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« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2018, 09:13:36 PM »

Now only $29.99 (plus VAT if applicable)

Own around 80 flyable aircraft -all included!

The Ultimate Edition of what many are now saying is the most
immersive World War One flight simulator available.   
Around 80 flyable authentic WW1 aircraft included from the
start, and a truly amazing dynamic campaign,  the best WW1 AI 
(artificial intelligence) available and much more, all puts YOU in
the Great Air War more than any other flight simulator.
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« Reply #46 on: September 06, 2018, 07:31:44 PM »
Version 4.18
05 August 2018

1) Allow new sequence of order numbers to be entered and validated after install, or re-install.  includes all the previous updates too;

Download (117MB): HERE
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« Reply #47 on: May 29, 2019, 11:23:17 AM »
Version 4.22
27th May 2019

Additionally, we are also working on a new Add-on to be released hopefully later this year. This will include some much improved scenery, scenery objects, new aircraft and more!

Latest patch includes ALL these changes below.    So normally you only ever need the latest patch to be fully up to date.

Download (141MB): HERE

Contents and Improvements WOFF UE V4.22

1) QC - Fixed an issue with the mouse pointer mode over the enemy skin selection pull-down menu
2) QC - Player position in flight now has two modes - based on workshop selection - by Rank and Always Leads The leader at the head of the squad is often more likely to be targeted by AI, setting this to based on rank can sometimes allow you to be just another flight member rather than at the head of the flight, and be less targeted.
3) Campaign Dialogue interface imagery now looks neater with the scrollable outcomes window
4) Fixed an issue with the AI Balloon kill reporting (it was reported on number of Air kills instead of Balloon kills)
5) Because the Player can in some instances no longer issue attack commands in QC (as he is not leader) the AI now carry out the QC Mission Objectives automatically.
6) A limit of a maximum of two aircraft will attack the same target (Ground or Air).
7) Revised LePrieur Rocket effects.
8) Improved AI Balloon Attack capabilities.
9) Improved Searchlight function.
10) Fixed an issue in QC where bombers would only bomb if player selected the default campaign Bombing Payload (1) - Now selection of any payload with bombs instructs the AI to Bomb (Friendly or Enemy)
11) Gothas will now use more bombs on each bombing pass (was single drops)
12) Corrected the aircraft database: changed the BE2c HD (Home Defence) version to correctly reflect that it has a fixed gun.
13) Fixed an issue whereby A-Flight when assisting would sometimes be directed to attack the Target irrespective of what the mission directive was or whether the Target was friendly or not (AI will never attack friendly targets so they simply ignored the mission directive).
14) Players flying Gothas will now only attack England on the correct historical dates.
15) Implemented Aircraft start-up sounds for all AI aircraft at code level and with 21 associated unique engine start-up sounds matching the aircraft engine types.
16) Headshake can now be controlled via workshops - severity and on/off.
17) Implemented latest shader version.
18) Incorporated some extra scenario missions for Britain and Germany
19) Aircraft can now navigate tighter and closer mission way-points.
20) Increased Morale of QC AI pilots (Skill dependant)
21) Revised AI Fight versus Flight tactical decision making.
22) Revised Squadron AI base morale settings.
23) AI  - Fighters should now engage more frequently.
24) Change QC Fighters to Target Ground 'Structures' when directed to attack ground Installations to ensure they attack targets of significance.
25) Revised some sounds volumes.
26) RAF BE2 and BE12 series aircraft cooper bomb load-outs reduced to 4 (was 8)
27) Observer allocated to player upon enlistment is no longer always the first Observer - an Observer is now randomly allocated.
28) Observers are now randomly allocated to AI flight members - the Player is allocated the same Observer unless he is killed or not in service.
29) Form up at action directives is no longer circular - the aircraft will form up in transit to next way-point.          Note: form up at non action directives or after action whilst in transit may still be circular!
30) Reduced kills and flying hours of incoming replacement pilots. Refined this some more - incoming pilots are now pretty poor unless squad is Elite or Good and a fighter squad then they will sometimes have kills. Elite Bomber squads may sometimes have a pilot coming in with 1 kill
31) Time Advance summary now includes Rank and Name of pilots killed and or wounded in sorties.
32) Addressed an issue that sometimes caused incorrect destroyed aircraft accounting.
33) Incorporated the new Fokker D.VI Aircraft and associated squadrons for full campaign play.  Also Jasta 80b skin, and one Jasta 80b ace skin.


Incorporates all these previous patches:

19 October 2018  Version 4.21 4241
1) Ground Object Collisions Revised: The hardness of the ground object that the aircraft is colliding with is now taken into account together with the speed of impact.


25 September 2018  Version 4.20 4241
1) Fixed an issue with the WOFF Key Bindings software that prevented it from reading the WOFF install path correctly 2) Pressing the Escape or Space key now terminates the opening splash


17 September 2018   Version 4.19 4241
1) Improved the WOFF Key Bindings to work with VKB Joystick hardware (and clones such as Ravcore Javelin). Also the tool includes improvements such as handling badly calibrated joysticks better, and has ability to bind more axis.

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #48 on: November 03, 2019, 03:12:54 PM »
Version 4.24
24th June 2019

Additionally, we are also working on a new Add-on to be released hopefully later this year. This will include some much improved scenery, scenery objects, new aircraft and more!

Latest patch includes ALL these changes below.    So normally you only ever need the latest patch to be fully up to date.

Download (141MB): HERE

Contents and Improvements WOFF UE V4.24

1) Implemented a new version of WOFFKeys to account for poor naming convention of VKB joysticks in their firmware (leading and now trailing spaces in name).

Also contains all the following;

31st May 2019  WOFF UE V4.23

Contents and Improvements

1) Fixed a weather issue that sometimes caused aircraft to not land correctly.
2) Some Home Defence, and Gotha campaign missions issues fixed.

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #49 on: November 03, 2019, 03:31:50 PM »

Home page


This DLC Upgrades WOFF UE* with superb new features to ramp up the immersion factor for immersion plus!

“WOFF PE” is a NEW EXPANSION for Wings Over Flanders Fields Ultimate Edition  (WOFF UE).  You need to own WOFF UE.

The immersion bar is raised higher, with its specially crafted improvements to add more excitement, more in depth campaigns and immersive encounters.  It adds well over 40 improvements and features to the base WW1 simulator WOFF UE (which is required).

Highlights include extensive campaign changes to allow more involvement of the player in the action - superb improved scenery looks better than ever, campaign interface improvements and much more. 

Of the 80+ aircraft in WOFF there are around 60 fighters.  We have upgraded these fighter cockpits with new animated guns and other visual improvements.   Sometimes when jammed you will see the gun levers sometimes trying to move and you can attempt to unjam and watch the levers unlock if successful. Click the button to reveal much more detailed list of features!

WOFF PE will upgrade an install of WOFF UE. Always check if there is a WOFF PE update patch after installing PE.

WOFF PE contains these NEW features and changes. Contents and Improvements WOFF Platinum Edition V5.00

1) Revised Terrain Tiles and Scenery object textures - all seasons. A large undertaking as we have 12 front lines states for various parts of the war, plus each of those has several "seasons"!
2) Improved Terrain Blending.
3) Improved Scenery objects density and draw distance and reduced haze for greater distance visibility.
4) Revised Sound system volume mix levels and improved many sounds.
5) Ground based MGs now no longer have tracers.
6) Increased gun/artillery fire along the frontlines - changes from day to day - more battles can now be seen in action.
7) Player can now restart engine after landing/end of mission and game physics is no longer halted - eg trucks no longer stop moving etc - Note player may now be attacked when landed in good health.
8) Revised damaged and ruined scenery building and frontlines object models.
9) If player now tries to start engine with low fuel or a damaged engine the instructor states it and engine start is not attempted.
10) Now quiting a mission over enemy lines or when forced down in ememy territory, the aircraft is 'captured' and is accounted for as a lost machine even if the player escapes and returns to duty.
11) Improved aircraft accounting systems.
12) Outcomes system now specifies the airfield that each individual squadron member landed at, including player, as opposed to the current formation squad landing destination specified.
13) Outcomes system now specifies if the aircraft was over (or forced down on ground) in enemy territory or friendly territory when mission ends.
14) QC Fuel and Ammo selections are now persistent mission to mission when player remains in QC.
15) AI captivity (and loss of aircraft) is now no longer a die roll but is determined by AI Pilot health, AI Aircraft health, AI Remaining fuel, and AI Distance Behind Enemy Lines. at the time the mission ends - these are used to reasonably determine whether the AI pilot makes it home or not.
16) If the Player quits the mission whilst in/over enemy territory or is forced down in enemy territory the distance Behind Enemy Lines is now reported.
17) Operations (Air Activity) radii for Local and Regional Squadrons (Living World) are now displayed on the briefing map - they vary with workshops regional air activity settings, with player location, and types of operations/craft assignment (These are not changed from WOFFUE - just the rings display is added). Note these rings dictate which squads are 'active/available' to put up flights and is NOT the limit of these squads flight paths. The rings simply dictate which squads in the theatre may fly - thus it is possible that flights paths can then exceed the raddii of the rings if the specific squadrons target/directives selected during mission creation determine such (OOB system specific)! The percentage of squads within the two radii that fly is dictated again by the workshops regional air activity setting - its used for the two functions. Targets/Directives for the squads 'activated' by the Local and Regional radii (Search Functionality): Fighters: Fighter Squads generally obey their typical target range allowance as dictated by the squadron database (in Teds Squad file) - limited to a max of 70 miles. However if they cannot find a target within that range for their given mission directive (one must understand we have a finite number of targets in any given area) the range allowance is increased incrementally by 5 miles until they do find one. If they dont find one they simply use the last one found. Note: at no stage do we abort the squads mission (cull the flight) - they will fly - this is important especially in sparsely populated areas (squads and targets) and early years to keep air activity going. 2 Seaters: 2 Seater Squads generally obey their typical target range allowance as dictated by the squadron database - limited to a max of 70 miles. However if they cannot find a target within that range for their given mission directive (one must understand we have a finite number of targets in any given area) the range allowance is increased incrementally by 25 miles until they do find one. If they dont find one they simply use the last one found. Note: at no stage do we abort the squads mission (cull the flight) - they will fly - this is important especially in sparsely populated areas (squads and targets) and early years to keep air activity going. Heavies: Heavy Bomber Squads generally obey their typical target range allowance as dictated by the squadron database - and basically have no limit apart from their operational range - as they are long range bombers If they dont find one in range (seldom happens with Heavies) they simply use the last one found (this could be improved) Typically these squads will be flying long routes. Note: at no stage do we abort the squads mission (cull the flight) - they will fly - this is important especially in sparsely populated areas (squads and targets) and early years to keep air activity going. This is all part of the OBD Living World system that is SPECIFICALLY designed to avoid only having activity along the players prescribed mission path - as most other campaign systems do - and to create a world that is alive wherever the player might end up going.
18) Centres of the Local and Regional Air Activity Radii is now the nearest frontline sector to the player - where applicable. (Note does not apply to England Germany and or Heavy Bomber squads) - as opposed to always being the players airfield.
19) Frontline patrols now take place along two points on the actual frontline positions whenever possible.
20) Implemented the ability to move/edit waypoints in the mission briefing screen, so that players can setup mission routes as desired.
21) Selecting 'Airstart' now specifies where you will start, and the waypoint lines up to Waypoint 1 or the specific start waypoint are removed.
22) The approximate distance that the players airfield is from the nearest frontlines is now reported in campaign intro as well as on the small airfield location map (BFL Behind Friendly Lines) top of main campaign GUI.
23) 'Reconnaissance' craft will now also carry out bombing runs if they can carry bombs.
24) Scramble and Escort Missions are now allowed with Historical Mission Types set on in Workshops - even if squad did not carry out the role historically - for improved variation in campaign play.
25) Mission Briefing screen map now includes miscellaneous waypoints that were deemed non critical and thus not displayed (UE Map only displayed critical waypoints and objectives) these are: Altitude Up (friendly side of lines near airfield), Altitude Down (Ground Attack missions near target) and Patrol an Area (Escort Patrol Reccy craft that must note troop and or fall of shot over an area). They are now included to allow the player to adjust them along with the main waypoints see 20)
26) Implemented Gun Lever animations for ALL fighter aircraft - they animate when fired, jammed, and when unjamming the guns. Bullet belts also move. Vickers and Spandau are brand new models with others upgraded.
27) Revised aircraft effects: 'on fire', 'smoke', 'fuel leak', 'oil leak' etc
28) Incorporated Revised and Additional Squadrons with additional aircraft allocations and airfields for WOFF Platinum : Total Squadrons incorporated are now: British(90) French(184) and German(203) Squadrons. New aircraft coming in 2020.
29) Incorporated 3rd party weather and news files.
30) Updated all 12 Global layers 1914, 1915, 1916, 1916+6, 1917, 1917+6, 1918, 1918+2, 1918+4, 1918+6, 1918+9, 1918+11 to incorporate the additional airfields required by the Squadron Update.
31) Both Player and Regional flight target selection criteria are now more tightly bound to the region of operations (Air Activity) radii.
32) Added improved search criteria for the enemy flights that the player may face whilst on his mission as well as increased variety.
33) Revised search criteria for obtaining local Fighter Squadrons - improving campaign immersion.
34) Revised the Slot/Rank Breakpoints and optimised for each Nation to allow better allocation of the 3 Aircraft slots by Rank.
35) Implemented the ability to switch the Wingman on or off in workshops - default is off - Note if a players pilot has a wingman, and the workshop setting is toggled off and then later put back on - the last assigned Wingman is not remembered/stored even if he is still alive in the squad.
36) Implemented the ability to fly Lone Wolf missions at will from campaign interface via a new button in the button bar if player is in a Fighter, and located in either Flanders, Marne, Verdun, or Alsace and the campaign year is prior to 1917. He must have flown at least 5 missions. Lone Wolf missions will still be randomly assigned as well.
37) Implemented the ability to adjust Lone Wolf mission waypoints in the mission briefing screen.
38) Implemented progressive damage modelling on the Player Fuel Tank systems together with a 'Fuel is leaking - FIRE risk' TACS message prompt and a persistent fuel leak effect (moving and static). If the player leaves his engine running whilst fuel is leaking then slowly and randomly the fuel leak gets progressively worse and a fire and death can result. Players should be vigilant of fuel leaks and kill the engine and land ASAP.
39) Implemented Pilot progressive health deterioration if wounds are severe (Progressive DM).
40) Implemented better visual effects for the player aircraft for coolant (non rotary craft) and oil system leaks/damage together with progressive damage functionality - and implemented message prompts on the TAC. (Progressive DM)
41) Implemented progressive damage modelling on all AI craft to match players new progressive DM.
42) Cloud edge clipping in cockpit view now eliminated.
43) Scrambles missions now have revised waypoint structure to ensure the AI pilots more readily engage the enemy.
44) Fighter cockpits have new guns, and many have other visual improvements.

Plus many other fixes and improvements.

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2020, 12:33:47 AM »
28th January 2020

You MUST have WOFF PE  installed to use these updates:

NEW PATCHES CONTAIN ALL PREVIOUS UPDATES - WOFF PE also already contains ALL the patches we previously released for WOFF Ultimate Edition, so if you have WOFF PE installed, and this latest update you are fully up to date!

So you only need the latest WOFF PE patch on top of WOFF PE  install, to be fully up to date!

Download (89.4MB): HERE

28th January 2020 WOFF PE  V5.04 contents;

1) Revised DM for Observation Balloons

2) Direct X Shaders Update - fixes some issues in Windows 7, and sea animation improvement.

3) Revised explosion sounds

Remember this also contains all previous WOFF PE updates as listed below:

28 October 2019
Contents and Improvements WOFF Platinum V5.03;

1) Fixed a Nieuport aircraft skin search issue that erroneously excluded ace skin names with _Bis

2) Revised Aircraft MG sound attenuation with distance.

3) Fixed an issue that forced Wind off.

4) Revised Engine start effect - smoke no longer drifts slowly, but is now swept away in the prop wash.

5) Fixed observer/gunner views in FE2b, Bristol F2b, Strutter A2. Improved FE2b bombardier view.

6) Revised aircraft 'death physics' of aircraft.

16th October 2019
Contents and Improvements WOFF Platinum V5.02;

1) Fixed the Strutter B1 Bomb Sight.

2) Fixed some VC issues in the Halberstadt aircraft.

3) Lone Wolf missions are no longer auto assigned and players can voluntarily fly them when wanted via the Lone Wolf button.

4) Fixed an issue that prevented training campaigns from working correctly.

9th October 2019
Contents and Improvements WOFF Platinum V5.01;

1) Improved compatibility with international OS versions (Non English).

2) Fixed a Formup Warning: on Altitude Up waypoints for delayed fighter flights.

3) Fixed/improved some Gun Animations in various aircraft, added Strutter B1 fighter,
plus some 2 seaters, Strutter A2, DH4, Roland CII, Bristol F2B (all these 2 seaters are front Vickers animated only).

4) Now when player has force landed in a field etc - the 'Engine cannot start here' message is displayed on TAC if player tries to restart the engine.

5) Revised aircraft 'death physics'. This changes the behaviour when an aircraft is effectively 'dead'. Some will fly on for longer before going down and so on, this will also allow the progressive damage to do its job.

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Offline Asid

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« Reply #51 on: January 31, 2021, 12:53:38 AM »
29 jan 2021

Today we have BH&H2 Preview video #1 for your viewing pleasure! 

Full screen viewing is recommended!

we have continued developing the next version of WOFF finally now it has a new name:        Wings Over Flanders Fields      Between Heaven & Hell II A tip of the hat to a prior version some players will remember.

Note this only shows a small percentage of the new features - many others not seen are fantastic under the hood AI, campaign, other new features and changes.

Apart from the obvious new graphic content such as the new complex pilot head movements, new goggles effects and so on, it shows completely revised scenery/terrain in all seasons, new towns and villages and new layouts, shows one of the many new A.I. features (for example here formation flying with the AI in the wind to trying to hold formation) the newly updated SE5a, updated Be2 series, new inline engine animations external and internal, new improved blurred rotary engines etc, also shown is new crash landing abilities due to the new damageable gear...

BH&H2 is still in development but we are getting closer to the end!

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