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Author Topic: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 18/06/17 @ GMT19:00 – Winged Dagger  (Read 2223 times)

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D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Mission 18/06/17 @ GMT19:00 – Winged Dagger

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Winged Dagger by Tacbat



     ENEMY:                               Two weeks ago, Grenovian forces started military operations aimed at annexing the province of Petrolia from the neighbouring country of Bremenn. The recently discovered oil reserves in Petrolia have supplied Bremenn with desperately needed income. Bremenn has been in a state of underdevelopment and near poverty for decades. Grenovia is determined to take control of the oil reserves to fuel it’s own economy.

                      Thus far, Grenovian forces have pushed into the province with remarkable gains. The under funded Breminian military was no match for the stronger Grenovian force. The Grenovians now control nearly 75% of the oil fields, but have stopped momentarily to consolidate their gains, and to plan their final move.

                      Intel reports that an over strength tank company is in your area of operations. It is comprised mainly of T-72's and T-80’s. Their PC support is a mix of BMP-1’s, BMP-2’s and BTR-80’s. They also have BDRM’s for recce/screening. Forward elements of this force have established a temporary base at an abandoned camp, and are patrolling the area on a regular basis. The remainder of the force is located east of the Ada River, but their exact position in unknown. Detected radar emissions from enemy air defence assets should be a good indication of their general location.

       FRIENDLY:                      The Breminian Government requested military assistance through NATO shortly after hostilities began. NATO has been slow to respond, but a task force is slowly being assembled. The Canadian Government has already sent two platoons of its newly acquired Leopard 2A5 tanks, which were airlifted into the region. Canada has also sent three platoons of Operators from the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), with integral air mobility in the form of three Chinooks from 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron (SOAS). You are the commander of the tank platoons.

                       Yesterday, Intel reported the presence of a “package” in your area of operations. The details of the “package” are classified SECRET, therefore only the CSOR Operatives know exactly what it is, but it is assessed as being an important part of the Grenovian campaign. Capturing this “package” will greatly contribute to the defence of Petrolia. CSOR elements will attempt to seize the “package”, but they will need armoured support for the plan to succeed. The general concept is to stage a daring raid into enemy held territory, then quickly escape back to friendly lines before the enemy can react.

   OTHER:                  All civilians have fled the fighting, so there are no worries about “collateral damage”. Weather has been clear with very good visibility. The terrain is hilly, with open plains and dense forest. Moving through the forest will be slow going and should be avoided.

MISSION:         You will provide direct fire support to elements of CSOR and escort the “package” to the extraction zone.


   Groupings:   a) 2 x Tiger attack helicopters from the German Army (Call sign Troubleshooter);
            b) 3 x Chinook transport helicopters (Call sign Condor);
            c) 3 x Platoons of CSOR Operators (Call signs Gunfighter 1, 2 & 3); and
            d) 2 x Platoons of Leopard 2A5 tanks (Call sign Razor)

   Tasks:         This operation will be broken down into three phases:
            Phase 1 – Move to the suspected location of the “package”
            Phase 2 – Secure the “package”
            Phase 3 – Safely exfiltrate the “package” to the extraction zone.

               Phase 1:   "Troubleshooter" will escort "Condor" to the Landing Zones where "Gunfighter" elements will be inserted. Once the insertion has been successful, "Condor" will radio "Razor" to begin their advance to the austere airstrip. "Condor" will then return to base, and "Troubleshooter" will provide air cover for as long as possible, concentrating on engaging enemy armour in the vicinity of the enemy camp.

               Phase 2:   "Gunfighter" elements will mine selected bridges in order to deny them to the enemy. "Gunfighter 2" will search for and secure the "package" in the vicinity of the central landing zone. "Gunfighter 1 and 3" will take up defensive positions to the north and south to prevent enemy forces from disrupting "Gunfighter 2". "Razor" will continue its advance to the austere airstrip and link up with "Gunfighter 2".

               Phase 3:   "Razor" will escort the "package" to the extraction zone. "Gunfighter" elements will remain behind to delay any follow-on enemy forces. They will be extracted by choppers after nightfall.
   Instructions:    Indirect fire support is available on call. You will have 12 tubes with HE, ICM and Smoke.

SERVICE SUPPORT:               Ammo:  "Razor" will be armed with the best available KE (Sabot) and HEAT rounds.
               UAV: A photo has been taken of the target area near the center landing zone. To view it, use the UAV route controls.

COMMAND AND SIGNALS:                  During Phase 1 & 2, you will be in command of "Razor" only. In Phase 3, "Gunfighter" elements will come under your control.
                  Secure comms to be used throughout. No need for codewords/passwords etc.
                  Call signs as per Groupings.


- At the beginning of the mission, you can fly along with 2/P, one of the "Condor" Chinooks, to watch the insertion. DO NOT alter the route of the Chinook, otherwise the mission will end.
- Wait for the call from "Condor" reporting that the insertion is complete before moving "Razor" forward. If you don't, the tanks will be disabled. An initial route has been plotted for you to waypoints 77 & 78 which will become active automatically when "Razor" is cleared to advance. Plot your routes starting from waypoints 77 &78. "Razor" can be positioned anywhere in the deployment zone.
- If the "package" is destroyed, or Trigger 1 is set, the mission will end.
- Watch the incoming messages closely.
- Once the "package" has been secured and ready for transport, it will come under your control. It will be up to you to decide the best route back to the extraction zone. The remaining infantry will also come under your control at that time, so use them to assist you as required.
- Enemy strength is randomized each time, with random routes. Therefore difficulty can range between medium to hard. No one said this was going to be easy.
- The mission is winnable even if all of your tanks are lost, as long as the "package" is safely extracted.
-Score is based on whether or not the "package" makes it to the extraction zone safely, plus a percentage based on the number of remaining friendly tanks you have left at the end of the mission.
- Time limit is 45 min.
-Mission can also be played as a co-op.

Thanks to Trackpad for testing and evaluation. Regi Patriaeque Fidelis!


Dogs Of War Vehicles: (in mission)

Leopard 2A5-DK: Click here

CH-47 Chinook: Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.019
Mission Name: Winged Dagger
Created by: Tacbat
Available at: Stock scenario
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command: Crew Position
Mission Duration: 45 minutes
Minimum number of players: 2
Date: Sunday Mission 18/06/17
Time: 19:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak IP:
Room: Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial of Leopard 2A5.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   HAVOC designated members and Red Alert.
•   Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.

Manning list:

Leopard 2A5-DKs



Any position:


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