It highlights the problems generals of the era faced. The fog of war is excellent using the HITS system of play.
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Re: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Friday 21/07/17 + AAR
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2017, 10:17:24 AM »
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