Forum > Steel Beasts Pro

Steel Beasts 4.3 Thread

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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---The projected release date is June 2022, with a fall-back option around the end of October.
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---No - but to be honest, I don't think this would be necessary or make a difference to begin with. Generally, whenever a platoon is in column formation and the direction to the next route vertex does not deviate more than +/-30° from the direction of the road, the platoon will stay on the road anyway. So it is quite possible to use both Navmesh intelligence in combination with road-bound movement, but unfortunately you'd have to forego the convenience of holding the Shift key for long distance routes between waypoints (a practice that I have never recommended to begin with). The prerequisite is that the unit is in column formation (duh).
In version 4.1/4.2 units still don't have a way to anticipate sharp turns on a road. They won't slow down if moving at high speed before it's too late and are therefore alsmot guaranteed to overshoot a turn. We've been working on a number of improvements in the 4.3 branch, so coming June a scenario that might not work too well right now for this reason alone might actually behave better (but hard to say without looking at the specific case). So, one way to avoid trouble is to have a waypoint some 50m in front of a sharp turn, then make the turn with a slow route and narrow spacing, and resume normal speed and distances a while later. In an ideal world the units would do this automatically, I agree, but we have to work with how it is right now.
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Default sizes for platoons of ATTV Vector and Mercedes G 300 CDi will be changed in version 4.3:

But does that capability already exist?

--- Quote from: Ssnake ---A tutorial video is in preparation.
Task forces allow you to create "group routes" that auto-clone the path that you plot; you can then make adjustments before you give then a command for the whole TF to follow the new route. Note that "Infantry Task Forces" are limited to platoon size (or at least, in version 4.3 they will be), but as such suitable for making infantry platoons act as coherent formations. Should make handling infantry-heavy scenarios much easier.
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---Crew positions and (accurate) modelling of the fire control systems of late Russian equipment is not the focus of our military customers, who tend to hog most of our available development time. There are a few that we managed to squeeze in between contracts, and more will be coming later this year, but sorry, no T-90 for you. I reckoned that our chances of the Russian army to give us access to one of their tanks for a few days were "slim" even before the recent shit show.
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