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Scourge Of War / Re: Scourge Of War - Remastered
« Last post by Asid on August 18, 2024, 01:24:17 AM »

Games Discussion / Re: Victory at Sea Atlantic - World War II Naval Warfare
« Last post by Asid on August 17, 2024, 12:08:28 AM »
Instruction manuals for all supported languages
Fri, 16 August 2024

Hi everyone,

Just A quick announcement today. We have just uploaded Instruction manuals for all currently supported languages, as well as added to/updated the video tutorials in game.

Watch this space for further updates!

Games Discussion / Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Last post by Asid on August 17, 2024, 12:08:21 AM »
2024.1 Patch 9
Fri, 16 August 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for version 2024.1.

- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Fix: It wasn't possible to start an escort duty assignment associated with Mediterranean Operations campaign objective, if the game was running in s. chinese, japanese, korean, russian or ukrainian.

- Fix: If saved game states from various playthroughs were loaded in a certain sequence, it was possible to not get The Long Haul or Ace of the Depths achievements after completing a campaign that was eligible to have them.

- Added a dropdown for switching between the section view and the external view to the upgrade screen.
- Added notifications when major resources become completely depleted. Previously, there were notifications only about them reaching a low level. Additionally, when such notifications appear, time compression is being stopped.
- Fix: When a new assignment was being selected and new choices were requested at a cost of reputation, it was possible that a patrol area of previously selected patrol was becoming stuck on the map. This issue was happening only in some languages.
- Fix: Updated icons of Turm I, Turm II and Turm IV research on the HQ map. They were still using the previous naming convention for T1, T2 and T4.
- Fix: Improved description of improved conning towers research to specify that these conning towers are meant specifically for Type VIIC and Type VIIC/41. Previously, this description mentioned Type VII generally, but that wasn't true for Type VIIB.
- Fix: Improved behaviour of dropdowns that expand automatically when cursor hovers over them. Sometimes they weren't expanding, if they were hovered back quickly after unhovering.
- Fix: If loading of cargo from a wreckage was ordered and then the wait screen was left, then after coming back to it, the wait time was going below zero.

- Fix: Partial and full submarine pens in La Rochelle had outdated lightmaps and occlusion culling data and had minor artifacts.
- Fix: Resolved artifacts due to a parallax effect on some port surfaces that were appearing when camera was getting close to them.

- Fix: Snow was missing during winter on a fragment of Port of Arkhangelsk.

- From now on, realism percentages are computed using only settings that were present in the game at the time the campaign was being started. This means that a game started with realism at 90% or higher will remain eligible for Ace of the Depths achievement despite new realism settings being introduced to the game later on in future versions.
- Time compression is now disabled after reaching the end of a plotted route.
- Fix: Periscope was remaining locked on a target when a chronometer tool was opened, making it impossible to measure target's speed when "Enabled (partial)" option was selected for periscope stabilization when a campaign was being started.
- Fix: Improvements to leaving U-boat in FPP through the gangway on Type VII U-boats.
- Fix: A rare issue where a contact could become "stuck" and be constantly displayed at the same direction despite U-boat moving.


News / Announcements: SB Pro / Re: SB Pro PE 4.397 Released
« Last post by Rinix on August 16, 2024, 03:42:25 AM »
The following items on my Steel Beasts wish list have been fulfilled with version 4.3:

Non-crewable vehicles (will still accept if released as crewable):
  • UR-77 Meteorit
News / Announcements: SB Pro / SB Pro PE 4.397 Released
« Last post by Rinix on August 16, 2024, 03:26:09 AM »
eSim Games is happy to announce the release of Steel Beasts Professional, Personal Edition – version 4.397.

This is a patch. The patch can be installed using the SB Pro PE Bundle Installer 4.397. Otherwise, you can use the full installer as normal, which will require uninstalling 4.379 before installation can begin.

Get the patch HERE:

Release notes:

Steel Beasts Pro PE 4.397 Patch (ca. 4501 MB, 15/08/2024)
46 is available on the Tester's branch!
Thu, 15 August 2024

That one just bounced.
This patch adds the third training mission, demonstrating capturing of bases using APCs. To drive this, and to have the mission teach players about how to deal with tanks, this came a whole host of new mechanics relating to bullets and armor, and a massive rebalance of all vehicles and air to ground weapons!

There will be more posts in the near future about each of the new features, before the patch hits the main branch, detailing out what changed and the rationale behind them!


New Features:
- Bullet can ricochet off of terrain
  + Gravity handled on a per-bullet basis
  + ExplodeOnImpact bullets ricochet at shallower angles than AP
  + Threshold for ricochet off ground depends on hardness of surface
- Groups spawned from strategic targets can be "primed" to attack a specific target
- New armor and damage mechanics to add variety to vehicles and weapons
  + Munitions (bombs, missiles, etc.) use a simple penetration >= armor check against armor
  + Completely new calculations for how HE damage is reduced by armor (see tool)
  + Penetration is now checked against for a chance to ricochet (see tool)
  + Ricochets against vehicles do not happen on bullets where "ExplodeOnImpact" is true
  + Penetration check for impact will still happen on impacts even if "ExplodeOnImpact" is true
- Ammo belt functionality added to aircraft
  + Selected ammo type displayed next to gun ammo count in loadout dialog
  + If no ammo belt is defined for aircraft, guns call back on their defined bullet
  + Arena UI shows gun ammo and belt in the loadout preview box
  + AI use average gravity of ammo belt for air to air gunnery
  + Gun piper max range cue is based on average in ammo belt
  + Gun piper A-A aimpoint calculations based (also used by AI) on average gravity of belt
  + Gun piper A-G aimpoint calculations based on average gravity and max range of ammo belt
  + Added "Select Ammo" button to loadout dialog, hidden when no ammo belts are defined
  + Selected ammo type displayed next to gun ammo count in loadout dialog
- All damageable objecs have a specifically defiend attrition cost
- All vehicles and aircraft default to 1 attrition cost
- Added "Capture" training mission
  + Capture Kogasa with M113 convoy
  + Protect the convoy of M113s against the medium tank T-62

- Arena mission objectives and flags are serializable
- Arena missions can set camera height
- Targets store a "size"
- All buildings now have their size prescribed in the prefab and at build time
- Adjusted weights for the pathfinding to favor roads more when out of combat
- Temporarily(?) disabled wrecks blocking the navmesh to prevent bridges from getting blocked and improve navigation
- Vehicles are smaller for navigation and collision avoidance purposes
- Tweaked the effect of roads on vehicle movement
  + Road movement boosts acceleration (50%) and turn rate (100%)
  + Road speed bonus reduced 50% -> 25%
- Updates to vehicle targeting
  + Visually based targeting checks for line of sight
  + Targeting handled from top of vehicles rather than centroid
  + Vehicles will no longer turn around and drive away from targets that get too close
- Radars now check for terrain line of sight
- Loadout dialog slightly widened
- Arena mission selector shows a "recommended" aircraft, ammo belt, and loadout
- Many new impact effects specific to AP shells for autocannons and cannons
- Attrition Display now visible during an Arena sortie
- Added options for Always Show or Auto Hide for the Attrition Display (defaults to Always Show)
- Better logging when bullets have missing or incorrect effects
- Updated Mk20 description and tactics in database

- Many buildings now correctly contribute to the navmesh
- Fixed/added navmesh to the rest of the islands
- Major navmesh improvements to the big island
- Fixed cliffside near Shou not having a collision mesh
- Missile launchers will now reload when empty and out of combat
- Strategic target capture and disable objectives are functional again
- Fixed null reference when landing at random spot on the ground
- Damageable parts (e.g. wings) no longer each deduct 1 attrition when destroyed
- Fixed Attrition Display not initializing correctly after respawn

- Big balance pass on almost all vehicles and weapons to use new armor and penetration values
- In general: Vehicles have a lot more HP, and are more armored
- In general: Effectiveness of gun against armor is reduced
- In general: Munitions are much more necessary to destroy armored targets
- In general: Tank cannon accuracy and effectiveness greatly increased
- M113/BTR70/M113/M48/SA9: HP increased 50 -> 100, Armored increased 0 -> 1
- BMP1: HP increased 60 -> 100, Armor increased 0 -> 2
- M1: HP increased 200 -> 500, Armor increased 1 -> 9
- T80B/M1A1: HP increased 200 -> 500, Armor increased 1 -> 10
- M60A1/T62: HP increased 100 -> 350, Armor increased 1 -> 5
- Shilka: HP increased 75 -> 125, Armor increased 0 -> 1
- ZSU57: HP increased 75 -> 220, Armor increased 0 -> 3
- M2/KPVT: Penetration increased 0 -> 1
- 2A28/M68: Deviation reduced 2.0 -> 0.5
- 2A20: Deviation reduced 2.0 -> 0.2
- M256/2A46-2: Deviation reduced 0.5 -> 0.1
- M256: Fires new 120mm NATO round
- 73mm HEAT: Impact damage increased 50 -> 100, Penetration increased 0 -> 1
- 105mm NATO: Impact damage increased 50 -> 150, Penetration increased 1 -> 8
- 120mm NATO (new): Impact damage 250, Penetration 15
- 115mm USSR: Impact damage increased 50 -> 160, Penetration increased 1 -> 7
- 125mm USSR: Impact damage increased 75 -> 275, Penetratio increased 2 -> 15
- GAU12 on AV8B has 3 ammo belt options: Mixed, High Explosive, and Armor Piercing
- GAU12 HE round has 15 splash damage and explodes on timeout
- GAU12 AP round does 12 AP damage with penetration of 3 and has a longer range and flatter trajectory than HE
- Attrition training mission defaults to HE ammo belt
- Big balance pass on all A/G munitions to bring them in line with the stronger vehicles
- Mk20 splash penetration 2 -> 10
- Mk20 splash damage 25 -> 100
- Mk82, Mk82SE splash damage 100 -> 200
- Mk82, Mk82AB, Mk82SE impact penetration 1 -> 10
- Mk82, Mk82AB, Mk82SE impact damage 200 -> 500
- Mk82AB splash damage 100 -> 250
- Mk83 impact damage 400 -> 800
- Mk83 impact penetratin 1 -> 13
- Mk83 splash damage 200 -> 400
- Mk84 impact damage 800 -> 1600
- Mk84 splash damage 300 -> 600
- AGM65D impact damage 200 -> 650

- Added "InitialCamHeight" to the Arena definition
- Aircraft now have a "Size" property similar to vehicles
- Added "AmmoBelts" array property to Aircraft loadout definition (see AV8B loadout for example)
- Added "PlayerAmmoBelt" to set default ammo belt for plaeyrs in Arena Mission definition
- Added "Attrition" parameter to vehicle and aircraft definitions to define attrition deducted when destroyed

Games Discussion / Re: Regiments : Tactical Cold War RTS set in Germany 1989
« Last post by Asid on August 16, 2024, 12:05:00 AM »
Winds of Change - Pre-Release Notes
Thu, August 15, 2024

Extra notes before DLC release

The Winds of Change are gaining strength. The DLC release is almost here.
So, let's go through some of the questions.

Release time
The release is planned for 11:00 AM BST / 06:00 EDT / 03:00 AM PDT
16th August.

The DLC is priced at $ 12.99 USD, and most regional prices follow standard Steam currency conversion rates.

DLC Update Process
There are no separate DLC and non-DLC files: everything will be downloaded with the main branch update - you should see version 1.4.0 (or more) in the bottom right corner of the main menu after that.
Purchasing the DLC on Steam will unlock the appropriate content.

DLC Content
As noted above, some of the new content will be available immediately, and some will require DLC purchase:

Main Game Update:

•    Air Assault infantry
•    Air Patrol Tac-Aids
•    Towed mortars
•    New units for existing nations
•    Revised base-game Regiments and Task Forces to include these additions
•    New Maps: 2 completely new - Wasteland and Blumenthal, and 6 alternative versions of the existing maps
•    Revised Ammo System: now with Primary, Secondary, and Squad pools

DLC-only Content:

•    War Paths
•    mode - featuring the highly customizable, procedurally-generated Operations, described in the previous dev log
•    Four new nations:
•    -    Canada - 3 Regiments, 20 Task Forces
•    -    Netherlands - 3 Regiments, 17 Task Forces
•    -    France - 4 Regiments, 19 Task Forces
•    -    Czechoslovakia - 4 Regiments, 20 Task Forces

•    Plus a new Soviet regiment, representing the Central Group of Forces, stationed in Czechoslovakia - with 3 new Task Forces

Note: War Paths' new features, like Courses of Action and Signal Intelligence, won't be added to existing Operations, as they are balanced around not having those. The unit roster in Operations will also remain largely the same, as the save structure makes changes complicated.


As occasionally happens in game development, not everything makes it to the finish line in time.

•    No Air Assault platoons for AI: Sadly, the planning and coordination involved in using those are beyond the current AI architecture. It is the same reason there are no AI Supply platoons. It requires a significant AI rewrite, which I'm planning to do anyway, but may take some considerable time.
•    New Maps aren't set up for Skirmish yet and are available only in War Paths mode. This will be addressed in one of the patches right after the DLC release.

Thanks, and see you on the other side of the release date!
Games Discussion / Re: NationWar2:Chronicle
« Last post by Asid on August 15, 2024, 01:51:24 AM »
Wed, 14 August 2024



1. Fix some missing copy to get bugs
2. Fix the bug where the translation is missing
3. Fixed a bug where the damage calculation of remote units was wrong
4. Increase the attack range of remote units
5. Fix the bug that neighbor data calculation is wrong after updating the layout system
6. Add 3D battlefield test version (you can go to Settings interface -> Battle Animation -> 3D model selection, first experience)

Games Discussion / Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Last post by Asid on August 15, 2024, 01:51:19 AM »
2024.1 Patch 8
Wed, 14 August 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for version 2024.1.

- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.

- Fix: An issue where the cook or cleaner could be missing when expanded crew management was disabled. This fix also improves crew shift management, ensuring the correct number of sailors are assigned to each shift even if some crew members become unavailable while they're active.

- Troopship convoys generated in escort duty assignments are no longer affected by the convoy size realism setting. They shouldn't be larger than they were by default. It was also making these assignments impossible to loose, since enemies weren't able to sink as many ships.

- Fix (regression of Patch 7): Repaired an issue with cyrillic characters in the main menu while setting up a new campaign.
- Fix: When playing a game without any periscope stabilization (such option was introduced in Patch 7), it's no longer a requirement to hold a hotkey for half a second to select a target. Instead, it's now enough to press it.

- Fix: Binoculars weren't stabilized, if they were opened by pressing a shortcut button on an officer's portrait.

- Fix: Improved the default undock route in Marseille.
- Fix: It was possible for two merchant ships to spawn in each other in Bergen.

- Fix: Repaired one problem that could make it impossible to save a game state.


Scourge Of War / Re: Scourge Of War - Remastered
« Last post by Asid on August 15, 2024, 01:51:15 AM »
Steam Workshop!!
Wed, 14 August 2024

- Added Steam Workshop tool in the SDK folder
- Mods folder moved inside the Base folder
- Added German language to Quatre Bras DLC
- Fixed disappearing UI bug
- Fixed prussian brigade walk formation
- Added Map button to Send Courier screen
- Increased Max camera speed movement from 100 to 1000
- Added key B to move only the selected unit on the Command Map and added NumPad0 to QuickSelect option (deleting your keyboard.csv in your Documents/SOWx64 required)
- New menus layout
- Bigger Message Sent and Message Received windows to better see commander's names
- Improved toolbar buttons highlighting
- Corrected some starting formations on MP03 Waterloo Multiplayer Army scenario

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