v. 0.9.6 - Multiplayer BetaFri, 3 September 2021
Hello there! Multiplayer Beta is going well. Here is the first update based on your feedback.New features• A new map (Desert Arena) is available for Custom Battles and Multiplayer Matches
• Chat in multiplayer lobby
• Now the host can allow/disallow changing settings for clients in MP lobby
• Map list was improved
• Server list was improved, now it shows more information
• New loading screen art was added to the game
• Better match statistics shows GPM and faction without hovering over anything. It helps to share/save match results using screenshots without losing this information
• Also match statistics shows who started in a castle for special maps like Alesia or Alexandria
Balancing• Easy difficulty became more easier for all the missions. It still opens the maps for multiplayer and custom battles
• A bot with Wall Keeper AI logic now will change his behaviour in the last quarter of the match, so now it's easier to capture the last castle in some missions
• Defensive AI logic was improved this way too
• Reinforcements in Battle of Alesia became little weaker
• Spearmen and swordsmen were slightly rebalanced
• Pharsalus, Nile River and Nicopolis got additional GPM for the flags
Bug fixes• The bug when player was able to connect to a running game was fixed
• The bug when 4th player comes to the server, but the map is not changed to the one for 4 players was fixed. So now there is no situation when the player does not see himself in a lobby
• Previous and next map buttons now work correctly
• Nicopolis has returned the lost map border
• The bug of overlapping and stuck in-game menus was fixed
• Some replication rules were improved. Now MP should work smoother
What's next?
Before I start working on the last missions of campaign I want to add some additional maps for multiplayer and custom battles, also I want to polish multiplayer. When it's done, I'll start working on the fourth act of the campaing and other features like steam achievements.
Thank you for your support!
Kind regards,
Maxim Eltsov
Nezon Production