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Author Topic: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 02/07/17 @ GMT19:00  (Read 2324 times)

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Offline Rinix

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D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 02/07/17 @ GMT19:00
« on: June 26, 2017, 08:56:29 PM »
D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 02/07/17 @ GMT19:00 – Mechanized Infantry Company Team Attack at Gershausen 1987

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Mechanized Infantry Company Team Attack at Gershausen 1987 by Panzer_Leader

1st Cavalry Division was flown into Europe from Fort Hood, Texas and equipped using pre-positioned POMCUS material following the invasion of the Federal Republic of Germany by the Warsaw Pact. Reinforcing the threatened V (US) Corps sector, 1st Cavalry Division has been in action for the past three weeks. The Warsaw Pact invasion has not achieved the success anticipated and recent counter-thrusts by NATO have seen V (US) Corps close on the inner German border.

Earlier today Task Force 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment 'Lancers' (TF 2-5 Cav) liberated ALLENDORF as 1st Cavalry Division pushes towards BAD HERSFELD. Division wants GERSHAUSEN secured by nightfall as a jumping off point for an attack on KIRCHHEIM at dawn tomorrow. TF 2-5 Cav has been ordered to continue its advance and your Team Bravo is in the lead.


a. Enemy Forces

TF 2-5 Cav is facing elements of 249th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of 11th Guards Tank Division. A BMP-equipped Motorized Rifle Battalion is believed to be defending KIRCHHEIM and a reinforced platoon-sized security outpost has been identified holding GERSHAUSEN. Prior to being engaged and forced to withdraw, the divisional cavalry regiment, 1-7 Cav, identified a dug-in BMP-equipped motorized rifle platoon and at least one T-80BV in GERSHAUSEN. As a security outpost it is estimated GERSHAUSEN will be protected by minefields and other obstacles and the defending motorized rifle platoon may have heavy machine guns, automatic grenade launchers and mortars attached. Fire support from the Regimental Artillery Group (RAG) can be expected. Supporting assets from the motorized rifle platoon's parent battalion and regiment may be encountered in the approaches to KIRCHHEIM.

The airspace above the battlefield is contested and enemy fixed- and rotary-wing aviation may be operating.

b. Friendly Forces

You command Team Bravo of TF 2-5 Cav, comprised Company B, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, with a tank platoon from 3rd Battalion, 32nd Armored Regiment (3-32 AR) cross-attached. Your team has two M2A1 Infantry Fighting Vehicles in company headquarters, an M981 FISTV from 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment (1-82 FA), two platoons of four M2A1 each and a platoon of four IPM1 Abrams. Your company team is supported by organic and attached Combat Service Support (CSS) elements.

A battery of M109A3 with HE and SMOKE from 1-82 FA is available for indirect fire support.

Elements of 1-7 Cav have withdrawn to ALLENDORF and are located to your team's immediate front.

c. Attachments / Detachments
- An M981 FISTV from 1-82 FA is attached.
- A platoon of IPM1 from 3-32 AR is attached. Call sign 3 has a mine plow attached for conduct of hasty breach, if required.
- A platoon of M2A1 IFV is detached.


Commander 1st Cavalry Division's intent is to maintain pressure on 11th Guards Tank Division by advancing to liberate GERSHAUSEN this evening in order to use it as a jumping off point for a brigade attack on KIRCHHEIM at first light tomorrow. Commander TF 2-5 Cav has ordered Team Bravo to clear GERSHAUSEN no later than 1900. You will advance east of ALLENDORF and clear GERSHAUSEN of enemy by H+65. You will not proceed beyond Limit of Advance (LOA) NEON and defend GERSHAUSEN against any counter-attacks from KIRCHHEIM while Brigade moves up in preparation for tomorrow morning's attack.

Task Force and Brigade command have protested the tight time frame for the attack on GERSHAUSEN but Division insists, GERSHAUSEN will be liberated tonight!   
Captain, the plan to complete the mission is up to you.

Good luck!

Dogs Of War Vehicles: (in mission)

M1(IP): Click here

M2A1 (M2A2 (ODS) with no laser range finder): Click here

M113A2: Click here

Ural 4320: Click here

M1025 HMMWV: Click here

M981 FISTV: Click here

M88A1: Click here

M113 Medic: Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.019
Mission Name: Mechanized Infantry Company Team Attack at Gershausen 1987
Created by: Panzer_Leader
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command: Crew Position
Mission Duration: 100 minutes
Minimum number of players: 4
Date: Sunday Mission 02/07/17
Time: 19:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak IP:
Room: Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial of M1 or M2A2 (ODS).
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   HAVOC designated members and Red Alert.
•   Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.

Manning list:

M2A1s (M2A2 (ODS) with no laser range finder)

B/Black 6 CO:
B/Black 5 XO:
B/Black 1 FO:

B/Red 1:
B/Red 2:
B/Red 4:
B/Red 3:

B/White 1:
B/White 2:
B/White 4:
B/White 3:

B/Blue 1:
B/Blue 2:
B/Blue 4:
B/Blue 3:

B/Gold 1 M88A1, M113A2, M113 Medic:
B/Gold 4 Ural 4320 Supply, Ural 4320 Repair, M1025 HMMWV:

Any position:


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