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Zovs Map Mod (WIP)

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Greetings, I have made several mods for several games (Gary Grigsby's War in the West, War in the East 2, Norm Kruger's The Operational Art of War and/or other game systems, i.e. the WDS games PzC, PzB, NB, ACW and also messing with making maps, UI and counters for various VASSAL modules).

Well this morning Ron's blue ocean was just getting to me and I wondered if I could do something a little different a little more like my beloved board wargames from the 1970s. So I started with the three big maps and then started a test site (France) to see if things looked okay).

For the individual map sections there are currently 4,219 map files to mod, so far I have only modified 46 of them and it has taken me in the two timed sessions 3:24 and 3:18 minutes to modified/tweak 12 images. So someone smarter than I can figure out how many hours it will take me (PLEASE DON"T TELL ME! LOL  :D). I still have 4,173 files to go...

At any rate here is a screenshot for each view and the test strip I have done thus far. Any feedback is welcomed but once I set about with the current mix of colors I don't think I'll be going back to redo stuff, just way too many files to go over.

View Map Levels ->

Europe Level

High Level

Mid Level

Low Level

PS -> Don't ask me when I'll get this done, do the math but don't tell me, I do have to eat, work, sleep, feed my cats, and go work out at the gym but I'll keep you posted, I do want to play the dang game but I do like/love the new graphics it makes me want to play it more. Plus I think (so far as I have checked) the counters stick out a bit more...time will tell...if I could only edit the counter colors...and fonts

PSS -> Here is part of scenario 102 with the Belgians, French, and British forces on my map mod.

I won't say anything right now but why on earth are the French not Powder Blue? !

Postscript three, you can actually click on the images in my post and they get a little bit bigger to see better.

Hope you might enjoy, if not I will.

Sometimes for every step forward you have to take one back. I originally had completed 360 of the series of images that make up the low level map (there is three per series, so if I say series 1-120 then that is 360 images that need to be tweaked (its kind of weird since there is a Europe level, a high level and a mid level each which is one enormous file and there are 4,119 or so of these triplets in a series (for example m0117.bmp, m0117h.bmp, and 0117m.bmp) that need editing.

At any rate I retooled my graphics and this time around I made subtle changes to what I think is a nice looking map.

Europe Level:

High Level:

Mid Level:

Low Level:

Quite fun thus far and looking forward to playing on this map.

I believe you can click on each image and it will present a larger image to view.

Thanks for watching/listening/reading...

Agent Smith:
Hey Zovs, I'm not sure if you're a photoshop or GIMP user, but I have been using the Hue/Saturation tool with some good outcomes in GIMP. Only issue is the batch plugin doesn't currently work, and batch scripting is beyond me. So it looks like changing a whole lotta .bmps
This is going to be more a marathon than a sprint. Will be starting at the lowest level as that's where I mostly play.


--- Quote from: Agent Smith on December 09, 2024, 09:21:33 PM ---Hey Zovs, I'm not sure if you're a photoshop or GIMP user, but I have been using the Hue/Saturation tool with some good outcomes in GIMP. Only issue is the batch plugin doesn't currently work, and batch scripting is beyond me. So it looks like changing a whole lotta .bmps
This is going to be more a marathon than a sprint. Will be starting at the lowest level as that's where I mostly play.

--- End quote ---

I use and am pretty proficient with it. See my screenshots in my 1.0 version thread.


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