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Author Topic: Squad The Wrench - October Edition  (Read 3611 times)

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Squad The Wrench - October Edition
« on: October 31, 2020, 02:42:14 AM »
The Wrench - October Edition
Fri, 30 October 2020

As the Fall sets in, let's get cozy with a warm mug of cocoa and some updates from the modding community.

Hello squaddies,

Welcome to the October edition of The Wrench, if you are just joining us since we launched Squad then you should know that The Wrench is a highlight of just some of the amazing work that modders are creating using the Squad SDK.

If perhaps you’re interested in getting involved with modding within Squad, you may want to join the Squad Modding Discord, and if you are already working on a new mod and want the community to learn more about it, consider submitting it through this form so we can showcase it in a future Wrench article.

Without further ado, let’s get into showcasing these fantastic modifications:

Springbok - South African Border War: Operation Savannah

Some more progress on Springbok's Buffel for the South African Border War: Operation Savannah mod. This asset will also be re-used for the African Union faction mod being developed simultaneously by Springbok as many assets between the two are interchangeable.

The South African Defence Force Buffel entered service in the SADF in 1978 as a countermeasure to SWAPO's mine warfare. This was one of the first effective mine-protected vehicles to enter the service of the South African Army during the Border War. It can fit 11 troops inside including the driver.

The Buffel was often armed with a single M1919 pintle-mounted machinegun or an FN MAG facing forwards. There was also the option to have a second machinegun mounted facing the rear. The African Union Buffel will be painted white with AU inscribed in black on the sides and rear. It will also have a DSHK mounted instead of an M1919. The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) the post-Apartheid SA Army will not have the Buffel as it was phased out in the early 90's to be replaced with the Mamba mine-protected vehicle which is a vast improvement over the Buffel.

The low poly textured Buffel model is missing the OM352 Mercedes engine, spare tire, and more. The high polygon model has them included but I have not yet made the low polygon versions of them in time to be included in this Wrench.

TheColdEye - Topographical/Contour Maps are Here!

Do you want to place the perfect TOW fob on a mountain peak in Kohat Toi, and rain hell across the map, but you can't find a peak on the map? Or perhaps you want to place a sneaky radio & HAB in a small ditch near the objective but don’t know where to drive to?

* Queue “Billy Mays Here!” *

If this sounds like you, then these detailed contour maps will solve your planning problems instantly.

These contour maps provide elevation data in an easily readable format. Each map contains contour lines (aka: elevation lines) that show the height differences of the map in 1-meter increments. The dark brown lines have the elevation readings of the line inside them; while, the lighter lines depict the 1-meter increments between the dark-colored lines. For easier and faster designation, the elevations are color-coded as well. And if you zoom in quite a lot, you will also notice that the terrain is shaded, so that you may easily see the small peaks and dips of every sand dune on Al Basrah. But the shaded terrain also allows you to quickly identify the steep mountainsides of Lashkar Valley.

For an added tip, the elevation readings on the dark contour lines, point their "hats" in the direction of the increasing slope. Download the maps with the links below. They are .png format so you’ll be able to open them up in any photo viewing software.
Psssst, the images take a few seconds to clear up when zoomed in so make sure you have them open and ready in the background before the start of the match. Happy planning!

Read on....

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