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Tacview / Tacview 1.9.4 beta 3 is available Now
« Last post by Asid on May 15, 2024, 11:41:53 PM »

Tacview 1.9.4 beta 3 is available Now

Download: HERE

•   Release Date: Fri, 10 May 2024
•   Operating System: Windows® 32-bit / 64-bit
•   File Size: 821.8 MB

Release notes


•   ADDED Option to display the event that triggered the playback pause in the 3D view
•   ADDED Support of PilotEyeGaze* properties for professional simulators
•   ADDED DCS: Kola Map
•   IMPROVED CSV files support
•   IMPROVED Mach speed handling over 80km of altitude
•   IMPROVED GPX tracks without altitude can now be imported (at 0 ASL)
•   IMPROVED Eastern Mediterranean Front theater v3.2.1 for Falcon BMS 4.37.3
•   IMPROVED DCS World Channel, South Atlantic, Normandy and Syria terrain and runways


•   FIXED Charts with distances on horizontal axis were not working anymore (regression)
•   FIXED RecordingTime property was improperly set during the import of some files
•   FIXED scale of Hawker Hurricane


To run a beta version, you need a product key. Feel free to have a look at the features comparison to know which edition is the best for you if you are interested in buying Tacview.

Please note that even if we are doing our best to produce a high quality product, beta versions usually contains known and unknown bugs, may crash, or have some features disabled because of work in progress. This is why, it is suggested to download and install beta versions alongside the latest official release (not over it). That way, in case of problem, you can simple launch the latest stable version to continue your work...

Games Discussion / Re: Starship Troopers - Terran Command
« Last post by Asid on May 14, 2024, 12:01:37 AM »
DLC sneak peek: Gunships and exploding bugs
Mon, 13 May 2024

Troopers, listen up!

In this “explosive” update we’ll be showcasing the A12 Pegasus Gunship and a new Arachnid called the Burster
. Closed Beta signups for the Urban Onslaught DLC are still open, if you are interested in giving feedback on the upcoming DLC you can still sign up!


A-12 Pegasus Gunship
The A-12 Pegasus Gunship is a formidable addition to our aerial arsenal, the first air unit that players can control directly. It's capable of flying over any terrain or obstacle, giving it unmatched mobility. It only has to pay attention to Arachnid types capable of firing at air units — for example the Hornets, Scorpion, and Ravager. The A-12 Pegasus is equipped with a powerful minigun to provide fire support against ground targets, while its rocket pods allow it to take down larger, armored foes.

Exploding Bugs - The Burster
The Burster is a new Arachnid unit capable of firing a volatile substance that explodes after a short time delay. Its area of effect (AoE) blast is devastating against infantry and armor. Additionally, it has an unfortunate trait of exploding upon death, causing damage to both allies and enemies nearby. Destroying one at an opportune time can turn the tide of battle.

New purchase menu
To accommodate all the new units, we are experimenting with a redesign of the radio station’s purchase menu. The new tab-based layout simplifies navigation through various options while ensuring they remain easily accessible. Each tab corresponds to a battle tier and its associated delivery platforms, making it easier to find units.

More explosions and ragdolls
The latest DLC introduces new air units and vehicles, enhanced with ragdoll physics for more dramatic deaths. Air units plummet to the ground and vehicles are ripped apart by internal explosions —because who doesn't appreciate a good spectacle?

Closed Beta signups for the Urban Onslaught DLC are still open. If you're eager to experience the new content first hand and help shape its development, this is your chance! Sign up for the closed beta here.

That’s all for this update. We can't wait to see how you use these new features in your strategies. See you on the battlefield!

Games Discussion / Re: Slitherine acquires the Master of Magic franchise
« Last post by Asid on May 13, 2024, 12:02:01 AM »
Master of Magic: Important communication
Fri, May 3, 2024

Greetings wizards,

Since the enchanting unveiling of Master of Magic in December 2023, our journey has been nothing short of mystical. Together, we have delved deep into the arcane depths of the game, unearthing treasures, engaging in battles with formidable sorcerers, and conjuring spells of unparalleled potency.

Currently, we have no plans for additional DLC or extra content. Nonetheless, we remain devoted to cultivating and enriching this cherished universe.

MuHa Games, an independent studio, is now exploring new horizons with their own projects. We are truly grateful for their work in bringing a fresh perspective to this remake of a classic from the 90s. We are curious to know what they have in store and wish them all the best.

Master of Magic will continue to thrive, thanks to your passion for the game and the vibrant community you have created and shared during this journey.

We look forward to unveiling exciting developments in the future and continuing to shape the destiny of this enchanting realm.

Steel Beasts Pro / Re: Steel Beasts 5.0 Thread
« Last post by Rinix on May 12, 2024, 11:31:10 PM »
Quote from: Ssnake
Under the current engine vehicle crews are treated as a vehicle component. Therefore, dismounting them, no matter the circumstances, is not possible. One more reason why we're focusing on V5 development.
Games Discussion / Re: Rule the Waves III
« Last post by Asid on May 12, 2024, 09:40:07 PM »
Rule the Waves 3 - Update + Dev Diary
Fri, May 10, 2024

Hello everyone. RTW3 has officially been updated to v.1.00.46. The patch is available either via Steam or from the download link here.

The full changelog is posted below, but before we get to that - we have a dev diary for you. Some players have had issues with how officers and their appointments are currently modeled in game. To help with that we have introduced some new changes to how officers are assigned, and clarified why officers are modeled the way they are.

Dev Diary - Officers and Assignment

As always, we appreciate constructive criticism and suggestions from players. They help us make Rule the Waves III better for you. We have read the feedback on the officer system and have made some adjustments to address these concerns.

First off, the officer system is intended to provide flavor and variation in the game. It is also intended to reflect the uncertainty about peoples’ true administrative and leadership abilities until a crisis arises.

This is intentional – as anyone who has served in a military organization knows, or really in any large organization, both capable and not so capable people can get promoted. The game aims to simulate this.

In RTW3, the player has the role of grand admiral, and as such this position would usually not interfere with individual appointments of ship commanders. The game lets you do so, but at a cost of prestige, which is intended to put a brake on extensive interference in appointments from on high.

When officers are promoted or auto assigned, the system considers time in rank and battle experience as the main factors. Ability is also factored in but to a smaller degree.

There has been some feedback that the officer system is either pointless or encourages micromanagement. We have tried to respond to this, and as a result, there are some changes and adjustments to the officer system in our most recent update.

In this update officer abilities are less likely to be revealed in peacetime than previously, as most officers’ true traits will be unknown in peacetime. We hope that this will reduce the incentive to micromanage.

Having a Naval Academy will increase the quality of officers, and slightly increase the likelihood that officers’ abilities will become known.

Also, if the player chooses the option to have officers assigned automatically to empty slots, this will be done immediately when a slot becomes vacant, instead of after the player has pressed next turn. Thus, if you choose this setting, there will usually only be a few occasional free slots that the player will have the opportunity to fill without prestige penalty after every turn, which should further reduce the incentive to micromanage.

Of course, player’s still have the option to let the game auto assign officers for a turn at a time, or, if you’d like, you can opt for full manual control and try to handle officer appointments yourself.

And now for the changelog...

v.1.00.46 Changelog

Strategic Layer

    Fixed a bug that made surprise attacks very unlikely.
    Fixed a bug which could in unusual circumstances make nation base resources go negative.
    Removed Hereditary enemy from Spain vs USA. They have plenty of conflicting interests as it is, and the additional enemy status led to too high likelihood of early wars.

Battle Generation

    Fixed a bug where clicking on a division in the pre battle screen could show an error message.
    Fixed a missing objective in an Italy vs France mission.
    Fixed a data error in a mission for the Ceylon possession.

Battle Resolution

    HE penetration had been inadvertently lowered in a previous update. That has now been readjusted.


    A Fleet exercise will now have a chance to reveal the ability of ship and division commanders.
    Dissolving a division with a commander will no longer cost prestige. (Reshuffling ships and creating new divisions will impact crew and division efficiency, so should be a sufficient downside to cheesy ways of getting rid of bad commanders).
    Officer ability will now be more likely to be revealed in wartime and less likely to be revealed in peacetime.
    There is now a chance that poor ship and division commanders will reveal their deficiencies in battle, giving a chance to dismiss them for free after a lost battle.
    Fixed a rare error in officer events that could pop up if there were too few officers.

UI Improvements

    Added years in rank and battles fought to the select officer dialog.
    If Auto assign officers is selected in User preferences, then all vacant positions will be automatically filled as soon as they become vacant, thus leaving no incentive to micromanage.
    Rebuilt ships will now only have the last rebuild year after the class name.
    Made sure the flotilla attack flag is not behind the missile control panel, even on a small screen.
    Added a button to set preferences from the load/create game screen.
    Special characters in officer ranks and place names are now converted when that option is selected.
    Added notifications when largest ship of type in the world is built.

UI Fixes

    Fixed a UI glitch with maintenance cost when a game is loaded. The number shown could be slightly wrong as it omitted effects of officer attributes. This was a UI thing only and did not affect the actual calculations.
    Fixed a bug with torpedo range data not showing in the ship status screen.
    Fixed some minor UI issues.

Fleet Management

    Fixed a bug that generated error messages when the last ship was removed from a division in the division editor.
    Fixed a bug with clearing all ships from a division in the division editor.

Ship Design

    Speed limit for triple turrets in A & Y and TPS > 1 changed to 21 knots. This is to fix an issue where some legacy ships could not be refitted.


    Later Jet Attack and Heavy Jet Fighters can now carry 2 ASM.
    Slightly raised the production rate for jet aircraft.

Bug Fixes

    Fixed a bug that could generate errors when checking if shipnames are used.
    Fixed a bug that capped AP penetration on higher AP tech levels.
    Fixed a bug with coastal artillery occasionally being placed at sea when loading a saved game.
    Fixed a bug with the space bar restarts game setting not being remembered when the game is restarted.
    Fixed a bug with bombardment ammo loadouts.
    Fixed an unusual case where the auto run battle could get hung up on a message box.

And that is everything we have for now. Enjoy the Update and Dev Diary, and happy hunting everyone!

Steel Beasts Pro / Re: Steel Beasts 5.0 Thread
« Last post by Rinix on May 11, 2024, 04:25:27 PM »
Quote from: Ssnake
The problem lies in that units (and equipment) in Steel Beasts (V4 and older) belongs to parties, and can't change them. So there's no way how you can actually make icons of such units appear on your screen, to give them orders, etc.
A more fundamental change to data structures is needed (one more reason why we're working on V5).
Version 1.4 & Survey
Fri, May 10, 2024

Version 1.4

- Wagram scenario playable vs. AI
- Two new options.
- The performance of withdrawal path computation been improved.
- Added Links to Discord and mailing list.

Roadmap Survey
The roadmap survey is here ! Do not hesitate to give nice ideas of improvement.

Check the link inside the app or here on GoogleDocs Roadmap survey.

Games Discussion / Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Last post by Asid on May 11, 2024, 01:37:34 AM »
Vol. 73 - Ready or Not Development Briefing
Fri, 10 May 2024

Attention Officers,

Thank you for joining us for the 73rd edition of our Ready or Not development briefing, May 10th, 2024!

This week we’ll be showing some work on new AI target detection systems that make engagements feel more fair in situations where the player is partially obscured from Suspect/Civilian AI line of sight.

We have two new specific types of target detection checks under development that are meant to meet this goal of improved fairness: “dynamic visibility blockers” that make thick CS gas clouds obscure your location from AI, and “AI detection cone checks” that make you less likely to be detected between small cracks or when mostly-obscured by cover at longer distances.

We also want to highlight that this is Mental Health Awareness month and contextualize the new videos on the topic that are releasing on our YouTube channel. In this newsletter you’ll find some additional development philosophy regarding the inception of our existing SWAT AI mental health system in-game for Commander Mode.

These development briefings serve to keep you in the loop about parts of our ongoing support for Ready or Not, however the briefings do not encompass everything that we’re working on at a given moment. Please keep in mind that everything in this development briefing is work in progress and subject to change.

Vol. 73 Development Briefing Summary Points:

(not a changelog)

- AI Target Detection Changes
       - New dynamic visibility blockers that cause thick CS gas clouds to block effective AI target acquisition
            -AI fires at target’s last known position
       - AI accuracy is now reduced per meter of CS gas thickness
       - New target detection “cone” checks help prevent AI from acquiring targets through unintended tiny cracks, small gaps from a distance, and acquiring peaking players from a distance or at difficult corner angles

- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
       - New thematically relevant videos releasing on the VOID YouTube channel to help bring awareness to mental health concepts present in the game
           - First video is titled “PTSD”
       - Game design insights for the inception of the SWAT AI mental health feature in Commander Mode; simply surviving is not always enough.

Read on...
Games Discussion / Re: Black One Blood Brothers
« Last post by Asid on May 10, 2024, 01:08:06 AM »
Community Features - New TacMap
Thu, 9 May 2024

New map, who dis?

Creating a video game, a whole universe to explore, and an overall great experience for our players, is something that is challenging, exciting, sometimes stressing. But at Helios Studio, we're working very hard to bring you Black One Blood Brothers as a brand new tactical FPS to enjoy. We are bringing new features that will support Helios' vision, we are learning from our mistakes to push forward, but more than anything else, we know that our community has our back. And at the end of the day, if we are working so hard, it is for you, our players and our fantastic community. More than your support everyday, we can also count on you to take a step back and bring a new perspective on our work.

And this is why we're bringing the community features: those features have been developed around your feedback and ideas. Because your voice and opinion matter to us, we wanted to thank you.

So to start with, here is something that you will be able to enjoy in the upcoming 1.50 update of Black One Blood Brothers: an entire rework of the Tac Map. We made it clearer, we tidied it a little bit. Now, the options to control the map have their own sections and it's easier to distribute the orders to your squad.

Let us know in the comment what you think!

Leave your - constructive - feedback of the game here:
Kane, out

Games Discussion / Field of Glory Day 2024
« Last post by Asid on May 10, 2024, 01:07:54 AM »
We are pleased to invite you to our second annual Field of Glory Day 2024
Thu, 9 May 2024

A special day dedicated to the Field of Glory franchise on June 4th

We're thrilled to extend a warm invitation to our second annual Field of Glory Day 2024

Mark your calendars for June 4th, a day dedicated to celebrating the Field of Glory franchise.

We want to express our gratitude to all the dedicated fans who have supported the franchise over the years. To commemorate this special occasion, we're delighted to announce the highly anticipated release of Field of Glory: Kingdoms!

To celebrate this day, we've arranged an engaging roundtable historical discussion in which we will delve into the rich tapestry of the Middle Ages within the Kingdom's period.
Additionally, we will host a discussion and provide insights and show the gameplay mechanics of Field of Glory: Kingdoms.

Don't miss out on this exciting event! Join us on June 4th on the Slitherine Twitch channel for a day filled with insightful discussions and to celebrate the release of Field of Glory: Kingdoms.

Stay tuned for further updates and announcements as we countdown to Field of Glory Day 2024.
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