Dogs Of War Vu

Sim/Strategy/War => Steel Beasts Pro => Mission Discussion/AAR's => Topic started by: Lumituisku on June 28, 2016, 04:07:03 PM

Title: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Lumituisku on June 28, 2016, 04:07:03 PM
D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00


This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.



The Commonwealth has occupied a defensive line running from Gazala on the coast down to Bir Hacheim at its southern end. The 1st South African, 50th Highland, and Free French occupy the defensive positions of the line. In reserve behind the line, are the armored units - 1st Armored with the  22nd, 32nd, and 201st Guards Brigades and the 7th Armored with the 4th and 7th Brigades.

The Afrika Korps is to breach the Gazala line and capture the defensive positions and destroy 75 per cent of the Commonwealth force.

The Etruscan Infantry Brigades- Sabratho, Trento, Brescia, and Pavia will assault the two defensive positions held by the 1st South African and 50th Highland.  Due to the extensive minefields in front of the Gazala line, the main armored thrust will involve sweeping around the most southern defensive position, Bir Hacheim, and attack the Commonwealth positions from the rear. The two Etruscan Armored units - Ariete and Trieste, will capture Bir Hacheim at the end of the Gazala defensive line. The Afrika Korps of 15th Panzer and 21st Panzer along with 90th Light will sweep around Bir Hacheim and move north to assault the key defensive position of Knightsbridge, held by the 201st Guards and then destroy the two Commonwealth Armored units - 1st and 7th Armored, then assist the Etruscan Infantry with their assault. Next the advance to the east is to be made with the goal of capturing Acroma, El Adem, Retma, and Bir El Gubi.

Three batteries of artillery (18 tubes) will be on call.

Armor units are equipped with Leopard AS1's.
Motorized Infantry Units are equipped with ASLAV-PC's.

Commonwealth tank units are comprised primarily of  Centurions.
Infantry are equipped with anti-tank weapons and missiles.

150 minute time limit.
Points scored for capturing defensive positions and destroying 75% of Commonwealth forces.


** Notes **
SB Version: 3.028 64bit
Created by: Connaugh
Modified by:
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command:
Smallest command:Crew Position
Mission Duration: 150 minutes
Minimum number players:
Date: Saturday Mission 02/07/16
Time: 19:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here (
Teamspeak  IP: ( or wait in lobby for access to other areas.
Room: Dogs of War

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leo2A5 or M1A2Sep, preferred also M2A2 and or CV-90.
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.

You can just listen if you wish by using Teamspeak. You do NOT need Steel Beasts.
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Teamspeak  IP: ( or wait in lobby for access to other areas.

DOW members, by invite, or request in advance prior to mission.

Our goal is to have the DOW session more immersive and realistic.
Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Cougar11 on June 28, 2016, 04:24:39 PM
Please keep in mind that this will be the US independence weekend as it falls on a Monday.

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Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Lumituisku on June 28, 2016, 04:38:48 PM
Please keep in mind that this will be the US independence weekend as it falls on a Monday.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

That too? Is there ever a weekend in summer without any trouble >.<

Does this mean that I have to make secondary mission for this saturday instead?
Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Cougar11 on June 28, 2016, 06:42:06 PM
No. If there is not enough people, we can pick another we have done before.

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Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Lusik on July 01, 2016, 02:04:44 PM
I should finally be able to play this weekend.  :)
Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Asid on July 01, 2016, 07:55:31 PM
I should finally be able to play this weekend.  :)
Nice :)
Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Asid on July 03, 2016, 12:17:19 AM
Excellent mission. Lots of effort put in by the designer Con. Very immersive.

Thank you Con
Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Connaugh on July 03, 2016, 03:26:43 AM
I want to thank everyone who played my Gazala Revisited mission today. I hoped you enjoyed it. This mission was based on one of Rommel's victories in the North African Theatre during WWII, where he swept around the Gazala line and attacked the British positions in the center with his armored units, causing a collapse and general retreat after a very hard fought battle. Excellent accounts of the battle are in PANZER BATTLES by Maj. Gen. F.W. Von Mellenthin, who served on Rommel's staff, and PANZER ARMY AFRICA by James Lucas. I know the unit call signs were a bit confusing but I like to add color or flavor to my designs with the actual units that participated in the battle. I had to have the brigades from the 15th and 21st Panzer, 90th Light, Ariete, and Trieste divisions as platoons. I felt the CO could easily identify the units from the map screen as to whether they were armor or mechanized, but I know I made it difficult for him to call out assignments when he was used to 1/Alpha, 2/Bravo, etc. I chose not to use the most modern tanks with their thermals but use the AS1 to approximate the WWII era tanks and the ASLAV for the PC. For the Commonwealth, I chose the Centurion which made a good opponent. I cannot tell you how much fun I had with the AS1 when I play-tested the mission. And using the 50 cal on the ASLAV against infantry and soft targets, as well. You do not have to have thermals/GPS to have a good time. We lost about 11 tanks and 12 PC's and destroyed nearly 40 tanks and over 40 PC's, Trucks, and artillery units and caused a rout by the enemy. The play balance seemed to work very well. I had nothing to do with the "God" tank that took out so many units at Bir el Gubi. The computer must have placed an AI clone of Colebrook in that unit. The map was from the NTC_10 Terrain map which made a good approximation of the real battle area. I had a bit of fun adding the "Intercepted Radio message: KNIGHTSBRIDGE HAS FALLEN. RETREAT. GET OUT NOW. which was generated when Knightsbridge was captured and caused truck units to spawn and start racing for the east as well as the infantry units in the defensive positions. I did hear a comment from someone about the trucks appearing and racing by. We failed to achieve the maximum score by not capturing Retma. We had one PC in that region at game end that still had one enemy missile team. You have to have a 3:1 ratio. Possibly, if the PC had dismounted its two infantry teams, the computer would have counted it as three units and achieved the 3:1 ratio. Maybe. We had 11 players to handle 5 tank platoons, 5 mech platoons, and 2 recon sections which was ok. The tank platoons were to inflict the major damage and the mech platoons were to clean up after them. The recon sections did their usual excellent job. Anyway, I had a blast and I hoped you all did as well.


Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Asid on July 03, 2016, 05:06:37 AM
Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Cougar11 on July 03, 2016, 07:52:23 AM
Very nice conn. I liked very much seeing you come into the mission design, and the fun you have with it. I know everyone is enjoying them. Keep it up.

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Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Lusik on July 03, 2016, 09:52:06 AM
It's a pity I couldn't make it for the mission. I really wanted to play this one. I hope it will be played again in a few months.

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Title: Re: D.O.W. Saturday Mission 02/07/16 @ GMT19:00 - GAZALA REVISITED
Post by: Beef on July 03, 2016, 05:07:41 PM
Great job Conn. For me it was the Italian call signs that struggled with since I was not familiar with them. I wouldn't worry too much about it, the immersion-level of this scenario is top-notch. I look forward to more of your missions. Might I suggest Ettore Bastico for the "XO" position?
