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Author Topic: Flames of War & Saga – Milan Tournament – 43 players under the same roof!  (Read 2618 times)

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Flames of War & Saga – Milan Tournament – 43 players under the same roof!
February 18, 2022  | Paolo Paglianti

Well, I’m really happy. I began to set up this tournament in early January, but the situation was not that good. In the end, despite the COVID and all limitations, we managed to gather 43 players (28 FOW, 14 Saga, and 1 reserve) under the same roof.

A full Sunday playing wargames, throwing dice, and blaming luck, and a lot of fun. This was probably the biggest FOW tournament in Italy since before the Pandemic. The Flames of War tourney was set in the Late War period, and a Saga tournament in the Age of Crusades. By the way, if you want to know how Saga works, you can check this article!

(A note: the Cornaredo Tournament was opened only to three-dose vaccinated people, and we wore masks all time. We just pulled them down for some photos).

First, the gadgets and the sponsors.

I like the idea of each player returning home after the tournament happy and, possibly, with a small gadget or two. Something unique that they can use in their future games. For FOW players, I created three tokens for Attack, Defence, and Manoeuvre. These tokens can be used when a FOW game starts and the two players select the scenario with More Missions PDF. It’s very easy to create a 3d “sign” from a 2D draw, using 3D Builders, a pre-installed program with Windows 10. I also primed them with dark grey, and I painted them with a German WW2 camo-like color.

For Saga, I created some Fatigue markers. On a circular-shaped base, I digitally “glued” the 2D image of each player faction, taken from the  Saga official site where they are free to download. Every player received six of them.

In addition, I painted the “usual” 15mm soldier – this time, we had a British WW2 soldier for each FOW players, and 15mm Crusaders for the SAGA players. A small touch is to add a personalized tag on the base, like “FOW Tournament Cornaredo- Paolo Paglianti”. You just need to place with a Paint program all tags on a single A4 paper sheet and laser print on adhesive cards.

All players also received a free 20$ Coupon from Slitherine – I work for Slitherine and I think every Saga or FOW player could be interested in our games – and discount coupons from PWorks and Baueda. PWorks is an Italian producer of gaming mats of high quality, and we used three of them during the tournament. Baueda scultps and0 produces beautiful custom bases for FOW infantry and guns. The tournament is also supported by FIW, the Italian Wargame Federation, our Country’s organization of wargamers reuniting ancient, medieval, 3d Wargames, boardgames.

(Disclaimer, I work full time for Slitherine; yes, I spend almost every hour of the day on wargames on PC, consoles, tabletop, or painting miniatures, or writing articles for

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