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view radar track from irl fly

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Hi !

I'm working in aviation and once gave me a task on tacview. I have to understand how we can use tacview with our real fly datas.
I'm totally new on tacview. By reading the documentation I understood tacview can be used with irl datas if they are in a correct format.

I pretty easily got the trajectory but I'm supposed to plot radar tracks as well. I saw this option was avaliable in some simulator but I didn't get well if real life files can do the same job. Maybe considering them like object or using telemetry can give me some result, but I still don't understand well how my files should look like.
If you have any advice or idea that could help me I'll take it ;)

(I'm sorry if that kind of question has already been asked, I tried to check before... )

Hi Ninja,

Are you creating your own ACMI files or are you working with data obtained from a GPS or some other source?

The following properties can be used to create radar cones:

RadarMode - number   - Radar mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
RadarAzimuth - deg - Radar azimuth (heading) relative to aircraft orientation
RadarElevation - deg - Radar elevation relative to aircraft orientation
RadarRoll - deg - Radar roll angle relative to aircraft orientation
RadarRange - m   - Radar scan range
RadarHorizontalBeamwidth   - deg - Radar beamwidth in azimuth
RadarVerticalBeamwidth - deg - Radar beamwidth in elevation

I attached a small example of an acmi file with an anti-aircraft object with these properties included, forming a radar code.

Thanks for your answer it's actually help me a lot !

I not sure yet for the files, I suppose I will have to create my own acmi files with the datas from the flies. There are in a total strange format

Is it possible to create just point instead of cones? I wasn't clear enough on my first post but I was thinking about plotting points using the guessed locations of each radar track. I guess this may be even more easy to do but I'm not very confident with acmi files... Actually could just casual object be my tracks ? But on the other hand I would prefer if their location could be define respect to the plane whereas objects are define on they own without any refence in location I suppose... 

Hi Ninja,

The properties listed below can be used to plot a dotted/dashed line representing a radar track in any direction:

LockedTargetMode - number - Primary target lock mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
LockedTargetAzimuth   - deg -Primary target azimuth (heading) relative to aircraft orientation
LockedTargetElevation - deg - Primary target elevation relative to aircraft orientation
LockedTargetRange - m - Primary target distance to aircraft

I attached a picture and a basic acmi file using these properties.

I would love to take a look at your raw data and know where it came from (i.e. what GPS or other source) because we are always looking to natively support file formats when it makes sense to do so.

Hi buzybee !

Thanks again for your answer! I understand better how all of that works thank to your posts, but I'm still a bit confused...

100000000,T=4.6243665|4.6850367|28.56,Type=Ground+AntiAircraft,Color=Blue,Name=sa-17,LockedTargetMode =1,LockedTargetAzimuth=45,LockedTargetElevation =45,LockedTargetRange =1000
Does this line define the object sa-17 ? Which means its location with T || are its true coordinate and then the lockedtarget**** define its position respect to a plane we actually haven't defined yet
Or does it define the plane himself where T||| will be it's location and lockedtaget*** the location of the radar track?

I'm guessing the correct answer is probably the first one... Does that mean we have to calculate the exact coordinates from the position relative to the aircraft of vice versa ?

Correct me if I'm wrong, to plot several radar tracks in acmi format I will have to name each one with a different id, have their coordinates and location respect to the plane and put all that in the way you show me. Then i will still be able to plot the aitcraft as well using again another id and a different type.
Finally to make all of this work in time I will add new time references using #6 for exemple and give the new locations of each object I create using their id and leaving a blank will mean nothing/one property didn't change for this track.

As for the raw data, I'm afraid i can't give them to you, there are not mine and I can't decide by myself to put them here or not even if I know this could really help me, I'm sorry ...


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