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World War II Europe 1939-1945 / Ron your a genius!
« Last post by Zovs on Today at 05:28:39 PM »
Hopefully that caught your attention!

And I do mean that Ron!

Finally after 5 or 6 years I have finally gotten around to really understanding this game. And once you get past parts of the UI, this game is really quite good and interesting. I just had to take another approach at learning it. I think this time round I did this more from how I used to play (and still do) board wargames. I got back into board wargames very early this year using VASSAL. I could say manual wargames since the rules are not enforced in anyway. So I started off by reading the PDF manual (for version 1.0.12) that a fellow created here and then followed the tutorial and bang it just hit me. Or you could say I started getting it.

I then jumped into one of my favorite theaters (North Africa) and started up Western Desert Force and got up to turn 3 and writing an AAR (you can see it in the AAR section). I learned a lot so far. My only frustration is it just does not seem like this forum is that active and it takes a lot of time to write up an AAR and if no one is reading it and providing feedback then you get burnt out and say why am I writing this anyway?

There are still some unanswered questions that I have (I have asked by this forum is dead as a cold winter battery in an 1957 truck) but am having a blast nonetheless. I started up the Minsk Pocket (#44) and much to my surprise made several encirclements and after fighting out in the desert I did learn how to use air and naval so tying that in with what I learned thus far this 5 turn scenario is quite awesome and I started to see the GENIUS of Ron's design!

Thank you Ron for this labor of love of yours and I really hope you keep it up!

I wonder if Middle East will get the same treatment or not?

I also wonder if we can't have a more detailed command and control (ported over from RGW (I still have my CD but not sure if I can install it on Windows 10, someone mentioned that I'd have to contact Ron to get a new installer for that one).

Anyway, thanks again Ron, simply having a solo blast.

Here is a few screenshots from my latest adventures.

Minsk Pockets #1

Minsk Pockets #2

PS I am the OLD EYES guy that keeps bantering about having bold and bigger fonts :D
Tornado / Re: Modding Tornado
« Last post by Frankie on Today at 05:11:41 PM »
Here's  a slight improvement to Mod#212.

Hit NumLock and set Horizon to Tilt

Hit F1, "i", "o" and F7 and you'll get a tilted horizon with the Drone/Chase Action View of Mod#212.
Reminds me of a RedBull documentary. ENJOY!

Frankie Kam
To help me better understand all the changes in the game I created a local PDF for myself and thought I'd drop the text here for others.

Raw text:

World War II Europe

Patch  v1.01
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.0)
1. Combat Phase Moves bug was fixed, allowing movement per rules.
2. If a number is displayed for MF during the Combat Phase, then that unit is eligible for Combat Phase Moves. Prior to this change, it was difficult to determine if a unit was eligible.
3. The use of Windows Menu, View, Map Levels, Low level does not cause the units to be displayed off by a variable number of hexes.
4. Hex border outlines can be turned off and on by pressing the "H" key as a toggle. Default is "on".
5. When displaying the Unit Details, the number of consecutive attacks is now also displayed.
6. An option to scrolling the map has been added.  Pressing the CTRL key and mouse left clicking on a hex centers the low level map on that hex.  Only works on the low level maps.
7. Air ops are now allowed in rain weather. Note this a text change to the Help file only.
8. Two dice are rolled for combat.  Note this is a text change to the Help file only.

Patch  v1.02
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.01)
1. Changed German flag on Axis Win and Stalemate graphics (end of scenario).
2. WWIIE now enforces stack limits on ground, air and naval stacks (max is 6 units each type).
3. WWIIE now enforces max number of attacks by the Computer Opponent.
4. WWIIE now saves files for the last 12 Saves (end of each phase, or player se;lected).  Files are numbered WWEcurrentxx.wwe where xx varies from 1 to 12.  Files are time tagged to show the sequence.
5. WWIIE now allows Air ops by the Computer opponent during rain weather.
6. Increased the defense modifiers for digin, entrench and fortified (DEF).  Was +1/8, +1/4, +1/2 DF. Is now +1/4, +1/2, +1 DF. Also fixed display of calculated DF on units to include DEF.
7. Eliminated UNDO operation for Air Recon operation.

Patch  v1.03
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.02)
1. Changed label on Equipment lead-in screen to Pz I from Pz III.
2. Clearly identifed which scenarios are complete, and which ones are in development on scenario selection screen.
3. Option added for player to fix the initiative to the side that starts with the initiative for the entire scenario.
4. Initiative calculation changed from number of attacks to sum of city points gained and losses caused during that turn. Current initiative holder retains initiative if a tie.
5. At least one attacker must be a ground unit, and at least one defender must be a ground unit, in a combat operation done in the Combat Phase.
6. Fixed bug in Digin/Entrench/Fortify. Modifiers now at 1/4, 1/2, 1 DF.
7. Fortification hexes now give a 1 DF defense modifier.
8. Choice of Unit selected hex for reinforcement entry has been removed.
9. AI now brings in reinforcements instead of player having to select entry hex.
10. Fixed bug on Next Turn Entry of reinforcements.
11. AI now allocates replacements to combat losses instead of rebuilding units.
12. Units can now be selected from the Display OOB screen on low level maps. Select OOB unit, Select Display OOB, and then click on unit in the display.  Unit is selected, map is centered and operations available are displayed for selection.
13. In Combat CRT, Air Advantage is now Mech & Air Advantage.  Applies to armor and mech and air units.
14. Fixed bug. Air and naval units can no longer get the "Did not move" combat modifier.
15. Fixed city selects in #29 and #58.
16. Made numerous fixes to all scenarios based on comments received and verified.
17. Updated the Help files to reflect the changes.
18. Fixed terrain array (railroad) at Smolensk.

Patch  v1.04
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.03)
1. Supply trucks do not incur a penalty for enemy ZOC hexes.
2. Fixed railroad bug near Astakhan (hex 402, 197)
3. Fixed bug causing air and naval units to rebase.
4. Added right click function to automatically allocate HQ Reserve that the player has not already allocated that turn.
5. Fixed bug on Destroyed Units Report.  Modified all Reports so that they display 50 lines on each page, and two pages per screen.
6. Fixed bug on air units blocking supply paths.
7. Fixed bug on air units played by the AI performing air ops outside of their range.
8. Improved Naval AI Supply and Search & Destroy ops.
9. Fixed bug allowing unit to move and keep digin status.
10. Fixed bug on combat Moves.

Patch  v1.05
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.04)
1. Supply paths along railroad networks are stopped by enemy controlled cities (garrison).
2. Maximum stack rules (6 ground, 6 air, 6 naval units) are enforced for stack moves.
3. Supply truck moves incur a penalty for enemy unit ZOC (removed v103 modification).
4. HQ Reserve cannot be allocated if distance between combat unit and its HQ unit is greater 12 hexes. +3 is added to the distance if the weather is snow, and +5 if the weather is storm.  2 is subtracted from the distance for German units.
5. A Dialog box is displayed when maximum combats have been reached.
6. Low level unit stack displays has been changed so that the offset is smaller and display stays primarily in the same hex. (-3,-5 pels instead of -5,-8 pels).
7. Combat modifier for defenders in city hexes is now DF/4 for city points of zero or one, DF/2 for city points of two or three, and DF for city points of four or greater.
8. Units receiving replacements cannot move or attack that turn.
9. Various order of battle improvements have been made.
10. Several scenarios have been added.  #42, #70, #71, #74. Total of 61 scenarios have now been released.  #42 is the first Campaign scenario lasting from 22 June 1941 to 30 November 1941 (24 turns, Operation Barbarosa).

Patch  v1.06
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.05)
1. Fixed display of Escarpment and depression hexes in Command Panel using Ctrl key and mouse move.
2. Fixed defense modifiers of escarpment and semi urban hexes
3. Triple losses for Russian air units on turn 1 and 2 in scenarios 42, 44, 47 and 51.  Also no Russian air ops on those turns.
4. Included TEM on air units performing Air Tactical Bombing ops.
5. Fixed city control so that Ju87 have no special powers (bug)
6. Air to air defenders must be on an Air Operation, or else they can only be attacked by Air Tactical op, not Air S&D
7. Fixed bug on combat modifier of attacker mech/air advantage
8. Fixed combat modifer so that armor or mech unit attacking into a city, forest, swamp or mountain hex >500m incurs a -1/2AF modifier.
9. Units performing Strategic RR Moves cannot move past an enemy unit ZOC.  Naval, air and HQ unit ZOC's do not apply.
10. Fixed railroad break at hex 306, 178.
11. Game now checks reinforcement entry hexes for enemy units and enemy controlled city (garrison). Prevents entry in that hex if it finds either case.
12. Fixed bug on combat modifier for units that did not move during the Move Phase.
13. Reduced losses by one to ground units attacked by air unit(s) performing an Air Tactical Op into a city, forest, swamp, mountain hex >500m or a fortification hex.
14. Fixed bug on UNDO operation following a Move to Exploit op on the third time.  Game now sets unit state to back E2 instead of E1, and removes the supply loss that was assessed for the third move to Exploit (reason why unit was incorrectly getting a reduced MF).

Patch  v1.07
Released: ?
Size: ?

Changes (from v1.06)
1. The following ports can have more than six naval units in them;  Gibraltor, Alexandria, Taranto, Portsmouth, Murmansk and Antwerp.
2. WWIIE now displays the number of units in a hex of the selected type in the Command Panel if it is over 6 (naval).
3. WWIIE now displays the player with the Initiative at start on scenario selection and Game Status screens.
4. Fixed units without unit type in #42.
5. Removed Finnish naval units from scenario #43.
6. Fixed bug in determining valid destination hexes for moves through bocage hexes.
7. Friendly ground unit occupies defender's hex if there is no enemy ground unit in the hex.  Fixed bug that allowed enemy air and naval units to block occupation.
8. Added "Disband on map unit" standard operation.  Available via right click (Locked Ops) only, same as split and reform units. Unit to be disbanded must be friendly, on map and in supply. Only available for the following countries; Germany, Finland, Romania, Italy, USA, UK, France and Russia.
9. Added capability for the user to select which attacker unit(s) occupies defender's hex if there is no enemy ground unit in the hex. Yes means advance, no means no advance, Cancel means you do not want to advance any other units.
10. Added a prompt reminding player to perform Naval Supply or Landing operation for selected scenarios. Scenarios are identified in the Design Notes. For example, scenario #17 Crusader requires an Axis Naval Supply or Landing operation each turn, or all Axis units in North Africa are out of supply.
11. Clarified the text on the Close Scenario prompt.  Selecting Yes closes the scenario, while selecting No returns the player to the scenario.
12. Combats with breakthrough units are identfied in the Ground Combat Report.
13. All Combat Reports are now standardized, same as Ground to Ground Combat Report in v106.
14. A link on the Combat Report will center the low level map on the hex where each combat occurred.
15. CTRL and mouse move will now display the number of each combat type (e.g. Air to Air) that last occurred in a hex, plus the total number of combats of each type that occurred in the hex.
16. No air ops except Air Recon affects FOW display of enemy units..
17. UNDO will no longer work on Air Recon ops if FOW optional rule is selected.
18. Changed #22 El Alamein and Pursuit scenario west boundary from zero to 140 so that it covers El Alamein to Tripoli.
19. Changed #23 Torch and Pursuit scenario east boundary from 335 to 209 so that it covers Operation Torch and pursuit
to Tunisia. Also added in that French units surrender if Alger is captured by the Allies, and if Surrender on Loss of Capital City optional rule is chosen.
20. Added a different stack move capability.  Depressing the SHIFT key when selecting the HQ unit of a stack will allow stack move of all units in the stack that are children to that HQ unit. e.g. To move a Soviet Tank Corps, depress SHIFT when selecting the HQ unit, and then move the entire corps at once.  Current stack move method continues to operate as it is in v106 if a combat unit is selected.

Patch  v1.08
Released: 11/13/2016
Size: 962MB

Changes (from v1.07)
Patch version 1.0.8 Content
1. The combat markers and temporary markers are now reset at the end of each turn.
2. Added list of Russian airfields on Turn 1 in scenario #42 to the Help file.
3. AF of less than zero is displayed as zero.
4. Display OOB has three options. Mouse left click selects the unit and centers the low level map on it.  Mouse right click allocates HQ Reserve to the unit.  Select the Display OOB or Cancel icons to continue with the game.
5. Fixed bug on Naval Supply ops, Axis only, scenarios 3,4,8,10,11,12,26-32,33-41 and 101.
6. Changed AI self imposed limit from one Naval S&D op per hex to three. Ensures coverage of key areas.
7. Changed the AI so that it follows the weather rule of no ops in storm weather at destination hex. Changed both Naval and Air ops.
8. Selection of HQ unit for Change HQ Unit ops is now done from the Command Panel.  WWIIE displays the friendly on map HQ units within 12 hexes for selection. Previously the player selected a hex, and the game selected the top HQ unit in that hex.
9. A message is displayed for each unit being transferred from the scenario next turn, and one for current turn transfers.
10. For Air Tactical Ops only: There is a 10% chance that a loss to a ground unit that is dugin will not be allocated, a 20% chance that a loss to a ground unit that is entrenched will not be allocated, and a 30% chance that a loss to a ground unit that is fortified will not be allocated.
11. During the Combat Phase, the number of remaining attacks is displayed in the Command Panel. "Combats Left: #".  The # number is displayed in red text.
12. Made enhancements to the air, naval and ground AI operations.
13. Selection of a unit not on map with the Display OOB displayed results in an error message instead of displaying map where unti will be coming in.
14. Fixed weather bug on North Africa scenarios that prevented supply ops sometimes.
15. Naval combats that result in a ship sunk due to combat losses being greater or equal to DF is not listed as "sunk" on the report.

Patch  v1.09
Released: 11/06/2017
Size: 962MB

Changes (from v1.08)
Patch version 1.0.9 Content
1. Autoscroll has been improved.  It now works on all edges. For scrolling left or right, just move the mouse cursor to the narrow band (3 pixels wide) from the edge.  For scrolling up or down, there is a narrow band where autoscroll is active.  Just move the cursor until you find it. Note the Autoscroll is off while the cursor is in the Command Panel.
2. Air Ground Support operation has been modified so that it works for both attack and defense.  Just move the air unit into the same hex as friendly ground units during the Turn Deployment phase.  If that hex is attacked in the enemy Combat Phase, then the air unit performing this op will be included as a defender.  Note that Air Ground Support for attacking units work the same way as it has in previous version.  i.e. The friendly air unit performing this op in an enemy unit ZOC can be selected a an attacker.
3. Design Note icon has been added to the main Command Panel.  Clicking on it will display the Design Notes for the current scenario. Works similar to Game Status.  I am converting the information in a form that can be displayed rapidly.
4. Five new scenarios for this version have been added.  They are 39, 40, 41, 77, and 79.  hisbrings the total to 72, leaving 30 to go.

Patch  v1.0.10
Released: 07/08/2018
Size: 965MB

1. New scenarios for this version are 34, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87.  Total available is 80 (102 planned).
2. Hexes 217,349 and 218,349 and 219,348 are now impassable hexes to prevent AI trap area.
3. Fixed railroad at 281, 207. Fixed road at hex 278,228. Added road from Tulcea (282,230) to Sulina, Sfantu Gheorghe and Valcov at mouth of Danube river.
4. Scenario 9, Italian 55th mot artillery regiment was labelled as 19th.
5. Scenario 12, Fixed labels on German Border Guard Battalions 1 and 2.
6. Scenario 14. Fixed label on 7th UK Artillery Regiment. Fixed 52nd an 102nd UK Artillery Regiments.
7. Scenario 2. Added Poland 38th, 39th and 44th Reserve Divisions.
8. Scenario 6. Fixed initial location of Greek 7th ID to hex 246, 262.
9. Scenario 8. Fixed label on German 295th ID.
10. German artillery units in ports were added to scenarios 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41. Also, German units were initialized to Entrenched or Fortified status if on West Wall.
11. Scenario 62. Added 306th Army Artillery Command with super heavy artillery pieces such as Dora, Karl-Gerat, other heavy mortars.
12. Scenario 36 and 37. Fixed 370th P38 Fighter Bomber unit.
13. Scenario 41. Set Axis side as starting first. Set weather to snow on turn 1.
14. Scenario 46. Fixed several Russian IL-2 bombers and LAGG-3* fighter bombers.
15. Scenario 65. Fixed Russian 148th Tank Brigade.
16. Scenario 73. Fixed Russian 91st Tank Brigade.
17. Analyzed all East Front scenarios with respect to replacements, and made several additions.

Special thanks to James Rasnake, Julio Fernandez Ruiz and Bill Macon for review and comment on scenarios.

Patch  v1.0.11
Released: 12/26/2018
Size: 966MB

Patch version 1.0.11 Content
1. Added text to Help. Section 5.0 Game Combat Operations Rules, section 5.1.7 stating that a unit is eliminated if its combat losses are >= to the unit DF.
2. Hex coordinates will stay enabled unless reset from the Windows menu.
3. Enemy ZOC exerts a +1 enemy unit move penalty per the rules.  Was +2 in selected cases in previous versions.
4. Added an artillery advantage in both attack and defense.  +2 for each artillery unit.
5. Four new scenarios have been built.  #89 Karelian Isthmus, #90 German Withdrawal from Finland, #92 Lwow-Sandomierz-Brest, #93 Breakthrough to Romania and #94 Breakthrough to the Baltic are included in this version.  85 of 102 scenarios are now complete (83.3%).
6. Fixed selected Julio Fernandez Ruiz Comments on 17 scenarios.
7. Fixed terrain array for hex 278, 228. Also fixed bridge at 278,205 to 278,206. (Bill Macon comments)
8. Fixed Malta comments from jcrohio (Design Note and initial German Air unit locations.)
9. Hot Key Changes
     I Displays all units with default attribute (unit type) on map
     J Displays Ground Units only on map
     K Displays Air Units only on map
     L Displays Naval Units only on map
     R causes the last report to be displayed.  For example, this allows a report to be displayed, followed by map scrolling, followed by pressing the "r" key to display that same report. Note that this is reset at the end of each phase.
     W toggles Weather display on and off
10. Added a visual cue for autoscrolling. A thin black line is displayed on scrollable maps indicating the location where the cursor will start autoscrolling.  Autoscrolling will occur when the cursor is at the black line or ten pixels closer toward the edge of the screen.
11. Fixed Reports so that second column of combats are now displayed.
12. Fixed road and railroad indicators in terrain array for hex 292, 149 (one hex north of Smolensk). Reminders of past changes (addresses some of the comments received on Dogs of War:
13. Operations can be initiated from the OOB Display.  Left click on friendly HQ unit and select OOB Display. Then left click on a unit in the OOB display.  Unit is selected for moves, etc.  If you right click on a unit in the OOB display, then the game allocates one reserve point to that unit if it is available and eligible.
14. For Stack moves, Shift-Left Click on a unit will cause all units of that type to be moved as a stack. Shift-Left Click on an HQ unit will all cause all units in the hex subordinate to that HQ to be moved as a stack.

Patch  v1.0.12
Released: 11/21/2021
Size: ?

1. Campaign scenarios 52, 57, 64, 72 and 102 have been added.  One scenario (#99) was removed, as it was covered by Gotterdamerung (the new #98, there is no #99).  The totals now are 92 complete out of a planned 101. (91%)
2. Remaining scenarios to be built are 1, 26, 33, 81, 88, 95, 98, 100 and 101.
3. HQ Railroad Moves allow movement of a friendly unit to a friendly HQ unit on the railroad and in supply.
4. Unit ID, AF, DF, and MF are now bolded on the display for easier viewing.
5. Defense modes (Give Ground, Hold Ground, Normal) are now available.
6. The capital cities on the Europe level map are marked so that the player can zoom into them more easily.
7. Scroll bars with arrows have been added on the sides and top/bottom for scrolling the maps to eliminate map “jump”.  Scrolling is meant to be used for small scroll movement.  Use of the Mouse wheel for large movements is more efficient.
8. The Air Supply operation now works for one hex only.  A temp supply source is put on the destination hex.
9. Ships now have a two letter designation.
10. Air unit losses occur during Air tactical ops.  One loss if the DF of the attacked hex is > 15, and two losses if the DF is > 30.
11. Baku kex was fixed in the Terrain array.
12. Several OOB fixes per player inputs and ones that I found during scenario building.
13. Hot key toggle is available.  For example, if you press F8, the High and Mid level maps will display Combat and Supply losses.  Pressing F8 again will display unit type, which is the default.
14. New unit builds are available for Russia and Germany.
a. 1. Completed development of the ability for the Axis player to build selected German units.
a. 14-10-8 German Panzer Division, turns 1-176
b. 16-12-8 German Panzer Division, turns 177-end
c. 10-10-3 German infantry Division, turns 1-end
d. 5-7-3 German Volksgrenadier Division, turns 177-end
e. 12-10-7 German Panzergrenadier Division, turns, 177-end
f. 8-8-7 German Motorized Division, turns 177-end
g. 10-10-2 German Me109 Fighter, turns 1-end
h. 10-8-8 German Ju88 Bomber, 34-end
i. 9-6-4 German FW190 Fighter Bomber, 150-end

2. Completed development of the ability for the Allied player to build selected Russian units.
a. 3-2-5 Russian Tank Brigade, turns 1-end
b. 4-3-5 Russian Tank Brigade, turns 160-end
c. 4-4-6 Russian Mech Brigade, turns 160-end
d. 2-4-2 Russian Rifle Division, turns 1-end
e. 3-5-3 Russian Rifle Division, turns 185-end
f. 3-3-6 Russian Cavalry Division, turns 1-end
g. 6-4-2 YAK-1 Fighter, turns 30-end
h. 5-3-2 IL-2 Fighter Bomber, turns 94-end
i. 5-5-18 Russian Pe-2 Bomber, turns 20-end
15. Reduced air visibility during Recon missions to one hex and unit background only.
16. Country activation available during Scenario #102.  See Edit/Activation and Politics in the menu.

Patch v1.0.12A
Relesed: 12/27/2022
Size: ?

I have made some changes in order to produce a version 1.0.12A.
Version 12A deletes the Country Activation and politics capability for now. I need to go back to the requirements and design to get that right. The country activation had issues with the AI, and the Politics had issues with the supply and AI.
Version 12A incorporated many changes in the scenarios, primarily in the number of attacks and the replacements. Special thanks to Mere Nick (not at all mere) and Schwerpunkt Valencia for their feedback.

Patch  v1.0.13
Released: 11/24/2024

Version 1.0.13 Readme File
1.   Campaign scenarios 81 and 88 have been added.  The totals now are 94 complete out of a planned 101. (93%) 
2.   Remaining scenarios to be built are 1, 26, 33, 95, 98, 100 and 101.
3.   Next one to build is in progress, and that is scenario 26.
4.   Note that Help files (both htm and Word formats) are included in this release.

Attached is a modified version of this information, I took a small liberty and used MS Word editing features to correct several misspellings and grammatical errors. I don't know a lot of the file release dates and sizes so I pulled this from all the various posts I could find here.
Falcon B.M.S. / Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!
« Last post by Asid on Today at 01:17:08 AM »
Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!
Dec 1, 2024

Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 5 is out!

The new Update 5 for Falcon BMS 4.37 is out (4.375.0)!

Grab your updaters to get this new release.

Falcon BMS 4.37.5
Known Limitations / Issues

* Mirrors will only show once canopy closed
* Limitations with alpha sorting (you might see transparency issues in cloud, fog, trees, lights, ?)
* F-15C: The HUD SYM switch is still tied to the drift CO callback. The clicks work fine, but the callback for the switch is wrong
* Due to format changes, the avionics configurator will not work anymore? Need to do it manually in *.txtpb format files

Breaking Changes

* As usual, Falcon BMS.cfg is restored to default
* Make sure you check your F-15C keyfiles (updates done)
* OpenXR Toolkit will NOT work and will cause BMS to crash (please remove / disable the tool as it is discontinued)

Data Changelog

---- (Base) ----
-- Falcon cfg is reset --

* Multiple documentation Updates (#973) (#987) (#996) (#1003) (#1004)
* Updated Launcher v2.4.1.18 - initial commit of BmsDisplayConfig applet (#995)
* Fixed Ka-50, Ka-50K and MD-500 sunk in the ground (#978)
* Fixed Helipad point data fix for sinking helicopters (#972)
* Added Messages for new logic to add donors on UI (#936)
* Added sound files for Python4/5 missiles growl and lock sounds: (#931)
* Updated AIM-9X darker head (Great work by Dema!) (#930)
* Updated ranges of all AWACS radars (e.g. E-3 is 430km for a Fighter-sized return) (#928)
* Updated Key Files (#905)
* Fixed DM-52 Seat Arm (#897)
* Removed ancient 2014-era DbgHelp.dll (#855)
* Updated F-16 PW MIL nozzle adjustment (#842)

Code Changelog

---- (Base) ----

* Added for beta testing ARM64EC compatible exe for Falcon BMS and Editor (in Bin/arm64 folder)
* Fixed save and restore sim windowpos, when in VR mode (#5473)
* Fixed potential issues on AI Ground attack (#5445)
* F15 : Adds new GEO Expanded to Castle Left and new logic for Castle Right to handle the SID (#5413)
* Fixed cluster bomb performance - reduce area reduction factor and respect BA and AD for WCMD (#5403)
* Fixed Multi-mon / DPI (#5416)
* UI: makes all edit fields insert by default (#5415)
* Fixed AG radar mfd brightness adjust when not SOI (#5410)
* Added code for AI AirGround Attack debugging (#5401)
* F-15: Adds OWN FCR targets, locklines and shotlines on SID, implements memory for already engaged targets with FOX3 (keeps flashing after cycling over tracks in TWS), update symbology for Link16 tracks on eagle, and remove FCR correlation (#5396)
* Link16: adds ShotLine for human J12_6 (#5394)
* Link16: fix logic MIDS power when power is lost during flight or when AI takes over after exiting 3D (#5389)
* Improved Multi-mon and High-DPI support (#5377)
* Added Display players on the Waiting screen for MP sessions (#5368)
* Link16: onboard correlation and drawing on b-scope for correlated tracks (#5382)
* Tacview: Rate-limit updates by sim time, not frames
* Link16: update correlation with FCR (part 1 of 2) (#5358)
* Fixed EXP labels on B-Scope-HSD and HAD: Should flash only and not invert (#5361)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic - adds cancel message and shotlines, and more symbology (part4) (#5353)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic - adds TOI symbology to HUD and HMCS (part3) (#5346)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic, update J12.6 for human MIDS/JTIDS, adds PDLT logic for J12.6, add locklines logic and draw (part2) (#5338)
* Added Several quality of life upgrades to Falcon Editor (#5336)
* F-15: Fix Castle logic - Make castle aft toggle Formation Display (APG-63) (#5325)
* Debug Shaders, Material Sets in Editor (#4853) (#5323)
* Fixed ModelViewer crash (#5329)
* F-16: adds PDLT auto range logic (#5320)
* F-16 and Link16: adds hands-on donor selection via PDLT and ICP (#5313)
* F-15: Fix Castle logic - Make castle forward toggle TDC control between VSD and SIT display (APG-63) (#5310)
* Link16: Implements PPLI A (low rate) for Aggregated Flights (#5306)
* Link16 on UI: New logic to add donors on UI (adds flight, #1/2, #1,3, fills linear, keeps track last one added, does not wrap) (#5301)
* Fixed heat seekers launched in caged state but without a radar lock. After checking deeper, this kind of shots should be effectively very low chances. Old behavior - Missiles were giving caged lock tone and were following the target NP even though the diamo (#5263)
* Fixed very ungraceful CRT crash when key file contains scancode not in our expected set. (#5279)
* Link16: Adds Fighter Tracks logic, update J12.6 for AI and human MIDS/JTIDS, update draw functions with targetting source (part1) (#5265)
* F16: Fix mismatching of FCR arc and lines on HSD (reported by MIRV) (#5272)
* Fixed CTD when operating canopy whilst under a chute see (#5275)
* Added avionics changes for Python4/5: (#5237)
* Link16: Increase display ranges and fine tune AWACS track quality calculation (#5253)
* Link16 on HSD: adds new logic for L16 declutter: Surv Tracks, Fighter Tracks, Threat Rings, Air IDM tracks (part 3 and final) (#5244)
* Link16 on HSD: adds new draw functions for OSB labels for CNTL Page1 and Page2, refactor logic to enter in new CNTL pages (part 2) (#5236)
* Link16 on HAD: Draw Air tracks on HAD, apply declutter logic (#5233)
* User-mode spinwait (instead of Sleep) to control simloop timing. (#5231)
* Link16 on FCR: Adds A-A FCR Data Link Display Options via COMM IN and OUT, New logic for L16 platforms, new symbology, declutter b-scope (#5224)
* Link16: Improve dash sizes for surveillance tracks (not correlated) (#5226)
* Link16 on HSD: refactor HsdState cases to expand for Link16 declutter options (part 1) (#5215)
* Fixed g-load wingflex (#5207)
* Link16 on HAD: adds Friendly Declutter Level - logic and label for OBS8 (#5211)
* Link16: Adds Declutter symbology on HUD/HMCS when NAV mode and Gear Down with COMM OUT (#5199)
* Fixed TTS - when in TTS and tms up on new target, make that the secondary target instead of going into STT on the primary (#5197)
* Tacview: Fix bullseye coordinate format (#5042)
* Eliminate dep on ancient DbgHelp.dll - to avoid conflict with modern 2nd party DLLs (OpenXR et al). (#5147)
* Asymmetrical frustum + FFR (#5080)
* Restore overwritten config var for 3d pit button hover detect tuning (#5062)
* Upgraded OpenXR loader SDK (#5078)
* Harden g_nAdditionalWorkers to avoid int3 crash and badly sized threadpool (#5064)
* Improved HMCS fine alignment procedure (#5003)
* SimHotasPinkyShift Double Press Manager (SimHotasPinkyShiftLegacy for legacy callback) (#4941)

Radio Controlled Modelling / Re: NextRC Sim
« Last post by Asid on Yesterday at 06:07:52 PM »
NextRC Sim  V2.0
01 Dec 2024

There is a ne V2.0 released and being updated.

There is a discount if you update from V1.x

I will post details etc very soon.

Radio Controlled Modelling / Re: NextRC Sim
« Last post by Asid on Yesterday at 05:42:54 PM »

Update history 1.727 - 1.658

    - 1.727 (27.07.2021)
    - new helicopter: ALIGN T-Rex 650X Dominator
    - new fixed-wing model: Pinkus Extra 0,85m (free download plan at
    - Piro Trainer: The Ghost Sticks are showing the required stick movement for hovering and piruette circles (normal, inverted, both directions of rotation and both circle directions). Enable them in tab Settings > Output Device and select there also your stick mode. The trainer is only active when none of the automatic flight control systems are activated. Press the key 'v' to open the flight recorder. Click on 'Menu' and load 'KE Piro-Training'. This video shows how I learned the piruette circle. With this training I can then fly all piruette figures completely automatically and without further basic training. The Ghost Sticks will show you the required stick movements as you learn the pirouette circle. Of course, the Ghost Sticks only serve as a guide, because in the end you should only look at the helicopter and concentrate on the four necessary control directions. Don't give up too soon as it can take a few days for your brain / fingers to automatically make the needed controls.
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.28f1

    - 1.722 (21.05.2021)
    - new fixed-wing model: Flinky Turbo 0,87m (free download plan at
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.26f1

    - 1.715 (28.04.2021)
    - new helicopter: SAB Goblin RAW 700
    - fixed-wing models: Aileron differential
    - GPS Attitude and Attitude mode for helicopters and multicopters updated
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.25f1

    - 1.711 (08.04.2021)
    - new fixed-wing model: Fauvette 2,60m (free download plan at
    - fixed-wing models: updated spoiler and flaps. Please reassign in Settings > Input Device > Functions
    - extended helicopter rescue function (Tab Training)
    - GPS altitude control available for all helicopter sizes
    - timescale window shortcut: u
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.23f1

    - 1.704 (05.03.2021)
    - new fixed-wing model: Pinkus-Export 0,78m (free download plan at
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.21f1, which fixes rare startup problems.
    - fixed-wing models: Depending on the model, ailerons can be set up or down using the flap channel.
    - the assignment of functions in Settings > Input Device > Functions can now be canceled.
    - info window with short instructions for the hover trainer.

    - 1.702 (02.02.2021)
    - new fixed-wing model: STOL Buschtrottel 0,90m (free download plan at
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.19f1
    - fixed-wing models: Elevator trim in the model settings

    - 1.700 (24.01.2021)
    - new fixed-wing model: Graupner Extra 300L 1,6m
    - compiled on Unity 2019.4.18f1 (new PhysX libraries, fixes graphic bugs, ...)
    - Windows: new SHA256 certificate

    - 1.678 (31.12.2020)
    - new fixed-wing model: ESKY Albatross 2,6m
    - new fixed-wing model: FPVWRA Sport Wing
    - new multicopter: A3FUN II A610
    - Italian language support
    - further improvements, also for online flight meetings

    - 1.674 (20.11.2020)
    - new fixed-wing model: Robbe Limit Pro 1,7m
    - new scenery: Snohomish Cascade Model Helicopter Club II
    - Spanish language support
    - the key o (camera mouse look) is now deactivated in the chat window
    - inverse collective pitch setting in tab input and output device (positive pitch)
    - updated multicopter GPS functions
    - fixed-wing physics expanded
    - the Limit Pro has an aileron landing brake (input channel: landing flaps)

    - 1.669 (25.09.2020)
    - new fixed-wing model: Robbe Rasant 0,9m
    - new scenery: Mission Wings MFC

    - 1.667 (08.09.2020)
    - new fixed-wing model: Tomahawk Aviation Integral 2,5m
    - motor force of fixed-wing models is shown in Newtons
    - flaps (Settings > Input Device > Functions)
    - scenery updated: Les Aigles de Battice RCA (cloudy). Delete the scenery in the scenery folder. Then install the update and download the scenery again.

    - 1.663 (04.08.2020)
    - OMPHOBBY M2 got a additional canopy design
    - the simulator shows an error message if it is blocked by a virus scanner

    - 1.662 (30.07.2020)
    - new helicopter: SAB Goblin Kraken 580, setup by Jonas Schelpe
    - OMPHOBBY M2 got two additional canopy designs

    - 1.659 (22.06.2020)
    - new helicopter: Mikado Logo 550 SE, setup by Mirko Cesena
    - new helicopter: OMPHOBBY M2
    - F3C Training Pattern (Training tab, Traffic Cones section)

    - 1.658 (06.06.2020)
    - new helicopter: ALIGN T-Rex 700X, setup by Luca Pescante
    - new fixed-wing model: Pilot-RC Extra NG 2,61m
Radio Controlled Modelling / Re: AccuRC 2
« Last post by Asid on Yesterday at 05:24:51 PM »
The last update for this sim was June 2020.
1 Dec 2024

A V3 was never released as a final version.

I had some issues in VR, apart from that it worked quite well.
Games Discussion / Re: SAELIG
« Last post by Asid on Yesterday at 04:43:51 PM »
Update 49.5 - I love dogs
Sun, 1 December 2024

Hey all!

Another small update as I gear up for something more substantial.

    -A new starting scenario ?Man?s Best Friend?. You start with the standard amount of silver and a pet dog that lives forever that you can name whatever you like. This start is a tribute to dogs.
    -Moved a particular grazing spot away from a particular plot of land so cows and horses no longer congregate there.
    -The requirements to build a boat will now show in the tooltip when selecting the production.
    -UI tweaks.
    -Fixed a bug where you could not sleep in a longhouse.
    -Removed the 5 pet limit from the player.
    -Fixed a bug that could prevent a saved game from loading.
    -Fixed some nav issues.
    -The tracking camera now sits further away from the character your are tracking.

I know it?s not a lot this time, but this kind of stuff is clearing the way for more substantial things.


Tornado / Re: Modding Tornado
« Last post by Frankie on Yesterday at 01:36:06 PM »
Mod 212. Drone/Chase Action View (F1 key, followed by "i" and "o")

Here's my latest mod. I name it "Drone/Chase Action View". Basically, it's just a variation of the cinematic rotating view. This time instead of rotating around a centre Tornado or wingman, imagine that there's a drone (as in the flying robots that make that loud whirring noise) that videos your Tornado while buzzing around it. It's hard for me to describe it, best you view it in action here:

Something like a bee that making lazy eights (flying in a figure '8') which keeping in close proximity to your head.

To see the effect, hit F1 to go to the usual Tracking View. Then hit "i" for India, followed by "o" for orange. Observe effect for 10 to 20 seconds, then hit "o" for orange again, then hit "o" again. Try to get the Tornado to go auto-pilot by hitting F7 in between the "o"s and then .... ENJOY.

Frankie "It's Christmas soon!".

P.S., Can't see or download the latest FLIGHT.EXE because you haven't got an account on Join my Tornado Discord at
AARs / Re: Zovs (Allies) vs. Ron's AI (Italians) in Western Desert Force
« Last post by Zovs on Yesterday at 11:12:55 AM »
Allies Turn 3


Air to Air Combat Report:

Air to Ground Combat Report:


Ground Combat Report:

Breakthrough movements:

Not sure if anyone is reading this or not.
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