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Author Topic: Strategic Command WWII: World at War  (Read 15448 times)

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2020, 12:17:57 AM »
Version 1.07.00 now available
Wed, 12 August 2020

•   Fixed an end of turn MPP summary error that did not correctly list all summary items such as convoy and decision event additions/deductions (Sparky0565).
•   Fixed a Transport error that did not allow you to unload if in a friendly port but without any remaining action points (Dalwin).
•   Fixed a combat morale recalculation error that in some cases incorrectly increased a defenders morale (pjg100, HamburgerMeat).
•   Fixed a transport unload error that would sometimes freeze the rest of the in game interface.
•   Fixed a unit operation error that did not allow units to transport past Sicily or Istanbul where there was a Land + Sea connection.
•   Fixed an AI Amphibious Transport land and unload error that led to an infinite loop and CTD (coloradoviejo).
•   Fixed an incorrect PBEM++ send message screen heading text error (Aussiematto).
•   Fixed a surprise enemy contact error that did not reduce remaining action points by the distance the unit had moved (El_Condoro, crispy131313)
•   Fixed a PBEM++ winning side error when a player has not resigned and the game has reached its victory script conclusion.
•   Fixed a weather error that was incorrectly preventing Carriers from attacking some targets despite the Carrier otherwise seeming to have clear weather from its attacking hex (MBB).
•   Added new functionality for POPUP script #DATE fields and #CONDITION_POSITION fields. See TemplatesEvents POPUP.txt for more details in the NOTES section of the header.
•   Added new functionality for any EVENT script that uses the #CONDITION_POSITION field. See TemplatesEvents for more details in the NOTES section of the header of the applicable files.
•   Added a new 'Hide/Show Map Information' button to the Operational Management area of the in game interface.
•   Added mouse hover information for map convoys.
•   Added mouse hover 'Undersupplied' air unit information text.
•   Added mouse hover text and symbol sprite drawing capability for POPUP and SUPPLY events. Refer to the event note headers for more details.
•   Added mouse hover Fortification completion date for Engineers that are preparing a fortification as well as in the unit information panel (splashell).
•   Naval retreats will now consider and look for empty friendly ports to retreat to if applicable, except for those ports with enemy land units already adjacent to them (scott).
•   Map will now re-center during animated replays of last turn moves if any action would otherwise occur over the bottom interface area (scott).

1939 Campaigns
•   Pan American Zone will now disappear when the US joins the Allies, and hovering the mouse over the zone icons will now display a warning to not enter the zone (Axis) or to stay within the zone (US).
•   Mobilization_2 scripts for Finland and Sweden amended so they now check for only Amphibious Transports within 2-3 hexes of key locations.
•   Italian Fighters at Bari increased in starting strength from 5 to 8.
•   Mobilization_2 script for Italy added so they now have a 33% chance per turn of swinging 15-25% towards the Axis if there are any Allied Amphibious Transports within 20 hexes of Syracuse Port, or if they have 6 or more naval units within 12 hexes of Syracuse.
•   New in game messages and Pop Up Events added to better assist the Axis player on how many units need to be kept in the east to avoid Soviet mobilization, and also to advise the Axis which units need to be kept in Manchuria.
•   New in game messages and Pop Up Events added to better assist the Allied player on how many units need to be kept in Mediterranean to avoid Italian mobilization, and also to advise the US not to have too many units on Hawaii or Oahu.
•   Text for the Yugoslav coup Mobilization_3 scripts corrected (Fico Filip).
•   Duplicated Mobilization_1 scripts removed for the Axis declaring war on Belgium triggering the Netherlands 30-50% (pjg100).
•   The Afrika Korps decision will now be presented to Germany in the autumn of 1940, with the exact date being variable (taffjones).
•   Alternative destination of Wadi Halfa set for the Long Range Desert Group in case the Siwa Oasis has already fallen before it arrives (Early Doors).
•   Italian Garrison unit added at Rhodes.
•   Unit script adjustments made for Green and Novice selected difficulty levels where AI bonus units have been reduced accordingly.
•   Mobilization_2 scripts for the USSR amended to reduce their upward swing towards the Allies from an Axis Sealion under Green and Novice difficulty levels when playing against the Allied AI.
•   Amended the Unit script for the Flying Tigers so that they will now arrive in the Axis turn 26th September 1941 and therefore they cannot act as interceptors or be attacked before the Allied turn (Boudi).

All Campaigns
•   The London Home Guard may now mobilize in response to Axis Amphibious Transports approaching the UK coast near London.
•   Volkssturm In Königsberg may now mobilize in response to approaching Allied Amphibious Transports.
•   Raiding symbols removed from Willemstad as they weren’t functional.
•   References to Submarines removed from all raiding scripts.
•   Supply scripts updated and symbols removed from the map where necessary as they are now automatically appear in game, with text explaining them when hovering the mouse over the raiding hexes.
•   The text for some raiding scripts has been updated to remove references to U-Boats.
•   Decision 674 corrected to check 7 hexes rather than 15 (Marcinos1985).
•   The Axis can now only attempt to prevent 30 of the 80 MPPs from being delivered to the USSR via Vladivostok by blockading the port. To effect this, DE 352 (1939 campaigns only) and DE 353 no longer check if there are no Axis units outside Vladivostok to fire, while DE 456 (1939 campaigns only) and DE 457 have been added to provide the USSR with 50 MPPs if there is an Axis unit outside Vladivostok.
•   In all Decision files: Hanoi is in Axis hands; #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 184,69 [1] changed to: ; Haiphong Port is in Axis hands #ALIGNMENT_POSITION= 185,69 [1] so that the Burma Road functions if Japan doesn’t take all of Indochina (sschnar1).
•   DE 616 to split the USSR will now only fire if there is a Japanese unit within 25 hexes of Sverdlovsk or 12 of Krasnoyarsk (Fubarno; Xsillione).
•   Corrected the spelling of Vladivostok in all language files.

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2020, 01:45:00 AM »
Join the Tournament Beta
Wed, 25 November 2020

Strategic Command WWII: World at War joins the list of games which support a tournament system and we’re now ready to start our first tournament. It’s the first game ever in the franchise with tournament support. The tournament will be using the 1939 World at War campaign map.

The Tournament will begin on November 30th and it will last 2 rounds, each lasting two weeks.

All you need to do is own the game and sign up here . The system will then pair you with opponents and create your PBEM games for you. You will be notified by mail of when the tournament is starting and when it will be time to play your turns.

It is a Beta tournament so there might be bugs. If you encounter any, please report them in the dedicated thread and we will address them

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2020, 02:50:36 AM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.08.00
Thu, 26 November 2020

A new patch for Strategic Command WWII: World at War is now available and it brings a long list of improvements to the game.

- Fixed a Maritime Bomber error that did not take into account its ASW when attacking a sub (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed a FoW error that would cause subs to disappear from the screen when they were in Silent mode and within a shroud lifted area after a friendly Carrier would move within spotting range but not adjacent to the sub (Mithrilloter).
- Fixed a convoy path checking error that did not consider control of Land + Sea hexes when checking for proper convoy path validity (sschnar1).
- Fixed a combat error that did not have friendly artillery return fire from an controlled Heavy Artillery attack if within range (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed an enemy raider unit display error under fog of war if the raider unit was a Tactical or Medium bomber (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed a port control switching error for when a country surrenders as it was switching under some rare conditions when it should not have been (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed a supply map display error (from pressing the 'S' key in game) that showed an incorrect supply distribution value from HQs from nations above #COUNTRY_ID = 100, e.g. Sudan or similar (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed an error that had naval units reduced to 1 AP when there would be ice on their current hex, but there was no ice visible on the map due to the 'Weather' option being disabled (Ken Schultz).
- Fixed an error that had some countries lose their Primary and Secondary supply positions when their capitals had moved (MJY).
- Fixed an error that did not properly boost an HQs supply, via HQ linking and boosting, in some rare cases when it should have otherwise been boosted.
- Fixed an error that allowed armored trains or rail guns to be placed upon non rail hexes (PvtBenjamin).
- Renamed Naval/Tactical mode for Carriers to Bombers (epekepe).
- User saves versus the AI will now remember the last map position and center on that position when loading the save (John Fireheart).
- HQ supply rules, plus boosting/linking rules recap:
- HQ units, after amphibiously unloading, start at 10 supply and maintain supply for up to 5 turns with a drop of 2 supply points per turn. This is similar to Special Forces, and allows the HQ to act as a Mulberry for an initial landing until further supply sources are achieved.
- HQ distribution supply:
- HQ supply = 0 will have a distribution supply value of 3 (previously it was 5).
- HQ supply 1 or 2 will have a distribution supply value of 5.
- HQ supply 3 or 4 will have a distribution supply value of 6 (previously it was 8).
- HQ supply 5 will have a distribution supply value of 8.
- HQ supply > 5 will have a distribution supply value of 10.
- HQ boosting can only be achieved if the first HQ has a supply value >= 3 (previously it was > 0).
- the HQ to be boosted must have a supply value < 5 and is now automatically increased to a supply value of 5 which caps its distribution supply at 8.
- this will improve distribution supply for boosted HQs that were at 3 or 4 supply (from 6 to 8), and more importantly, will allow them to 'operate' and 'upgrade' now that they are at 5 supply.
- LOW SUPPLY HQ boosting can only be achieved if the source HQ has a supply value >= 1 and < 3.
- the HQ to be boosted must have a supply value < 3 and is now automatically increased to a supply value of 5 which caps its distribution supply at 6.
- Between two HQs, the higher rated HQ receives the boost, the lower rated HQ is the source of the boost.
- Source HQs of a supply boost to another HQ are now highlighted with a yellow hex outline, indicating they are the source of the supply boost, when clicking on the recipient HQ.
- Air units do not receive supply from an HQ unless they are attached.
- Under supplied Air units, due to not being attached to an HQ, will be indicated by a red hatch beneath the applicable Air unit.
- Under supplied Air units, attached to an HQ but not to the most optimal supply giving HQ, will be indicated by a purple hatch beneath the applicable Air unit.

- Fixed a Help File launch error (OnlineGeneral).
- Fixed a unit renaming/properties screen issue that incorrectly added duplicate names to the unit build lists.
- Fixed an issue whereby HQs that were set to not be reformable, were still reforming in game once destroyed.
- Added a #VICTORY_PERCENTAGE= line for the VICTORY scripts to be used for tournament point calculations.

1939 Campaigns
- The Finnish Armies at Helsinki and Viipuri now start with entrenchment level 2 (Sugar).
- The British Fighter that arrives on the 1st May 1940 now deploys at Birmingham rather than Reading (Cpuncher).
- German Decision DE 601 to seize Denmark no longer includes a check for France’s status (Aussiematto).
- Dummy Decisions DE156 and DE 157 to deploy the 7th Armoured in the UK if London or Alexandria are in Axis hands will no longer deduct any MPPs (Cpuncher).
- Added alternative deployment locations to the USSR's Baltic Fleet and Baltic Front units, while removing the latter’s link to the Baltic States Decision Event to ensure that they can deploy even if the USSR is invaded prior to June 1940 (pjg100).
- The two Unit scripts entitled US Navy on the East Coast on US Mobilization no longer deploy the units with 1 experience point, however they will now deploy with Full Research (Mithrilotter).
- The Italian Destroyer that arrives in Italian East Africa will now arrive at Mogadishu in 50% of games and at Massawa in the other 50% of games, and its starting strength has also been increased from 5 to 6 (JJRambo).
- Mobilization_1 scripts for An Axis Declaration of War on Latvia or Estonia now swing the USSR 25-40% towards the Allies for each, whereas it was previously 25-35 and 15-20% respectively (smckechnie).
- Mobilization_4 scripts triggering DE 1010 and DE 1011 added for an Axis Declaration of War on Latvia or Estonia respectively. Each will trigger the mobilization of a half strength Soviet Corps in Leningrad.
- Mobilization_4 script triggering DE 1005 will now lead to the deployment of a full strength Soviet Army with full research at Leningrad and another at Moscow if Bulgaria is neutral when the Axis declare war on the USSR.
- Updated the mention of the Lorraine Battleship to correctly reflect its unit type (Mithrilotter).
- Added a note to DE 602 to reflect that in games against the Axis AI there are War Entry scripts giving Vichy France and Vichy Algeria a chance of automatically joining the Axis, as well as instructions on how to turn these scripts off should that be desired (Mithrilotter).
- Surrender_2 script #NAME= AXIS AI: Sarawak Surrenders To Japan now has a new TAG_24 to denote that Sarawak is surrendering (sschnar1).
- Changed the Belligerence script for India to be at war with Japan to require the US and Japan to be at war (Marcinos1985).
- Added a Free Unit script for the Dutch navy to have a 25% chance to fight on after the fall of the Netherlands (Sgt. York).
- Changed the timing of Yugoslavia joining the Allies via DE 104 so that it happens on an Axis turn (HarrySmith). It can happen at the start of the Axis turns of the 14th March, 11th April or 9th May 1941.
- Amended the French National Morale script "Germans Near Paris" so that it is not triggered by the Axis seizing hex 93,41 south west of Luxembourg (pjg100).
- Amended the text that appears when the British support the Yugoslavian coup (pjg100).
- Amended the wording slightly of a Japanese Pop Up advising them of when their reinforcements will be deploying in 1941 (Mithrilotter).

1939 Race To Victory
- HQ unit purchase dates corrected in the 1939 Race to Victory campaign (Judgementday).

1942 and 1943 Campaigns
- Removed the duplicated Unit scripts for the Bretagne and Jean Bart Battleships (Dazo).

All Campaigns
- Port and Major Port Sub Defense bonus increased to 5 (ReinerAllen).
- The chance of rain in Weather Zone 3 (British Isles) reduced in Fall from 25 to 20%, in Winter from 30 to 15%, in Late Fall from 35 to 15% and in Late Winter from 45 to 20%. The chance of snow in Late Fall has also been reduced from 30 to 10% (JJRambo).
- The chance of rain in Weather Zone 30 (Western Europe) reduced in Fall from 25 to 20% and in Late Fall from 40 to 20% (JJRambo).
- Reduced the ability of naval units to gain experience from bombarding resources from 0.1 to 0.05 (ThunderLizard2).
- The effect of losing Hsinking in Manchuria on Japan’s National Morale has been increased from 3,000 to 5,000 points (Mithrilotter).
- San Francisco and Los Angeles are now National Morale Objectives.
- Manchester is now a National Morale Objective (Tanaka).
- The fall of Calcutta now triggers a penalty of 2,500 points to British National Morale (Tanaka).
- The fall of Bombay now triggers a penalty of 2,500 points to British National Morale (Tanaka).
- The fall of Canberra now triggers a penalty of 2,500 points to British National Morale (Tanaka).
- The fall of Wellington now triggers a penalty of 2,500 points to British National Morale (Tanaka).
- DE 106 now triggers National Morale scripts boosting British National Morale by 10,000 points if London, Birmingham and Manchester are all in Allied hands and there are no Axis units within 5 hexes of Birmingham, i.e. if the Allies liberate the UK (Cpuncher).
- War Entry script #NAME= Spanish Guinea Joins The Allies corrected (taffjones).
- Railway added joining Erzurum to Kars and Leninakan (Captjohn757).
- Providing Moscow is in Allied hands, Germany has not surrendered and the US is in the war, then from January 1943 the USSR will receive 100 National Morale points per turn, in addition to the one-off boost they receive at this time (Jackmck).
- If the British lose Egypt and are driven from it, but then manage to retake Cairo their National Morale will be boosted by 5,000 points (Marcinos1985; pjg100).

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2021, 01:47:09 AM »
Join the first official tournament
Wed, 20 January 2021

The first official tournament for Strategic Command WWII: World at War is about to begin. Take on other players and play both sides to see who will come out on top in three maps. Every map will cover one round, each lasting six weeks.

  • 1939 - World at War: Challenge your opponent from the very beginning of the greatest war the world has ever seen.   
  • 1942 - Axis High Tide: Germany prepares to advance on Stalingrad while Japan pushes for Midway.   
  • 1943 - Allies Turn the Tide: Play for ultimate victory as the Allies close in on defending Axis forces.

    If you’re not familiar with Slitherine’s PBEM system, here’s how it works: the system will pair you with opponents and create your PBEM games for you automatically. You will be notified by mail of when the tournament is starting and when it is time to play your turns. The tournament follows the Swiss Tournament rules.

    Sign up for the Race to Victory to test your skills and climb the leaderboard! All you need to do is own the game and opt in here.

    Have fun!

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2021, 03:05:32 PM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War New update - v1.09.00
Mon, 25 January 2021

A new patch for Strategic Command WWII: World at War is now available and it brings a long list of improvements to the game.

You can download the Matrix version directly from here.

- Fixed a NEW UNITS screen error that kept the OK button appearing as disabled even though it is enabled and clickable (sschnar1).
- Fixed an error where Armoured trains did not automatically provoke counter artillery fire that were in defensive range (Will952).
- Fixed some localization issues for Multiplayer games that were not translating properly between players in different languages (EarlyDoors).
- Fixed a resource supply/strength calculation error that did not see Minor controlled Primary/Industrial resources drop in strength when cut by rail to a Major Primary/Industrial supply source (mdsmall).
- Fixed a PBEM++ tournament game 'Save' and 'Quit' error that would end in a CTD.
- Fixed an isse that did not properly indicate that an artillery is no longer able to move or attack after an upgrade or reinforcement (Tanaka).
- Fixed an error in 'objective' based scenarios/campaigns where the wrong hex control was assigned for occupied but then liberated hexes.
- Fixed a naval combat error that did not properly have naval units demoralizing other naval units whenever applicable (Gilber).
- Fixed an AI purchase animation error that had it CTD when purchasing and replacing destroyed Carrier units (Ason).
- Fixed a bottom edge of the map scrolling and display glitch that would sometimes show units in the wrong positions (Chernobyl, OldCrowBalthazor).
- Fixed an HQ attachment range helper highlight that did not always match up with the actual attachment range (Pocus).
- Fixed an Engineers/Paratroops error that kept them in Fortification/Prepare mode after being forced to retreat (ElvisJJonesRambo).
- Improved an AI HQ position vulnerability issue (Joseph).
- Improved GRAPHS screen readability with a relative max value between all nations per category (mdsmall).

- Fixed an editing Weather zones error that did not keep data separate for each season (Elessar2).

All Campaigns
- The French, German and Spanish language versions of the POP UP and DECISION scripts have been improved.
- Reduced the attack values for naval units carrying out shore bombardment against aircraft from 1 to zero (canuckgamer).
- HQs can now upgrade AA to level 3 (Will952).
- Removed the ability for China to research Heavy Bombers as they cannot build any Strategic Bombers (taffjones).
- Changed the CONDITION_POSITION settings for DE 106 on moving the British capital to Australia or Canada, so that now it just requires an Axis unit to be present in the UK to fire (rarothl).
- Added a CONDITION_POSITION for DE 250 French liberation helper so that it will now only provide a liberated France with extra MPPs if there are no Axis units within 3 hexes of Paris (Mithrilotter).
- Dummy Decision 162 that controls the UK convoy to Murmansk now requires all land hexes on the road between Murmansk and Volkhov, plus the town of Vologda to be in Allied hands to fire.
- Axis AI Unit script added for a Japanese Kamikaze unit to arrive in Japan (Mithrilotter).
- Increased the chance of Germany investing in Ground Attack Weapons in 1939-41 and Japan investing in Anti-Submarine Warfare in 1942 (Mithrilotter).

1939 Campaigns
- Alternative deployment locations added for the Unit script #NAME= DE 806 - Indochina Expedition Army UNIT (angriff).
- While Italy is neutral, the US will now mobilize 5-7% towards the Axis if there are 2 Allied Amphibious units within 12 hexes of Syracuse Port, or 7 or more Allied naval units within 12 hexes of Syracuse Port.
- If Iraq has a pro-Axis leaning then the presence of 1-2 Axis units within 7 hexes of the Suez Canal (122,68) will have a 50% chance per turn of swinging Iraq 25-35% towards the Axis (Mithrilotter).
- Amended the Japanese AI to exclude several positions from OFFENSIVE planning deep in China and along the Indian border until the AI is in a better supply position to do so (Mithrilotter).

1939 Race to Victory Campaign
- Victory Conditions amended; please see the last page of the Strategy Guide for details.

1941 Rostov Campaign
- Fixed a VICTORY script error that did not properly recognize German or USSR victories by the correct end date (petedalby).

Strategy Guides
- changed Beirut to Damascus in the section regarding Turkey mobilizing (jjdenver).
- Changed the CONDITION_POSITION settings for DE 106 on moving the British capital to Australia or Canada, so that now it just requires an Axis unit to be present in the UK to fire (rarothl).

- Mobilization_2 script for Italy added so they now have a 33% chance per turn of swinging 15-25% towards the Axis if there are 2 Allied Amphibious Transports within 20 hexes of Syracuse Port, or if they have 7 or more naval units within 12 hexes of Syracuse (details correction from the original change made in v1.07.00).

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2021, 02:25:34 AM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.10.00 Update
Thu, 25 February 2021

A new update for Strategic Command WWII: World at War is now available.

• Fixed a Purchase Unit screen error that did not list the correct country unit information when coming back from the Production screen and having switched countries.
• Fixed a Purchase Unit error that did not allow you to place Italian units in Sicily (Will952).
• Fixed a Carrier interception error that did not apply its current research level to the intercepting aircraft (Gilber).
• Free units from minor nations will now be able to upgrade relative to their current controlling major nation, previously they could not because consideration was still relative to their original parent nation (Gilber).
• Players can now switch between the strategic menu options without having to close the current window, e.g. switch back and forth directly from Diplomacy to Research, to Purcahse Units etc (USGrant1962).
• Loop sea transfer hexes enhanced for greater visibility (Christolos).


1939 Campaigns
• Mobilization_2 script Italy Mobilizes In Response To Allied Invasion Preparations (Italy->Axis) corrected to swing Italy rather than the Dutch East Indies (EarlyDoors).
• Chinese HQ Xue moved from 188,60 to 189,63, Chen deployed at 188,60, and Peng removed from 187,55 (Cpuncher).
• Duplicated US unit names for 2nd and 3rd Mar Div removed (Mithrilotter).
• Surrender_2 script amended so that French Somaliland will now only accept the armistice (i.e. if Vichy France is formed) if there is no Allied unit in Djibouti. However, if there is an Allied unit there that should later move out of Djibouti then French Somaliland will automatically accept the armistice unless France has been liberated, so it may be wise to keep one there.
• Notes added to DE 105 explaining that saying yes means that Malaya will join the Allies.
• Increased the chance of New Guinea joining the Allies as well as bringing forward the date of this being possible, so that the Allies will have a much better chance of getting a unit there before the Japanese.
• Strategy Guides updated to mention that Japan can impede the flow of 30 MPPs reaching the USSR by placing naval units in the hexes adjacent to Vladivostok port (Pocus).

All Campaigns
• Logistics tech tool tip updated to mention that it boosts HQ minimum supply distribution (Elessar2).
• The spelling of the US sub Archerfish has been corrected.
• Made Vladivostok a Secondary Supply Center and corrected all spellings of the place in the game.
• The spelling of Schukow corrected to Zhukov in the German language version of the game (IIo4Tu).
• Road of Bones in Siberia added.
• Airships can now upgrade to level 1 in both Naval Weapons and ASW (Mithrilotter).
• Hex 176,73 changed from Jungle to Hill in order to provide some more frontage for combat east of Rangoon (Mithrilotter).
• Rome has been added to the Victory text that appears in the image for the Axis Decisive Victory.
• Axis AI Unit scripts amended so that if the Allies have captured the Philippines before 1944 then some of the Kamikaze units that were to deploy there may deploy in Japan instead. The condition of the Philippines having a surrendered status has also been removed (Mithrilotter).
• The ability of China to research Advanced Subs and Heavy Bombers has been removed (IIo4Tu).
• The ability of India to research Advanced Subs, Naval Warfare and Heavy Bombers has been removed (IIo4Tu).
• Some Fortification scripts added for the Japanese AI (Mithrilotter).
• Sound file battle3.ogg is now associated with the Supply scripts for Resistance Activity in Manchuria and Communist Partisan Activity in China (Mithrilotter).
• Tool tip updated for Naval Weapons research (Christolos).
• Loop sea transfer hexes enhanced for greater visibility (Christolos).

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2021, 11:36:13 PM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.11.00 update
Tue, 20 April 2021

A new update for Strategic Command WWII: World at War is now available. Check out the full changelog.


- Fixed a controlled unit movement error that led to a CTD when attempting to end the move along several hidden enemy units (EQFL_Sapare).

- Fixed an error that did not properly allow Kamikaze attacks to damage adjacent enemy units. Normally a Kamikaze attack has a 25% chance of also damaging an adjacent naval unit by 1 strength point.

- Fixed an outstanding issue that still did not allow some Free units to upgrade relative to their current controlling major nation (Gilber).

- Fixed an issue where upon surrender, FREE naval units were being bumped out of non surrendering territorial ports (Gilber).

- Fixed an Amphibious Transport error that did not reduce movement action points when the amphibious transport moved adjacent to an enemy capital ship that then attacked it (EQFL_Sapare).

- Fixed a rare CTD that would occur when attempting to place a new unit right at the start of your turn.

- Fixed an issue where Special Forces amphibious transports would auto load into a dead end Land + Sea enemy hex (rocketman71).

- Fixed an error where Subs caught in ice could increase their action points > 1 by switching modes (APrusty).

- Fixed an error where if a Transport unit was selected, the Operational Action buttons would sometimes not be clickable (ruskicanuk).

- Fixed an error that prevented Axis players from being able to shift the Murmansk convoy to Arkhangelsk when cutting off the applicable rail line running from Murmansk to Belomorsk (Aprusty).

- Fixed an error where the game engine would incorrectly move a currently occupied capital to its previous location if liberated. Now the capital will not move back unless the current capital is also liberated (EQFL_Sapare).

- Purchase screen no longer has a unit pre-selected to help avoid accidental purchases when clicking the Purchase or Production button (rocketman71).

- Mods with zero cost units can now have units upgraded and purchased (stalkerbrumikcz).

- Enemy targets and estimated losses for fully visible units/resources can now be highlighted when selecting a friendly unit to attack via the OPTIONS->ADVANCED settings.

- Units can now be put to sleep for one turn via the Sleep Tool mouse hover and pressing the space bar instead of a left mouse button click (EQFL_Sapare).

- Units set to sleep will now also be skipped by the AI when it is controlling friendly countries and units on your turn (EQFL_Sapare):
- Left mouse button click will still perform the regular 'sleep' function.
- Units set to sleep for one turn will have this indicated with a black dot instead of a white dot which indicates regular 'sleep'.

- Naval units can now have a maximum supply that matches the max port strength providing supply, previously naval units were capped at 10 supply even if a port provided 12 supply. All other naval supply rules remain the same, e.g. a 5 strength port can still provide maximum 10 supply to naval units.

- Air units will now gain maximum supply from any source, so long as they are attached to an HQ (Pocus).

- Supply map overlay will now display any mismatched supply values, e.g. if a unit has less than the overlay value, it will show in brackets in red alongside with the overlay value.

- Improved AI HQ amphibious landings where the AI will actively try and land in a pocket of friendly units and not next to enemy unit positions if possible (Mithrilotter).

- AI scripts can now be accessed in the OPTIONS->ADVANCED->SCRIPTS screen via 'Advanced (AI)' for review as well as to disable any disagreeable planning events.

- AI will now consider the belligerence status of a potential Amphibious invasion goal position to avoid potential invasions when not at war with the target position, as applicable to custom mods (wobbleguts).

- HQ supply rules, plus boosting/linking rules recap:
- HQ units, after amphibiously unloading, start at supply equal to 5 + their current level of Amphibious Warfare technology. Supply will drop 2 supply points per turn after that. This allows the HQ to act as a Mulberry for an initial landing until further supply sources are achieved.
- HQ distribution supply:
- HQ supply = 0 will have a distribution supply value of 3 (previously it was 5).
- HQ supply 1 or 2 will have a distribution supply value of 5.
- HQ supply 3 or 4 will have a distribution supply value of 6 (previously it was 8).
- HQ supply 5 will have a distribution supply value of 8.
- HQ supply > 5 will have a distribution supply value of 10.
- HQ boosting can only be achieved if the first HQ has a supply value >= 3 (previously it was > 0).
- The HQ to be boosted must have a supply value < 5 and is now automatically increased to a supply value of 5 which caps its distribution supply at 8.
- This will improve distribution supply for boosted HQs that were at 3 or 4 supply (from 6 to 8), and more importantly, will allow them to 'operate' and 'upgrade' now that they are at 5 supply.
- LOW SUPPLY HQ boosting can only be achieved if the source HQ has a supply value >= 1 and < 3.
- The HQ to be boosted must have a supply value < 3 and is now automatically increased to a supply value of 5 which caps its distribution supply at 6.
- Between two HQs, the higher rated HQ receives the boost, the lower rated HQ is the source of the boost.
- Source HQs of a supply boost to another HQ are now highlighted with a yellow hex outline, indicating they are the source of the supply boost, when clicking on the recipient HQ.
- Air units do not receive supply from an HQ unless they are attached.
- Under supplied Air units, due to not being attached to an HQ, will be indicated by a red hatch beneath the applicable Air unit.
- Under supplied Air units, attached to an HQ but not to the most optimal supply giving HQ, will be indicated by a purple hatch beneath the applicable Air unit.


- The following have been adjusted from 5 point increments to 1 point increments for more precision when customizing campaigns (Elessar2).
- Combat Target Data, Raid Multiplier (MPPs), Enemy NM Losses (Per Raid)
- Upgrade Increments Data (per research level), Raid Multiplier (MPPs), Enemy NM Losses (Per Raid)
- Automatic Increments Data (per research level), Raid Multiplier (MPPs), Enemy NM Losses (Per Raid)
- Strength/Reinforce/Reformation Data, % Cost Per Reinforcement Point, % Cost Per Elite Reinforcement Point

1939 Campaigns

- Chinese AI PURCHASE and RESEARCH script adjustments/optimizations (Mithrilotter).
- UK AI bonus units that arrive due to Sealion now adjusted by moving 2 Corps to the Veteran level from Intermediate level (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed a POPUP script error that did not allow for the display of the informational map position popups in the Mediterranean on Allied turns prior to Italian entry into the war.

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2021, 12:58:33 AM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.13.00
Tue, 30 November 2021

A new patch is now available for Strategic Command WWII: World at War.

Check out the full changelog:


- Fixed an issue where active convoy calculations were performed prior to resource strength calculations, which could incorrectly result in some convoys showing as invalid, due to a weakened port, prior to the final resource strength updates (Mithilotter).
- Fixed an issue where renaming your HQ in the PURCHASE screen would not remove the originally named HQ from the list (ArcturusRising).
- Fixed an issue where a SURRENDER_2 event would incorrectly remove a friendly unit relative to the event recipient ID when located in the capital (petedalby).
- Removed the GDI+ installed check at runtime.

- Frozen weather zone data for Sea Effects can now be amended (no longer locked in) for Winter and Late Winter settings.

All Campaigns
- Made Strasbourg a Fortified Town and Dijon a city, in order to make the former more defensible, the latter compensating France for its lost income (hansondavid4).
- Mannheim is now a Fortified Town so that the West Wall is complete along the French border.
- Davao in the Philippines is now an Industrial Center so that any new Filipino units can be deployed there if Manila is under siege (ArcturusRising).
- Script templates and headers amended to correctly reflect that Belgium is #COUNTRY_ID 10 and Madagascar is 11 (PBB).
- There will no longer be Sea Ice in the Antarctic in January (Neutron).
- A note explaining why the Axis can pass through the Strait of Gibraltar when Gibraltar is in Allied hands, whereas the Allies cannot if Gibraltar is in Axis hands has been added to the Strategy Guides (DavidDailey).

1939 Campaign
- Belligerence setting for France to be at war with Japan now requires the US to be at 100% mobilization (firsteds).
- A Japanese landing in Africa will trigger a Mobilization_2 script moving the US 10-25% towards the Allies (havoc1371; Elessar2).
- A Japanese landing in the Middle East will trigger a Mobilization_2 script moving the US 10-25% towards the Allies (boudi).
- Fixed the first of the Surrender_2 scripts entitled #NAME= DE 626 - UK Invades Iraq In Response To Pro-Axis Coup (Variable) so that it is linked to DE 671 rather than DE 672.

1939 Race to Victory Campaign
- Fixed the second of the Surrender_2 scripts entitled #NAME= DE 626 - UK Invades Iraq In Response To Pro-Axis Coup (Variable) so that it is linked to DE 672 rather than DE 62.

1942 Axis High Tide Campaign
- Rommel HQ in North Africa's name added (Hydra).

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2022, 12:03:20 AM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.14.00
Fri, 4 February 2022

Patch v1.14.00

A new patch is now available for Strategic Command WWII: World at War.

Check out the full changelog:

v1.14.00 Changes

- Fixed an issue where PBEM++ Tournament scores were not preserved when saving progress mid turn. Scores would then only re-appear after ending the turn (Ajunta Pall).
- Fixed a UNIT production queue placement issue for the AI that would sometimes place an HQ adjacent to enemy units when better alternative positions were available (Josef Steppan)
- Fixed a controlled movement error where the unit would not move the full range of hexes in some cases (Laurenz)
- Fixed a controlled movement error where the unit would move its full range of hexes but not record any action point cost (Laurenz)
- Fixed another retreat error that did not have units retreat as optimally away from enemy units as they should (havoc1371)
- Fixed a rare (usually a first turn issue but only if the script exists) combat error where any AI units that moved into place via GUARD scripts did not record that they had 'moved', providing a blitz attack bonus for these units (Illbeard)
- Fixed a combat NM calcuation error for when a defending unit is attacked in port, the attacker no longer loses NM when the attacker does not suffer a strength point loss (Checksumchecks)
- Fixed a Production Lost error for when a country surrenders and moves its Government to a new country
- Fixed a Research log error that did not properly display the research advancements and progression of your side under Fog of War
- Fixed a 'shattered' from combat calculation error that did not update HQ experience, National Morale and MPPs graphs values (Checksumchecks)
- AI Medium Bombers will now attack in a sequence prior to AI Tactical Bombers (SittingDuck).

- Fixed an issue where Minor nations could not be set for DECISION event COUNTRY_ID values as it would throw an incorrect script compilation error (SittingDuck).
- Fixed an error when reorganizing Major Country IDs that did not properly update any applicably affected transport units (The Land)
- Fixed an error when reorganizing Major Country IDs that resulted in a CTD when shifting a major to the minor list (The Land)

All Campaigns
- Fixed the sea hexes 267,97, 267,98, 266,98, 266,97, 265,99, 264,100 & 265,100 in the Pacific that were incorrectly assigned to France (Jon Greenwood).
- Mention of Granada changed to Murcia relating to DE 316 in the Strategy Guides (KlasE).

1939 Campaigns
- Corrected the condition position for the Axis AI unit scripts for the Afrika Korps (sschnar1).
- Fortification added at 191,62 immediately NE of Changsha (Chernobyl; Marcinos1985; Old Crow Balthazor).
- The presence of an Axis unit within 2 hexes of Kweichow can now increase US and Indian mobiliation (Marcinos1985; hansondavid44).
- Communist China entering the war on the Allied side will now boost China's National Morale by 1,500 points in the expectation that they will assist in the fight against Japan.
- The USA joining the Allies will now increase China's National Morale by 3,000 points.
- Japan now receives the Mogami Heavy Cruiser in its Production Queue on the 1st December 1940 (Chernobyl).
- Increased the chance of the Chinese AI researching Infantry Warfare (Jackmck).
- Declarations of war by the Allies will now move the USA by 3-5% towards the Axis. This is in addition to any penalty for declaring war on a specific country (ralaric).
- Changes imported from WWII: War in Europe to increase France's starting strength while reducing her early war income slightly (redrum68; Marcinos1985). Details are as follows:
- France's starting MPPs increased from 75 to 90.
- French 3rd Army at Metz and 9th Army at 92,41 increased in strength from 5 to 8, 1st Army at 90,40 increased in strength from 5 to 6, and Reserve Corps at Paris increased in strength from 5 to 7. This is the equivalent of 100 MPPs worth of reinforcements.
- Resource scripts added for Algiers; Rabat; Fez, Tunis, Bordeaux, Marseille, Brest and Perpignan so that they start the war at zero strength, increasing by 1 per Allied turn.
- Strategy Guides now include a table showing the % chance of units fighting on from exile, just search for Free Units (AceRimmer).

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2023, 12:54:33 AM »
Strategic Command WWII: World at War - v1.16.00
Thu, 18 May 2023

A new update is available for Strategic Command WWII: World at War.

Here is the full changelog:

- Fixed an issue with HQ attachments and the associated HQ ratings and experiences that could be lost under rare circumstances (Chernobyl).
- Fixed a FREE UNIT error that led to unattackable units if they formed on surrendered and occupied territory and assigned to a Major that was not yet fully mobilized and belligerent (klschult).
- Fixed an error that did not have AI controlled Minors properly upgrade when they could (Elessar2).
- Fixed an issue where subs that dove after an air unit attack did not always remain hidden (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed a National Morale bars drawing error when new Majors are created via a SURRENDER event (Lothos).
- Fixed a sub unit error that allowed you to regain full AP when setting the mode to Hunt after a swap (Soulcollector).
- Fixed a sub unit error that allowed you to regain full AP when setting the mode to Hunt after an attack (Spitfireca).
- Fixed a rare PBEM++ crash error (DethMorgaw).
- Fixed a Research Costs Refund error for games that have RESEARCH disabled (Beriand).
- Fixed a controlled movement error that would lead to a CTD when attempting to move over top of a sub that is hidden under a fully visible sea hex (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed an AI sub raiding error that had subs navigate towards active enemy convoy lines where they are not yet belligerent with the recipient nation (Lothos).
- Fixed an error that would incorrectly reveal silent subs during any type of replay under FoW if they have not yet been spotted (OldCrowBalthazor).
- Fixed an error where disabled resource upgrades were still able to upgrade (Lothos).
- Fixed an automatic preparation for war error that would lead to a CTD under rare circumstances (Yvan1326).
- Fixed a Special Forces amphibious embarkation issue that now has SF focus on available ports and adjacent hexes next to ports before other available embarkation hexes (kjgokc2007, petedalby).
- Fixed a CTD that may occur when using either the sleep, upgrade or reinforce tool and then clicking the prev/next unit buttons (Surt).
- Fixed an AI Transport error that would have AI transports at less than 50% strength possibly embark and then immediately return to port (Lothos).
- Fixed a rare pathfinding error that led to an in game freeze (Von Hugo).
- Fixed an AI turn sub diving error that did not properly hide player control subs from the AI after a dive (Mithrilotter).
- Fixed an issue where towns would sometimes change control, despite not entering or formally gaining control of the town, after being attacked by a unit that moved first before attacking (Chernobyl).
- Rebasing an air unit lowers its spotting range in half, and rebased air units can no longer swap with an adjacent unit (Elessar2, Duedman).
- Air units in fog/rain, snow or sandstorm weather will now have their spotting range reduced to 1 hex (Lothos).
- Air units that attack a unit in fog/rain, snow or sandstorm weather will no longer de-entrench.
- Pathfinding routine optimized with a 3X improvement for some of the worst long distance A to B pathfinding cases.
- Coastal Guns will now fire back at attacking naval units (archmache).
- Defender units that are destroyed before they can retreat will now output a 'Shattered' message to better indicate halved losses for the attacker (Taxman66).
- AI subs will now lock in to Hunt mode if the Fleet script is set to 'Naval Cruise' (Lothos).
- AI OFFENSIVE 'build up plans' will not automatically trigger versus a minor nation that is mobilized, unless the country owner of the OFFENSIVE plan is already at war with the parent of the minor target (Lothos).
- AI subs will no longer try and target land based convoys (Chernobyl).
- The automatic unit morale increase/decrease mechanism for friendly and enemy units upon a country surrender is now halved when more than 15% of the campaign has been played, e.g. the default impact will typically remain within the first year of the campaign.

- Placing a < symbol at the end of the #MAP_POSITION in STRENGTH scripts will allow for targeted units to be destroyed.
- Units set to a default of zero action points in the Editor can no longer transport.
- Enemy ZoC movement penalty values can now be separately set for land and naval units in the Movement Costs screen.

1939 Campaigns
- Soviet Winter can now lead to the loss of Axis units if they are at low strength.
- The Soviet XXX Corps near Vladivostok now starts with 0.5 experience.
- Increased the trigger to 100% for the Unit scripts deploying Soviet Corps in Rostov and Stalingrad when they enter the war (Feinder).
- Increased the #TRIGGER= from 50 to 100% in Decision 104 for the UK to support a pro-Allied coup in Yugoslavia (EarlyDoors).
- The USSR now receives an AA unit via the Production Queue in July 1940.
- Changed the Mobilization_2 script Finland Declares War On The USSR so that the trigger for the Polotsk area will only fire if the Axis unit is in Polotsk, rather than near it.
- Corrected the CONDITION_POSITION in the Surrender_2 script DE 602 - French Somaliland Accepts The Armistice so that it fires now if there is NOT an Allied unit in Djibouti, whereas previously it fired if there was one (Moonchild).
- Chinese Xue HQ’s starting entrenchment increased from 0 to 2, and experience from 0.5 to 1.
- Reduced the effect on US mobilization of Axis forces being within 3 hexes of Yenan, or within 2 hexes of Sian, Kweichow, Lanchow, or Chungking from 8-15% to 5-10% (Chernobyl).
- Added a mention of Kweichow to the Pop Up relating to the Communists in Yenan (Moonchild).
- The presence of multiple Axis units within the Pan American Zone can now trigger a significantly faster US mobilization (HarrySmith).
- The presence of an Italian naval unit within 10-12 hexes of the port of Southampton while Italy is neutral can now trigger the US mobilizing by 2-5% per turn (HarrySmith).
- The placing of US units on Guam while the US is neutral will now swing the US 2-5% towards the Axis per turn (OldCrowBalthazor).
- The placing of US units on Wake while the US is neutral will now swing the US 2-5% towards the Axis per turn (OldCrowBalthazor).
- Added a Variable Condition to the US AI Unit script that deploys a unit on Wake, to ensure it only does so once the US has fully mobilized.
- 6 and 10 hexes of Warsaw will now show on the map when relevant. Note that this does not take into account other political actions, e.g. the entrance of Axis Minors into the war, the independence or otherwise of the Baltic States, or whether or not Poland has been divided between Germany and the USSR (taffjones).
- Reduced the impact on US and USSR Mobilization of an Axis declaration of war on Belgium and the Netherlands from 2-4 and 3-6% respectively, to 1-4% in both cases (Chernobyl).
- Japan now receives a Maritime Bomber rather than a Strategic Bomber in its Production Queue in March 1941 (Chernobyl).
- Added a Strength script penalising Polish unit morale against the Axis AI at Intermediate and above (Mithrilotter).
- DE 601 will now trigger the deployment of a German Garrison unit in Copenhagen (OxfordGuy3).
- POP UP images relating to Axis units near Warsaw now appear from January rather than February 1940 (Michael Kollmann).
- Increased the chance of the Soviet AI investing in Anti-Aircraft Defense research (Michael Kollmann).
- RESOURCE scripts amended so that US income pre-entry and immediately after war entry will be slightly less, while Soviet income after transferring industry to the Urals will be slightly more. To effect this a new mine has been added to the map at 148,33.
- Deployment of Siberian forces amended so if Japan bombs Tulun it will not prevent the transfer of most of these units to the west (petedalby; Bavre).
- If Japan declares war on South Africa then the USA will now swing 20-25% towards the Allies (kjgokc2007).
- New National Morale scripts added for when Soviet Morale Improves As The War On The Eastern Front Continues. There is now a 2,500 point bonus on the 1st January 1942, along with an additional 1,500 for each of the following that are in Soviet hands: Leningrad, Stalingrad, Baku, Moscow. On the 1st January 1943 the base bonus remains at 7,500 points, with an additional 2,500 for each of the aforementioned locations that remain in Soviet hands. Note that these new scripts only apply to PBEM games and to the Allied AI (Chernobyl).
- Increased the chance of the USSR researching Anti-Aircraft Defense (Mithrilotter).
- Reduced the chance slightly of China researching Anti-Aircraft Defense (Mithrilotter).
- Amended the date when the UK should research Armored Warfare (Mithrilotter).
- India now has a chance of researching Mobility and Armored Warfare (Mithrilotter).
- An Allied Declaration of War on the Solomons, Philippines, Hong Kong, Brunei, Burma, Malaya, Sarawak will now all have a greater negative impact on US mobilization (oldAHgamer).

1942 Campaigns
- Added the Mobilization_3 script DE 617 - Turkey Swings Towards The Axis so that if Germany says no to DE 617 then Turkey will move towards the Axis (Silvercourage).
- New National Morale scripts added for when Soviet Morale Improves As The War On The Eastern Front Continues, so that on the 1st January 1943 the base bonus remains at 7,500 points, with an additional 2,500 for each of the aforementioned locations that remain in Soviet hands (Chernobyl).
- Amended the German AI’s Research priorities slightly (Mithrilotter).
- China now starts with a chit invested in Aerial Warfare (Mithrilotter).
- Swapped the Japanese Corps in Tientsin with the Garrison in Peking (Mithrilotter).

1943 Campaigns
- China now starts with Aerial Warfare level 1 (Mithrilotter).
- Swapped the Japanese Corps in Tientsin with the Garrison in Peking (Mithrilotter).

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Re: Strategic Command WWII: World at War
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2024, 12:06:32 AM »
Strategic Command WW II: World at War - update v1.19.00
Thu, 11 January 2024

A new update is available for Strategic Command WWII: World at War.

Here is the full changelog:

- Fixed a disappearing AI unit under rare circumstances (Lothos).
- Fixed an introduced transport issue that did not allow land units to transport when adjacent a 'frozen' port that was not convered in ice.
- Fixed a MOBILIZATION_4_EVENT error that did not properly structure a DECISION like event that other events could link to (Lothos).
- Fixed an issue for AI ai units where they could incorrectly fly over NEUTRAL territory to otherwise strike 'unreachable' target hexes (Lothos).
- Fixed a TERRITORY event crash error for when COUNTRY_ID= 0 (Lothos).
- Added a new 'windowed mode' in the SETTINGS screen which will allow players to play the game in a moveable window on their desktop.

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