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Steel Beasts 4.3 Thread

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A patch will be released before the weekend:

Version 4.379 is released. I will make an announcement once it is clear whether there will be a patch in addition to a full installer.

--- Quote from: Ssnake --- I know it's tongue in cheek, but for those missing the snark:

This isn't how this works.
Version 4.3, now being "the stable branch", will no longer receive feature additions (it may still receive patches).
We've already begun working on version 4.4, which is now "the experimental branch".

By the time that it's time for a new PE release, we may have advanced the version count to 4.5, or 4.6 even.
4.499 could be followed by 4.4100. It hasn't happened in the last 20 years; typically we stop between the high 50s and mid 70s. Still, just because the counter reaches 99 doesn't mean it couldn't go to 100, 200, 900 even.
- there's no law that we must go through 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9 to reach 5.0
- there's no law that you will ever see 5.0; may well be that, to mature enough for a public PE release, it'll take until 5.2 or 5.3.
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---Time acceleration can indeed cause trouble if the frame rate isn't high enough - which depends on the computer, and the scenario, of course.
While forests do help with reducing the likelihood of getting spotted (by a lot), once that a unit is spotted, it will get immediately identified and from that moment on has very little chance of escaping observation again. This is less than ideal, but to change this mechanism we need a new software architecture (which is in development). The good news, version 4.4+ will do something about infantry getting spotted at longer ranges.
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--- Quote from: Ssnake ---No. There will be a final 4.3 update this year (summer...autumn-ish), and, probably, a major upgrade next year. Whether that will bear the number 4.4 or something else, I don't know yet. We try to maintain the established three-year cycle
2013 (3.0)
2016 (4.0)
2019 (4.1)
2022 (4.3)
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