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Mius Front / Re: Graviteam Tactics: The Far Escape
« Last post by Asid on April 25, 2024, 12:40:59 AM »

Mius Front / Graviteam Tactics: The Far Escape
« Last post by Asid on April 24, 2024, 11:32:26 PM »
Graviteam Tactics: The Far Escape

Requires Mius Front


Price: £12.79

10% Discount at launch (£11.51)

About This Content

At September 14, 1941 German troops captured Lokhvitsa and Lubny. 9TD (1TA) approached to Lokhvitsa from the southeast, and 3TD (2TA) approached from the north. On September 15, the encirclement around the 5, 21, 26 and 37 Soviet armies of the SWF closed. The HQ of the SWF was also encircled. On the night of September 18, the Stavka allowed the 37A troops to leave Kiev. The order to encircled armies of the SWF to break through to the east, was given on the evening of September 17. 38 and 40As, which were outside the encirclement, were supposed to support the exit of the encircled troops of the SWF by attacking Romny and Lubny.

In the defense zone of the SWF, from the Southern Front, 2CC (5, 9CDs) was transferred, on the basis of which the Cavalry Mechanized Group (CMG) of General Belov was formed: 2CC, 1, 129TBdes and 100RD. The CMG units of Belov were tasked with delivering a strike in the direction of Romny, to assist the encircled troops of the SWF. To the south of CMG Belov, a group of 5CC and 110TBde operated, deployed from the 38A sector.
On September 19, 9CD (2CC) received an order to attack in the direction of Romny and capture the bridges across the Sula River. 129TBde was transferred to the front line immediately after its formation, so the personnel recruited from different units were not well-coordinated together. The brigade consisted of three tank and one motorized rifle battalions.

In order to prevent the encirclement from breaking through, its outer perimeter is reinforced by elements of German motorized divisions: 10MID and MID SS "Das Reich". 41MIR (10MID) moved behind 3TD, occupied a bridgehead on the Sula River east of Romny. The main forces of the 10MID are advancing on the crossings on the northern bank of the Sula River near Korovnitsy. MID SS "Das Reich", by forced march was transferred through Priluki to the area west of Romny. 41MIR passes into its subordination. The engineering battalion SS "Das Reich" ensures the division's crossings across the Sula River. The division was ordered to advance in the general direction towards Korovnitsy with the support of 3 battalions from AR SS

•   Operation in September 1941 (10 turns).
•   Precisely recreated area of over 40 sq. km: plains with groves and ravines, mountain with oil derricks and small settlements.
•   Historical organizational structure of units at the time of the operation.

Games Discussion / Re: Headquarters: World War II
« Last post by Asid on April 23, 2024, 12:20:30 AM »
Headquarters: World War II: Update 1.00.02 is out Now
Mon, 22 April 2024

Hello everyone!

It is 1 week since release and we have got tons of feedback and suggestions thanks to all of you! We are processing all of that, and setting up priorities of what we could do and when. Right now the main focus is on the most common crashes, AI-related issues, and localization polish. Then we would move on to the less critical issues and implement improvements based on your feedback. We plan to deliver weekly updates until the game is more stable and no frequent issues occur.

Here are the key changes in 1.00.02 update:

- Added the missing Email notifications for the Slitherine account about your turn in PBEM games.
- AI bug: Fixed a major issue that could have prevented AI from advancing toward the enemy flag
- AI improvement/bug: A major increase in its calculating speed, without impairing its capabilities. (Please, let us know how well it now works for you in terms of speed)
- AI improvement: AI now will try to keep attacking the same target with both attacks.
- AI improvement: AI will now have more incentive to “focus” enemy units - i.e. if one enemy unit was already attacked by AI controlled unit - other AI units will more likely attack it as well, unless they have a much better target available to them.
- Fixed a major issue with Chinese localization where some lines would not fit the UI (Combat Prediction and Terrain info). Now the font is smaller (but still big enough) and everything fits the UI better.
- Various localization fixes in all languages.
- Fixed a crash that would occasionally occur when Assaulting a unit with 0 Reactions left.
- Fixed a bug where an Info panel of a Spotted enemy unit could be opened via a hotkey.
- Fixed the counter on map 9 of the German campaign. Previously it did not work on the first turn of the mission.
- Added missing Smoke grenade sounds.
- Fixed Unit list not always updating in Hotseat when passing the turn to another player.
- Various UI fixes.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect use wreck for a unit Sherman Firefly (Poland). Previously the wrong mesh was used - Panzer IIIE
- Fixed a bug with incorrect use wreck for a unit Panzer III (FL). Previously the wrong mesh was used - Panzer IIIE.

Open Beta branch is now live

Additionally, we now added an Open Beta branch for everyone to check out new updates even before they are delivered to the main game. So, all new updates are first available in the Open Beta branch, and in a few days go to the main game. If you want to get the latest fixes ASAP, you can always switch to the Open Beta branch. To do it you have to:
1) Right-click Headquarters: World War II in the Library list
2) Select Properties
3) Select Betas
4) Select 'beta - open beta' in the branch dropdown
This should allow you to update to this new branch.

To opt out of Beta, just go through the same steps and switch to the “None” branch.

Further updates

We are already working on the 1.00.03 Update to be delivered next week
. We found one AI issue that slipped through when we were working on the 1.00.02, so we will finalize the AI fixes in 1.00.03. Also, there are still a number of very important problems we will do our best to address. For example, some issues are happening, because the Windows user is not an Administrator, so we are looking to address that in 1.00.03. That and much more.

Your feedback

Your feedback and suggestions help us greatly, and we invite you to share them and discuss them with us on Discord, the Steam community hub, and Slitherine forums. We are always very open with the community and believe that without good communication between the dev team and the players' community, there cannot be a truly great game made.

Have a great weekend everyone!

See you next week with another update

Games Discussion / Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Last post by Asid on April 22, 2024, 12:09:47 AM »
Full Release Dev Log #3: Torpedo Data Computer, Echosounder, Diesel engines
Thu, 2 November 2023

Depth information rework, FPP improvements

Dear skippers,

We are back with another dev log. This time, we will dive into several upgrades that are meant to expand selected simulation aspects of the game.

Our goal with these changes is to accommodate more playstyles, but without forcing them in any way. If such technical things are not your cup of tea, don't worry as everything discussed here is going to be fully optional as it was always the case in UBOAT.

Torpedo calculators
We know that this is a #1 wish of a vital part of the community and thus we are very happy to announce that the next update will bring a very realistic simulation of TDC to the game!

What is TDC? The abbreviation stands for Torpedo Data Computer and in a context of German U-boats it was an electromechanical calculator that was responsible for computing gyro angle for the torpedoes, as well as several other attack parameters. The device was working entirely with the means of mechanical moving parts and electric motors.

Considering that it's going to be optional to use in UBOAT, we could take the liberty of pursuing absolute realism in this case, which means that our goal was to make it work just like the real life device, without introducing major simplifications.

Depth information rework
With the next update, the depth information will no longer be exactly known from the map to add some exciting uncertainty about it. The provided information will remain quite reliable near ports, since Kriegsmarine equipped U-boats with detailed maps for areas around them, but somewhat unprecise away from them.

Due to the rework explained above, the echosounder has become an essential device to use in the game, since it measures the seabed depth below the keel. For this reason, we've decided to give it more attention.

There are various quality of life improvements coming that make it more comfortable to use. It's going to be possible to quickly request single measurements from the crew using a TAB menu. Also, after the measurement is done, the sailor that performed it, reports the measured depth verbally, meaning that it's no longer necessary to look at the device to read the measurement.

We've also reworked how the echosounder works based on the authentic instruction manual. It's now possible to operate it fully manually in FPP and use all of its features, which may come handy in certain situations. The model was also reworked and is now much more accurate. Our previous version was based on a wooden replica from U-995, which has several differences with the original.

Crew reports log
The next update will add an optional crew reports log, which will no doubt be very useful on many occasions. Among other things, it will contain all contact reports with bearing.

Diesels upgrade
Diesel engines have also received some love. They now have an exhaust temperature simulated that can be read on the dials in the engine room.

Aside from that, when engines are too cold for the current speed and don't burn fuel completely, the smoke coming out of the U-boat will become much more black and visible to the enemy.

Engines now also consume additional fuel to load batteries and batteries cannot be loaded at all at the maximum speed as all available power is then used to run the propellers.

First person perspective improvements
We've also worked on making the first person perspective gameplay more enjoyable by implementing various technical improvements that contribute to feeling that the movement in this mode is smoother and more pleasant.

There are also various quality of life improvements, for example, we ensured that the camera doesn't switch to TPP from FPP when it's not necessary.

Special thanks

-    We couldn't do all of this without a website created by Maciek Florek, We had an honour to work with Maciek during the early years of UBOAT until he passed away after a long illness. It's currently the most accessible compendium online about TDC and he put a lot of love into making it. If you are interested in learning more about this subject, we encourage you to visit and read!
-    TDC mod team for support and inspiration to bring TDC into the base game. We have to pass very special thanks to Ruby for making countless sounds of various gears and switches for TDC and to Freekoly for helping with research about this device and providing valuable feedback.
-    Stosstrupp for sharing his extensive knowledge on TDC, being supportive along the entire way, helping us to figure out the echosounder and sharing historical photos from his many books.
-    DECAFBAD for providing very accurate and detailed information about diesel engines and for helping to figure out the echosounder.
-    Melonir, for providing a rare book explaining echosounder inner workings.

But wait, there is more!
We still have much more to share and will soon in the upcoming dev logs.

We still don't know how much time it will take us to complete this update. For example, we are still finishing models for the interiors of new u-boat types. We also gather feedback on the forum, so if you have something you always wanted added or changed, feel free to post. It's important to us, to make you satisfied with the upcoming release.

Have you found the contents of this dev log interesting? Please let us know in the comments section. This helps us make decisions on further development directions. Thank you!


Games Discussion / Re: Steel Crew : Tank Vs Tank combat
« Last post by Asid on April 21, 2024, 04:37:03 PM »
Scenario editor added to the game.
Sat, April 20, 2024

The editor allows you to create your own scenarios. Add or remove capture points, spawn positions or change the game type.

The plan for the future is that this editor will also allow for coop missions.

The user interface is not very user-friendly and I hope to improve on that moving forward.

Only the host needs to have the scenario files but feel free to share them. There is no workshop integration so this is what you will have to do:
Navigate to where you installed the game. All scenario files are stored in “\SteelCrew\Content\Scenarios\” The ones that comes with the install is called “1default.txt”, “2wakeisland.txt” and “3training.txt”. Let’s say you name your scenario “MyTest” then you should have a “MyTest.txt” file here that you can send. If you want to add a scenario someone else has sent you you will have to add the file here.

How to use the editor:
Scenario name: Set a display name so when hosting you know what you have selected.

Description: A short description of what the scenario is.

Capture points can be added, moved, rotated and scaled. When the game mode is “tug of war” the order they are in will determine in what order they are allowed to be captured in. Each point has a flag that should be placed close to the center of the point.

Ai targets are always connected to a capture point and when playing with bots, this is where they will try to go.

Spawn points can be set to team A or B and the ranks will spawn in the orientation of the spawn point. They should be connected to a capture point if the game mode is “tug of war”. A minimum of 4 spawn points per team is recommended with some space in between.
Games Discussion / Re: Black One Blood Brothers
« Last post by Asid on April 20, 2024, 01:13:31 AM »
Dev Talks #1
Fri, 19 April 2024

Black One Blood Brothers - Now and Onwards

During the Steam FPS Fest, we took the opportunity to have a quick discussion with Helios about the game and its - bright - future. For now, this video is in French, but we will try to bring more English to our dev talks format.

We are also considering a Q&A session at the end of the dev talks, so if you have any questions about the game, we will be glad to answer them, whether it would be on our social media, our Discord, or in videos.

Don't forget that you can get your copy of Black One Blood Brothers at 50% off during the Steam FPS Fest. The sale runs until April 22nd, so don't miss out and share the news.

Until then, stay safe.

Join us on Discord and start the conversation:

Games Discussion / Re: SGS Battle For: Stalingrad
« Last post by Asid on April 19, 2024, 12:05:07 AM »
Minor fixes - Battle Series Update
Thu, 18 April 2024

new release brings updates
We are releasing today the 3rd game in the Battle Series, SGS Battle for Hué (see below).

The improvements and engine changes created for and brought in this new game have also been retrofitted into Stalingrad (and also Madrid) battles series games.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have fun

SGS Battle For: Hue

The battle of Hué is an epic fight during the audacious 1968 Tết offensive launched by the Communists during the Vietnam War. Relive one of the longest, bloodiest battles the Americans would fight against VC in that emblematic conflict.

Games Discussion / Re: Victory at Sea Atlantic - World War II Naval Warfare
« Last post by Asid on April 19, 2024, 12:05:02 AM »
Victory At Sea Atlantic Update
Thu, 18 April 2024

We have been listening to your ideas and opinions, (as always keep them coming) and we are pleased to announce that the latest update is here. If you check below there are a lot of different updates based on your feedback.

This is only phase 2 of player feedback updates, so expect another one towards the end of next week!

Bug fixes:

- Optimised the initial application loading.
- The airborne flight list on the navy panel shows intercept orders correctly.
- Fixed a bug causing the selected squadron list to hide when selecting flights on the bridge.
- Player submersibles stay at the right depth after moving and rotating their squadron during combat setup.
- Upgraded coastal structure power consumption stays correct after loading a save.
- Prevented empty flight squadron counters lingering in view.
- Result popup shows immediately after returning from a custom battle.
- The US war declaration loads correctly from a save.
- Demolition and repairing functions correctly on captured coastal structures.


- Reduced damage and critical hit chance penalties for non-controlled ship combat.
- AP shells can over penetrate on lightly-armoured targets, reducing damage and preventing critical hits.
- Increased AP shell critical hit chance.
- AP shell armour-piercing bonus varies depending on target range.
- Updated the ammunition capacity for all ship guns.
- Reworked torpedo spotting chances, accounting for factors such as lighting and weather conditions.
- Faster-moving submerged submersibles are easier to detect with sonar.
- Improved hit-and-run and hiding behaviour for enemy submersibles in combat.
- German submersibles do not group up in fleets.
- Submersibles do not actively fire at enemy aircraft on the bridge.
- Increased visibility of shell splashes on the ocean.
- Combat air patrols use fewer of the available fighter flights, and stay grouped together on patrol.
- Planes do not replenish automatically in flights, but landed flights with lost aircraft automatically consolidate together.
- Fleets and flights retain attack or intercept orders if they lose sight of their target.
- Aircraft fuel consumption in combat reduced to realistic levels.
- Time can be accelerated to 200x on the bridge.
- In new campaigns, Britain starts with an AMES station, and radar starts researched.
- Boosted AMES range at all levels.
- Improved CAP and fighter intercept behaviour on the bridge.
- Improved flight spotting updates when at high timescales.
- Aircraft no longer move at full throttle on the bridge.
- Reduced the frequency of enemy air raids and airfield construction.
- Increased the time a flight squadron needs to bomb a structure.
- New airfields have are set to automatically launch combat aircraft by default.
- Sonar pings are more audible in combat.


- Single-clicking player units on the Minimap focuses the camera on them.
- Structure upgrade button displays the upgrade cost in red if player resources are too low.


- Ship and weapon model adjustments.
- Updated the guns for Hood and York
- Changed the tilt position for guns on the Admiral Hipper

Known Issue (Aiming to be fixed in hotfix tomorrow)

- Planes of the same type built in Airfields are consolidated as they build, so for instance if you build two Spitfire squadrons at once, as soon as each builds a plane they combine into one squadron.

Games Discussion / Re: Victory at Sea Atlantic - World War II Naval Warfare
« Last post by Asid on April 18, 2024, 12:19:16 AM »
ETA for Next update
Wed, 17 April 2024

We want to thank you for your patience with the next update.

Right now we are testing and refining based on feedback. We have identified areas we felt were important that players have raised. These include improvements to subs mechanics, better Ship V Ship combat, better use of planes in the campaign view, particularly around defending targets, as well as adding Radar at the start for the Allied campaign.

We were hoping to get it out today, but at this rate it will be tomorrow. Sorry for the delay but we don't want to give you a game that crashes on start!

We'll keep you posted!


Games Discussion / Re: Kenshi
« Last post by Asid on April 17, 2024, 12:25:35 AM »
Kenshi has sold 2 million copies! Plus: Animated Steam Avatars
Tue, 16 April 2024

Kenshi passes 2 millions sales mark, animated Steam avatars + Community Spotlight #16

Hey Kenshi crew, how you doin’? First up - in case you missed it, we recently posted a blog with a little Kenshi 2 news and a brand new Kenshi Free Camera mode. Check it out if you’ve not had the chance. So why are we here again so soon? Well, we’ve a pretty big milestone to celebrate:

Kenshi hits two million sales milestone

We’re overjoyed to announce that we’ve sold 2.3 million copies of Kenshi. Not only that - more of you folks bought yourself a copy of Kenshi in 2023 than in any other year. Wild.

Read on...
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